263175 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 253�.."�5 PINK �-,{FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL CJCiJARY - DEPARTMENT . BLUE -MAYOR File NO. c 'l Resolution � Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _ RESOLVED� that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of Roger ��an as Acting Planning Coordinatar, said appointment to be effective pending the completion of the interview and selection procese for a permanent appointment to said position. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: a�c� Butler In Favor - Levine ��' � Against BY r Tedesco �� t ,�pY�ge�r��l: 1�� FE8 Z H 1974� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi ed by Co e y � By ° By Appro by Max_ : te Approv b May s n uncil By BY ���-� PUBLISHED ��R g ��7� }����� ROGER RYAN Born April l , 1935, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Attended grade and high schools in Minneapolis, graduation from Washburn High School in 1953. Attended St. Thomas College one year and the University of Minnesota graduating in 1961 with an Interdepartmental (Planning Emphasis) Bachelor's Degree. Employed by Midwest Planning and Research, urban planning consultants, for 2-1/2 years while attending the University of Minnesota. City planner for the Saint Paul Planning Commission since July, 1962, devoting most time to land subdivision planning, land use planning and zoning. Lives at 793 Fairmount. Married, wife JoAnne, and has 5 chilclren, Michael , Dennis, Kathrine, Anne and Maura. . �'��� `�5 GITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFIGF. OF THE MAYOB smensaes •ei�e�eas.e s���0�0 re LAWRENCE D. GOHEN MAYOR February 27 , 1974 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I herewith submit for your consideration a resolution approving my appointment of Roger Ryan as Acting Planning Coordinator, said appointment to be effective pending the completion of the interview and selection process for a permanent appointment to said post. Respec_tfully submitted, � �'` � _ r—�.---�_� �. _ t ° /, �, L- r-� . C ' ';/'C t� � �"�- , t ,,� s , L- —<t�__ �k� �� '' —--� ��ir ENCE D. COHE ' Mayor Enc . 22