264245 �Ho� No. �Y Ds�d 8. I���l!
R�O1�wQ, T9iat L�e.Pe�tltidn� n ��
�A�dNt Soboo�Dl�tri`at /� �
I � ot abt��.�t����bY �
m v��aTed and dfieot►Mtiued aa Y puby
ilc �trest ttnd pubilc aWey:
Vacate p�ei@e.�tTeet l�bpaveen tYte
north 11t1e of �st�reHks:Avenue
and the aout9� 1ir�e of�st Ia�wson
Avr�ittei 8rid
V,aaate.that por.tion of the East-
Wee� alleY.ac�oiniaq Lots 4 blsru
�15 inclµaiwe. Biock il Ariingbon�
Hille addition to 3aint �Paui in the
couatY og Raansey aad $bate of
subjec�te�p ressly to the following con-
ditions and reserv�tione:
1• ;Thaw the vacation be�u'bject tb all
ter�f the 9�t pat�il�L.e�gielmtive.
Code, as amended.
?�. �at�enetiPsui ari�se��t f�r.
a11eY PurPaees. 1n a utanneT ahd
�orm aeceptabl¢to the City A,ttor-
iaeY, tTfe tollowing pnr�xl yegaUy
descr�bed �,•�ollavry.
a) The�ast•90 f.eeHt�1ad Lot S,B1ock ,
3sin�P�su2�,1tt the a�dqd�� tion tor
' I Raxsisey&ad�Eate ot Minn�ao�a.
I b)`T�'��e DQtitioner agree to un�
E flertake idis i4fIlcrevin�t:
�� [' �1h T'ha�t the'.�ietitioner,�aY their '
' own cost aad ezpense, grade
tha sA�y.herelti praposed to
' . be deBicataect to a gradQ er-
tablished p�tha Bepxrtment
of Public W'orks and aliall
, cons'6ruet the- neCessary
�'�Y 'approa�h to aaid
�eX ou,L�saFvson Avenue.
2) �hat th�g'p�ffipner in mak-
!a6 eaiq 3mpr6vement eY1all
be lia�le,for any d�tnpge� to
, persons or prqperty wl�ch
mAY arlae ireah the per-
i • EOrra'�ace of nsid work.
' � �� qu�ired�tp cpOm'Pl�ete�rs�id ��
�rovematt o#1 or before�Tan-
t� 1, 1978, and euch work
e dpne bo ,the satisEac-
tion of and accerdixtg td bhe
Aplrnans aaa nec�4oar;idne �,,
I �bYie W+or�e 7�ePartmeryt of
4) That the pekitioiser, at their
- own cost a�pd espeaae, �sust
be responsiblfl..�cr the batri-
cading. ob3lterittion. rebuit8-
u►6 at�d/or r�vamping of the
street intergeotio�Ys.and a'lley
to include She,�qnstrtzetiott
of any new d�6�'eetruc-
tures ae deenhed: necessary
'by, and at bhe direetian anfl
aBPnaval o! the �Yirectqr of
the Depar�iiettt, of public
S�1�That f2t8 pati�ioner, a# their
, own oost a�d e�yenbe� u�u�t
be responaibie .for the ,re-
moval af 9 Itgl�ts and �k►e
, abando�ent o3 th� �oriduit
on Weide�trree�,attd also in-
eta13 conduft and wire across
the�t�'eet�,t Lawscm Aveaue
to,suPpL��oW�r to the mid-
block ligh on I.a�son Ave- `
nue betvreen Weide &tre*t '
and Arcade Sfreet under the
directioa and app rovai ot
the Director of the �part-
mient M Public Works.
3. That a specifie ea$g�nent be re-
tained in the alley 1�erefn proposed
, bo be vacated tu prote�2 ttie fnter-
' eqts of the NorGhern 5tatea Pawer.
4. Th�at a speciflc eassment one rod
' (163y fget) in widtli eentered on
thC ealating oable$ be retained
in Weide 3tree� �hereiit ropospd
��e f ca�e tNn�weat�arn�Beil
Telephone Company,
S, That the DetitiatYer be required bo
����pe���e ai8t���io��
6. Th�ti tn lipu'of a bond, the peti-
tioner be required tA issue a
written covenant, coadltioned t,o
idemnify an�d hdd-the Ci�ty harm-
le� from any ana ali 8a�gea to
oonform W1th CLapter 228.0� sec-
tlon ('L) ot tlie 3t.gtul Legrstative
Cade, as a�nenfled.
Adopted by the Couucfl 8qptrmber ls,
ADProved Btptember 7#, 1a74.
(�Ptaatber�1, 1974)