263149 . .,......,.'...�� .. . .,9�...., � . �; � � . , . � . ���6-� ,. 31 '� COUN FILE N . ` CITY OF ST. PAi��, _ Resolution Approving Assessment BY -- and Fixing Titne of Hearing Thereon File No._17651• and F'ix�g Time of Hearing on the Award of Damages "` : _ Tn �.b.w..x�a.t#�Q� �,:. u�_�r=-=,.�_-. _... �.. .�.,�__ �. �_ ___.:._-,�.�.__:.: -_. _...__ . _ � __ . - _.._,__,�.... --.w�_. .� ..� _ � ,:: , � C�donia6 a�d tat�B s p�e�ot esae�tt belar elc�ttion $�.0 lieet aa4. n.-� ab+a�ro e�evatfon 35.0 feet, City Dstum, for the pvrpoae ot co�traat�ag t�; :- ' ' msintai3zing a public sewer in, uader, across and through those�parts of the �, �. tollawing described lands all in Ramsey County, Minnesota: � `. , . � . � ... . . . . � . � � 3: . `` I,ots 2 and 3, Subdivision of I,ots 18 and 19, Block �+4, St. ; _ Antho�y Park, ?�Sinn., _ , � ` ) � Lots 8, 13, and 14, Block 28, St. Antho�y Pa,rk� Minn., ; Lots 13,,14, 16, 17 and 18, Block e7, St. Anthor�y Pa.rk, ' ° _ Minn. i s , . _ - , - , yot 12, Block 15, St. Anthony Pa:rk, Minn., , . ; un� . - : Lots 9 thro h 12 inclusive Blflck i� St. Antho ` � � ; ]/.� u8 s , , t�y Park, ; PL�IIII�� -. . . ' .. . .A � . ... Fiir � � ' z .,� ' Vacated, alley in Block 14, St. Antho�y Park, MinYt., : . _ : ��.� '� Vacated Brewster Street, �? ` : of � \.. � _ pro Vacated Wallace Street (Ca.xter Avenue), fro- - ��s 10 througn l�+ inclusive, B1ock 13, St. Anthar�y Park, Minn., and Vacated a11ey in Block 13, St. A�Zthor�y Parls, Minn., lying within a s�rip of land 60.0 feet in width, the cen�erline of w�ich is firr described as faL'aws: ses � Begi�ning at a point on the west line of Block �5, St. Anthcr�y — Park, Minn. , 25.0 feet souih of the northwest corner of Lot 3 sio �in said Block �5; thence on a strai��iL line to a point on the east line of Block 13, St. Anthor�y Pa.rk, Minn., 28.0 feet south of the northeast corner of Lot 13 in said Block 13, and there . termin,at ing. , � ___ ___ ___ _ _ - Ye� �� = ��� _ _ � ���� � Adopted by the Council F E B 2 0 1974 Meredltli R�� n Ap oved Tedeso0 l" Hunt r�� In Favor G' Mayor —A�ainst ����.� �E� 2 31974 { Form R-3 �� � � �" ; J 2�3149 C�TY OF ST. PAUL Report of Commissioner of Finance on �ondemnation of Lands File No. ��1"'� In th��' - - - �nfo6 sa� ta3� a p� w�t b�3.�r elerat#,ou ��.G �bst aad = � abo�ne �lsvsti� 3g.Q �'es�L� �1t� I�tu�., for th: `-�` � �.in�aini a �se �' �oastn�etir� ar�: ' -- �8 ptxblic se�vrer ia, under, across and through tI�ose�parts of the ' follawing described lands a;].I, in Ramsey Cauntys IKirm�sota; _ _ �,. � I,ots 2 and 3, Subdivisioa af Lots 18 and 39, Block l�.l�, ��. Anthor�r Pa.rk, I�Linn., Lots 8, 13, and 14, Block 28, St. Aatho�r pa,rk � - � M12�.! � Lots 1 : 3,.1�, 16, 17 and 18, Block 27� St. Anthomy pa,rg, Minn., , Lot I2, Block ls, St. An�ha ; ` ; undr'r ztY Park� M.fat�t.! - _ . � � :� Lot s 9 through 12 iriclusive, B1oc� 14, St. Anfi,horky park Mian., , Finr� � � Vacated a11e in Bl - � � Y ock 14�, St. Anthor�y Park, Minn,, TD �., � Vacated BreFrster St:eet, - � Vaca.ted Wallace Street (Caxter Avenue), I,ots l0 througn 1�+ inclusive, B1ock 13, St. Ant$ony park, pra Minn., and ers - Vacated a11ey in Block 13, St. Anthony Parg, Minn., the the 1Y�8 wi�hin a s;.rip of land b0.0 feet in width, the cen�erline of wr,i,ch is the described as foL'aws; Beginniag at a point on the west line of Block �5, St. Anthcr�y Park, Minn., 25.0 feet s4ui� of the nort�;est corner of Lot 3Y �ia sa.id B1ock �5; thence on a straight line to a point on t�e esst line of Block 13, St. Antho�y pa.rk, Mian., 28.0 feet south aP the northeast corner of Lot 13 in said Block 13, and there tex'minat ing. G� �r��� ' �:. _� �4�uo�of Finance o�.�G%�%�'�� �/ o�