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In the matter of conatructing and reconstructing the sidewalka on the
following streeta and do all other arork which is necessary and incidental �
� to complete eaid improvement: .
Finance File
No. Description
L ' S9992 SYNDICATE ST. , east side from Sargent Ave. to the south
� 150+ ft. (1278 Sargent Ave.)
a / S9993 ST. CLAIR AVE. , south side from Syndicate St. to west 40+ ft.
� (1280 St. Clair Ave) �
� � ;
; S9994 ST. CLAIR AVE. , north side fram Syndicate St. to Hamline Ave.
i �� � � � � �
� y S9995 GRIGGS ST. , both sides from James Ave. to Palace Ave.
; �O S9996 GRIGGS ST. , west side from Wellesley Ave. to St. Clair Ave.
� �� S9997 JULIET AVE. , south side from Edgcumbe Rd. to Griggs St.
� � � � 59998 7 WATSON AYE. , north side �rom Edgcumbe Rd. -to;Giigge St.
�� tQ ' S9999 NILES AVE. , south side from Griggs St. to Syndicate St.
L; ;.. -
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� �The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
, thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
' be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas ChriStens�ri'YS Certi by Council Secretary 1'UL 1 8 1974
lHozza �
Hunt �
Levine In Favor By
i�a� �
SylvesteP Against
Tedescc� Mayor
, �
Pu�.isN� JUL 2 01974
4';ni c rs — t:i t y C{er!c i '� �.J a.1`1' �)1'� �t1 Y�i�' �.:�.LT L I�IO:� ` J��"��
Pi:�4 — rin:�nce vept. y � �
C:na•'Y— Dept. •
.. `. ' oi-�••rcr: o� z rir: ,�r�ro�; �63$�� �9AY 1 1�1��
'� .
7j��t th� i;lrector-of �he Dep�rt��.ent of P��1ic '�'orks is Ir�reby. authorized and
ci s�cted �a prepare p);�n;, obtain s4rveys, pr�pare. estir�ates and :in�✓esti�ate 6he
n�c��ssit� tfl construct/reconstruct the- sici�.ralk .on ttie falTo;�ing streets an� �o
all other �•:ork wt�ic,� is necessary and inci•��ntal ta co:c�l�te 5aid Is:mroveT�nt:
'����".Z East side of Synclicate St. fror:, Sargent Ave. to the sauth i50` + (1278 S�rgentF+�me.)
;. ���.3 Soutf� sidz of St. Clair Ave. fror,� Syndicate St. to west �+0'+ (12u0 St. Glair Av�.)
yG�j'�j.���ttarth side SG. C1air Ave. fro^� Syndicate St: to. Namline Av�. � � �
�Cll� 9��� Goth s i des of Gri ggs SL. f rom Jaraes Ave. to Pa1 ace Ave.
� �
��'99� �t�st s i�e af Gri ggs S[. from ltel ies ley Ave. to St. CIaT r Ave. ' �
�/�9�j'� Sout's� stcle of Juiiet Av�. from L"dgcuri�e t'�ci. to Griggs St.�
� �jQ��`iy�rii� s i de of �:iatson Hve. fra^� Edgcur.�he Rd. ta Gri�g� S t.�
_'� GJ�'�9 �c,uc�t si ue or +�� tes rcve. tro�n Gri ggs St. to Syndi cate St., -
V�� �`�� 11�st sid� of l�tontcalra Pl. fron Scheffer /�ve. to Edgcumbe Rd. � '
Tiie �t rector of Fi'nancz is h��eby dI rected to prepare the preTi�Inary order anc{ �
� scnedute t��is �:.atter for pubiie haaring.
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Assistant City Attorney ; U f G pt''S�Department Head� OG3 [!1Q 1'.
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Admini:trative Assistant to Mayor
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' � � � Capi#as of Minnesota � � '�'� �"�����
Q�P��R'��cAIT CaF �'�1��.IC WORXS ' � .
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234 Cify Nali & Court Housa � � 't
' 55102 `
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. March 28, 19�4 �' � '.:. ��� ��'��'��9+�'1�•�
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The Nonorab le Lawrence D. Cohen �"""""-'�—`j �
- D;re;;tor �
Mayor Ci ty of St. Paul .._._ : �S� ,.�. ; ','
� Room 347 C i ty Ha I l Ci�:+ca� � L
r BUILDING � _y�
' � L
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� . De�r Mayor Cohen: . .
x _ _
� Attached f�nd an Administrative Order for the construction/reconstruction `, ��
of siceH�alks at various loca*ions. Also attached is an advisabiiity �and
dzsira5ility report for each location.
' � �._
This project wi 11 be assessed a ainst � ''
' side relief. 9 P�oPerty o�vners except fvr long . • �
' The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. - � �
i .
'i � .
Yours very trulY.
! - _ . -
, Daniel J. Dunford
Director of Public Works
Attach: . APf'ROVED: ' :
Frank D. Flarzi te 1 1 i
tity Administrator
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Capitat of Minnesota . ....`
234 Cify Hetl dc Court Hou:s 55102
1. ` �`
� �\'l May 6, 1974
� ��"
Mr. Robert Trudeau
Director of Finance
' and Management Services -
Room 113 City Ha11
' ATTENTIOtJ: Paul Desch
1 Dear Si r:
� Piease p�epare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction
�, of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order.
' The estimated cost thereof is as follows :
$4.00 per ft. A � B Res. 5 ft. wide
; ....____._ . ..__ _�. _... .__...._..�.__
� $5.�5 per � ft. wide C Rzs. E Comm.
$b.7S per ft. 6 ft. wide C ftes. � Comn.
; ' $1 .6$ per sq. ft. for integral curb and walk C Res. � Conun.
$1 .35 per lin. ft. for curbing for Res. A E 6 when integral curb
and walk constructed.
Attached herewith are the following: ,
l . Letter to Mayor requesting Administrative Order.
2. Approved Administrative Order �-1249 5/1/74 �
3 3. Advisabiiity E Desirability Report.
Yours very truly,
; p�5 5 7 89 �G�r�,u,Q .
I Dan�el J. Du ord
j ��3 � 1p�,'
Oirector of Public Wor s
HT/gh o MAr�974 `�w
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� • Oistrict IVo. 2 ` �
t . � >=�:
. �.5. Syndicate St. - Sargent Ave. to So: 150+ {12)$ Sargent Ave.) � ���� -
Th i s orde r was i n i t i ated by the Di �ector of Pub I i c Works as pub i i c necess i ty on 'the
basis of inspection, of the walk. ,
This walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints, tripping �hazardS`s��= �+M: ,��}'"
holes in tile, missing tile� offgrade and with asphalt patches. ` � -"
��y .
�. {.� i 4 �r1
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. ✓ ' �
.. .. . .. .�. ' T+�w4 ,.. � .
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. waik) #
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� '� ��f�,�
� -e y j ,.,.. ,
� � � �*� , ''�i' ��
_ . �� J�' a,
s q ,.s,
' District Ao. 2
S.S. St. Clair Ave. - Syndicate St. to west 40+ ft. (1280 St. Clair Ave.)
? ...
� This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as publtc necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk.
7his walk is old tile with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints , tripping hazards �
and holes in the tile.
The Engineering recommendation is for a roval of h �
, Pp t e order.
(Construct to width designated on plat) ,
N.S. St. Clair Ave. - Syndicate St. to Ham) ine Ave. District No. 2 � �
9 � `�
Th i s o rde r was i n i t i ated by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c Works as pub 1 i c necess i ty
on the basis of ins�ection of the wa1k.
This walk is old pnured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards, water pockets ,
offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped
panels and settled panels. Dangerous walk.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of tne order. /
' V
; (Construct t� a�idth designated on plat)
. �
; _. .
, . '_ . ... .. ;__, .._ ,
, , . �f 3 `�"
. �6'�
� , � : _
, ' District No. 2 �
Q� �
B.S. Griggs St. - James Ave. to Palace Ave. � -1 .
This vraer wd5 in� tiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
' basis of inspection of the walk.
, .
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile, high joints, �y
tripping hazards, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped panels� and
settled panels.
The En ineerin recommendation is for a roval of the order. �
9 9 PP
Remarks� See pict�res regarding wall at 425 So. Griggs.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) - '
, (� Q�
� I
District No. 2 �
W.S. Griggs St. - Wellesley Ave. to St. Clair Ave.
This order was ir.itiated by the Director of Public 4lorks as public necessity on the
basis of inspection of the walk. .
Tnis walk is old poured concrete H�hich is offgrade, with asphalt patches , disintegrated
, �racked concrete panels , tipped and settted pane)s and is dangerous.
The Engineering recom,nendation is for approval of the order. ✓
Remarks: 8etween Stanford & St. Clair is new construction
(Construct to width designated on plat - 5' ) �
District No. 2 � � �
S.S. .Juliet Ave. - Edgcumbe Rd. to Griggs St. �
� `�
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on
tne basis of inspection of the walk.
This walk is old poured concrete with tree heaves , tripping hazards , water pockets ,
offgrade, asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels
and settled panels.
, The Engineering recommendation is fo� approval of Lhe order.
(Reduie f rom a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk� '
; ,
� " ` ��
,' � , ; � ' District No. 2
j . � � �' R �
, N.S. Watson Ave. - Edgcumbe Rd. to Griggs St. �
I This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
' n of the walk. , ;
basis of ins ectio ,
� This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves , broken tile� tripping haza�ds,
' missing tile, cracked concrete panels , tipped, settled panels. �
1 x�
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
� (Construct to width designated on plat)
I �
� p� Cj �/� District No. 2
( / � �
� S.S. Niles Ave. - Griggs St. to Syndicate St. � ;
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the
basis of 2 complaints and inspection of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, tripping hazards, water
pockets , asphalt patches , disintegrated, cracked concrete panels , scaled, tipped
' settled panels.
j The Engineering recommendation is for app roval of the order. V�
: (Construct to width designated on plat)
' � ( V - 1
� �
District No. 2
'�I.S. Montcalm Pl . - Scheffer Ave. to Edgcumbe Rd.
1 This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necesstty on the
! basis of 3 comptaints and inspect�on of the walk.
This walk is old tile and poured cancrete with tree heaves, broken tile, tripping hazards, :
missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches, disi�tegrated cracked concrete panels , scaled
tipped and settled panels and is dangerous. `
7he Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
Remarks : At 633 and b21 Montcalm wi l i be new construction_.__5'.wi de .j
' (Reduce f rom a 6 fit. to a 5 ft. walk) .
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We, the undersigned, are opposed to the construction and/or reconstruction
of the proposed sidewalk on the west side of Griggs Street from Wellesley
Avenue to St. Clair Avenue.
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