264228 � � C' oo - ��- City of St.Paul C IL FILE 0. �4228 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for constlt�cting or reconstructing sidewalks and work iacidental thereto: Contract 73-M-0556, District No. 1 Levy No. 1 , . _ - _ _ . , ,... _ .., ,._.__ Sm�4 ... .. � . . ..--w-.w �.�....—.-A^���..,. . y . . . . ' � u�r(F. w. �Y� a � ry. ,. � " ���4 � �� . . Y-.� '�� .. Y 1'Cr+, �:> � �AS "�. 'b_'"�' k. t- Y�;1 �.�y�' :�N {� I�.:� y..�'c.�,. F.O. #261123 - E. Magnolia Ave,, north side from Fo�'�t� �t: f'o the �iest 43u�#�e�t' F F.O. �261123 - Ee Jessamine Ave., north side from Meadota St. to the east 87 feet F.O. �261279 - Valleq St., both sides from Jacksoa St. to Capitol Heights. F.O. #261279 - Central Ave., both sides from Lexington Pkwy. to Dualap St. F.O. #261224 - Charles Ave., both aides from I,exington Pkwy. to Dunlap St. F.O. �261224 - Hamliae Ave., esst side from University Ave. to St. Anthoay Ave. F.O. �261279 - Simpson St., west, side irom :.Un�:ver�ity ,pve., to' Sl�,��burne Ave. NON - ASS�SSABLB: �•�8'+�,c-AN4�4 � �t��lea Ave., both �fdea from Lexftlg�on P'tcwy. tt� Dtt�tilap �t. , ; F.O. #261279 - Simpsoa St., �eeat side from :Unive�ty;p�►e�: ;to��,^�rq�'lp�acae Av�, j�•Fs�r�.. ���3 � �$...��gaai3a-i�v�e.°�;= s�+�-�h-sfd°e froin`'Forest St. to the west 43 feet The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubiic hearing be had on said assessment on the ninth day of October� 1974 , at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. • COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date S E P 13 1974 Yeas Chri�tellS�aYs Certified Passed y Council Secretary S E P 17 t914 Houa , Hunt Levi� In Favor Roedler � �- Sylvestisr Against Mayor T� PUBLISHED SEP 2 � 1914