263119 WNI7E - CITV CLERK 2631:,19 PINK - FINANCE COIITICll BLSJERY -MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. uncil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, That pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (As amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December l, 1970) pertaining to regulations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recom�n.endation of the Board of Water Commi.ssioners and the approval of the Department of Public Works, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of parti.al diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul�s Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed persons have justifiable reason for application of an � adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied in accordance with Resolution, Council File No. 260368, approved December 22, 1972, and be it FURTHER RE�OLVED, That these two accounts be credited in tYie following amounts: NA.ME A�DRE SS T Il� PERIOD AMOUNT Mrs. Philip K. .Artz JULY-AUGUST 1973 $ 33•$� 19b9 Summit Avenue Mr. Paul A. Schilling MA.Y 7, 1973-OGTOBER 5, 1973 $ 3Cj1�..39 2048 L�wer St. Dennis Road COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas g�tler Nays 7�[ Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY 9¢pc�xt Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �..�t �E B 14 �97� Form A ro �City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi 'ed ed by Co il ary BY By Approv by M or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �UBUSHED FEB �3 i974 _� -:'- ` CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �'�� � OFFtCE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �6�1�� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY ��� 1��L� �l� 19?� COMMISSIONER - DATE �'t1��, ?�a� t�h� �Ora�'�d of ita�a� E3a�sa3atura hsrsb�r i�rot�t ta►i r�o�►tlu� ot p�.ittor!� �'. �lklim, t'�ra�. �s�, in �.s lr6t►rc ot Jan�aiy �Jl, ��L tw t�► Da►�►rd, td�►� ar�dita ot �n�r ��r �s b� p'ant,�d ilts 3.3s��d i� � 2+��l�r, an�i f�at �6b� 631� flo�ai,t #Nr �qY+��rd �o oenaor in �vic�+t a+�ti�►, Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays $t� d+t�tlat'r 31 196� ��, — — ♦�• �re�sidra� N�r�dit�t In favor 3 Opposed � � ASST. SECY. �� . �'* x , t��,g' .���.y� �. .- . '�.. �.! +�n�_'��#t,.� V#~` S�i�d.ii iw+�, '.+'�.,vt�j� L�{.y � 'w� 'n'..dls �iR�4$e�-��'�a3' 1�'� 1�... . '.,.. �f _ � � •���� � �a"�t�yis'� \'i"'R.".� . ^ ' . _., LE�N��il� k?r. �EV:;ti�::.a �I�d�'531.3�I�T. -�,";� D�At� �llEFt�l't9-4 VICE R[��iiC�i�`�.q'�,, � �° fi §;g , � � ^yp�� �i'�� �'a G:�.'i. ° �. '7�'£ I. �..� f_'ji`A 9 �-Lk��R.+� rSl�:��5' t ;,�c.� "� �*`�A`�" � `l a a . �y � , t�s>t. v naral!�.+a,a9er �„4 �� �l.� � ��i^L� �., ' , :;I�" � , ,�'��f �,� . > , a� 5�.f ':�� ; . '� �� . � �a �;f, '�' , , : �.. t , ��a; � �.w�: i" �. a���, ,r ~ �` J�CCE��L?�,_ - .. ,� � �. � s`��� .�»� � , = �.a. : „�. .,,,, �. ' . ��p�q..,n ra,g�.��sr ,��+�� � 1�!ta�ME,� g . ,�-������� � �r x k-�,�� i .yk `�,ry.i.� .k :. •• p y �r'I �� �. < �� ,.�.����"` �, � Y PEJM�'1N� ��' ' � :���� �, �A1S��SSt��t Rt�ER r. .d--�"'* �='"`�� r, ;r�i���t�UTS�;',� . ��.,�,� ... ., - January 31, 7-914 �;,"s�t�� "�� To The Honorable Board of Water Connnissioziers �ity of Sa.int Paul, "Minnesota' �ear Sirs and-Madam`t The following two Gonsluners have reques�ed relief on ceriain Se,aer Serva.ce Charges, ,which they feel are unjust as no allowance is made for h����� use� for sprinkling` whzch does not reach the' Sanitary ,Sewers. Mrs. Philip K. Arzt�, 1969. S��rimit.-.Avenue - I�frs. Arzt�s minim�nn.; sewer charge,in 2973 � �4•40 a_me>nth, which alloc�rs for a consumpticsn of 1700 cubi.c .feet �aer �:ont,�x. Hez�.�onsumption on the Ju1y and 9ugust billiri�s showed a cansumntion. of 16,�t00 cubic feet and it would appear that the water was :;useci for sDrinkling; the�efore, her account could be cre�it.�-cl in the 3il'lOUY11'i Of �,��:80 �or the 13;0�.� ;cubic feet used°�ver ,the minimum. N`Lr. Paul A. Sc2�illing,'' 2'(?!�8 Lower '.'�ut. l3e�nis" Road' - ':�1s�. Schilli.ng�s minimuni` Sew�r= Gha.rge in 1973 was $l�.:�t0 ''a month, which also allos��s far a cat�stx�rt tioii of 17Q0 cubic faet per'mori�h. Mr.° Schill.ing's consumption for P i?�e billir��� periocls: for'-May 7.; T973 through October 5, '1973 is shown as 128",3� cubic fee� and for Which he was charged $330.79, �� � the best of our knowledge �ainl.y' for sprink].irr�g, e�cept�for "the minimum charge of $26.}�0 representing 10,200 c abic f eet. �herefore, it ,would appear that his aceQUnt could be crec�i t,ed in the as^ount of $3�t•39 for the I28,3G�� ,cubzc fee� used over the minimtun. It is respectf ully r.ecommended the� Board ap,prove the Resolution a,ithorizing the p�oper �.ffic,ers of the Boaxcl to credit the accaunts as outlined �;�ove, and that fi�he City Co�i:ci1 be requested to ;,concur in such action. ' Very truly yours, _ , ,� ` . /., , ., " �• ,�'i�-'� �- _ _ ��L''.�.��.. i�� C f ord W. blin e ral Mariager ' � . � � .. '.' . . - . . �. �:�: . l. ... ,.�� . ��1�:b1m _