263154 WH17E — CITY CLERK COUl1C11 ���✓�� � PINK — FINANCE CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE —MAYOR File NO. s � Counc 'l Resoluti n Presented By �CENSE COMP�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RES�VEDt That applicat3.on for Sunday On 3a1e Liquor licen�e made by the fo2lowing applicant who is a holder of �n thi Sale L3.quor license at the addres� shown� be and the san�e is hereby granted and in compl3.ance with C.F. No. 235531, �rdinance No. �3755� which amends Ch�pter ldo. 3�8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinance�. Bars Unliieited� Inc. 880 E. Seventh 5treet Appn. 108lt$ NeW COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays („� Requested by Department of: �C Butler / �- In Favor Levine � �� Against By ��Sc�l�l� � e Pr• ':.��•-;t ,NJ�stX'�� F E B 2 6 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney �op�e�d by C"ouncil. a�e Certified a by C uncil�Se�retar BY By 6J ' � Approve q Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISHED MAR 2 ��74 : ��3� sy } , 'r?{ �'; . � C�� �� }� x, , '� -" � ., t., .._ .. s ,�,_ „rw ,_ ' _ _ _ � �Y . ,� � ..1 - " � ,. � _ �- :: � �` Z� ,�� Novewber 16, 1973 : . Mr. Panl Dsech -- 113 City Hall 3t. Paul� 1'linneeota • .�.. D�ar 31r� Bars Unlimited, Ino. have made application tor the tranetar of an On 3ale Liquor License at 680 E. Sev�nth 3treet. They have also made application !or a Sunda�y Qn Sale Liquor, Cla�a C1•Reetaurant� Tavern� Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette liQenses at the same addresa. The officere of Bars Unlimlted, Inc. are � Jam�a C. Tcrbr and Brenda �.. Haneen. ` ?he Taverri 1lcense is an initial app�.ication and vill require noLityine the reeidentm and ho�e rn+ners ;/ � �ithin 3� feet of 880 F. 3event�h gtrset. . H�nolosed is the letter fraa Deputy Liaense Iz�spectoo� Ed MoCulloug,h. . Very trn�y yours� • �' � _ - .� Licsnse Inap�ctor E�no• � {'. ; , . �. ; � :_ , �� _ _, . _ : . �,�.: , -_ : �. ,t - ; . . . 4 .___.. ' .'. . ' :a� - .'- � .- � . .. � .. ._ _... . .. . ., G . .. , .: . . �,:. . ": . ' - . . . � . _ . . �. r. ,_ - - - - .s. ^� , . ,.� -} � i'�:.'� .... .,� ' �. . . . . . . . .. . . . . Dscvmber 13, 1973 - - � I�tr. Paul Desch 113 �ity Nall � st. Paul, Minneaota 55102 , Dear 3iri On November 16, 1973, I ssnt you a letter regarding Bar� Unlirnited, Inc. �ho made application for Lhe tranaF�r of ar� Ou 3a1,e Ltquor License at 880 E. 3�venth 3treet. They also �pplied for a Sun- day Q1 Sa1e I,iquor, Clasa C1-Restaurant, Tavern, Off Sale Malt Heverage and Cigarette licensea at the aame addreas. . Beaauae the Tavern license la an initial application, a r�squeet �aa niade for a public hear�ng. A Aoti�n waa aade by the License Cpnmittee to have tho mattsr aet for January 25s 1971t. , . � : Vorq truiy youra� : . License Inapector i' ..,:': , ,;,''' � �:>_ , . . . : _- _.__ . '�:. .`r--:.... -� �� :� � . . � ..�. . . . � . . . . � . � . . 3anuar3� 25, 1974 T1r. Joseph Carchedi, License Ins�ector 202 Public Safety Building St. Paul, `finnesota Dear Sir: The City Council today, after a public hearinp, ado�tec� a motion to grant hhe application of James C. Toner and Brenda L. Ftansen of 3ars tinliraited for a tavern license at 8t30 East 7tii Street. Will you please prepare the necessary �esolution approvin� this action. Yours very truly, City Clerk ABO:mj f