263121 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COU11CI1 2631. 2� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY �DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. i Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Department of Community Services, Parks and Recreation Division, be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 49-car parking lot on the south side of Shepard Road between extended Maynard Drive and Alton, more particularly described as follows: That part of Government Lots 1 and 2 in Sectio n 22, Township 28, Range 23 south of Shepard Road, north of Mississippi River, west of extended west line of Alton Street, and east of extended Maynard Drive; all in accordance with plans dated Received November 1, 1973; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas $ut],@r Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against � By � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � �t F�� d 147A Form Appro d by Atto e Adopted by Council: Date T�T (� ` Certif' s d by Co ry BY By Approv Ma r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submissio 0 ouncil _ By BY pU6LISNED FE6 2 9 197� . a BOARD� OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR January 28, 1974 ,�r��� . '� �..� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of the Department of Cotmnunity Services, Parks and Recreation Division, for a permit to install a 49-car parking lot on the south side of Shepard Road between extended Maynard Drive and Alton. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the December 20, 1973, Board of Zoning public hearing. Staff reported that all City departments approved the plan and staff reco�nended approval. The representative for the applicant said the roadway is not completed, but was started because the Federal funds they had ran out December 31, 1973. A motion to recommend approval of the permit carried unanimously. i cerely, ,\, s AV Secretary, Board of Zoning DRM:CLMcG:dr Zoning File 7579 ��!'� � �� �j�-v ��"°�, � � , 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 ' • City of Saint Paul, �innesota • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�DNORABLE MPIYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ������ Application is hereby made to �����b��������b'��������'���� (cross one out) install and operate a new Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (��6�y�b�����I(E�{��������I[F='�{�����{��') (Public use) ���1��l�) (indicate type) capacity of parking iot : 5 perkinq areas, total capacity 49 cars To be used in connection with: Crosby Farm Park �s MiscEr�arr�ous: one parkin� are� for buses (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: 5 bus�s *Location � Missisaippi Riv�r Blvd, and �3aynard Drive (exte�ded) Legal Description : Lot S�' �tLi1Ch1�d Block Addition Applicant's Name : Cit,y of Sa1nt Paul xome or Office Address: ��partment of Ca�nity Services, Parks 8� Recreation Diviston Phone Number ; 298-51$5 FOR✓BY PP IC � � ` , O ;; Signature ( ate ' / v Address : �45 C4ty ��11 Phone No.: 23$-51Fs� Wben completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of �ain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. �������� �� �� - `�'�' , V BOA-ItD OF ZONING REPORT ANll ACTION December 20, 1974 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 plat Map 15. passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. " 7579 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Department of Community Services-Parks � Recreation Division 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal xa Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • . Install 49-car parking lot , 4. LOCATION . South side of Shepard Road between extended Maynard Drive and Alt6n 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File ��'�� 6. PRESENT ZODTING: "A" Residential 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Sections .23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION � REPORT: Date: December 14, 1973 By; A4B �� A. ZONING HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. � B. AREA ZONING: The area north of Stewart is zoned "B" and "C" Residential. The area south of Stewart is zone Light Industrial and "B" and "C" Residential. South of Shepard Road is "Unassigned". C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Plans received November 1, 1973 meet design standards. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The location of tl�e access roadway and parking areas are as ind?cated on the attached plan. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The access road and parking areas are constructed. The facility is to serve a nature center. F. AREA CONDITIONS: The site is part of the Crosby Farni Park. The park is wooded and undeveloped. . � 9. BOARD ACTION: �To Recommend � Approval a Denial Council Letter � Dated: - ' Yeas Nays - Moved by . Maddox Norton n ar 28 197 � Maddox Date of Seconded by: Norton . Willits Iiearing; � . Bryan Januar 31 19 Secretary s remarks:. Rupp y ' Council Action: : , , R. , ± -- Date: . . - � .� - " � - � - �� �� , , . : . - ' _ � _ . �� . � �- , �� - . . � , . , � . � . �wa�����A� . . . _ ~ - . _ ' ■ _ . 'Oa�J� , , _ . � ��a�Q7 � . � _ -,. � Crosby Farm Park � .. Site Location � -- -- St. Paul, Minnesota . z : . � - - •P[�oPo�E�A� �5 c�v . � o�� : � � � --� ���1CI NC� . �'� . : � ti��� .. _ : � ` o �,F,o� _ . _ . � �p' - - tiC - , : � t .. j �.. . . �.�� �� . . . .' . . f � � ' . � � . . . � � ��� . v . C�F� '. :'"• Q�� _ _ �t�c� �s � y . . _ , : � . � r _ ��y��, _ : � � _ � - .� � . . � . _ � . . , ... � • , � : , !i . - . a . . - � c g'� KE � , � � . ,. , _ .: . . , ..,.: ►-.. .r:. : , .: _ - < -. . . : - " ° _ � 7 , - . ' : . � �� . _ : Q " NO K�La r— ,y� – �• �v 1 ' ,� -� � � 1 t � > . , . � r �:�z + �.-! � .i �: `_ J � ' - . . . � a.�-1 ..►�.r V Y � `�1 ��.i:�. i � :.�a..ii '} . ' - �:....... . . . ..� : ..., _ . • _r Cit� Clerk ,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGFMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION � 113 CITY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 . Januasy 18, 197k 26�1�1 File R145S, Page You are hereby motitied thaC a pubiic heeaciag will be hsld in the Coancii Chambers of ths City aall and Court Rouse at 10:04 a.m. on January 31, 19?4 on the applicatioa of the Department of Co�n�ai.ty 8ervicee-Psrk and Recreatiaa Division for a 49-car parking lot on tbo propertq describad as fcllawa: That part of Gaver�eat Lots 1 and 2 in Seceioa 22, Townehip 28, Rsags 23 south of Shepard Ro+,�►id, narth of Misaisaippi River, �reot of sxtended west lixie of Altoa Streat, aad east of �t�oa�a r�y,�ra Drive. For farther iAfosmatioa, contact the pianaing Board, 421 �iabsuba 8trest, os telephone 298•4151. To cae�ly wfth tbe Citq Charter, tha Dep�rtment of Fiaaeue ie charged with informiag you of this public hearing. If you hev� any questiwna, it is r�ca�m�eaded tha� yat attead tbis public hearing to affard qou tha opportunitp to awko qour viewa, both pro and con, kaawa to th� City Council. ROBBRT W. TROD�AD DIRECT� , � � , �� �� � �., J \ � ���� � 1 1 � � � �� � . . - .. � � � '. �° �� o y . � � �� �� _ IE S.� � --- ��- � ° 2° .� � 26�121 � % � / �� � �,, � � - � �1 II � IH �' _ �`_' - � _ _ _ .�= .�__ __ o � `— .��, � � � � nI � `� II �t � , � / ----- _. _ v , -- -- -- - ��� - ---------- �y�P � 5� � ` - - - - � , . ./`� , .-�' . , � � .- , .�'" '" v �' . , ,- � 6 / I • / i / ' i /, / � / /� i /� / / __' '._._"_ ' rr � ii . W�T.ERGATE , . • � � ______ r. _ ; , j . � i � i ; i . , , q►REA �1/�P � APPLIC�t�T Dept. of Community Service's'PerkS and Recreation Division __ InstaZl a 49-car parking 1`bt �;l1LL.O PURPOSE - -- � �__._.__. FILE :NO. 7579_ _ __ �� C I DA7E December 20, i4'3 �_ �� • s �' ; __ /'\_ ti • .� � � ; i i 9 i u ' 4 — -.� ' '"_.' .� _ • � � :� J t ; ,j\ rinrrv�,q.s�r \�` j — 94 1 y �,� Q � � z fr .'� -'�/ It� � �Or,: �� v� ' \� � .� , �� �;t� vr ,j !�/C LOC _ -; � � � of ` � ko � � � ,� � � ._, \., �� � � , �, � � .,. . �\ �po . � 8 ; E ' � O��. 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M� ' .J.si6 CQ/(/j�' ������,Q► I � DRAWN ��( ' C N I t E C T S , � , , ,.i�� . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 57C I N N E S 0 t 1 , , CHECKED� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION DR C -- / . , / :-��'? , _ � . ' / O'p9,�NS � � ; ; . . •- - " '" 6` �\ti�. , . � ; - " , � � ,-, .' I� . , . . _ _ _ . �_ � , ' � � . � 3"' " -h'- � � ' - � � . � � �� •. b � , ` ��/��. �' .�1I � lr✓• �' _^ Z¢,/ t 1/P/fAL CURB �CURF OPEiVlNG S � ?, : NO SCA[E 1 35 = I} _ 0 83,4s 0 � ih / f� ' `^ NOTE SEE .s,o,�'ci.CicArfoN.s �PE[.qrr✓E �� l�� �° � � Td 1 ,.r I O�v ERAl/ONAL L//r/JJ'•s /ON�C7 r- -� �ROr���-o��/ ai= ,�,r�i.sri�G r,�e�'�sJ SfiRUBS �7i✓O .�.�P�'.S�N'j¢.9G'/L�T/ES� G�R.- 1"Nv ic,yr'�s 3�¢"liV'NEEL G.4AlR' I�'.��!/'.3 rHROd�.�r CC/R�, '�1 l30R/NG LOGA l/ON. . � � � E � _ -_ ���'� �G� e �P � . I . , � , . T. 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