263178 WHITE — CITY CLERK - �U���V PINK — FIjdANCE COUI1C11 �� V BLUERV=��EP�pR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. � � � ouncil esolutio Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves : "A bill for an act relating to the city of Saint Paul ; removing restrictions regarding the sale of intoxicating liquor at the civie center; amending Laws 196.9, Chapter 783, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended. " and recommends the same to the Ramsey County Senate and House delegations . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas� �tler ays Konopatzki � In Favor Levine \ �� v Against By �"�e�r Tedesco � Form proved by ity � t�dpt����l: •� tt-AO � �74 _ Certi 'ed P sed by cil r By By Approv by M or: D e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou il By By PUBLISHED MAR 9197g , „ . �f�1'�8 A bill for an act , relating to the city of Saint Paul ; removing restrictions regardin� the sale of intoxicating liquor at the civic center; amending Laws 1g6g, Chap�;er 783, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 1g6g, Chapter '�83, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended by Laws 1971, Chapter 498, Section 1, and Laws ig73, Chapter 396, Section 1, is amended to read; Section 1. �T. PAUL, CITY OF; CIVIC CENTER; LIQUOR LICENSE_7 Subdivision 1. In addition to the licenses now authorized by law, and no�Lwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary contained in the charter or ordinances of such city, or statutes applicable to such city, the city of St. Paul is authorized to issue an "on sale" liquor license for the premises known and used as the St . Paul civic center. The lieense so authorized may be vested, with the prior approval of the civic center authority, in any person, firm or corporation who has contracted �or the use of the civic center premises for an event or a caterer of such person, firm or corporation approved by the civic center authority. The license may be vested in such person, firm, corporation or caterer notwithstanding �he fact that such person, firm, corporation or caterer may hold anotlier "on sale" license in its own right, but such license vested by the autliority shall expire upon termination of t,he contracteci event . The f.ee for such license to the authority shall be fixed by ttie governing body of the cii;y of St . Paul . Such liquor license shall be issued in accordance with the • ,- r �VLJ, �� i- statutes applicable to the issuarice of "on sale" liquor licenses in cities or the first class i7ot inconsistent herewith and in accordance with the charter and orclinances of the city of St. Paul not inconsistent herewith a��-s�a}}-}���.�-��e-se�e-e� -���a��es���b-��q�a�-�e-����e�s-e�€-��ie-e��3�e-e���e-ee��e� eer���e�-�vke-ga��e�-�i�e�e��-�e�-e��-ea��e���a�;-�a���e�; ee��e�e�ee,-r�ee���g;-�l�ea���es�-e�e��-e�-sse�e�-s��a��;-��� s�a��-��e�����-��e-ss�e-e�-��t�e��ea����-����s�-�e-��e--�����e s�-�e-e��-}�e�se�s-a��e�.���g-e�-�a�#��e�}�a���g-�e�-s��-a���e#��e e�ae��-�e��.g-�e�e�-e�-��e-e���e-ee��e�-��e��ses. Provided, however� that the sale or consumption of liquor in the arena portion or the auditorium of the civic eenter is prohibited. Such sale or eonsumption of liquor is hereby restricted to roomss exclusive of concession stands or booths , ad.jacent to the arena portion or auditorium when such sale or consumption permitted hereunder occurs durin� athletic events . Further�„ the sa�le or consumption of liquor is prohibited durin� athletic events sponsored by a public or private school or educational or�anization. Sec . 2. This act shall become effective only after its approval bY a majoritv of the �overnin�b,odY of the city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of i�linnesota Statutes, Section 61�5 . 021. 2 � - , , � , ��tJ� /Q . A bill for an act . relating 1;o the city of Saint Paul ; removing restrictions x•egarding the sale of intoxicating liquor at the civic center; amending La�as i96g , Chapter 783, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Laws 196g, Chapter 7-83, Section 1, Subdivision 1, as amended by Laws 1971, Chapter 498, Section 1, and Laws 1g?3, Chapter 396 , Section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. �T. PAUL, CITY OF; CIVIC CENTER; LIQUOR LICENSE_7 5ubdivision 1. In addition to the licenses now authorized by law, and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary contained in the charter or ordinances of such city, or statutes applicable to such city, the city of St . Paul is authorized to issue an "on sale" liquor license for the premises known and used as the St . Paul civic center. The license so authorized may be vested, with the prior approval of the civic center authority, in any person, firm or corporation who has contracted for the use of the civic center premises for an event or a caterer of such person, firm or corporation approved by the civic center authority. The license may be vested in such person, firm, corporation or caterer notwithstanding the fact that such person, firm, corporation or caterer may hold another "on sale" license in its own right, but such li,cense vested by the authority shall expire upon termination o� the contracted event . The fee for such license to the authority shall }�e fixed by i;he governing body of the city of St . Paul . Such liquor license shall be issued in accordance with the , • � , , , :, �'1��� !� . a ` � statu-t.es applicable to the issuance of "on sale" liquor licenses in cities of the first class not inconsistent herewith and in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of St . Paul not inconszstent herewith a.��-s�a,��-�����-�i�e-sa�e-e� ��.�e��es���g-���t�e�-�s-�s��e�s-e�-��e-e����e-e���e-ee��e� ea���e�-�v�s-ga��e�-��e�e��-�s�-a�3�-ee��e���a�.;-�a���e�; ee��e�e�ee,-r�ee���.g;-��es���e��-e�e��-e�-see�a�-a�����;-��� s�a��-��s�����-��e-�a�e-s�-��.�e��ea���g-����s�-�a-��e--�����e e�-#�e-a��*-�e�se�s-�#��e����g-e�-�����e���a���g-��-e��-a�k�e�r3e e�e��-�e��g-�e��-e�-��e-e���e-ee��e�-��em�ses. Provided, however, that the sale or consumption of liquor in the arena portion or the auditorium of the civic center is prohibited. Such sale or consumption of liquor is hereby restricted to rooms , exclusive of concession stands or booths , ad.jacent . to the arena portion or a.uditorium when such sale or consumption permitted hereunder occurs durin�athletic events . Further, the sa:le or �consumption of' liquor is prohibited durin� athletic events sponsored by a public or private school or educational , � organization. Sec . 2. This act shall become effective only after its ap,proval by a ma.jority of the �overnin� body of the citv of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of Nlinnesota Statutes, Section 645 . 021. 2 . . ,