02-1071Council File # �.1. - t n R\ creen Sheet # �,I`� `a.� 3 5 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has determined that a key element of urban vitaliry is a strong and healthy community, and WHEREAS, the Administration has fortned an Arts, Culture and Entertainment Taskforce and Steering Committee to assist its efforts to strengthen the Arts, Culture and Entertainment Community, and WHEAEAS, a key component of this effort lies in the development of a"Cultural Assets Inventory" that can serve as a too] in examining and analyzing multiple aspects of each organization, including but not ]imited to the size, growth, market, budget, physical plant, demographic and mission of each organization, and WHEREAS, the Arts, Culture and Entertainmem Taskforce and Steering Committee have both stated the need for this "Cultural Asseu Inventory," and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 465.03, the Office of Citizen Services is prepazed to solicit funds for the inventory and assessment from foundations, non profits and corporations; and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council approves of Citizen Services Marketing and Promotions to solicit donations from ouuide sources to help defray the costs needed for this "Cultural Assets Inventory," and BE IT FURTf�R RESOLVED that any funds donated the City pursuant to Minn. Stat 465.03 and s olicited or otherwise received by the Office of Citizen Service shall be immediately reported to the Office of Financial Services for acceptance by the City Council as provided by Minn. Stat. 465.03 Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Depariment o£ Citizen Service Office By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary : • /I� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney By: � ' / �ppr��l by Mayor for ub��ss�on to�cil �� �.. � Adopted by Council: Date '(��,. 13� �op�,,, _ a�� � 'ARTMENTfOFFICE/COUNCIL'` - �- City ClerkJMarketing dTACT PERSON & PHONE Erich Mische 266-8694 iT BE ON COUNCIL AGENDABY (DAT� II/I3/02 TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES DATEINI7IATED RWTWG ORDER GREEN SHEET .^,-�r-s No In �. Crvca1NC1. aa-io�t� �' 2235 { � � arc�nom�v ''� `� � arva.vu � � w�excuLLaeaneFSOm. ❑ wuxcutaert�nKCre 1"! 1 WYORI�ASS4fAlll) ❑ T (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Request and accept donations towards developing a Cultural Assets Inventory Plan for use the the City of Saint Paul. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this perswJfi�m everworked uMer a contract for th� departmeM7 VES NO Has t��s personfirm ever been a ciry employee? VES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll not normallYP� bY arry CurteM city em0ioyee? YES NO Isthis peraoMrm a tarpeted vendoYt YES NO ' A lack o£ updated, credible information about various aspects of the City's rich Arts, Culture and Entertainment community including, but not limited to, their size, growth, market, budget, physical plan, demographic and missions. For the first time in memory, the City will have a current, updated inventory of Arts, Culture and Entertainment organizations that will assist it in identifying appropriate ways to partner with these '�� ' e future. SNDVANTAGESIFAPPROVED NONE SADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED The Citv will not rwwsacnoe s ,�..� n�.n g ��_ SOURCE +c;.io r,...,-.... i Q13��i�}} INFORMAiION (IXPWN) L.� E ' ` �_`� ", ' .f - CAS7iREVENUE BUOCETEO (GRCLE ONE) YE8 NO ncrmrrr,ums� Gz—oni—onzs�—n�iA