263109 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 -!J.}■y.'l��" PINK �-- FINANCE BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ~v� � `� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� that the prior Resolution of this Council establishing and naming the members of the Midway Developmen.t Distric� Task Force , Council File No. 262583, approved November 15, i973, be and the same is hereby amended to add the name of Mr. James W. Neitz, c�o Economics Labs , Osborn, Building, St. Paul , Minnesota, as a member of said Task Force . COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �€ii� Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �u'€�� Hunt �C� A � '9?�- Form Approved Cit A torney Adopted by Council: Date � aT,�-r T Certifie P s ed by Coun ' .Se BY By A Approve by May. Date 97`� Approved b r S ission to Council BY gy ---- _ PUBLISHED Ff B 2 3 1974 ' . 4 �..- ��rr .�r �? �i' t� }�.'� " �/ �y-' ;'1 ��(: — �f. i_ L? 4n. 1 ��� 7.' n..i� �i a� . 1 . , ' ,� �:�i . L . r—' i. r � i i ;�,y � . . . . � ,: ,1t;i'� ? � ;��f��"� ���On �J CITY t)�= SAINT PAUL�`�''����'��'j.�"�j'� ''('�4'"ki��r-FRANCIS G�YDEN k1Ft5. RU�Y HUNT , Cauntilm�n Leg'rsFative Aide O�.Fi::_ OF THF_ COUNC{L C"i"f'f HALL Ah0 COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MlNNESOTA 55102 January 21 , 1974 T0: � R. Scott Davie , City Attorney FROM: Ruby Hunt, Council President n}'��-- � � �fould you please prepare the necessary resolution in connection with the attached letter. Att. . CC: Clarence Simonovich --=''J _ I PRIOR-UNIVERS4TY BUSINESS��'EN . ���'^����"='� i 1933 UNIVEFSITY nVENUE .. '� i ST.PAUL,MtNNESOTA 5510� . `N�'� j � �g7L�. iCouncil Presic!��c�t,��° R��.,v H�tnt ��09 ' _ 17 ,�anuary 1974 I . 1`�s., Rub� Iiunt - Pre�ident St. �'�.ul Ci.t�• Cauncil 7'19 City Ha11 S:t. Faul, Minnesota 55102 . Dear Ms� Iiunt; Tn response to your letter of 8 January 1974, Prior--University ' . Businessmen fiave�selected Mr. .7ames_W. Neitz as its re- presentati,ve Lo the Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Thank_ , you foz your consideration in tfiis matter. Mr. �'ames W. Neitz c/o Econom.ics Labs Osborne Building . St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Sincezel�� � ;� . , /: �"�_._ i� ` , r n �. � ����`� ���� �\ - Bari.-y � igkt j �� BK:sw copies: Prior-University� Businessmenn. ' From the desk of , R. SCOTT DAV I ES �t�r���� City Attorney UV 1-31.-74 Mayor' s Office — Prepared resolution per request of Mrs . Hunt. See her correspondence attached. . GITY OF SAINT PAZTL OFFICE OF TF�7. MAYO1� ��./�.1 �9 :n�a �uma� ��� LAWRENGE D. COHEN MAY°R January 31, 1g74 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I submit herewith for your consideration a resolution adding the name of Mr. James W. Neitz as a member of the Midway Development District Task Force . Respectfully submitted, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor 22 2s��os January 31, 19�4 To the Honorable Council oY t�e City of Saint Paul : I submit herewit�i for your consideration a resoiut�on adding the name of �ir. James �. Neitz as a utember of ti�e Midway Development District �'ask F'oree . Respeetfully submitted, -... LAWRE�NCE D. CUfiE�v i+iayor