263124 WH17E - CITY CLERK � 1
Council Resolution
Presented By .
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of tY�e City of Saint Paul
hereby approves :
• '�A bill for an act relating to the city of S�int
_ Paul ; authorizing a housing and r�habilitation loan
program; providing for the issuancie of general
obligation bonds . " �
and recommenda the sane to the Ramsey County Senate and House
delegations .
Yeas Nays n Requested by Department of:
�x� Butler ��
Konopatzki 1 In`Favor
Meredith � Against BY
�� Roedler
Mme.President B��IIFr HUnt
Adopted by Council: Date
F E B 15 1974 Form Approved by City ttorney
Certifie s d by Co '1 ary BY
Approve y Ma r: Date Approred May is ' n to Co cil
. . � •
A bill for ari ac t
relatirig 1:o ttie city of S�int Paul ; atathorizing
a housing and rehabilitatiori loan program;
providirig �'or 1�tie issuance of gerieral obligation
bonds .
Section 1. �URPOSE.7 It is hereby declared that there
exists in the city of Saint Paul , both within and without
urban renewal and code enforcement areas , a seriously inadequate
supply of safe and sanitary dwelling aceommodations for persons
arid families of low and moderate income ; that such shortage
constitutes an emergency and a menace to the health, safety,
morals , welfare and comfort of citizens of the ci-ty ; that
there e�ist a num�er of dwellin�;s which are inadequate , unsafe
or unsanitary by reason of the absen.ce of proper heatine or
plumbing facilities or by reason of_ �the necessity for elimination
of conditions dangerous to human life or detrimental to health
�rhich conditions can be corrected and which dwellings can be
made adequate , safe and sanitary by the installation of
approp.riate heating and plumbing facilities and by rehabilitation
and by the elimination of such inadequate , unsa:�e �.nd unsanitary
conditions ; such rehabilitation cannot readily be provided by
the ordinary unaided operation o� private enterprise without
public aid in the form of loans to owners of such dwellings
for the purpose of accomplisfiing necessary rehabilitation;
that the installation of proper heating and plumbing facilities
in such dwellin�s or other rehabilitation for occupancy by
persons of 1ow and moderate income as provided in the
re�ulations to be adopted as hereinafter provided is a public
263� 24
use and a public purpose for which public money may be loaned;
that housing assistance programs provided by the federal
government are inadequate both in the amoun-t of housing
assistance given and the number of dollars available for
assistance ; that it will not be possible to meet the housing
needs of low and moderate income families in Minnesota
without state action to supplement the federal programs ;
that the provision of an adequate supply of housing for low
and moderate income �'amilies will be enhancec� by the
rehabilitation of existing housing which would thereby
reduce the need for demolition and removal of existing structures
and the construction of neiv structures ; that sucti �onditions
require the rehabilitation loan program herein enacted; and
the necessity in the public interest for this program is hereby
declaredas a matter of legislative determination. The
legislature of the state of Minnesota further finds that
preservation of the quality of life in a major metropolitan
city is dependent upon the preserv�.tion of adequate housing,
that many houses in the city of Saint Paui do not meet the
applicable housing code , that there is a need fo_r a comprehensive
housing rehabilitation program in the city of Saint Paul whic�z
will complement any statewide housir�g rehabilitation program,
that some home owners are unable to afford any rehabilitation
expenses , that many home owners are unable to afford housing
rehabilitation loans at market rate of interest , and that
because the availability of mortgage credit for housing
rehabilitation is limited some home owners cannot obtain
. 2
such credit .
PROGRAM_7 The city of Saint Paul is authorized to develop
and administer a housing rehabilitation loan program wzth
re spect to property owned and occupied by persons of low and
moderate income , located anywhere within its boundaries , on
such terms and conditions as it determines ; provided, that
in approving applications for this program, the following
factors shall be considered : ( 1) the availability of other
governmental programs affordable by the applicant ; (2) the
-availability and affordability of private market financing;
- (3) whether the housing is required, pursuant to an urban
renewal program or a code enforcement program, to be repaired,
_ improved, or rehabilitated ; (4) whether the housing is required,
pursuant to a court order issued under Minnesota Statutes ,
Sec . 566. 25 (b) , (c ) , (e ) , to be repaired, improved or
rehabilitated ; and (5 ) whether the housing has been determined
to be uninsurable because of physical hazards after inspection
pursuant to a statewide property insurance plan approved by
the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
urider Title XII of the National Housing Act ; and further
provided that all loans and grants shall be issued primarily
for rehabilitating housing so that it meets applicable housing
codes . Pr.ior to making any rehabilitation loans , the city
council or its designee shall adopt regulations which comply
substantially with the provisions of Section 312 of Title III
� ' 26�31�4
of the Federal Housing Act of 1.964 and acts supplemental thereto
insofar as that section relates to the determinations to be ma.de
as a condition precedent to the ma.king of rehabilitation loans
under said Act.
Sec. 3. /�SSUANCE OF BONDS_? To finance the program auth-
orized in Section 2 of this act, the council of the city of Sa.int
Paul, by resolutian or resolutions, ma.y from time to time authorize,
issue and sell general obligation bonds of the city of Saint Paul,
without a vote of the electorate, in accordance with the provisions
of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, notwithstanding any other
provision of law or of the city charter or ordinance. The total
amount of bonds authbrized to be issued for the purposes described
in this act shall not exceed the aggregate of $5,000,000. The
amount of bonds issued pursuant to this authority shall be excluded
in the computation of the net debt of the city as defined by
statute or charter. The council of the city of Saint Paul is
authorized to levy and collect taxes to repay such obligations
issued pursua.nt to the authority contained herein, and this authority
is not subject to any tax or appropriation or expenditure limit �
otherwise imposed by any 1aw or cha.rter provision.
Sec. 4. �FFECTIVE DATE.7 This act shall become effective
only after its approval by a ma.jority of the governing body of the
city of Saint Paul and upon compliance with the provisions of
Minnesota Statutes, Section 645 . 021.