263869 ��,� WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 � PINK - FINANCE COL111C11 263g69 � . CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY� OF SAINT PALTL �, BLUE 'MAYOR� � Flle NO. Ordin�nce ordinance N�. I���' _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � An ordinance amending� Chapter 154 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to taxicabs and fares. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ; SECTION 1. That Section 154.01 of the Saint Paul Leg�islative Code is hereby amended by striking subparagraph A thereof in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereof the following: "A. The rate of fare for taxicabs operating with in the . City of Saint Paul shall be as follows; ; � Seventy cents (70�) for the first one-eighth mile i or -fraction thereof, with ten cents (10�) for each additional one-sixth mile or fraction thereof. " � SECTION 2. This ordinance is conditioned upon and effective only if its terms are in compliance with federal regulations and/or � orders relating to restrictions on prices of goods and services. , , Y SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the ; Saint Paul Leg�islative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of � the next revision of the said Legislative Code. ,j 1 COUIVCILMEN ,�,� Requested by Department of: ' Yeas Nays i � � �aa�pa�� Hozza In Favor Levine �a�� Sylvester _� Against BY � n...._,� �-�-�_ � �e�e� Mme.President��� HU,rit r� Adopted by Council: Date AU G ` ���4 Form Approv City Attorney ' CertifiecLP�s`sed Council Secretary Y ' B Approv y Mayor: ate � 4 ` Approv y Mayor for Su ission ^unc' • By �- By � pugus�E� � at��� o �9�4 � r a ��Q�q � � . ' xorte�o�r�aa nrca,�a�a FO� TAEIC'll��$II�f ST.PALiL - NU?1'PQE LS Fffii�Y G?iVfi�T 'T1iat is o°�a tis.��rOin°s.°�ui`�c ty Charter, a 9ulSlic hearing will be held in the Councit chamb ott the third floor o�f ttie St. Faui� Hall and Courthouse a1 10:00 a'tlock A.NI.,_�uiy ,,�l.,,j�II, ia oon�ection with an DiBi' �ance whic�amersda.Ehmpter 184 of the 9t. Paul LegLs2ati�e Code to the eSect of granting an in�ereaa� af tarec for taxicabe o9erati�g wibbin the city of St.Paul to the awouat n4 aeven�y ceats �70C) tor the 9rst one-eighth xaile or aactto bher tk� � �: �� , � { i � 88�dt$'�.p6U1,�1171!/OtB�t�i 19�1. day af July, iA74. .�C� (July �. la'!4) 1st � x�/(� 2nd 1IL3 3rd � �_ Adopted Q� Yeas Nays � HOZZA ITVIlQE �S���ig �` ���— Sn�s� � ��. PRESIDENT (HUNT)