263847 _ - 3 4'7 � CITY OF ST.PAUL UN IL I �I . FINAL ORDER � �.i `?~� ,� 'K` By r r; File o. ��� ,�— — � � t �In the Matter of��'� � ���� � � �� � � � �!'Mt � �'P• t�w ,'fa�c� !� �tr� �t � �,,� � 11��Mrta �t,► ts M�t �t. �!e �?.. !r� #��' �. �,'r! �aME�w�t !t• �R �'!'., 3'rw �t �t. 1�► � �. �1l�A �Il., �a�a■it � �t. hl► �#�► �t,� � �; � �i �� �• a � �• � �� �� � �i� ��• � � �• t��.`� �� � o' ���� � ��� �� wR �.�w,� . � , , . � , . under Administrative Order ��g n ;`approved � �� �'�» 26�6s� : . . JUN 2 � f9� under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � ,� T� J-' JUL 1 1 1914 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas ,Nays - �11� '� q 1974 Certified Passed by Council Secretary V 1 ;;�,� ,,,,�;,;�i Christer�sen d �v ,e r Hozz� �In Favor By reditti Hunt � 1e� �v�ne J Against ed co RO�1e� Mayor unt Sylveste� � 7edesco p{����p Jul 2 � �97� whice - c�cy c�edc � T G I TY �F ►7L�1�I T I7L�u Ti ((^,��` Pink — ,rc.inar�:ie Dept. NO:I�I � ���— Ocnary�—' Dept.• OFFIGF OF THE MA�OR DEC 1 a 'n� • Date: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ������ 26366'7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Concerninq an ±nvestiQati�n of improvina the fol lo�•�inq C�PITni_ CFriT�.E Streets in the down*.own area � F�URTH STREET from Jac!�s�n Street to Sibley Street , SIXTH STREFT from Minnesota Street to Robert Street , SE��FNTN STREET from Cedar Stree* to Jackson Street , CF�.4R STRFET from Sixth Street to Seventh Street , MINNFSnT�± STREFT from Sixth Street to Seventh Street , ROBERT STREFT from Fifth Street to Se��enth StrPe* , ard SIBLFY STP,EET fr�m Kelloan Boulevard to Fourth Street (rc�-tions of City P-ojects N�. P-0534 , P-�S?s and P-0536) - ThP �'e�ort and Recommendat ion of the D¢partmPnt of Publ i c ��!orlcs (cony attached) i s herehy "acc.epted and a�nroved. The Department of Finance and Mananement Services is he-Pbv directed to hrina this matter before the City Councit for a nublic hearina . ,��q.15161,�8 ����� �,�..'�`l'� � ���'o � �`� . o � MqY 19�4 N, �` ,� � ,�� ����Ep � >��- l� ` .T� �F ,CJj � , `.�, ya s� �y•'�I�I'�� �r.,�V l.. a �`�� l£0�62`�`'v APPROVEU AS TO FORM � ' �1 � � ,. � � .- Assistan Cit [o e �' i .,\ p ment H (�Q�� i i . 4 � �o�3 � , Date � dkt Administrative Asy stant to ayor i . :� ' +� ;a3f��7F.�� �lJ���� ' ' ' ` �� ' � j�,�✓1,�/C �C.� �� � � � ° � 26366�':����_ .. � . �4 .-..R�� y� .r.._ � ,/� aSST. CNiEF ENGR. C�`�r�� �` �. � � � � � 3� �.i� � � � ��� t�}'� ' 4 ��,�� � +�«��� f}�r.�c'7'oP �S� ./�' � ty�� �� , y iar�t��l���T.i�'79 �� �'•SJA:S.�'�» �rT7�SJ'�u�.�� �-�.C(SfCt�L C.r�) .j'/K.�'�, � � � }-� z�i �t�r} Heus++ �102 ��.t�I„+-� DAN I EL J. DUN�'OR�7 � D i rect�r Septem'oer 27, 1913 - ' � � � R� �' � "" � Hor.orabl e Lawrence D. Cohen .3� %,! r�� hiayor of th� City of S�. Paul �c � -�'-- ' Room 347, City Hall . - BUILDING �� ` . Re: CAPITAL CE�TRE i97�-75 (C i ty. Project F'-053�, _ _ _ _ P-o535, P-o536) • � - Dear Mayor CoS�n: �` The Departmert of� ?ublic Works is proposir.g portions oT the above ir�prove- ment p�ojects and is preparing the Plans and Specifications for this pr�- ject. . 1 . PR�L I fd t PlARY PLA�i Prelininary Ptan is attached 2. ESTiMAIEO COSTS � t .. � . _ . � Co�struction � $1'L3,0$0.00 Engineering (12.5�) 15,�$5.00 . Inspection (2;) 2,450.t�0 . L��luai.ion and Assessment Seruices 50G.00 ��lisceltaneous Costs 100.00 C'tner Cvsts (��later Departrznt) 9,OU0.00 TOTAl. ES''ii'I'�TE7 COST $i5�,j2j.0� 3. cSTIM?,TfQ F1�{A�aC1�IG N.P,.A. �u��ds � $i30,8?5.00 _ • fi,ssessm��t 19,7�O.GC - � �,�12��j��`������� T07nL �.SYiMaTED COST $iS0,S�5.Q0 +�Q ��� � Q' .Qt�9y � �1 „ � E_'�� �� pt r� .��. �"�'�'���' ���� i� � c'.'�, '�i{'�,:�,,�. �,��"/ �. r ��,Z,', _ �`���'6i�'�',";�. � , . . .+{ � . . . . .. , � ' honorable Lawrence D. Cotien -2- S� tember 27, 1973 • " " ' 26�3�4"1 ' cstimated pro�erty asszssnents arz bas�d on the foilotiring rates: Pavinq, Surfacinq andJor Street Drainage ��lon-H.R.A. project propsrties �10.00 per assessable foot. - 7he estinated assessnents for direc*_ b�nefir inprovements such as sidzwal4cs and driveways will be as `ollows: Int�gral concrete curb and wal�c: where instalied $1b.00 per sq. yd. Ornamental lightirg will be installed by th� devzlopers of the adjacent properties. 4. EXISStNG CONDITtONS Due to changes in grades and alignment of thzse streets because � of it being an H.R.A. Renswal Area, entire road:�rays are in need of i,�,-� resur�Eacing. Much of the curb and sidewalk has 6een replacec! by the develop?rs of the various building projects in th� form o` integral curb and walk. Drainage str�ctures �ave been reloca"ted and storm water drainage has bpen separated in a separat� sewer fron the forner combined sanitary and storm sewer system. 5, sP�CIA�_ coN�fTtoys This proj�ct is before Lhz council by recommendation of tF�e Departmznt of Public Works. The Capital Centre Project is one of : several Nousi�g and Redevelopment Authority Renewal Areas presently � under improvement within the city. 7he area of rene�rtat is deter- . mined by the Housing and Rede•.e�o�ment Autharity with advice from various city departments and oth�r agencies. 7he 1973-75 p�rtion o` ti•rork continues th� ic�provement started �- in 1967. 6. PROPQSED IMPROtil�t"�NT The proposed improv�nent consists of completing the stage con- struct+on to ti-,� final grades and alignment as sho���n under tnese ci*y projects. Pavement and pavement joints ti•iili b� repaired_ Curb in poor condition, if necessary v►ill bz replaced. The . en�ire project wili be resurfac�d �-iith a bituninous overlay. 7. RECOM,`1E�i0AT I C��1 The D?pa rtnent of Fubl i c '.�'orks fzet s• that th i s i s a very worth-= ti�tni lz projecf, and snoulu fl� brough� before th° C0�1TIC� � IQi a . public haarir.g. 7his public hearing �•rouid 6e the last one required to conplzte thz ilowntewn Ren�wal Project. • ��"-„�, �`�"'•T «�E - � 6 � � �,,�.� �� . �. .. �:.,.,� � _ . � r _ . .�. . . .' � }'.onorable Lawrence D. Cohen -3- September 27, 1g73 , . . Attached is an Administrative Order for your a�proval , which direc�s the - D�oart�ent of Finance to set !.ip the public hearing. � . � Yours very truly, - Daniel J. Dunford Qirector of Pub] ic Works CLT/lJH/ck Attacnments . . : .. _ . _ . � � . . • � ( � � �_ . . . � . � . �_P . �t.te�++: f � . ' � � fi �V �.... . q.r...F.,,�a'' . �w J � • . � ' ��t�(7`� / .� ��;;�,��,-��. ,; ';: �:,;n •�:.�,, , f�.