263115 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COUIICll ��.3��5 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY -UEPARTMENT � BLjJ.E � - MAYOR File NO. �ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date '� Out of Committee By Date �Y� RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the Applications of the Housing and Redevelop�nent Authority of the City of Saint Paul! Minn�sota� for abatement of taxes and assessments payable in 1973 on certain parcels of real estate acquired by said Authority for redevelopment purposes� and said assessments are hereby cancelled� the descriptions of said parcels and amounts of such taxes and assessments being shown in County Auditor' s Files Nos . 86507, 86764, 86766, 86767, 86768� 86769, 86770, 86771, 86772, 86773, 86774, 86775, 86776, 86777, 86778, 86779, 86780, 86781, 86782, 86783, 86784, 86785; 86786, 86787, 86788, 86789, 86790, 86791, 86792, 86793, 86794� 86795� 86796, 86797� 86798, 86799, 86800� 86801, 86802, 86803, 86804, 86805� and 86806. '-- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Bti't],E�' Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By g�x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� ��t Form Approved b Ci orney Adopted by Council: Date �g� 3�74 Certif' "ed by C c' etary By By Approve by M r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY � �BLISHED �E B 2 3 1974 '` 26 . �� . � 3� �. �� � � �� � , DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXA�ION � COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Drrecto� William E. Carlson Properiy Va/uation JOHN A. KLEIN William M. Kilieen Admin;;trative Assisrant Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Reco�ds ��;- . .,�,Y- 7.°, 19�'� ,�j.,� _:arrjr �TaT'�Cl-��� ,' i_'. ��@�.,K �;c,�-.� i'."> Court Ho�se AT,tG:1ti�CI�1: I"�T�, F.1�PY`�, '?• n1Jr'i7 Coancil R_ec�rder �r?; �'�plic�ti^.ns fcr abatem�nt s;zh*r;i_tt.�d bv �icu:�-_n�7 :• Re�eveloN���, Aut'�oritv. r;�:�,• ;;r: �:nc1- s=�? are copies of the `ollo��ina abat,emen+�s. ; �j �J7G9 F%774 ��i77c; �;�•rnj 4F,'7,�� ��hl;?'� �'�!�?�'� �(��O�a. :. � �76�; ��770 iG775 85l dC- ��?s?:ti ;�,,�,��� °�7?, ;<��n�) �5�05 n6755 857?1 86775 86781 �67c�6 86791 cb796 ���j�s -�hn06 ��5,b7 ��772 8677? 8�7R2 Rb787 �6792 86797 86802 ��,��g �h773 ��57?R 867�3 857��rs �E>?93 8679c� �358�3 `!'�IFS? c7'� c�S�?."3'"°n�5 12V1E� t0:' 1.�?3 i.cX2s against, the tiT='.'_"'L�?1,S ;^_='sT'CF?a_S' t,ti:3t cl"C •:c_� , =� ��ncelled 'ov r�sc_lut.��n nf tt-i� r;t;�� ��oLn^�7-, as `���.lo;.•�: . . -, , ;, . . i i^tr �ror ��1 l��sr�1n� {E32 �tr. Oil 36 ^; -T l �37 � le, ^' " —----_--,—.-- —�_T..___.___ ---____._._._.___._ _,_.____.::'. ._.._ $ t.'-���.�rJ , �r :;,s� y -_.l • -� �' N�li',i �' .v� �'•��r � � .��_C�C l, L�.��l' � , - �� � �I, (��0� -� � c: :> 1?.�I 11..?,n, � .. ';(, )i5„?i �•iC} ("` ;- �ti.lt' 1 ,�. 6�.�" , • _ . .. .. . - , .. �" . 'r= t�.ci'":P. �i.':Gt�J��pr � ,.� •. -, . . T� .. �'��...�. . V�.� ,..� �,rc.�. �r��ti) i3OU ti'�:1�,:�r^1� '�,1I'E?C��'r �;p�-rtr° 1^:1_ cf �r�,;,�r;:�. �a:_a*ion _ ' ;c�%--��. !.I --��,., �.1„ -., _ �" T?E��ut`T ��':ln t:_±t�,��, � �