263112 WTiITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COlII1Ci1 n BIUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALT�L File NO. �-�7 �G r , ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works, Division of Operations, has issued the herein mentioned Registered 3tlls, �Vow therefore be it Registered Bill No. 1-2$20, dated August 7, 1g6g, in the amount of $606.27 and issued to Dahlen Transport, Inc. , should be canceiled as per letter by City Attorney dated December ]8, 1973 - No infor- mation on accident available and police cannot collaborate this bill . Registered Bill No. 1-3216, dated May l , 1970, in the amount of $541 .65 and issued to Mr. Dennis Simon (former City empioyee) . The amount due on this bill is $441 .65. However, since the above has filed bankruptcy and is in the hospital and the City Attorney's office is unable to col- lect on this bill , we have been advised by the City Attorney and Jirn Schwartz, Head Accountant for the Department of Public Works, to cancel this bill . Regist�red �ill No. 1-5366, datEd June 26, 1972, in the amount of $255.00 and issued to Carlson Sewer Company. This bill was issued for three sewer permits ($35.00 each) , two of which Carlson Sewer Company did pay, leaving a balance of $85.00 on the bill . However, the Maintenance Divi- sion of Public Works has informed us that the permit issued for 2243 Londin Lane should not have been billed to Carlson Sewer Company, and,. therefore, this bill shouid be can�elled fpr the amount of $85.00. Registered Bill No. 2-5261 , dated September 12, 1969, in the amount of $204.60 and issued to Harry Lindberg should be cancelled as per letter from the City Attorney's office dated January 29, 1974, informing us that due to lack of information they consider this bill uncoll�ctable and are closing their file on this bill and suggest we do the `�me. RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby direct that the herein mentioned Registered Bilis be hereby and the same are cancelled. � Jm_ COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: 3�x�cx Butler � Publ ic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � � Against BY ��� Roedler.. Daniel J. D ord, Direc or � (RG� ,� Tedesco �� �� Mme.President�totl�c Nunt FEB 1 3 �974 Form Approved by ty to ney i V Adopted by Council. Date Certi ' "sed by C �c' etary BY � By Approv by M o : Date � � 5 97� Approved b Mayo fo Submission to Council By BY PUBUSNED FE B 2 3 1974 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 5, 1974 TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � �; Cancellation of registered 6ills � I have reviewed the above referenced administrative order and am in agreement with same. Your approval of this order is hereby requested. FDM/ca Attach. Ciry Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota s5�o2