263082 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 26���2 PINK �- FINANCE BLUER�- MAVORTMENT , GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �BSOLV�D, That the City Council hereby cancura in the action o! the Pu�chasing Caosittee in ehe a�rard of a contrut for `lurnia6in,g ail labor, u�aterials, eqxipa�at and aervices n�ce�sary or incida►tal to the BLBCT�ICAL C�iSTRUCTION �F THS �CFORD R$CRBATION CBNTER PO�L, Igl�srt svenud and Laxington Park�ray, Saint Pau1, Minnesota for the Degutment o# Co�nnity Services, to BRIT�-LITB BLBCTBIC C�'�NY as folicrwe: BLBCTRICAL C�iBTRUCTION Lnsp Sds Base Bid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$33,i00.00 ALTSRNATB B-1 8ae Section 1600, (�NB�AL ELBCTBICAI. ADD for providing all wiriag, condnit, boxes, and �quip�sent ' for pagiag systam and uaderaater pool lighting. . . . . . . .$ 6,900.00 L'OC$I. �OtIII� O� COAC1aCC• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •�0�700��0 as a reault ot Bid Diusber �5769 Ha�vised aad the apecificatio�a igcorporated t6erein. Brite-Lite Blectric �oapany l�eing tha lo�est responsible bidd�r uader the spacificatious and the Corporation Counael i.r hersby directed to draft the proper fora� o� eantract and obtaia ,th�: �ces�ar� p�srfor�ance snd pay�ent boezda•. The proger City officials u� hereby authoriaed �o ea«cute isid contrut on bebalf of the City of �sint Paul. Bid Nu�ber dS769 8e�riaed s.o. #n-9s3 Code: 60800 - (L•7571)-1 Per4anent Improvement Revolving Fuad - To be rei�bursed from Job f73•63 93073-460-020. See the attachmd f�nding tnforrmaation. DBPT. HBIID - F 8 A3 0 FUl�DING �� 2/5/74/S�ith/jk COUNCILMEIV Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: � Coamunit e Konopatzki � In Favor Levine � Meredith � Against � � Roedler . � - Tedesco Mme.President HQf.�@E HUrit F�g ? �glq For Approved b Cit ney Adopted by Council: Date C Certif' sed by C il ary BY By Approv by Ma or: Date Approv� y r f ubm' sion to ouncil By BY \� �ueusK�n FEB 16 1974 � '' � . ,, , cmr o� �wun�wu� i ' t• _Communit _�ervices `_� 263C�82 �EPARTMEN7 Y Dwra ' TO THE CONTRACT COMMITTEE � �� � OP TM[CITY OR S/11NT rAYL ./� [RRINO TO THt �tD1 R[C61V[D AND Or[N!D ON Decembe r 19� 1� 73 RlQOMMWD�I�7YON I * i�Y MAD� rOR TH[GONTRACT AWARD OR TMt►OLLOWING IMrROV[M[NZ: I � � rORMALSIDNO. A-5769-Reviaed Job ;�73-63 DErARTMtNTNO. � D[�CRIlRION OP TM[ PROJ[CT [NGIN[[R'a e1TIMA7'S• � � Electrical Constructi�n of Cxford Recreation Center Pool + � � � W , � I ti as '� IIRITE-LITE ELECTRIC CO. A � Lump sum base bid $33, 800. 00 b Alternate No. 1 ADD 6,:900. UO i W - , � � Total Contract $•�0, 700. 00 j �d � I a� � i � o � � ,,• a� a a � q. To�� c�ormiwcroR •AT TM< LUMP iUM �ID 0I • � � ! � eo�,►cr neKa - - • _ • • • - - • 40, 700, 00 � Q a cm ro� woeK- . . . • . . . • � I b4 p tNO1N[t111N0 AND IN�riCT10N �-�K ' ' ' • ' � I y�,� . . . . . . . � � WAT�I1 DiR. f.NMO[S - � i � H � COLL[CTION CHA�Od - ` ' ' ' ' ' ' � A TOTAL - ' ' ' ' . . . . . . / � , � I I P[RMAN[NT IMrROV[MtNT.lINOLVINO rUND TO OL R�IM�UR<QD FOR CO�T O� TNI• IMrROV[M�NT Aa fOLLOW�t 1, AN[�S[D AOAINST �[Ntr�1T[D PROr[R7Y - - � � ' ' ' ' • � f. A�ROrRIAT[D �ROM CITY�1 �NARR OF LOCAL IMrROVtY[NT/ COD[. - ' ' • i. MUNICIrAI. fTAT� AI� rROJ[GT NO. - - • - - - - ' ' ' • � 4. A�ROrR1ATtD rROM ltoND IiiUt, GOD[ • � • � d IO •. 001lNTY AID • ' ' • ' - • � • - - • • • � •N �. . . y3073-460-020_ _ . . _ . , „ . . . � 4, 060. 00 i � 60000R� L-7571-1� 36, 640. 00 � � �, . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . - - - � 0 40, 700 00 � U TOTAL - � � � � Y TRUIY. � � . � ," �/�L u- � � � AMROV�D � • � • City Architect ` � �+ I � ire r� Comm i }�°�ervices pt.