02-1056� couivciL �LE a: p� � �pS� GREEN SI-IEET #: 203319 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAT71.,7Ad Presented By: Referred to: Date: a� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Faul, Pazks and Recreation applied for and received a STAR grant for the installafion of 2 event electrical power ai three locations in Mounds Pazk; and 3 4 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation is willing to provide construction management and implementation services upon the 5 amendment of the 2002 General Fund bud�et; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter ofthe City of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze 8 available for appropriation, funds of $10,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2002 budget: I1 12 CURRENT AMENDED 13 FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 14 001 - General Fund 15 03102 - Pazks and Rec. Maintenance 16 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 0 10,000 10,000 17 0 10,000 10,�00 18 SPENDING PLAN: 19 001 - General Fund 20 03102 - Pazks and Rec. Maintenance 21 0299 - Misa Services 0 10,000 1Q000 22 0 10,000 10,000 23 24 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council waives the current STAR guideline requiring a private sector dollar match 25 and the STAR guideline that requires an outside entity as a co-applicant to allow for STAR funding of the Mounds Park 26 Event Electrical Installation. Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By: �� " _ ,.�',� �j�-� Approva] R�yC� ci ices D"rector. d'�1.+_ BY' � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by Ciry Bv: \ /`{. � � - � - � - _�vs_. -,INfY; a i�,,, iis Mayor: v Date: for 6:�Rvn47UW31Reso/ufions, AOs, Green SheetslResoluSonslMOUnds STAR Resolufion.xls Page: 9 of7 Adopted by Council: Date: � la. .9 V �'t �� I � (Ol T SQles Tax Revitnlization (STAR) Program � Neighborhood Investment Initiative Application Please type all responses. oz- losG �� ��� Project Name: Mounds Park Event Electrical Installation Planning District* _Ward* 7 Legal Entity Submitting Request: Cit r�of Snint Pnul Parks and Recreation __ Check type of entity: Public X Non-Profit Mniling Address: 300 Cit�Hall Annex 25 West 4"' Street Snint•PQUI Minnesotn 55102 STREET CITY STATE ZIP Project Address or Boundnries See Attached (nttqch a mnp of the project location) Federal ID/Social Security No. NA Contact Person For This Request: Joe Buzicky Pnrks and Recreation Daytime Phone: 651-632-2419 Fax #: 651-632-5115 E-Mail Address: Joe.BuzickyC�ci.s�nul.mn.us 1. What is the amount of your STAR request? 2. Whnt is the total amount of your motching funds? /.� Bo�O��- Rich Lnllier Signature In vidual Typed Nnme Completing the Application $ 10.000 $ 12.4000 Title Date Bob Bierscheid Division Director 9/4/OZ Signature of Chief Officer Typed Nnme Title Date or President " See www.ci.st�nul.mn.us/neighborhoods for information nbout the Ward nnd Planning District in your area. I. Orgnnizntion Informntion: 1. a. Describe your oraanization -- history, structure, membership, etc. and its experience in mannging similnr pro jects. City of Snint Pnul Division of Parks nnd Recreation Operations section is staffed with unionized trndes people to perform maintenance and construction to Park and Recreation facilities. The most recent similar pro ject was lakeshore renovation nnd plaza construction last year nt the Como Lakeside Pavilion. b. Who is_the designated pro ject mnnager? _Joe Buzicky . Describe his/her bnckground, skilis and experience. Joe is the Building Trades Supervisor for the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation. He supervises the trndes mnintennnce staff for the Division. 2. Has your organization received monies from the City in the pnst? YE5 No X If yes, plense list: 3. Pfease report nny present or past adverse lending refationshfp between this entity nnd the City or HRA. NA II, ProposnlInformntion: i. Please summnrize the key elements of your proposal. To provide event power in three focations in the pnrk to better serve the needs of the community. The power will also be available for picnic groups, enhnncing the functionality of the pnrk. 2. Briefly describe, in qunntifiable terms, the specific result nnd impact your project will nchieve when completed (i.e. rehab. of five houses.) It will aide in the success of community events held in the pnrk. It will provide a significan't improvement in power distribution thnn the previous method of using generators. Page 2 � � � �� WiII new, permnnent living wage jobs be crented? YE5 _ No X EST. # If yes, please describe. 4. Briefly describe the specific community/neighborhood problem or need your project is designed to address. Cite references, if possible, from Smnll Area Plans, Citizen Participation Gonls nnd/or other studies: The Pnrk has recently been upgraded with a new restroom facility and improved picnic arens. The addition of event power will enhance these improvements providing more opportunifiy for the community. 5. Describe the Citizen/Community Plnnning District involvement in developing this project. The pro ject is being developed through the Division of Pnrks and Recreation Departments, Public Works and the City's Mnrketing Depnrtment. 6. n. In order to accomplish your objectives, does your project hnve to be coordinated with any other project or program? YES No X. If "Yes;' briefly describe the other project or progrnm and the relationship. b. How long will it take to complete this projecfi? Two weeks. c. Explain how this project will be maintained over the required 7+year life expectancy of the improvement: The electrical distribution equipment will be maintnined by the City of Saint Paul Parks Depnrtment. 7. Which purposes and objectives of the STAR Program does your proposal address? (See STAR Guidelines, Pnge 1.) Add increased recreational opportunities to the community. Page 3 . 8. PROPOSAL LINE ITEM BUDGET: Line Item Examples: Acquisition: Commercial/Nousinq Rehnbilitation: New Construction: Public Improvements: Private Open Space Improvements: up to 20% of STAR funds mny be used to purchase property or nn existing building improvements to an existing building additions, new structure street scape, playground equipment, or park benches, signs, lighting etc. playground or community garden on private property * List ndditionnl funds being used on this pro ject thnt do not qualify as matching contributions (i.e. city grants received from CDBG, TIF, CIB or the HRA. 5ee Guidelines, Pnge 12G.) Snlnries of $6,400 and material and service costs of $6,000 from regular City budget x*Direct Project Costs (Soft Costs) - Up to ZO% of STAR funds may be used for soft costs (i.e. architect, engineering, legnl and lonn fees, closing casts, permits, licenses.) Soft costs do not include salaries, ndministration, marketing, or operating costs. Please itemize nnd describe soft costs� NA ***Other: Attach a detailed explanation and specific costs included in this category. NA Page 4 9. SOURCE OF MATCHING FUNDS: o�.- �°s+. SOURCE AMOUNT bATE DONATIONS/IN-KIND SERVICES AVAILABLE Estimnted volunteer Inbor * (VALUED AT �10 PER HOUR) :i�:nih.� '. �` ni�.. i�..Y..o r�5� ' :�� 'd < �iw'o�%c 4:a:ob 10� o��'�`q'I�i� ��.�w�O:J`e���'c�a0<�A ', ,.,o,.' M,.: . ...an..n.............. ........x. _ . . Estimated in-kind services: (suPP��ES EQUIPMENT) o;,�s��`S:s.�""f$'s'e�o^eA'<o.. °d:x,o�e2«�:.:ns'>.e-�-�::;�gii Estimnte and nnme source of cash donations: Q �b�,.�o � a�,�oy��n �p�g �U�£� �'o�;;;� F"o ^s k23o. ° e:o��.�ti����nEOS��c�� NQttl2 QYROLLCIt Of QCItICIpQt2C�'f0Ut7C�nt1011 9f'QIItS: %"�s'',,,"<3c„�s:'b.;�a�.a"x` K�., s:o?h�.:'? o5o.s?.^c'a+'..;;aHO o�y 4fRaz3�'z�u':nc�>'u:'s;:GY. \<pc> {�3'C»nm.D ,3} ^is�a'�':�. a °o ' �< 6..�..:.:. Amount of lonn nnd name of lender: b�tr�ro����`a����o�'oo��$�`��=°'�a>:-°>�� A.C.�;l'.^'roo.;�� �.$..8. ^'od c:::y.R^. r a: Amount and source of rivnte e Ult�/: h "���`��`�'�'�' Q ``�` °� ��� OC.O „�`.,.,,�;:':��Yo�,%'a°as;sca, �'ta<A;��>: °�ti � °• �°$ d6 a 4'' ' '�R Amount and source of other match: �<��re.,��a:;r.;�„�,;:�n;>. o�� ;>- � .:::.::::..:.:: �.��• � �� tQ�' °� M'�°��.': z: an=: >ei'i.�ez.?':ti��i,p�.;e; �?ac: a,ac'�tf?n�`x�.Y3w....>.:: P.:i :.:n. $12,400 Immed;ately ------------------------ ---- ----- Total Value of Mntch: $12,400 What evidence is there thnt the above declarations nre renlistic? This portion of the project is completed. *SweQt equity/volunteer Inbor may be used for uo to 30% of the match. (See STAR Guidelines, Pnge 12F.) Page 5 �� ° �,� : KATHYLANTRY Councilmember August 22, 2002 Bob Bierscheid St Pau! Parks and CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Recreation Department 25 W 4�' Street Saint Paul MN 55102 Dear Bob: I am happy to announce that St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department has been recommended to receive $10,000 through the City's Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) (Veighborhood invesfinenf Program fo insfalf e(ecfrical wiring at Mounds Park. Approved as part of the 2002 city budget, the Neighborhood Investment Program provides funds to be used for capital improvement projects in each of the city's seven wards. Your project has been recommended to the STAR Board to receive assistance. For additional information regarding the STAR program, please contact Michele Swanson, STAR Program Coordinator, at 651-266-6574. Best wishes, �� �� Kathy Lantry Councilmember - Ward 7 cc: CITY HALL Michele Swanson Judy Lesch Bob Hammer SUITE 320C SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 651/ 266-8670 P�inted ov Rxycied Paper ,� DEPARTMENDOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIT7ATED �� 6REEN SHEET NUMBER: 203319 O � — � Parks and Recreation �o128/zoo2 COMACTPERSONANDPHONE � INITIAUDATE INfTIAL/DATE Joe Buzicky 632-2419 pSSIGN 7 DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR �a�7 5 CITYCOUNCIL Jason Wirka 266-6417 NUMBFR 3 crrrnrroaNev CINCIERK FOR ROUiING MUSTBEONCOUNpLAGENDABY(DA"f�: pgpgy 2 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. 6 O.F.S.-ACCOUMING A MAYOR(ORASSiSTAN� 7 OTHER:PafksantlReae�don ASAP — TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � CLIPALL LOCATIONS FORSIGNA7URE AC770N REQUESTED: Approval of atfached budget resolution authorizing acceptance of a$10,000 STAR grent for the installation of event electrical power in Mounds Park. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Appmve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLO4NNGQUE5770NS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION i. HasthepersoNfirtneverworketluntlerconlraCforNistleparlment? CIB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ yps ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has the person/firm ever been a aty employee? _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _OTHER: �yps ❑No 3. Does ihe persoNfi�m pwsess a skill not nortnal POSSESSED by a wrtent city employee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separzte sheet anE akach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Vvhen, Where, Why): The Park has recently been upgraded with a new restroom facility and improved picnic areas. The addition of event power will enhance these improvements providing increased opportunity for the community. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ?his eledrical service will aide in the success of community events held in the park, and will be a significant improvement in power distribution than the previous method of using generetors. : -" ���,vC�? � � a� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED �q"t� � None `�� �Sd@�� 5����9� N DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Parks and Recreation Maintenance activity will not maintain spending authority at the budget control level. TOTALAMOUMOFTRANSACTION. $10,000 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CheckOne) ❑Yes ❑� No FUNDINGSOURCE: STAR ACTIVITYNUMBER: OOl-O3'IO2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPWN) V �� G:IFMIQilRN3Vtesolution5, AOs, Green SheetslG�een SheelsNAOUntls S7AR Greensheetxls Page. 1 of 1