02-1052Council File # p �, � ��5'� Green Sheet # 101117 Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of releases in full to the City of St. Paul, the proper City officers 2 aze hereby authorized and directed to pay to Praxus Consulring, Inc. the sum of $15,000 out of Tort Liability 3 Fund 09070-0511 in full settlement of its indemnity claim on behalf of Fanners Insurance Group for no-fault 4 benefits paid to/or on behalf of Jessie Sutherland and Shawna Bradlich arising out of an automobile accident 5 with a city-owned dump truck on November 5, 1997, at Snelling and Englewood Avenues. Dated: NQ'(Jt�.fyl Vwt� � � ZOUa' Adoption Ce�tified by Council Secretary By: Mayor: By: RESOLUTION CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a3 APPROVED: Adopted by Council: Date ,v�� �',. ,.a�� �T Reque�sted by Department of: e i � A�tk�V Hc By: A��U�A •� ' •W � City Attorney's Office Frank Villa�e III il/s/oz rc'�•2�� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approve settlement of inde�ity claim by Praaus Consulting, Inc. against the City of St_ Paul for no-fault benefits paid by Farmers Insurance Group to/or on beLalf of its inc ured and passenger. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION GREEN SHEET m�u�rtortecraR o�.-�cQ�. � No ��� arvaua ❑ an�iiautv � arca.ouc ❑ AI4RULiflIMCFSOR ❑ pi1111C111LaFI1V/KClo � M`fORIORAfiifAlR) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this PersoMrm everxarked under a cantiact for ttris tlepsrtmeM7 VES NO Nas this peisoNfirm evu heen a ciry empbyee9 res rio Ooes this Pe�saMrm P�aese a sldll nat normelNP�aesseC by anY curteM cdy emDbYee4 YES Ntr Is Mie P�eoMfi�m n taryMed vendoYl VES NO all antl attach to arem si�eet On November 5, 1997, Jessie Sutherland collided with a city-owned d�p truck. Both he and his passenger Shawna Bradlich were injured and Farmers Insurance Group eventually paid $36,390.03 in no-fault benefits. By definition, the City truck was a co�ercial velucle entitling the auto insurer to recover all benefits paid to the egtent that the City�s driver was at fault. ' Conclusion of claim on terms acceptable to City of St. Paul. IFAPPROVED None. ��aYG� ������ �� � , �� m��� � � ��a� [v The claim will proceed to mandatory intercompany arbitration where the City faces the risk of a worse result. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1S � OOO Tort Liability Fund 09070-0511 INFORMATION (IXPWN) COETIREVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONE) /YES / NO ACTMTY NUMBER 11/04/2002 13:54 7652811378 PAGE 02 11/04/2802 11:35 7652811378 PRAXIS CONSllLTING PAGE 03 PRAXIS CONSULTING� INC. P.O. Box 5• Murtc�, irroiaNa 4�308 (888) 357-8276 . (765) 281-I378 AAx vnw�.Eoraxisc onsultitie. com ������ INDEMNfTY RELEA3E PUR3UANT TO SECTION 65B.53 OF THE MINNESOTA NO-FAULT INSURANCE ACT 1n consideration of the sum of fourteen hundred seventy and 00/100 dollars ($1470_00), paid w "Prsais Consulting, Inc. a/a/o Farmers Insurance Group a/s/o Jessxe Sutherland" by City of St. Paul does hereby release and £orever dischazge from any claims, demands, acrious and/or suits it may have against it for any and all liability City of Si. Paul and �atzicia Ann Legato Ynay have to Farmers Insurance Gronp pursuant to The Minnesota iVo-Fault Automobile Insurance Act, Section 65B.53, in regard to a claim for bene�ts naade by Jessie Sutherl�nd uz�der The Minnesota No-Fault Automobile Insurance Act to, Fa� Insurance Group as a result of an automobile accident which occurred on or arow�d Novenuber 5,1997, involving City of St. Paul and Patricia Ann Legato. IN WITNESS WAE�OF, we have executed this release the 4th day of November 2002. —�Q.i-�-x1�� � On behalf of Praxis Consulti�ag,� a/a/o Farmers Insurance Group STATE OF Indi�na ] COU1V�'7C OJF Aelaware J Oa this 4"' day of l�tovember 2002, befoze xme pezsonally appeared, Susan Bissey who by bezng duly swom clid depase and say ahe resxdes in Zionsvilie, Indiana chat she is a Subrogat�on Specialist of Praxis Consutting, xtac., corporation described �u, and which executed the above iastzument; that she knows tUe sest o£ said cozporation, that the seal affzxed to such insmunent is such coiporate seal; that it was so affuted by authariued mebnbers o£ said corpozation, and that she signed her name chezeto by Iike ordez. :, y � �w.., 5 D-� �� `�° _ „��;•. >•�f - � : _ _ ^'�;: 011r Clai»l: H6t62195 Your Claim: 59&0�22 1Vota;ry - - _ _ _ , _ =��'-%^ � ., - �;:��� � '� - � �s 11/04/2002 13:54 7652811378 PA6E 03 � 11/04/2002 11:35 7652811378 PRAXIS CONSULTING PA6E 02 PRAXIS CONSULTING, INC. P.O. Box 5• Muc�c�, Irmiwxw 473a8 (S$3) 357-82"76 • (765) 281-1378 FnX w�t�w Euracisu�nsuhing.com a�-�os� INDEMNITY RELEASE PURSUANT TO SECTION 658.53 OF THE MINNESOTA NO-FAULT INSURANCE ACT In consideration of the sum of thirteen thousamd five hundred thirry and 00/100 dollazs ($13,530.00), paid ta "Praxis Consutting, Inc. a/a/o Fazmers Insurance Group ale/o Jessie Svtherland" by City of St. Paul does hezeby ralease and £ozever discharge from any clauns, demands, acrions and/or suits it may have ag�ainst it for any and all liability City of St. Panl and Patzicxa Ann Legato may bave to Fsrmere Insnrance Gronp pursuant to Tbe Minnesota No- Fau1t Automobile Insurance Act, Section 65B.53, in regard to a claim for benefits made by Shawna Bradlich under The Minnesota No-Paulk Automobile Insurance Act to, Farwere Inswrance Group as a eesult of an automobile acczdent wiuch occurred om or azound November 5,1997, involving City ot St Pan� and ��tricia Ann Legato- IN WITNESS WHE�Ok', we have executed this zelease the Ath day o£November 2002, _..�-�� ':"�'�""y--`rC^ On behalf of PraYis Consulting, c. a/a/o Farmers In�urance Group STATE OF indiana ] COUNTY OF Delaware J On this 4 day of November 2002, beEore me personal�y appeared, Susan Bissey who by being duly swom did depose and say she resides in Zionsville, Tndiana that she is a Subrogation S�pecialist of Praxis Consultiung, Inc., corporation desczibed in, and which executed the above ine+nimrnf• thot ahr+ lrnnivc f}ia et+a) nF eaid rnrnnmfinn thcrt ahe seal �ffixed tn such instnlment is