02-1057Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Sy Referred To WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul ("Cit�') desires to acquire permanent and temporary construcuon easements on, over, under and across various properties abutting the Eazl Street Bridge; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WFIEREAS, the easements aze necessary for the reconstrucuon of the Earl Street Bridge, which project was approved by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on February 27, 2002 (Final Order No. 02-174, TMS File No. AE2001-01); and WHEREAS, easements aze required far the following properties in Saint Paul: Propertv Owner Propertv Address Twe of Easement _: Committee: Date Eugene Kotz 1052 Ross Ave. Temporary Construction The New Viaduct Inn, Inc. 1056 East �th St. Temporary Construction Ramsey County Regional Betw. Forest St. Temporary Construcuon Railroad Authority and ext. Duluth St. Sprint Communications Company, LP 849 Earl Street Temporary Construcrion, Permanent Street ROW James and Gail Tomaino 803 Earl Street Temporary Construction co,�►G��ie# ez- tosR Green Sheet # 203965 Easement Value $ 500.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 6,800.00 $ 32,900.00 $ 500.00 ; and WHEREAS, the City and the property owners have executed dedication of easement agreements (attached as Exhibit "A") for these easements; and WHEREAS, the values of the easements are fair and reasonable as determined by appraisals; and WFIEREAS, the Valuauon & Assessment Engineer has recommended the purchase of said easements at the recommended values; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council accepts the easements and directs and authorizes the proper City officials to pay the propeny owners the above-listed amounts for the easements, said sum to be charged to Acfivity Code CO2-2S215; and be it fmally RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze authorized to file the permanent easement with Ramsey County. G:�Shazed�REREAL WPdahaWcquisitions�Bruce�EarlStBndgel4E2001-02.EarlStBridge.Fsmt4cptRu.wpd bi-�ms� 1 Page 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 council �le # Green Sheet # 203965 Requested by Deparkment of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services . . By: Director • ��� •� � � i �. - \ -� _= � �.,, „ i -, , � , - . : A._ ^. , — - 1 � �j , �,� _,��.fi� . � � � 1� . r : ��i�/���i� G�Sluv'ed�RE�REAL WPdata\4cquisitions�Bmce�EarlStBridge41E2001-02EarLStBridge EsmtAc;y�...v . Form Approved by City Attomey _� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: October 17, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 203965 ntact Persoa and PLone N�ber. 2 EPART!11E�T DIILECTO 4 C1TY COUIVCII, Bruce EngeIbrekt 266-8854 i A'TO� i�1'�.(,Y2. �� UDCET DIl2RCTOR FFICE OF F1NAIVCIAL SVCS. os[ be on Como7 Age�da by: AS� 3 YOR (OR ASS7STAN1� OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQLTESTED: To authorize acceptance of temporary and permanent easements needed to reconstruct the Earl Street Bridge, and to pay the property owners for tliose easements. Reference: 1) resolution; 2) attached easements. cohrnIENDATIONS: nPPROVE (A) oR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[TST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CONIMiSSION gfp�, i• A�T �e Pe�on/£um e�er worked mder a contract for this deparbnent? YES NO . Has[7dspersonl5rmeverbeenaC7tyemployee? IES NO CIVII, SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this personlSrmpossess a sltill notnorn�ally possessed by any YFS NO CIB COMIIIITLEE current employee? E lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBJECTiVE? OUNCIL 6� � DISTRICT 4, 5 ARD(S) PLANIVING COUNCII, NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITY (Whq Whaf, �Vhen, Where, Why?): The City plans to demolish and reconstruct this old and hazardous bridge. Before contracts may be awarded, the City must acquire all the necessary property rights. As part of the acquisi6on process, temporary and permanent easements must be purchased from property owners in the project area. This resolution authorizes the City to accept those easements and pay the property ow�•��'ft� value of the easements as determined by appraisals. ocr � VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City may acquire the necessary temporary and perm asement rights�� of the Earl Street Bridge. RECEI� ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: OCT 2 U ZOO ���� g `LP None r1T j ., L�t LSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVID: The City will be unable to commence with the bridge project until the c���i�nt�gh�a �e�acquired. OTALAMOSINTOFTRANSACTION: $'C{3�100.00 COST/RI;VENUEBUDGETED(CIltCLEONE) YFS NO INGSOURCE: �'0�0Ct�171(LS A�TI°1rYN°��x° CO2-2S215 AELR3�''ai ,• ��' a.eR u�O=�f:':'N•� ���o '11fYS o ANCIAL INI'ORMATION: (ERPLAIN) �?!� r � b �Jf� r:�. �.. G�SharedlRE�AEAL WPdata44cquis�hons�Bruce�Eaz]SiBridge44E1A01-02Far7StBridge&mrAcptRes.GS.Gm . ` � �