263868 H17E - CITV CLERKY � � • �
� BL�E � -MAY,.OR
� t � � .
. �"
� Or �n�cnce Ordinance N�. ���'�
Presented By
j Referred To Committee: Date
� Out of Committee By Date
An ordina.nce amending Section 329. 16
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled
i "Destruction of Dangerous Dogs".
Section 1. Saint Paul Legislative Code, Section 329 .16
I entitled "Destruction of Dangerous Dogs" is hereby amended
� by striking the present Section 329 . 16 and inserting the
� following in lieu and in place thereof:
: "329 . 16 -- Destruction of Dangerous Dogs .
The City Health Officer sha.11 have the
. authority to order the destruction of
idangerous dogs .
; i dangerous dog is a canine animal which ha.s:
� 1) bitten two or more people� or
� 2) caused serious bodily injury or
disfigurement to any person, or
3) engaged in any attack on any
i person under circumstances which
would indicate danger to persona.l
saf e ty.
I The City Health Officer or his appointee from
within the Division of Public Health
after ha.ving been advised of the existence of
a dangerous dog� ma.y proceed in the �ollowing
� ma.nner:
J COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: '
� Yeas �r Nays
� Konopatzki I❑ FaVOr
j Meredith Against BY
' Tedesco
Mme.President � K11rit
Form Approved by City Attorney ,
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � am �:�.1��
, BY � � .,
i Approved by Mayor: Date Approve by Mayor o Submission to Council
� f � � � � 2�3��8
� ��l� 1561.�
Page 2.
(a) The City Health Ufficer shall cause
' the apparent owner to be notified in
writing or in person that his dog
appears to be dangerous. The apparent
owner shall be notified as to dates ,
times , places , and parties bitten, and
shall be given ten (10) days to
�,, request a hearing before the City
Health Officer for determination as
to the dangerous nature of the dog.
(1) If the apparent own.er does not
; request a hearing within ten
' (10) days of said notice, the
health officer shall make such
;, order as he deems proper. The
'� :e City Health Officer may order
the dog warden to take the dog
into custody for destruction.
If the dog is ordered into
custody for destruction, the
owner shall immediately make
the dog available to the dog
warden, and failure to do so
' shall be a misdemeanor.
(2) If the owner requests a hearing
for determination as to the
dangerous nature of the dog,
the hearing shall be held before
� the City Health Officer who shall
; set a date for hearing not more
� than three (3) weeks after
demand for said hearing. The
records of the Bureau of �Iealth
shall be admissible for considera-
tion by the City Health Officer
without further foundation.
After considering all evidence
pertaining to the temperament of
the dog, the City Health Officer
shall make determin.ation as to
whether or not the dog is dangerous.
. 2�38�8
. �.
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Page 3.
If the dog is found to be
dangerous, the City Health
Officer shall make such order
R` �a; as he deems proper. The City
�`�� � Health Officer may order the
dog warden to take the dog
into custody for destruction.
If the dog is ordered into
custody for destruction, the
owner shall immediately make
the dog available to the dog
warden and failure to do so shall
be a misdemeanor.
(b) If a dangerous dog is running at large,
the dog warden shall apprehend the dog
� and if, upon apprehension, the dog
bears no identification which reasonably
reveals its ownership, the City Health
Officer shall impound the dog until the
quarantine period is completed. If the
dog has not been claimed, it shall be
immediately destroyed.
(c) Any person who harbors a dog after it has
been found by the City Health Officer to
be dangerous and ordered into custody for
destruction shall be guilty of a mis-
BLU6. ' - MAYOR � File NO.
� ,� , J� ' ,
i � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ���7�
; Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
; Out of Committee By Date
` Page 4.
(d) The Gity Health Officer may, upon
' application, apply to municipal
court for subpoenaes for hearings
under number 2 above. "
Section 2. This ordinance shall take e�fect and be in
force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval
; and publication.
i �
COULVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Hunt' �haf�'�S�N1S�t1.
o ' atzki Hozza � In Favor
" ine Levine
'redith �r � Against BY
fka gylvester
e sco
Mme.P esi t Butl�tedeSCO
Presid t i-Itt(!X ��� g 1 1g74 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adop d by Council: �ate
! Certified^,,P�aes�3T�Council Secretary, BY ^s ..
By —
Approv by Mayo : Date � 1974 Approved t�a�e r ' sio to uncil
i , gy �
pU6L1SHED AU G � ����
. � . 2G38�8
July 2, 19'74 R. SCOTT DAVIES
Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen
Mayor, City of Saint Paul
3 4'7 C i ty Ha 11
Saint Paul , Minnesota
Dear Mayor Cohen:
In response to our discussions concerning I�iansen v.
Citv of St. Paul , I am submitting for your review an
ordinance amending Section 329. 16 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code , entitled, "Destruction of Dangerous
Dogs . " Under this proposed ordinance , a dangerous dog
is defined as a canine animal who has (1) bitten two
or more people , or (2 ) caused serious bodily injury
or disfigurement to any person, or (3) e�gaged in any
attack on any person under circumstances which would
� indicate danger to personal safety. A dog may be
declared dangerous for one or more of the above reasons .
Upon determination th at a dog is dangerous', the City
, Health� Officer or his appointee is authorized to pro-
ceed with the hearing provi�ions set forth in the
ordinance prior to the destruction of the dog.
As an additional tool , we enclose an affidavit to be
signed by an owner of a dog which has bitten a person,
setting forth the owner' s understanding of local or-
di�ances , waiving hearing rights for future dog bites ,
and agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless the City
of Saint Paul from actiona brought aa a result of the
dog ' s conduct .
The Hansen decision extended the city' s common law
duty to maintain reasonably safe streets and sidewalks
to one class of moving hazard upon public aidewalks
and thoroughfares , namely, dogs known by the municipality
to be dangerous , vicious and impoundable , and permitted
by the city to prowl uncontrolled upon the publie �ide-
walks . Failure of city officials; to control dogs under
circumstar�ces wherein the city has knowledge that the
: Ciry Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
� 612 298-5121
. � ������
Mayor Cohen
Page Two
July 2, 19�4
identified and impoundable dog prowled uncontrolled
on the public �idewalk renders the city liable in
tort for injuries to pedestrians .
Very truly yours ,
/� �
�t 0
City Attorney
cc : City Council
, .. .. _ ,
� .
� , . . `.'{rr.�MP4RTA�iT: � } ', 9 _ ; �:
� REAI} THi�``A(�REEM�I'I�' CARL�'�L�,Y . . :� `
; Law do�s ;�,o,t; requi;re ,you to si�gn it . ,
� By sign#.�g yc�u, will.� �;�v�.:��' certra-�.� 3:' �
� rights set forth�" in Chaptei�. '�'29 0�� -' °�p
' the Sa.�nt ,�au1.,LegZSlat�,.,ve_, CQde,,� �ar�d
� your dvg ma� b� :-�estro�'e�; ,��; , .
� ) ss .
� - , being �irst duly
� sworn, upon oath depo�es and states :
_� 1. That I am the o�vner of � �
� ,
,� dog �esiding at . � '
Saint Pau1 , Minnesota.
2. That I am familiar with facts relating to complaints
; � . - ,
� received by the City of Saint Paul ,pertaining �q' �ite�s by said
i dog, and I ackaow9.�dge tha�t the �co;mplaint� allege that said dog
;.� �
' has, bitten th� following persons at the date , t-ime arrd place
her.ein stateds
� . _
� ,
� .
r . .
i .
� .
� 3. That I understand that shauld the City proceed with a
a �
� hearing �or destruction of said dog under Section '329. 1b(�aj `of
� the Saint Paui{ Legislative Coder I .have a right to t�stify, and
� _
� challenge the allegat�on� of the City. ' ,
� 4. That I da hereby contract and prom'ise that i�i considera-
, .
tion of the --City of Saint Paul no�' p�oceeding under Section `
� 329. 16(a) , I will strictly comply with all �aws and regulations
set forth in Chagt�r 3�9 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative �ode .
. .
�_ �� ' � � � � � � � �� �
� `
, .. �
, �3+�,�
:� 5. That I �urt�er �,�gree that, if at any time I fail to
F compl,y with t�he provisions of. Chapter 329 0�' °�he Saint Paul � -
# Legislative Code., and said, dog bites an� per,son, the City.,�may
1 .
1. � � . � .. . .
� summarily order �he dog de�troyed, and I hereby .waive my right _ .
; to further notice and a t�ear`�ng . before , the City Health Offi+eer
a ,
� as set forth in Section 32g; 16(a) of the Sai�t Pau.l Legislative
" Code .
� 6. That I further agree to indemnify and s�ave harmie�s
� � .
� the City of Saint Paul and its offa.eers , employees or agents
, -
� from all ,claims ariai,mg out of any action brought as a result
of the conduct a� said dog, �nd from all costs , attorney
fee� and li.abilities incur,�ed� i,n `�r a�out ;any, such claii�,
action, or proc�eding thereqn.
7. That I aek�owledge receipt of a copy Qf this document
wh.ich I agree const�=i-tutes_ Mot�ee` of the above mentioned viola-
-- . tions as rel_a;t�d in Paragraph 2 above,, ,�aMd � agree that such
: - - +. -
notice complies with the=�equ�rement rp�` See�.t�r� '=32�9, i6 �of the
Saint Paul Le.gislative Coc��:,.z ; . ,; � . .. fl
,� � . ` . �
. . <4t e . ,.� ,. �� �
;9 "."""..�, �r' . ':� � :
� � r j, ,. _
t . , �fi
.nr ,;
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� Subscrib�d '`�nd swor�i to b.eYore me `
. , ,
this � d'ay of _ `.
� ,
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4 , .
� Notar Public R,�mse Co: Minn.
Y � Y �
� My commission expi�es
� °
a .
1 , , ,
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OI+�I+'Ii�➢±� ().�+' r1�HZ+1 Cd'1'3� CtJUi°ii�IL
Juiy 24, 1974
Council President Ruby Hunt '
Room 7Z9 City Hall
City of St. Paul
Dear Mrs. Hunt:
Regarding Council File No. 263868, an ordinance amending Section 329. 16
of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled "Destruction of Dangerous Dogs", I
have some questions as to the definition of what is a dangerous dog. As the
definition currently stands, a dangerous dog is one which has eouunitted an
attack upon an individual. I think that it is unreasonabie to place the burden
of proving that a dog is dangerous on the fact that a person has been attacked.
There should be additional methods of determining that a dog is dangerous short
of an attack on an individual. To cite an example, if a dog is determined to
be rabid the City Health Officer certainly would not wait until that dog has
bitten somebody to determine that it was dangerous. In other words, I am ask-
ing that you put more teeth into your ordinance and have additional criteria
and procedures for dete.rmining what is a dangerous dog. I appreciate the
complexity of this matter, but I don't think we have to extend due process to
dogs. Dogs, including dangerous dogs, should be viewed as licensed persanal
progerty, and sliould be controlled as such. The Bill of Rights is for human
beings, not dangerous dogs and given that, the time has come to start putting
the bite on dangerous dogs.
The dog problem, along with the rat problem and mandatory trash collec-
tion, are related problems which the City Council must take a hard look at. I
think that we should consider all possible avenues of dealing with not just the
dog prob lem but the rat problem and mandatory trash collection as well. The
Public Works Conunittee currently is working on the question of mandatory trash
collection and the rat problem seems to be directly related to that. Therefore,
at this time I would ask that the approp�iate City Council Committee review all
dog regulations and recommend appropriate changes back to the Council.
Attached for your attention is an article from the Friday, July 19, 1974
iKinneapolis Star in which the City of Minneapolis discusses tougher xegulations
to deal with the dog problen. :
_ 1 _
� •. • ' . . � � � . . . � . .
Your attention to this matter will be appreciated.
David H. Hozza
cc: City Council
Mayor Lawrence Cohen
Mr. Frank Marzitelli �
Health Department
r , '
� . . , . . . . . . . � . '
� � .. . .._.. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .., -. .., . .1
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e " y „�� �" � FzI.,3uly-19�1974 T;TE i I�til�"'.1POLI;�STAiZ q ;
� '��= ��� ��'d _--- _ . _ �3.y '
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� � f�,;� c,� �cL:� :1 �+�a � Y '
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�: -��-�� . � ����� ��,r��� ����� ��: ������ . F
.� ° � . : ;
r�' '� Continued from Page 1�� less rebard �coulda't pick their pet � t �
��::�_�� � �.��� `�� , - ,
� "Everythin� costs more, and th° `t`"^ '�
up 1t anv p .'
• b The Coar.cil committ°e yesterd�v
Lady,`�'iars'•sai b°come guinea pios: ` increase ir, fee; is just another re- heard a briei report o;� the pragress � '
�aa��$ flection oE this," said John Derus, of an ar.imal controi pragram coan- .� ' '
" gy�RICpIA1�;IN _ , 4th �Vard atderman ard chairman mittee, �vhich is drzftin� proposals � � �
. ., .
�• for anirnal-control teyislation,educa i :-
� , ' �Iinneapolis Star Staff 1Vc:ter Of th2 COmmiiCEe. • .
; . , . ,, " tion and adminis�ration. - �, _ � -
Do�s picked up by Minneapolis �Vaiter �Rockenstein, lth `V�sd ` • : f
dogcatchers ar.d 'imQounded over=� ` 2lderman, another co�::mi±tee mesn- 'ft:e,animat-control commiktee' , €
niaht cou l d.cos t t h e o w n e r S S m u ch i s s t u u t�ng p ro p o s a ls f o r a c i t-y- ;
�,S S�r qn fees a,nd-finesi�aMi.�ne- -: ber, said th�i, w�hile the ir.crease in �y��{� �;rogram of sgayiab�and �
' aeo!is C�f`y C�auncit�committee rec- ', fees is necessary, it probaoly ti�ouId r.ec�te:in;of c':oos and cats. `, � � '
. omme;:dation is adopted '; ,, � discouraje som,e peop,e from clai.,1- - ` � : r
.-. . - The �vays 'and' me�-�s comrittee .
r same_ am�u.�t, a-person "; in� their do��. � �
�'o. the � J � ' also �pprovec�a dispa�ching pro;ram -
cauld stay two nig�tits in.a-de luxe- :��Tllere o���io�asl �5.•oul� l�c an eP- ta retie`re the golice ciepzrtme_r..t of _
�_ _.sir.g te raorn at some.do'rontown ha- y � t he re�ponsi bi lity o f hand Iinb ca i is _
fect of peop!e not ctaimin� pets,' , : _ �`-
- tela. - .. .; : _ � a�out s�ray doss_ _ _ �� `
TYi.. Cc.ncil s Wa s and blear.s - said Ro;er tiy;aard, esecutive d'.- = �
, � ,. � y , • If apn:o�eci by tiie Council, the
� �E��dbec Cemmittee °yesterday ��- - recter of the �I�nnesota Humanz -�,�ietropc�litan A,imai �atrul Ser��ice � _`' �
F;oc°�d ir.creasin; "th° fee fqc rm-� '� Society. "But also, this mibht be ����ich has a contract with the city,
pour.dir.g a dog from $7.50 to �35 offset by other people being more cou?d beoin dispatching its o«rn pa - , _-
and the p°na?ty to the otivner for care�ul �vitn.their pets. Those �vith trol units ne�t r.lonth. �
. ..
hati�ir� zn unlicensed dog From�3 to r
. : = 5�. the city �vi!1 maintain a �1.90- r - _.. _ • �
,'.c°.-day c'narbe for board:ng a do�.. . : . _ ` - `;:. - =
j';�n ivays and means commit�- - � _ -
{ee ac�ion still must b°consid-. .;+ _ - -
er¢� by the Gity Council,�v hich , _
- �eats next��ask.;' _ �_�.�. : . _ � .
ne in 1�Iunicipat Caurt recent_ � _ �__ -
Hen p �
ly increased fines from �15 to $'� . � . : ,
, -:. for a:l cio':ations of. city dog ordi- • •_ .
,. .
=" nances_e�ceot failur2 to eonftne vi- . -�
csous, diseas°d or quarantined ani- ,
ma'.s. Tne latter automatically re- , ,
quires a c�urt.appearance and could , . '_ -_
brinb a greater fine. � �. • _ .
Accordinb to Robert J. Sorman,a , . .
' city inspector, it is possible that a -
dog o�,vner co u i d be r e q u ired to pa y � .
� zll of the fees an d fines—it:cludin� i _ ,
tne cou,t fine — if he is four.d out- . •
� • side �vith an unleashed and .unli- ; -
cer.'sed dob. ` . � _ , _
It is more common, lio��ever, for - i _
- the dog owner to claim.a lost doc at I _ . • � _
tre city's animal poLnd and pay oniy �, .
t�e irnpounding and boardina fces, '' . .
• hP saiu. i . � -
DflGS �� .
Turn to Pa�e 4A �- . � . _ , -
; • . . , - � . , -
-j_ • _.
' � �• ; � .����=� j ��8b8
+ �y� �
. X T' �Jx �� ' .
�'i�DM!'YU�� st
�"'c��.,�1Y1N`f"��- r��� . . .
. . � ,4.� �O .z a'-
� . rcai.a.�:a .
'`�;� y�';'*;� . - .
_ . � ��d��� . .
�.�r��T o� /��.���� �D��.�7r�
O H,I+`iC f+. Oi�, •L`FI.T: CIT1 COUl\(;IL
SAIi��` P��UL, MI��F.SOT�� 55102
July 24, 1974
Council President Ruby Hunt `
Room 719 City Hall
City of St. Paul
Dear Mrs. Hunt:
Regarding Council File No. 263868, an ordinance amending Section 329. 16
of the St. Paul Legislative Code entitled "Destruction of Dangerous Dogs", I
have some questions as to the definition of what is a dangerous dog. As the
definition currently stands, a dangerous dog is one which has committed an
attack upon an individual. I think that it is unreasonable to place the burden
of proving that a dog is dangerous on the fact that a person has been attacked.
There should be additional methods of determining that a dog is dangernus short
of an attack on an individual. To cite an example, if a dog is determiaed to
be rabid the City Health Officer certainly would not wait until that dog has
bitten somebody to determine that it was dangerous. In other words, I am ask-
ing that you put more teeth into your ordinance and have additional criteria
and procedures for determining what is a dangerous dog. I appreciate the
complexity of this matter, but I don't think we have to extend due process to
dogs. Dogs, including dangerous dogs, should_be viewed as licensed personal
property, and should be control.led as such. The Bill of Rights is for hnman
� beings, not dangerous dogs and given that, the time has come to start gutting
the bite on dangerous dogs.
The dog problem, along with the rat problem and mandatory trash collee-
tion, are related problems which the City Council must take a hard look at. I
think that we should consider all possible avenues of dealing with not just the
dog problem but the rat problem and mandatory trash collection as well. The
Public Works Committee currently is working on the question af mandatory trash
collection and the rat problem seems to be directly related to that. Therefoxe,
at this time I would ask that the' approp�iate City Council Committee review all
dog regulations and recommend appropriate changes back to the Council.
Attached for your attention is an article from the Friday, July 19, 1974
i�tinneapolis Star in which the City of Minneapolis discusses tougher regulations
to deal with the dog problem.
_ 1 -
�� . - . � . . . . .
� ' . . . . . � � � . � �
. ` j J.. • ' - � _ . . .
Your attention to this matter will be appreciated.
' Sincerely,
David H. Hozza
cc: City Council
Mayor Lawrence Cohen
Mr. Frank Marzitelli
Health Department
;� � � � �
i �
l �
� ' .. - � -.. � . . . . . , . ' , ' ' . ' ' . . . . .. � � � . _...
� �� �-���.��� � `
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e " x � �"� Fri.,3tt15r 19,i9?�# T.FE.31Iti�i 1P�:.IS ST:1R +•
��. � 1 ��7 �.�,.�,q,��� —- _ . . �3:� - ;
� �' �-., ,-, ,1 ���� � �..,a � . "
� �=1��,.�';� � .;,.�.:� r���..,.�! , � ,
- ���.�a ��.���� ����� �� ������ :� ;
o � . - €
����''� � - Co�tinued from Pa�e 1.<� -, tess rebar�t t�.�oulcia't picl: t;�eir pet � "
� � �.��.�� _
. "Everythir.b costs more, and the Lp at amr price � .. �
1;ars:�al b°come uinea pios: The Councii commi�tee yesterdav
Lady, : g increase in fees is just anuthec re- '° heard a brief report on the pragres� ;
�an�1$ flect;on oF this," said John Derus, of an animat control pro�ram com `
$yERICPL��iI�i � 4th War�{ alde:man zr.d chairman mit�ee, ti=,�hich is dra�tin� proposals �
� T p o� the commi;iee._ for anima�-control legis{ation,e�i.ca _ _F ;
� . g,ian2a olis Star Staff tii�riter �
: . _ � . tioa and admir.istration_
� �Vaiter �Rockensteir., lth '�V�:rd .
Do�s picked up by �Iinneaool�s > � - �
do�ea�chers an� imQounded ove+'- aleerman, another co�mittee mem- ����1nirnai control comrrt ttea 4
nig:�t coutd cost the owneras much is stud3�ing proposals for a cit,x- !
�.s ��7 ia f2e's ar.� fin°� i�a'�I�nn?- : ber, saia that, �vnile ti:e ir.crease in _.
�ride �:rogrzm oF spaying and f
- - . fees is nectssarv, it "
apolis City CounciI''coremittee�rec- probab(y would r.ecitertnb of doos and cats - ,
- , or:;merlation is a�opted ,,,__ discouraae some p°op:e from clai�- ` - • ^ k
_., - , ,: • The ways 'and means committee
„ , person - -in� theic do�s. f �
`For the sam aniow�t a- � � -. aiso �pProved a dispatchin,program -
�e�;3 s�a; two -nigl�ts. in.a,deluYe : "There obvio�asl ���ould be an ei-_ to_ reiieve thN pQiice �e,�ar�men.t of
�in�1e ;aar� a� sarr:e.�.o.�vntowa ho- , _ Y the responsibitity of hanclii�ra catis ' �'
- - fect of people not claimin� pets," b � -
: tAi; ; : . , about stray do�s_
� sa:d Ko�er NyQaard,-executii�e �:- -
Tlie Ca :?cil's Ways and I�tean�_ � , If app.ove�: by tne Council, [h�
,, es�arda � _ r�ctor oT the NT�nnzso±a�Humane ti
'� "�E�d,°t Committee 'y Y 1 Ie�ropolitaaz Animal Pat.-o;Ser�•ice f _
p:o�-��; ir.creasin; th° fee for im-' Soc�ecy.:"But also,' ±his miaht be ti�;hj�,'r, has a contract w•ith the cit} ' � _
pour.dir.g a �o� from $7.50 to �?5 _ - _
offset by other people being more cac!d begin ai.spatcl'�ing i�s o�vn�a , ;
a�:d tne penalty to the o.vr.er for carefui �vita their pets. Those �vith trol units r.e�t rnonth_ � _
havi^, an unlicensed dog from�3 to �;:
„ �,. ti�e city tviEi maintain a 51.9�- ' _ _
� �: ��:-day charbe for?�oard:ng a dog.: _ -' . _ : . -
` .
: T„e �vays and means cor;�mitr- ' � _ -
t�e action still must b°eonsid-_
eced by the City Counci:,�vhich - _
�;e�ts r.ext�vesk.; -_. _. ; . _.. _ :
l . _ _ -
• Hennepin 14lunicipal Cou:t recent- _
. lp increased fines from S15 to S?� . � •
, for a'.i cio�ations oF city do� ordi- _ ''• �_: _ � : .
' rances,except failure:to conhne vi- ' _ - - - `: : _ � _
cio��!s, di,eased or quarantir.ed ar.i- . . : -: `.
;.�a?s. T�e latter automatically re- � ,
c�si,as a court.app°z:ance and could
br:,`�.b,eaterfine. ; _ I • � - _
According to Robert J. Sorman,a • •
, ` city :nspector, it is possib!e that a � �
'd be requi:edtopay I .
do� o:;�n2r cou. ' -
� ail et the fees ar.d fi�es—including ;
tne cou:t fine — if he is found out- � _ • � �
. sic!� t�iu� an unleasiied and .unli- . . _ -_ -
cersed doo• • ; '
It is more common, ha�veve., for �, . -
- ;,he dc�g owner to claim.a lost do� ac - . -
ti�e cit.y's animal pound and pay o-�l� - . _
tne izloounding and boardir.` f..es - _
• he ��iu. - -
DOGS . � .
�. .
Turn to Page 4A • _ . : . •
• - .�
_ � • � • . . - .
� � . . � '' - _
3�st ` '• ��6 2na �c2-3
, ,
3rd �� Adopted 7�31 �
Yeas Nays .
�� zb��8
� �
Sn�s� �,