02-1075Council Nile # p�. ���5 Green Sheet # � � � �S `� 1 C RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA ��� Presented Referred To Committee Date Creation of the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council WHEREAS, Saint Paul is a community that values a strong sense of cilizen participation on a wide range of issues, and WHEREAS, Saint PauPs two airports impact the surrounding community in vazious capacities, and WHEREAS, in the tradirion of citizen participation, a need exists to have an official body to listen to the concems of the citizens of Saint Paul and to advise the Mayor and the City Council on issues pertaining to both the Minneapolis/Saint Paul International Airport and the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Field Airport; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul create the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council with its members appointed by the Mayor through the open appointments process and approved by the City CounciL This body will incorporate input from citizens, neighborhood organizations and businesses, present findings, and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council regazding airport issues; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council be comprised of fifteen (15) members. Appointments shall be for three, rivo and one yeazs or until their successors are appointed. Members shal] be selected as follows: 1 representative from the business community; 1 representative from the airline industry; 1 representative from the Metropolitan Airports Commission; 8 representatives from District Councils 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, I5, 16, 17 which represents one member from each district that is submitted to the Mayor; 4 at-large representatives from the City of Saint Paul; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau] Airport Relations Council shall be staffed by an employee chosen by the Administration. Meetings shall be held on the third Monday of each month, unless otherwise determined by the CounciL All meetings shal] be open to ffie public and at least every other meeting shall be daring evening hours. The Saint Paul Airport Relations Council shall be established for a term of three years, before the end of which time the Council will consider an extension of its temi; and be it finally RESOLVED, that this resolution supersedes Council file 00-916, adopted by the Ciry Council on December 2Q 2000. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by CiTy Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �U �, afl r 9 O O s� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary CITY COLINCII. TACT PERSON & PHONE Councilmember Pat Harris 6-8630 TOTAL #'OF SIGNATURE PAGES 8,�0� I �C3REE�d SHEET oa-�c�t5 N� 11.3811 - f u�,��. ■ u �.,�,�� ���_ � ❑ �,,,,,� ❑ �„� ❑.,�.��.� ❑..�.�,E.,�,.a.a ❑.�,��,,,m,..� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolution creating the Saint Paul Airport Relations Committee, supersedining C.F. 00-916 (adopted December 20, 2000). PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE . CML SERVICE COMMISSION Hes mis ce�rm e✓er v.nticetl unaera conhact rormis depaammt7 YES NO Flae tlire Oe�sorJfirm e.er been a cdY emqoyee4 v6 No Dcecttiis pwswJfirm w�s a slaY not nwma9yu�sesaetl M anY arterit cilv emvioyee? YES NO Is tltirpe�soMPom a fargetetl vendoY7 Y6S NO r rn•r:cU�5�.7 9 ° ¢��seareh ��' ° � m � - _ _ .xrY .,. dm. _ . COST/REUQIUEBUDGEIm(GRCLEONE) YES SOURCE ITyi�7ul"rr�r_ si7 NO � S��s - �zl�loo RESOLUTION Praented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � .� .� Council File # � � Green Sheet #t t D�.�( � Referred To Committee Date i Creat�on of the Saint PauI Airport Relations Council 2 3 WHEREAS, the M'inneapolis Saint Paul Intemational Airport and the Saint Paul Downtown /Holman Field Airport 4 are necessary components in the mix of transpoitation and economic activity for the City of Saint Paul; and S WFIEREAS, the operation of these airports involve negative impacts in the form of noise pollution, trnffic 6 congestion, property depreciation eic; and 7 WI�REAS, several neighborhoods within Saint Paul abut these airports and are therefore subjected to the brunt of 8 these negative impacts; and 9 WHEREAS,thecuaentDowntownAirportAdvisoryCouncilwasformedbytheMetropolitanAirportsCommission " 10 (M?,C) to address �airport issues emerging &om the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Fieid Airport; and 11 WfiEItEAS, this advisory council has no mandate to address issues emerging from the Minneapolis Saint Paul 12 International Airport the expansion of which is negatively affecting several neighborhoods in Saint Paul; and 13 WI�REAS, there exists a need to have a Saint Paul Airport Relations Council to listen to the concerns of ihe 14 citizens of Saint Paul and to advise the Mayor and the City Council on issues pertaining to both The Minneapolis 15 Saint Paul International Airport and the Saint Paul Downtown / Holman Field Airport that may have an impact on 16 the City; now therefore be it 17 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul create the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council with its members appointed 18 by the Mayor and approved by the City Council. This appointed body of citizens, business peopfe, govemment 19 official and airport industry specialists will incorgorate input from citizens, neighborhood organizations and 20 businesses, present findings, and make recommendations to the Mayor and the City Council to detemune the best 21 course of action the City should take in order to have its concerns addressed by airport officials, the state legislature 22 or othergovernmental and non-govemmental bodies priorto the development and imptementation ofairport policies 23 that affect the City of Saint Paul. Speciai attention shall be paid to, but not limited to issues dealine wiYh: 24 " • flight pattems responsible for airport noise / airport safety ! pollution; . runway expansion; • noise abatement programs; • land use / rental car Iou. Be it further RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Airport Relations Council be comprised oftwenty-ihree members. Appointments shall be for three, two and one years or until their successors aze appointed. Members shall be selected as follows: 1 representative from the business community; 1 representative from the Metropolitan Airports Commission; - O Z-\A ^►S 8 representatives from District Councils 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 which represents one member from each district; 4 at-large representatives from the City of Saint Paul; 3 representatives from the Highland / Macalester Groveland areas; and 3 representative from the Dayton's Bluff area; 2 representadves from the rnvironmental advocacy community. The Commission shall be staffed by an employee chosen by the Administrarion. Meetings shall be held on the third Monday of each month, unless otherwise determined by the Commission. All meetings shall be open to the public and at least every other meeting shall be during evening hours. The Commission shall be established for a term of three years, before the end ofwhich time the Council will consider an extension ofiu term. Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by Ciry Attorney By: Adop6on Certified by Council Secretazy Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: _?� C �--� �, By: Approved by Mayor: Date �Xl�/1 'f Z!'�° / By: Adopted by Council: Date ���p 2 c o�