264244 WH17E - CITY CLERK COLl11C11 �64244
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RETURN COPX TO VA TION BUREAU ncil Resolution � : ,. �,�;�-��.
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� Presented By �
� Referred To Committee: Date , y%l���� �'�'
i `
' Out of Committee By Date
', WF�REAS, The City Valuation En�ineer, acting pursuant to Administrative
��, Order No. D 1120, dated Februa.ry 19, 1974, has recommended that the City purchase
'' the property described as follc7ws:
The Wes-t 10 feet of the south 150 feet of Lot 7,
and the east 38 feet of the south 150 feet of Lot
6, B1ock 4, Dawson's Acre Lots
, for the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Five Hundred Dolla.rs ($25,500), and the
'i seller would reta.in the right to move the existi.ng dwelli.ng from the lot at her
', own cost and expense; and
Wf�REAS The Purchase Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions
' between the City and the seller of the cited real estate, Margaret M. Cich, has ,'
been prepared and recommended for approval by the City Valuation Engineer; naw,
therefore, be it
' RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur
in the recommendation of the City Valuation Engineer, and the proper City officers
', are hereby authorized and directed to purchase the rea1. property and make payment
' to the owner thereof in accordance with the Purcha.se Agreement and the proper
City officers are authorized. to execute said Purchase Agreement on beha.lf of the
, City, a copy of which Purchase Agreement is atta.ched hereto; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the suzn of $25,500 to be paid by the City of Saint
Pa.ul for the purchase of the.hereinbefore described la,nds be paid from PIR Fund
Code 60000-501-000 (L-7559�1), to be rei.mbursed f�om Fund No.g3772-460-013 and
�,i.nd No. 93073-46o-o1.g.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: .
, Yeas � CHR]�TEvNSEN � �/�
' $�@�I HpZZA �— In Favor
!, ��� SYLVESTER � Against BY �
� ROEDLER (,�-`
' Tedesco
II Mme.President t� HUNT ,�f
I Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 8 1974 Form Approved b City Attorney � l��
I Certifie sed ounc'1 S retary BY
, B
II or• Date SEQ � � ��� Approv b M is I to Council
A rov b Ma
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J°kl'ILLI�`M DONOVAN �9$—�317
Voluation Engineer
, ASg'' v°i"°''°" E"9'"e°` BUREAU OF VALUATIONS �s,(����
� 286 Ciiy Hell
S�int Paul, MinnKO4� bb102
To: Phil Lee
From: J. William Donova.n
Date: September �+, 1974
Sub�ect: Prosperity Heights Recreation Center Site Expa.nsion
Project - Acquisition of Property at 1607 East Ivy Avenue
The cited property is required as part of the sub�ect improvement order.
I have negotiated the purchase price for subject property, and submit
herewith for your approva.l and submission to the City Council, a reso-
lution authorizing the purchase pursuant to the terms of the atta.ched
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City i�i:
By �.
J` W�LLI'�M DONOVAN 29$-5317
Valuation Engineer
ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ��/���/�
As:'r va��ar�o� e�y��ee► BUREAU OF VALUATIONS � �$
286 Ci1y H�II
Seinf Paul, MinnKOfa b5102
September �+, 1974
To the Honorable Mayor, Council President,
and Members of the City Council
La.dies and Gentlemen:
The l�yor of the City of Saint Pa.ul by his order, Administrative Order
D-1120, dated February 19, 19i'4, and Fina1 Order C. F. 259�5, adopted
by the City Council August 18, 1972, authorized and directed the Burea.0
of Valuations, Depa.rtment of Finance and Management Services to proceed
with the action necessa.ry to acquire the property for the expansion of
the Prosperity Heights Recreation Center.
Pursua.nt to such authorization and direction, I, in rqy capacity as City
Valuation Engineer, have secured an agreement with Margaret M. Cich,
owner and seller of the property at 1607 East Ivy Avenue, for purchase
of her land for compensation in the amount of �25,500.00, which in my
opinion is a fair and reasonable price, subject to the retention of the
building on said land and in accordance with the terms as more fuLl.y
contained in the Purchase Agreement attached hereto. Therefore, it is
my recommendation to the City Council that it authorize the purchase of
this property in lieu of condemnation at the said price of �25,500.00,
as negotiated with the awner.
The property herein recommended to be acquired is more paxticularly de-
scribed in the resolution submitted herewith for your consideration and
Respectfully submitted,
' � _ �-�-� �'o�--�ti v,r--
J. William Donovan
Valuation Engineer�. ��
cc: Robert W. Trudeau
september 4, 1974
To the 8�aorabls I��ror, Cca�u�cil Pre�aiden�,
and M�abers o� the City Goun�ii
i�aciies and Genti�a:
The M�yar oP th� City o�" S�izit Faul by his ord�►x, Adntinist.xative �rde�r
�-1120, aa.ted Fe�aruary 19, 197�, �nd �3.r�1. orc�er c. F. 259�5, ��P'�e�
by tha C3.ty Cauncil August 1.$, 19'(2, authorized and dirmcted �he Hu�c�u
of �luationa, Depe�rtme� of F'iaaace e�d �n�ge�eat ServiEe� to grt>ce�d
with the aetioa n+ece�sesy ta acsquire t2u p�operty for th� expeasioa t�f
the Prosperity Height� l��area.tioa Cen-�er.
Pursua,nt to such duthc�rir.atian and clirection, I, in � cepscity a� �i�y
pal�tioa �ngiaeer, lxve �ecured an ���ement w3th M�,rg�ret M. C�.eh,
a�rner and ee3.a..er of the prc�petrty a�t 1b�7 �st �vy �ivemxe, �'or purcl�se
of her land fc�r ca�tensation in �he a,mauirt oP $25,540.00, xh��h 3n my
opiaio� is a �'air and reaaon+�,b1.e priGe� aub�ect to the ratt.�ttioa� c�f t�he
build3a� on eaid l,e►nd a��d �.a aacc�dance with the term� as mars f'u1,ly
ca�tain� ir� the Fur�l�se �ig��em�snt at�r►ched h�ereto. Therefare„ it i�
iqy reca�exYdatior� ta the Cf�y Council t2�a� it autl�rize �he purcY�a� c�8'
this property in lieu of co�t3.on at �he �aid price af �25,�7tJ.t3t�,
as negotiat�d �rit� t.Y�e ara�e�c.
The p�opertY he�eia recve�tded t€� be acquired is �are particular�l�r de-
scribed in the resa].ution submit��d here�tith for yaFur co�siderat3.om a�d
Respectf5.il.ly sttbmitt�ct,
J. William Donovaxi
Valuation Lngineer
Attach. �;
cc: Robert W. Trud.e�►.0