263864 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COZ1I1C31 2638f4 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Cou e o ti 9 Presented By df-e � , Referred To Committee: te Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ha.s for some time been considering the need for a municipa.l energy recovery and re- cycling system as a. means of assisting the city -in_ elimina.ting various forms of waste pollution, while at the same time pro- viding useful and needed sources of energy supply; and WHEREAS, various firms and businesses have contacted the City and the County of Ramsey with respect to such systems; and WHEREAS, the Council desires the report and recommenda- tion of the City Administration with respect to the best method and system to consider for the City of Saint Paul, now, there- f ore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby requests the Ma.yor, through the City Ack�ina.strator, to negotiate with interested firms and corporations in coordina.- tion with �he Gounty.�of Ramsey, and submit to th� Council a -report on the need for an energy recovery and recycling . system for the County and City, along with available alterna.tives and administrative recommendations. ��1��14E� ' Yeas Nays e p �, Requested by Department of: Hozza • Levine f° In Favor Roedler Syivester J Against BY � � �,���� JUL 1 1 1974 1�6' �'i°° Pr�'id°stT 4 Fo ppro by Ci Adopted by Council: -"�ate � Certified se by Council Secretary BY Y Appro y Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy � By PUBLtSHEU JUL 2 019T4