263170 WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 [[['''��� (((��� yyyyyy PINK - �INANCE CO1111C11 ������� BL}ERV- MAVORTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � Co ncil e olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, That upon execution a.nd delivery of a. relea.se in full to the City, in a form to be a.pproved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers a.re hereby authorized and directed to pa.y out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-420-000, to: l. Linda. L. Ronning the sum of $98.76 in full settle- ment of her cla,im of damages sustained on or a.bout October 24, 1973, as more pa,rticularly set out in a communication to the City Council on November 6, 1973. 2. Wa.rren Erler the sum of $96.82 in full settlement of his claim of da.ma.ges susta.ined on or a.bout November 9, 1973, as more pa,rticularly set out in a communica.tion to the City Council on Ja.rxua.ry 25, 1974. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �B�ler � In Favor Levine �h � Against BY ,��:=��r �� sco��!•■ F E B 2 7 tq74 Form App ov d by Attorney Adopte�y ounci . �n�ate � Certified P d by C unci etar BY � � B Approv by xor: Date 1 Appro fo� missi n t Council By BY PUBLISNED MAR 91974 r 13 ' � 2�3�'70 C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 13 February 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES MEMORANDUM CLA IMS AGA INST THE C ITY OF SA INT PAUL BY LINDA L. RONNING AND WARREN ERLER Claimant, Linda L. Ronning, was involved in an accident with a Saint Pa.ul police vehicle on October 24, 1973. Liability is on the part of the City. Expenses are for the repair of the damaged vehicle. This office approves the settlement of Ms. Ronning' s claim in the amount of $98.76. Claimant, Warren Erler, requests payment for his damaged vehicle which occurred on Novenber 9, 1973, at the Civic Center Ramp. The arm of one of the gates came down on top of Mr. Erler' s car. Liability is on the part of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Erler' s claim in the amount of $96.82. � / % � - ,/ `�__ _ � City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121