263164 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 263.�..�4 PINK - FINANCE COl1LlC11 BLUERY �M�EPAOR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� Counc 'l Resol ion - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date EFSOLVEDt That licenses applied for by the following person€a at the addres�es +�tated be and th� s�e are hereby granted. ,. Alvin Q. Marcotte 785 University MAD Oper. App.107568ew Bill C. Vattendahl c% Y.M.C.9. 475 Cedar VM Loc 1M " 11889�� Art's Emergency Towing� Inc. 2385 English Tow Trnck " 12635r' u n ? Add'1 �� ►i n Shirley Elkins I45 N. Snelling Ma�seuge " 12636�� Robert Taylor 295 Sh�burne Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 12658�� Donald 1Kundt 316 Second St. IYo.StP. " �' 12663" Steven Koppenburg 2810 Fairoak Ave. Anoka " �' 12667�� Art C. Roldan 6?0 Laurel A�ttr.Veh.Dr. " 12668�� ThomaB H. Oa�e 1002 F�yde " �' 12669" Alvin Q. I�larcotte 785 University 1yAD 1 '� 126?2�� n n �M 2 n �� n Philip B. Erlandsen 8642 Isl° (7�ttage Grove Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 12693'� Ken Kotlarz 436 Lafond Cigarette �� 126?6" Erneat E. Elling 7693 Babcock Tr. E. Inver Grove Hts. 1NVDr. 126??" Mike Wadley 45 E. Delos Foot Peddler App.12685�� Wilkins Dodge, Inc. 1013-39 University Cigarette �� 12691" ' ht ruck ervice 2250 Universit Ci arette �� 12692+� COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITY CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 BLUERY- M�YORTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PAITL File NO.�� ~ Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 MTintz �arehouse 2550 Wabash Cigarette App.12693Rew Brnce O�trow 968 Goodrich Htr.Veh.Dr. " 1��" COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �r ler In Favor Levine � ���' Against BY � Te esco �r � � � FEB 2 ? t97� Form Approved by City Attorney AcTop�e�$°b�Cl3�fi'�il �dte ' Certifie ed by Cou ' Secret By B Approv Maxor• 74 Approve�d by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBL1SHf� MAR 91974