263108 WHITE - CITV CLERK (1(►(��/1� PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 ` { U BLUERY- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �V � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution a.nd delivery of a, relea.se in full to the City, in a. form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized a.nd directed to pa.y out of the Tort Lia.bility Fund 09070-420-000, to: 1. Michael C. Allen by Willia,m Allen, his father, a.nd Hugh P. Ma,rkley, his attorney, the sum of $125.00 in full settlement of his cla.i.m of damages sustained on or about July 8, 1973, as more particula.rly set out in a. communication to the City Council on July 20, 1973. 2. Ha.rold Mordh a.nd Peter J. Mordh the sum of $205.70 in full settlement of their cla.im of da.ma.ges sustained on or a.bout Ja,nua.ry 4, 1974, a.s more particula,rly set out in a communication to the City Council on — January 15, 1974. 3. Arnold Hattling, the sum of $17.00 in full settle- ment of his claim of damages sustained on or about October 18, 1973, a.s more particularly set out in a, communica.tion to the City Council on November 23, 1973. " COUIVCILMEN � Requested by Department of: Yeas B�ttler Nays � K�onopatzki � [n Favor � Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �IX �t FE B 13 197� pp �Y Y Y Form A raived b Cit ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ed by Co il tary gY " J . By Appr ed by Ma�„ r. Date �r 197� Approved b ayor �• Submission to Coun ' , By BY PUBLISHEQ FE6 2 3 1974 r � 2�3��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY 31 January 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES MEMORANDUM CLAIMS AGA INST THE C ITY OF SA INT PAUL BY MICHAEL C. ALLEN BY WILLIAM ALLEN, HIS FATHER AND HLTGH P. MARKI�EY, HIS ATTORNEY; HAROLD MORDH AND P�i'ER J. MORDH; AND ARNOLD HATTLING Claimant, Michael C. Allen by his father William Al1en, requests payment for medica.l bills incurred as the result of an alleged roughing by an officer of the police depart- ment. Liability is on the part of the City. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Allen' s claim in the amount of $125.00. Claima.nt, Peter J. Mordh. ,. was involved in an accident with a Saint Paul Public Works vehicle while driving a vehicle owned by claimant, Har� ld Mordh. Liability is on the part of the City. Expenses are for the repair of the damaged vehicle. This office approves the settlement of the Mordh' s claim in the amount of $205.70. Claimant, Arnold Hattling, requests refund of towing and storage charges after his parking ticket was dismissed in Municipal Court. This office a.pproves the settlement of Mr. Ha,ttling' s claim in the amount of $17.00. L ...� . � , % � City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121