02-1074Council File # � � � �0�,� Green Sheet # SC � a.s Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, 2 made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Saint PauURamsey County Healtb 3 Services Advisory Committee. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA fi%%/�-� �3 APPOINTMENTS Judy Cavanaugh - term expires June 26, 2004 Debbie Luna - term expires June 26, 2004 Mary Anne Mathews - term expires June 26, 2004 Murray Sagsveen - term expires June 26, 2004 Alyssa Vang - term expires June 26, 2004 aaopcea bY co,:n��i: Dace . '��. �Ot�� Adoption/�ertified by Council Secretary By: Mayor: By: By: Requested by Department of: � 's Office 11-13-2002 GREEN SHEET oa•�o��t N� 202325 Kurt Schultz 6-8512 1ST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNDA BY (DATE) November 20, 2002 c`�•'- TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,�^�*� u ��— z❑ �,,.,.� __,�'��.� ❑ a„�«� ❑-ww¢�a�a�rsxcFSOw. � ❑ w++�xun�am�n.sern � rarortlort�mzru� ❑ (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Judy Cavanaugh, Debbie Luna, Mary Anne Mathews, Murray and Alyssa Vang to the Saint Pau1/Ramsey County Health Services Advisory Co�ittee. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION IF S SOURCE RSONALSERVIGE GONTRACIS MUSTAfiSWERTHE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: Has ihis perso�rtn ever vrorked under a corRract ta Nis tlepartment� VES NO Has this personRrm ever been a cM1y empbyee7 VES NO Does thi6 persoNfirm possess a sidll not no�mallYP� bY arry curtent cily employee? VES NO Is tNS persoNfirm a targeted vendoR YES NO �Iain all ves ansvrets on seoa2te sheet and atlaeh to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUDGEfED�GRCLEON� �� NO ACTIVIN NUMBER INFORMAiION (IXPWN) oa-to�y CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly. Mayor 390 City Ha11 IS West Ke[logg Boulei�ard Saint Paul, MN 55102 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Date: � Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor November 13, 2002 Telephorze: 651-266-8510 Facsemile: 651-266-8513 Saint PauURamsey County Health Services Advisory Coxnmittee Mayor Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Judy Cavanaugh, Debbie Luna, Mary Anne Mathews, Murray Sagsveen, and Alyssa Vang to the Saint PauURamsey County Health Services Advisory Committee. The terms of these individuals shall expire June 26, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as their applications. Please remember that certain information on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you haue any question regarding the appointments. Attaclunents cc. Richard Ragan � �, . C� PLEASE RETUR:�7 TO: TOM vIARVER P.E.D.13 FLOOR 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: {651) 266.6fi10 FAX: (651} 228.3261 Nam< Homi Stree City: Telephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) (fil � � (�g �' � 3g� (�� �( �o�cQ O 7.5� Planning District Council: ��A' City Council `Vard: �/�J� '�e.w.s1� Ce�..�.,.w:�* Certet Preferred 1�4ailing Address: 1 3 h� S-t •"t R...t y�ve_:.c.� . � l I 1„ What is your occupation? U Y' � v P_ i�� � o� ��� ��i a l� S� Piace of Employ�nent: Committee(s} Applied For: � �.�, ,r,: �tt�e � � Cf-E S � C � y �, U� 3�7;� C ��� oa-�o�y RECEIVED JUL 2 7 ZOQi What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek �/� � ; r.c.e l9Ro � Y. � _ . . . .�+-� -�-- -F^ -� -� i � _ /- ,^. C C oca,}. co t �r �� c, � a E- K�, i c Iv� � \ .� r�r�r�a,-�i �rP��nf"�`�r� t�,�1.<<l�`�Y.r lcA i T � a.c�<+- a�c . viz�(P�.�P a4.,0 S ���..C�F-t�rwn�. �a�.:���. P.{�t.rn"t:� . � '�f - _..� �_�0.�� G� �P�.�ir�ar-S . iS �ecr�a s� lkrf s�,r��te.W o F. w t�� �r� �...� � � �Q - fio J V l� iue . The informatioo included in this apptication is coasidered private data according to the iYlinnesota Government Data Pracrices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. Si�� �o �E�.c� `fio(e�.�e �ih�ar�.�c��Ceu�t�p��_ �osn�T 1.� hP��n�rtM� IiPS /��PIiP (nn 1 hP_iY ..S�Y'?nn�C �Ih/Yfic� ih/"rP�,Cn. -/-kCCA�C /1i.� aa.�� 1y PERSOVAL REFERE�ICES [Reminder to Include Telephone Area Codes] Name: Address: Phone: (Home) � 1 �. �'� �'1 — d �(� � �;'orkl �n .� � � Q C� — c� � tP �i Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address Phone: � LJ01'� � � \ (Homel (Work) � S ( oZ (, G,— � �{ � t 'f ' (Homel (Workl Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: (JhA i Y. ci l Y�\L? f'C�,S ` ` I Y� � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are makina application? If so, when, and the circumstances? . In an attempt to ensure that committee representarion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � �i'hite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alasl;an Esl:imo Date of Birth: � — ���-- �' � Disabled: Yes No ^ If special accommodations are needed, ptease specify: Nlale Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isiander Female X Hotiv did you hear about this opening? i i `i C + �Q r P �; _ o �_�o�y Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to �Iark En�ebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Thz b[inneso[a Government Data Practices Ac[ (btinneso[a Sta[utes Chapror I3) governs the Ci�y's use of thz informa[ion contained in this apptica[ion. Some of [he information sou�h[ in this applica[ion is privam da[a undez thz AcL The requested information will be used 6y che appoincing authoricy to carry ouc [he City's of:icial appointment responsibilicies. You are not required to provide any inFormation. However, Pailure to answer the applica�ion quzstions may cause the appointing auchori[y to rejecc your application. The majority of i�ems contained in this application are pubfic, including name, address, employment, skilts, training and experience, and are cherzfore available to anyone reques[ing iL The remaining i[ems on the apptication form are classifizd as privaee. The privace data is availabie only to you and �o other persons in the City who, bzcause of work assignmen�s, reasonably require access to the information. Name Home Telephones l'�S � ��� O� � c�,3 � G N�� PleeseincludeAreaCodes , hame work faz ! E-mail address Plannin� District Council ��� ,� City Council Ward � Preferred m Occupation Place of employment C U� jJ p� � �1Z,� e�l�-��4 Employment address Committee(s) applied for What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek /� � appointment? 1 Lt. �a� � ��� ;� �� ol�a�� ` __ � � � 9 /'� /�a'd \, �. i.`—P _ �.n� l,'e n.� I �n.. n. ." ' " N.. n l7 � � CX W�iiCJ � pa�e 1 of2 cZao�� Personal References Name Address � l kX�:Y\�� �� � C�V � C� P'� t `.� i ,C.C_.� f-�(� �� !' —y) J3�.;.'�(! Telephones �(� �— � � � —`�� / �-�J �'�'V'p: � ( ` ,'�,% Please include Area Codes home work other ✓ —, _� Name �san � /^'±�t n,. ..,. ��i t. ..�„n ..,. .: lr ,. � , , � Address Telephoffe's I—� Please include Area Name Address f' I �+ � � ��-� �C�C�� — � � � � � 1 i � � ,� .— es home work Tetephoi Pleaseinclude Area Codes home o�her (� \ l LJ� �.C} � Re sons for your interest in this particular committee . �� ` �i M,� ��� > � ,; � �-;J�; � v�'�,, Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) �Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Fema1� Date of birth '� — y / Disabled: � Yes No ( If special accommodatio�ns are needed, please specify �� T � How did you hear about this opening? pa�e 2 of 2 wock ocher �M�THEWS FHX N0. : 763 785 28e0 Jui. 25 2001 10:52At1 P1 =U - �C1-�61 Z6�36 �ITi�cN ,-,m��t110E JFFICE 6_2 25b Sb?9 P.82•'� S •-� PLEASE I�TUx.�1 TO: LL'CILX.E 30�5iD:� car�N s�xvzc� €��c� 15 �i'E57' KEL��d'� BLVb. S� �A�, �o�� s��oz PHt3:dE: (6S2}ZSb.8b90 P'AY: {65I)26b.8689 �a 377� oZ-�o�y Y� Norice of RigLts ahea Providia� Iaformatioa You aze be�g sstted to grovide informafion for your cotcm�a=c application. Zhe aitended use nf this information is m eval�fz } o� mglicalion. Ycu aze not obIigated to govias the iafo:mazion, but wirk�.out it, Y� aPF'��Qn may not be considered. Officz.s, ��suts a.+� eu!ploy�es of the Ciw of:Saiut Paul will have access to the in£offiazion yau pmv:de as necesssr? w fhe parformancas of �heir da*�es. In additiau, the data matoed with an �' is pub(?c inf'oim,stin� ;,c,d will be ave;l:ble to t�e ge�eral pu�lic. iName: *73o�ee Adds�ess:�3f�50 - 3( 5~ -!�v t � E *City: �J�AGnQ '� Zip: Telephone Namberls); (include Ar�a Codes} F5s Numbcr: EmaiI Address: C�3 ) �SS' LS 20 ��SII Zb8 �'Z.'7� 2 *Flanning Ikstrict Coanc�: *Prefet2ed NSailmg Addrass: *Whst i� yonr occupatian? ''Pfact of �mplopmeftt: �Cnmmittre(e) Appiaed �or. � C�, ; ldra�+�s �'sni (�1•F�7 xCi4y Caanci3 SYard: Z. and e-li,nit_s fR'hat sk11Ls� traensng or ccper3enee do yov possess 1or the c��j�e(e) for w3�isi1 you sce3� appoimiment? �tt,{-ti� 1 °� �j 3—�6Ytio¢n� th83 - r596, �qq3-Zo6o (GVer) G-�-���" Wa+�_ �au w � C N �LYv. � �-ven�ins.e. 1�i.s-Zc., r� pn.van�w�1 L:.K+�s,tk�u � ! (v( e.L��.� �c.�, ! 4 .�� E2,,, c.� ,4, e-� „ �,Se,�,r� c .s. /� r�'Q � e� � rr ( , � ,,n,�,.;i.k,�d py � n. <rt�7 l '^^�^_� 0�{.4�(/K �R. (v�. Giy.1Gl'�^-'^`� �T. . FROM : MATI FPX N0. : 763 785 2820 Jul. 25 2001 10:53qM� J!� -�y--�1 i��� CITIZEti Sc.4(110E CFF:CE 5: GCE �b'r F'.02iQ2 - ��ASONAi �F$RFNCE:9 •�Re�ntmbcrfolncludeTe3=phoneAreACpdeyl (ja,.\O'1�{ > at�e: Address: p�on� LHomel (War3t�(�� 1� Zzo •� 13 S Name: S,�id 2, 7?-�oSq- ,t�fsSSu� �.. 1.��. ?tisme: ._ iSOSc, �k-i�12n �,a.�Te�:, � l.f b-FM � �, �uv+s�.a ��,� �02.� �� P��2 �Y�,, �P ��' � Phoae: L�Inme! �'�Vo (�51�'�6�F • Zo S 5� ReaSOZts for ynnr interest in thic particnlar wmn.i{tee; �.rn- Lr;4-y,n t" �r � � J3sve yaa had prcvioua rnntsct with f�c commftfee for rahic4c yan �re malfliag agplicatiouY %Pso, whzn, and t5�e circamstsaces? . If specisil accammodstioacs srn npxded, plea�e :peei$y: �_� T�uw did you h�ar ahout thfis opeaiag? M G�•��1 - � — o,�,., Q. �G,a1�Q Q� ��— � �u.�.� - ��-n``�'l �i `,,..'� �?e,ft t � �i�1�1.ae. �,.e.e.,f T�— U RCl'15�1 I�II?9O1 TDTtiL P.02 Z3o I aned 'o�Z} �t�N�v-t-1-� 3gS ��uatu�¢TOdda xaas no.i q�cqm io; (s)aa;;tm�oo aql io; ssassod no,f op a�uatladxa io n jEit� a�113 >>e�s � pis� Ic�uno� ,Cyi� � 3N71�111-1 uoc�sdno�p V ssaipps �uiicscu pasia;aid S3��na�� ffS'1{,�3}-} tilnno� N35Wyv—�nEJ�J.,nty� io;paiidds(s)aa;licutuo� /' U 91ISS' Ci'YH 'TC�dJ. �ZS 3n�J- 'i b3?L..t,ttOw Og0 J ssaippe �ua��ioidtng U r �aans 3wr 0.� ,,Sl ti�nno� �oTi�siQ nutuuzFd �aS Wo7 'ndb �r3�f+Shbs W ssazppe Item-H xe; r,iom amoq sapopaa�tlapn�ou�aaea�d Q`�Sfi-19�-1..s9 oSL7�:.Tb9 L9o8 �S 9-) S`7 sauoc�dajay -9/��S (vvu -rnd� "-S 2 ssaippa amog d� �� hb�/?1�rA� amer� '¢o�)em�o3¢i aq1 0� ssaooe a��nbai 6[qeuoseat `s�uamu5issa r��om;o asneoaq'oqx.6�i� aq� u� suovad iay�o o� pue no6 a1 �C(ao o�qe�tene s� e1Ep �1En��d oy,t, •ale�iad se pat3tsse�a ua m�o; no�le�qdde aql ¢o si¢al� 8utu�ewm ay,y •yt Sm3sonba auo6ue o� a�qe��ene a�o}asaq� ale pus'aouauadxo p¢s %m¢iei7 `s���xs `�aam6o[dma'ssaappe bmeu 8ucpn��u� �oqqnd a�¢ vou¢a��dde s�qi u� pau�el000 sIDa7!}o.4uofe�n aqy �uoqeo��dd¢ �no.0 i��[�s o� 6�uoqlne 8uquiodde aq7 asnea 6em s¢oc�san6 uo�l��?�dde aq� �amsnE ol �xnite; 'I�A�mOj�j'IIOI]EIDIOjIli �.IIE 2P[A03d 07 P�IIRbil30II �l8 AOx'SO i���lu�odde le�o�3;o s,R1!� ay7 3no 6neo 01 Rl�aoylne Sur;a�odde oq;,(q pasn aq p�m uoqEmio}u� paisanbai aYS'1�tl �q31�PIIR E�CP a7YAlld St QOIJQ�ttddY SI[�3 Q� 1QgR05II017E1II303IIi �II�3,�0 ��OS '90i7E�T[QdY Sti(] Ql P�91E3II0� IIOI�EeSO�IlL ay�;o asn s,,pi� aq3 suaano8 (£t mldeq� saante�g e�osa¢ury.i);oy sao��oe�g e�eQ l��u+n�anop eaosassvtyy oqy 6898 0698 ZOTSS NT�I `InEd;II?ES `•pnigS�olla�I;SaA1 SI IiEH �;?� OL i�o og `a�g3O aotnia S uazT�t� uosuqo j altion� a� uin�az asEald uoisst�auio� io °pzzog �aa;�ttuu[o� .zo� uot;a�Tjdd� hLo�-t0 1'�'3�tl��- (vy'J�2J3W�-j ;uacufoldLUa;oaoeid v i dA ol-�n*�y Personal References Name L'ATtf Ett2��J t LL, �XEC. Address lO�p I�OrSTT2�'�tL �fd', ST TiqUL, M+� SZ�11(� Telephones �QSZ - 29�{- `�7'j' �S�(^ 6 S% 2$OD Please inetode Area Codes home work other Name H�.LEJ. Z.. �(.Se1J � --- Address `.L`o0 E�AC�q,v (,�ooDS �k�vE� �RL�B�.t MA7 SS/2l Telephones 9SZ— 93`J-DS33 �r�- 6�7-9�so Please include Area Codes home work other IrTame /tLAr�A r�ravDSaN- �u2ESH Address L SEN/e!Z '►pLtCy J��QECTD 1T'f Telephones rfn3-�/8-2D�2 2o2-rJlJ=l6!`f Please include Area Codes home work ot6er Reasons for your interest in this particular committee ,1 uTei2ES? /� TvB1.iG 6Ir ��{ H u Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation re£lects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic �Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birth 8 3!/'� 6 Disabled: � Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify /�/R How did you hear about this opening? I,�E�1spApEt tF2TlCC.t. -� �o fl.f NU page 2 of2 0�..�o1y N'iurray G. Sagsveen, J.D. 1080 Montreal Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 Tel: 651-695-2780 msagsveen@aan.com Murray Sagsveen is the generai counsel and associate executive director of the American Academy of Neurology. Mr. Sagsveen graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn., in 1968 and the University of North Dakota School of Law in 1973. He held severai positions in state government from January 1973 through June 1980 including Legislafive Assistant to Governor Link, Director of Legal Services for the State Water Commission, and Assistant Attorney General in the office of the Attorney General Oison. Mr. Sagsveen entered private practice in July 1980. His clients included the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Special Assistant Attorney General, 1980-1997), North Dakota Department of Transportation (Special Assistant Attorney General, 1986-1997), North Dakota Insurance Reserve Fund (generai counsel, 1992- 1997), and numerous other state agencies and political subdivisions. Mr. Sagsveen was also the General Counsel for the North Dakota Medicai Association from 1986-1997, counsel for the North Dakota Medical Group Management Association, and lobbyist for fhe North Dakota Anesthesiologists Association. During that period, he drafted legisiation on many compiex legal- medical issues, testified before many legisiative committees concerning medical legislafion, authored a number of published articles concerning medical issues, was an instructor on health law in a graduate program for nurses, was a member Cf r�Cf°SSIO� �8� C; ^y^o� �ZB�I^vi �S SUCf i aS iil Natiar�al Health Lawyers Association and addressed many seminar and groups on health law issues. Mr. Sagsveen is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court; the U.S. Court of Appeais for the Armed Forces, the D.C. Circuit, and the 8th Circuit; the U.S. District Court for the District of North Dakota; the North Dakota Supreme Court, and the Minnesota Supreme Court. He entered the U.S. Army in 1968, with initial service in the Republic of Korea. He laf�rjoined the Norfh Qakota Army National Guard. His assignments included Stafi Judge Advocate for the 164th Engineer Group, Staff Judge Advocate for the 1 o�-�o�1y State Area Command, Special Assistant to the Nationai Guard Bureau Judge Advocate, and Army Nationai Guard Special Assistant to the Judge Advocate Generai of the Army. He compieted fhe U.S. Army War College in 198g. At the fime of his retirement in 1996, he was.a brigadier general and the seniorjudge advocate in the Army Nafionai Guard. Governor Schafer recailed him fo state active duty in April 1997 to coordinate the law enforcement in Grand Forks, North Dakota, which was evacuated during the 1997 flood. Governor Schafer also recalied him to state active dufy as a major general in June 1997 as the State Flood Recovery Coordinator to assist Grand Forks and other communities with their flood recovery effort. He served in that posifion fhrough January 1998. Governor Edward Schafer appointed Mr. Sagsveen to be fhe State Health Officer from February 1998 through December 15, 2000. In addifion to his responsibilities as the administrative officer of the North Dakofa Department of Health (which adminisfered a variety of public health, environmentai health, and licensing programs), Mr. Sagsveen served on many statutory boards, including the North Dakota Pubtic Emptoyee's Retirement Sysfem. Mr. Sagsveen was a member of the executive committee of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officiais (ASTHO), representing the state health ofFicials in western states. He also completed the Public Health Leadership Institute in November 2000. From December 15, 2000, through March 2001, Mr. Sagsveen assisted the Association of State and Territorial Health Officiais (ASTHO) concerning the implementation of federal regulations rela4ing to the Health Insurance Portability and Accounfability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and concerning legai issues relafed to bioterrorism. Since April 1, 2001, Mr. Sagsveen has been fhe associate executive director of the American Academy of Neurology, St. Paul, MN. He assumed additional dufies as the Academy's generai counsel in August 2001. The Academy is a specialty medical association with over 18,000 members woridwide. Sa�c��can'g m ��;± a . y , z��2;�s i��cluded the Pdor�h Dakota Legion oi ivierii, the Disfinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Meritorious Service Medal, and the National Guard Bureau Eagle Award. He has been active in community affairs and professionai organizations, including the Burleigh-Bismarck Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (1997-1998), Burleigh County Home Rule Charer Commission (chairman, 9992), Bismarck Home Rule Charter Commission (chairman, 1992), State Bar Association ethics committee (member, 1990-1999; and chairman, 1992-1993), Far Wesf Rotary Club (member 1985- 2001 and president 1990-1991), Nafional Guard Association of the United States (life m�mber) and Nafional Guard Associafion of North Dakota (life member). � d` (}a--t01�{ Mr. Sagsveen is married to Kristi Kems Sagsveen. Their son Matfhew, 28, is an assistanf af�orney generai in Bismarck, fVD. Their daughter Corinrt, 25, works in a program for young women who have eating disorders, and she lives in Minneapolis, MN. January22,2002 � 0�-�o�y Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to vlark Engebretson Mayor's Offica, Rooin 390 City Hall 15 West Keltogg Blvd., Saint Paul, M�t 55102 Phona:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 Tho M�nncsocn Go�ernment Dazs Prnctie�s Act (hlinnasoro Siah�tes Chapia 13J govoms the Ciry'e uye oYdte in[ormatioa con[ained in chls sppticxtlon. Some of the i¢formotion tougLt ia th[g applieation is private de[a uadet tha Act. 7he roqueaccd informatian will be uecd by the appointing outhority to catry ovS the Cicy's official appoinlmonc respaaslbili�ics. Yau are uo� rcquired co pravide auy informatlon. However, failure to anewcr the applt�ntien question� may cnusa [he upPOlnein6 outhori�y to reject your application.'Cl�c m�jotity of iccros oon�aincd in tUis appliention arc publie, including namc, address. omploymanc, skillr, traiaing ond experiencq nnd aro ehcocfora aveilnble to anyone roquesting ic. Thn remnining itoms on the eppliceeion form arc classiFisd ae pzive[e. Tbc privnta d3tu is availablc oely to yov and to o[liar paraons In tlto City who, becauae ofwork assignments, reasonably caquire aaaa3s to tLa informntioe. Name !-1 ��lyS R K���_ �GI h c( , _ Home address Telephones (b511ZZU^�a�l`i� pleuaelneludeArasCetlo� noma °0 tk �" E-mailaddrese a�ySSQ- JAt'iq�a) G�'tildrenSt�c.ov�( Planning District Council Preferrad mailing address 3y5 �(. �W,�� OZ occupasion G\inica( Ps�tcholoqosi~ Place ofemployment _ �������5 �'T05�1'FG+(S GthC� G�i�'1tC5 Employmentaddress 3�5 �S SVr1rFh � N1S 70-4D� S'f', �au.�,_ MI� �f�2. Committee(s) applied for �pa��}{n Serr�ces Comm��'PP� What skillsitraining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for rvhich you seek appointment? _ � ��o ( Jed w i c-�-� -}-tn.e. (n � n � � ( -Ft"rou�l� Gt-(+e�d � v�q � �i (.�{-�' en+- City Counci2 Ward page i of2 �''ne%t�V RS well• 0�.1�' �sonal Reicrences (ame ��Ae ��2.r.(.. Address �'���j �r c�c de s'f' • S''"'��l fti � r j''J �1 S�I D(o Telephones C65{> �-t�5 ( 5�� Pleaso iaclude Arae Codcs Aomc `�+otk other Name Yct,Syn��2 ("lr�i c�pen Address 3�{h �. Sm�+-h �� S¢• f�u(� MN �ioZ Telophones ��oSl� Z?-�— (��7J�' PltusolnclnilcAieaCodef homc wosA othet Name j�acnq �n.OGL25 Address �P.� �F�FQmI �y SOGiGLI Sei 2�Cfi 1�/li V• O� �"�N �S�{'• `(�d�Gi.� M(� v- Telophones �G�i� 3oR 5832 Pleuso Inciudo Ateu Codue 6ome worlc otluc fieasons fos your interest in this particular committee � hBVf. IS . • -}1n� G�iS!?a rr� Se,vv�ces ft� Cbw+v�uvi��-ies c�F coloY� 2sp. -h et�ild�en � cr�vv�rnun�k��s a� co(or. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you ara making application� Tf so, when, and undex what circumstances? In an attampt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our commvnity, pieasc checl: tlie box applicable to you, This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (Africaa-American) (� Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaslcan Eskimo �t-� �Male Female� Dateofbirth (P�Z'7�11 Disabled: q Yes 1�'0 � If speciel accommodations azo needed, please specify �.f Howdidyouhearaboutthisoponing7 S�a L0� �e�� Ci-(�r �;�{prne.� pagc 2 of 2