02-1053Council File # � � ��5,�, Green Sheet # ag3G 0 �{ Presented By Referred to Committee: Ddte 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has applied for a State of Minnesota Department of 2 Natural Resources (DNR) Local Trail Connections grant for construction of the North Lexington 3 Pazkway Pedestrian/Bicycle Tunnel and a trail connecting the Bruce Vento Regional Trail to 4 Indian Mounds Regional Park along Commercial Street, and WHEREAS, the State DNR has notified the City that it will receive a matching grant for the North Lexington Parkway Pedestrian/Bicycle Tunnel project in the amount of $90,000.00, and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 WHEREAS, the State DNR has notified the City that it will receive a matching grant for a trail connecting the Bruce Vento Regional Trail to Indian Mounds Regional Pazk in the amount of $100,000.00, and WHEREAS, said grants will contribute to the matching funds needed for the City's TEA- 21 gant for these projects, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute such agreements with the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as are necessary to accept said DNR trail grants and implement the trail proj ects, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized to serve as the fiscal agent for the trail projects, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon completion, the trail projects will be maintained by the City of Saint Paul, and 20 FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon receipt of said grant agreements the City Council shall 21 receive a Capital Improvement Budget resolution containing the recommendation of the Mayor 22 and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee for approval and 23 adoption. RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �.`� Page 1 of 2 Council File # 0���.7 Green Sheet # �Q�. Q� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Yeas Nays Absent �� Benanav ��/ �� �� Blakey _ ✓ II II II �� Bostrom �� Coleman_�� ✓ �� �� �� II Harris_�I �i �� �� �� �I Lantry _�I ✓ I� I� �I Reiter � �� Adopted by Council: Date �� a '��.p O'�., Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Mayor� By: Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By : .U?-�'r/`- Form Approved by City Attorney By: c.P�—�LJ ,&�ove Mayor`for m' Counci � By: y'r�� _�i Page 2 of 2 .- DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 GREEN SHEET � NO. 203604 Parks and Recreation Oct 29, 2002 CJNTaC PEFSON nND PHOrvE INITIAI./DATE �NfTIAUDATE Ken Wehrle 266-6422 ► � �EPARTMENT DIRECTOR ��� ✓— 4 QTY COUNC0. ASSiGN � NUMBEA FOP ., ? CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY CLEAK MUS� BE ON CAUNCII AGENDA BY (DATEI ROUTING OHOER � FINANCIAL SFAVICES DIR. FINANCIAL $ERV/AGQG NA 3 MAYOR IOR ASS15TANi) G PARKS & REC TOTAL x OF SIGNAiURE PAGES � (CIIP 0.LL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNANREI ACTiON AEQUESTED. Approval ot City Council Resolution authorizing execution of pNR grant agreements for North Lexington Parkway Pedestrian/Bicycle Tunnel project and the trail connecting the Bruce Vento Regional Trail to Indian Mounds Regional Park RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or Re�ect �R) PERSONAlSERVICE CONTttACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINO QUES'fIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _C�VIL SERVICE COMMISSION �_ Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a conttaa br this departmenV CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his person/tvm ever been a crty employee> YES NO D1SiRICT CDUNCIL — � 3 Ooes tM1is persoNfirm possess a ski�l not normally possessetl by any current mry employee> SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTNE? YES NO EzpWin all yea answers on separate sheet antl attnch to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY �Who, Whaq When, Where, Whyl. Resolution is necessary to accept DNR grant agreements. AOVANTAGE5IF APPROVED Grant agreement for each project can be executed, funds will be available for reimbursement for construction costs upon completion of each project. CISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None ������� OGT 3 l 2Q02 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT PPPROVED: ���� ���p ��� O�� H 10! Grant agreements cannot be executed. Required match for 51.2 M TEA-21 funding not met. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S � 90,000.00 COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUN�ING SOURCE State of MN ACTIYITY NUMBER FiNANCIAL INFORMATiON (E%PLAIN� � }� g � y n t"�ss�.mu:f L�Y�'P�(1G: ��4� �,a � 2002