264234 WHI7E - CITY CLERK 264234
RETURI� COPY T ALUATION B ncil Resolution �
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WI�REAS, The City of Saint Paul, actin� through its Valuation Engineer,
ha.s secured an agreement for the purchase of that certa.in property described
as follaws:
The West 42 feet of the East 80 feet of the South 150
feet of I,ot 6, Block �+, Dawson's Acre Lots.
WIiEREAS, The property described herein is necessa.ry for the expansion of
the Prosperity Heights Recrea.tion Center Site Expansion Project as approved by
Administrative Order D-1120, dated February 19, 197�+, and the price at which
the property may be purcha.sed is in the amount of $26,250.00, being a fair and
reasonable price for the subject property according to the appraisal obtained
by the City Valuation Engine�r; and
WI-IEREAS, The City Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said
property at the price sta.ted above, as evideneed. by his report submitted here-
with; nakr, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize
the purchase of the above described land, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
directed to pa.y to Raymond F. and Pa.tricia J. Cich, record fee owners, the sum
of $26,250.00. Said sum to be pa.id from PIR Fund Code 60000-501-000 (L-7559-1)s
to be reimbursed from Fund 93772-�+b0-013 and Fund 93073-4b0-oi9. The payment
to be me.de upon the City being furnished evidence of good ma.rketable title in the
aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said parties
of appropriate deeds conveying title to said property to the City of Saint Paul.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Hunt C `r��ensen
on pataki HozZa � In Favor
e ine Levine
M edith R�dler d Against BY
S r ka Sy�vestel`•
ede o
Mme.P sident Butl�t�eSCO
Presid � Hunt S E P 1 3 19 74 Form Approved by C�ty A torney �
Adopted by Council: �ate `� j
Cer ' ' P s by Cou cil Secretary BY
y � .
Approve Maxor: Date Approved May r for to o ncil
By Y
Vcluation Engineer
ROY E. BREDAHL, �►. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L �����LL�
ass�t vai�a��o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 Cify Hell
Ssint Paul, MinnKOta 55102
To: Phil Lee
From: J. William Donovan
Date: August 23, 197�+
Subject: Prosperity Heights Recreation Center Site F�pansion Project
Acquisition of property at 1601 East Ivy Avenue
The cited property is required as part of the subject improvement order.
I have negotiated the purchase price for subject property, and submit here-
with for your approva.l and submission to the City Council, a resolution
authorizing the purchase pursuant to the terms on the attached resolution.
• a-�-- �
J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ������ �9$—�3i�
Vdluation Engineer
Ass�t vai�a��o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS
286 Ciiy Hall
Saint Paul, Minn�sof� 55102
August 23, 1g7�+
To the Honorable Mayor, Council President,
and Members of the City Council
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The Mayor of the City of Saint Paul by his order, Administrative Order
D-1120, c�ated February 19, 197�+, and Final Order C. F. 259�5, adopted
by the City Council August 18, 1972, authorized and directed the Bureau
of Valuations, Depa.rtment of Finance and l�nagement Services to proceed
with the action necessary to acquire the property necessa.ry for the
expa.nsion of the Prosperity Heights Recreation Center.
Pursuant to such authorization and direction, I, in my capa.city as City
Valuation Engineer, ha.ve secured an a�xeement with Raymond F. and Patricia
J. Cich, owners and sellers of the property at 1601 East Ivy Avenue, for
purchase of �heir land for campensation in the amount of $26,250.00,
which in a�y opinion is a fair and reasonable price. Therefore, it is �y
recorr�endation to the City Council that it authorize the purchase of this
property in lieu of condemnation at the said price of $26,250.00, as
negotiated with the owners.
The property herein recommended to be acquired is more particularly de-
scribed in the resolution submitted herewith for your consideration and
Respectfully submitted,
° ��_���.._.. ��ca`�—�-sr—v"�,-._..
' J. William Donova.n �
Valua.tion Engineer
cc: Robert tid. Trudeau
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-r� ---- Room 286, City Hau '
MENDRANDUM ON SJ1LS.�,�,OF_,,,8�� . :
l. A�rF�o�e a� sels of R�al Estate to City Pros�erity Pl��rgrour.d Fx-���nsion
�!, i,c�eat::��n of Rer�l Eatate 1601 E. Iv.y Averiue
3. Le�e.= Descrip�tion: Wes� �}.�._fc?P • .hP Pa�t .� fPP . O'F .Y1P �fl � .h
i��..f�at c�' lot G�.�lce� �t.r-sr.a�san's �Lcre �,ctit�.—.-----
� Nalae' and Address of Seller R�Ym�nd �nd Patricia J. Cich
.,. � ----._ r...�.. 7:6�:�-z..�..vY venue _ ��__
� St P^ul A4innesot� 5��06
5� Re�ommended purchase priae $26,?50.00
6. SE:�ller to fl�rnish up-t�±--date abstract-c�-As�i�t.��ed-P�opaxtg-Co�t���ea�o--
� A��Q„QA The City ��i. 1 ny. fOY' llpd?'.tlrig s»me
-at-bi�-o�...,ca.�.�a�_z--�—_ .P
7. Sa11e.r. to give possession to City _..on or before eptembe 1 , 1_�?7� __
o� r
8. :�e�J_Rr to t�rminate ali utilities auch ae water, gae, slectricity, �
t,�slephonQ� etc. `-iPs
y. Seller to a13ov access to premises to City or its agenta prior to d.ate
of porisessior_ for purposes of implementing action for the dispoaition of
3mprovements "P�
1�. 3:te s �,o }.�e e cved and r��„sin�d t� seller
Cupstins fram th� txm Pollmring Bedrooas,
Vps�.airs an�t�is �� oa • nain i�oor, !is a cora�r.
11. If sel�.sr is �o reiain buildings for moving 1'T�A
�, l�tents �eller t�� �SV',�'�t-�i; c��•nm�n�inF;; nt� . �P l st �1-�� �r t�i� �Prn �r3 mn-�t.?,
�.f'tor 1-1'in mr��,'i-� i n �.r�4 r�h rl nci n�v r„+nYirc Cal l cr '�,,,�1�,;;��l+t B
'�7"�ro?lri �i'.� 1 r�^^� ��,.r�r>mF�ii- fnr c^mA_
I.3• �3�:el.laneoue ._ Se�__l�r i,c� a;�1T('_ 1,1 �Le_�S _°OP CZ?'F'1.�1 Tl!'" �p �i;�,^C',a �_ .*��.11"i.�yi•
�,� �it� '�^l� immedi� t�� a--�.� �,-� __i,� -
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. Sel7�r t� �.�� +^.�es ~�^ -u_l_e ir 1n�t�_ �� „Y•�o� �,��.r�
_ jll''PY' ''� ..+^;i t�:'E'S li1_ �.`'f!j ?IZCi i;�iC'.�'E;?Fi�P_Z'•
liOTSs n� iaad liated above n ' until approved by City Council.
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- &i�ued i Seller, , City
. Ikitg. _ 1� A at 1'?4 Saint Faul, Minnesota
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