02-1048Council File # _py . �y,� Green Sheet # 200977 Presented by Referred To Cqmmittee Date �q i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (the City) has awarded a cable franchise to MediaOne of St. Paul, Inc.,doing business ? as AT&T Broadband, and the cable franchise requires that AT&T provide capital funding forPEG access and community 3 proa amming; and 4 WHEREAS, AT&T is to provide an annual $50,000 grant for PEG access capital equipment purposes in 1997 dollazs by � July 31, the anniversary date of the renewal franchise; and 6 WHEREAS, these funds have been received by the City in the amount of $56,789 and aze being held by the City in an 7 account (166-31125-6910) pending City Council approval for the payment of the funds; and 8 W HEREAS, the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNl� is the City's Designated Entity, and the City and SPNN have 9 entered into a Performance Agreement approved by the Saint Paul City Council as Council File #02-887; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 W HEREAS, SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its programming mission and the terms of its Performance Agreement with the City, and has requested that the aforemenrioned capital grant be paid to it; and WHEREAS, U�e City's Cable Communications Officer has reviewed SPNN's ten-year and FY 2003 equipment plans and recommends the City release the $56,789 equipment grant to SPNN; and WHEREAS, SPNN agrees to provide an accounting to the Cily of the actual expenditure of these funds; BE IT RESOLV ED, that the City Council approves payment of $56,789 to SPNN for capital equipment upgr� replacen�ents. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav �/ Blakey Bosnom Coleman �i Harris � Lanh�Y ✓ Reiter � Adopced by Council: Date ��„ ��'�T Q�'� F.3 �� � RESOLUTION CfTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: Technology and Manageme IC /� Form Appr � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � DepaRmenVofficelcouncil= Date Initiated Green Sheet No . l.007! / OfficeofCableCommunications 10/24/02 ��"� Contact Person & Phone: � lnttiaUdate Imhalldafe Holly Hansen 266-8S7i I Depar[men[ Dir. 4 City Co�mcil Must Be on Council Agenda by {Date) Assign ? City Attocoey � Ciry Clerk Number �»�al Secv Dir. Financial Serv/acct F 3 Mayor (Or Asst) __Civil Service Commission 1 U13l02 Rout�ng Order Total # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All LoCations tor Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution authorizing payment of pass through capital equipment grant of $56,789 from AT&T Broadband to Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNI�. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejeci (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Ptanning Commissioo Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Civii Service Commission Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normalry possessed by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain aH yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City's cable franchise requires that AT&T Broadband provide an annual capital grant of $50,000 in 1997 dollars for PEG access capital equipment purposes. SPNN is the City's Designated Entity far PEG access and has entered into a Performance Agreement with the City (C.F. 02-887). SPNN needs ongoing equipment replacements and upgrades to fulfill its programming mission and meet the terms of the Perforxnance Agreement, and has requested that the capital grant be paid to SPNN. Advantages If Approved: SPNN will be able to upgrade and replace eauinmPrr �� --�°---' '"" �ill ensure reliable access services to the Saint Paul community and allow SPNN to fi � �ce Agreement with the City and meet its progra�nming mission. � � � Disadvantages If Approvetl: �� None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: , Reliability, quality, and service levels of public, community, and educational programuiing may be negatively impacted. Total Amount of Transaction: $56,�89 CosURevenue Sudgeted: Y@S FundingSource: �EE-3'I�Zb -EJ�O ������� .4ctivityNumb Financial Information: (Explainj V(�� ����Ch C��tte�°;, I � J ��UE �. � � , � o � .�oy�' October 21, 2002 /I�i/ AV/A wwwspnn.or� • E-�T�t[.: infoCspnn.org Holly Hansen Cable Communications Officer City of Saint Paul 68 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Ml�i 55102 Dear Holly, � U�IO� DEPOT PL4CE 214 E�.s7 Foc.Rrx S'a�Fr • S.�cv r P.:t;t, �L� 55101 � 651/2245153 • F��� 651j298-8414 �� � �� � L� �li�' _ 7 Snm*r Pnuc's Connuu!vrrr CxeNxas x�z„F,m+ca��,e� ia RBIIC:SCCFSS CFU.\1EL Ij Eoccnnorv,v. Cxarv�ec 16 SPMV CON.N6"SITY PROGRA.NS CIiM']EL 1B SPNN L'�'�wn'no�at C�u��o.20 I am writing to fol:ow up on my ietter of September 10, 2002, in order to provide you more techrucal detaii regarding aur request for $Sb,788 in Equipment Grant monies received from AT&T Broadband in 2002 for use in SPN Equipment Replacement Plan. Equipment replacement amounts and rarionales are detailed by funcrional area according to the Plan: Master Control Upgrades �8500 Imnrovement and imnact: Due to the reduced piayback demand after the transition of Channel 18, the need for a Tilt-Rac system has diminished; addirional Seacl�ange server storage is also not needed at this time also for the same reason. Both Channels 14 and 15 are now straight from tape, or hazd disk playback, wluch has increased quality and reliability. But playback needs to start format updating, allowing rerirement of a small number of the aging S-VHS decks and replacement with digital DVCAM machines. This will aliow member productions done in digital played straight to air from digital format rather than dubbing down to S-VHS. Cost for 2 Sony DVCAM DSR-40 or DSR-45 decks will run an esrimated $8500. Due to the addition of the AT&T backhaui of feeds from the head end on fiber, a replacer.�ent for the Di-Teci: switche: is no longer ne; essary. Virtually ail switching is now being done locally with the Grass Valley switcher at the Union Depot. The 1_eased phone line connecting the head end with the automation system will be dropped in the near future. The Grass Valley Horizon switcher at the depot will need replacing, but can be moved to later yeazs in the plan ,,. d"� Signal Processing/Switching $9,500 Imnrovement and imnact: Replacement of equ9pment as needed. Anucipated expenditures may include distriburion amplifiers for large studio — to replace originai 1986 equipment. Other needs may arise as legacy equipment ages BUILDING COMMUNITYtl��zTELEVISION oa-�oy� Community Productions/Van $8500 Imnrovement and imuact: Major e�enses will be bodywork, suspension and maintenance work on the Ford production truck. This will ensure that this 1486 truck continues to serve the purpose without brea.kdown. An additional $4000 is budgeted for miscellaneous production gear, such as lighting equipmern. Camera Systems �30(10 Iwnrovement and impact: The planned activity here is a re-building of our portable multi-camera switcher package — the aim and impact will be to make it lighter, more compact, more reliable, and able to record to digital media This will increase the quality of productions by members of the public. VTR/Editing/Duplication $5000 I�aprovement and impaet: Purchase of an additional Mac G-4 For member editing, non- linear edit software, and one portable DV deck for member checkout. These additions will increase the avaiiahility and flexibility of DV quality editing far memhers. Education $15,000 Improvement and imuact: Continued acquisifion of iBooks and mini-DV cameras initiated in CEPEA �ant program for checkouts to school sites. Administration $2700 Imurovement and imaact: Additions include a second drive for the office server, and post-office software to increase administrative efficiency, and replacement of office computers as needed Lighting/Electrical $2000 Imarovement and imaact: Purchase of two new, compact light ldts for member check out. Older ldts are bullder and getting expensive to maintain. This update will increase lighting options and convenience for members, with equipment appropriate for newer digital camcorders. Reserve 52588 Total $56,788 Please let me ]�ow if you haue questions about specific items, or need more detail. As always, I appreciate the assistance and insight of your office. Thank you. Yours trul , � Mike Wassenaar Executive Duector Saint Paul Neighborhood Network