263075 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 (_j� �•.�y� BLUERY-MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � � v� ■ � ; - Counci , Resolutio � Presented By LICEN3E Ct3MIrlITTEE y,.` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By ' Date WHEREAS: LeRoy L. Coleman desires to�i.thdraw Application M 10232 for Off Sale Liquor license anci requesta the returr� of the license f�e deposited thereon, therefore, be it RLSOL�EDt That the proper C�ty offieers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to LeBoy L. Colematt the fee of $1,000.00 and to cancel said applie�tion for license. WI THDRA�'AI, (Rs£und) Mai.ling Addre�s - I,eR�y L. Coleman 356 w. �he�loek Parkraay st. Paul, Miranesota 5�117 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �c Butler , Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY S�a�kx Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � I�Lirit, FEg 7 197� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ed by Cou il S r ary BY By Approved by or: Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By � � . . ' ���.� .t� . . r_. . .. C�� ��3��5� �(i 1l�'1r �� �A�'�"� pla��. 1 u...� - �P�'�.i�A��`��� E�� f "��� SAL ,� �E���: L���,���� - .� � Application I�'o. ('ITi■ form mu�t be BIIrd out`kn addldon W the avulieatbn fo:m and ��vorn �tatement requfred by t6e Liauor Contrnl Commlufoner of tM StaG of MlnnewL.) Iv`ume of Applicant LeRoy Coleman Ave 57 Residence Addresq 356 West Wrieelock Parkway Telephone No 488-2328 Are y�ou a citizen of the LTnited Statas? Yes Have you e��er been engaged ir, operating a saloon, cafe, saft �'rink parlor, or busin2s� of simi�ar r.Atu�e? 4� Ye s Wheu xnd Where? Manag�d the Celebrity, 653 Selby, 1965-1966 If corpoi�ation, give ci��te when incorparate,d Name and addreas of ail officers of corporatian, and name and addre�� of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold Individually Owned Namc� aiicl nddressc� of Stockholders Name of surety company which wili wri�� bond, i�kn�wn _ __ Iv'urr�ber Street Side Betw�an 6Vna� Cp�ss St���i� �d�d 921 . Selby . North � Milton and Chatsworth � How many feet from an academy, college or univas�sity (measured ai�n� stree*s) ? ?�one in area How many feet from church (measure�l a:�ng �t1l��LJ) ? ., How m�ny feet from closest public or paroch.i�l hi�h o;grade s�hooi {measure3 along stree�s) ?_ — Name af cl�sest achoo] Hill School, Oxford and Selbv FIow are premises classified under Zo�inn O��aranc�? Commercial ` On what floor located? Fi rst I?ieased, give name of owner- - LeRov Coleman� Owner ar.d Applicant Ia applicatioz� for drugstore, general food stor� or exclusive liquor store? Exclusive Liquor Store How long have you operated present bu�iness at pres�nt site? Store front vacant Do you now have an "On Sale" non-int�xi�atin; Iiquor licenae? No (This applicatian must be sig�ned by th� ��pli�ant, and if a corporation, by an o�cer of the cor��rw+:��.) (Not�: Th� S!at� a,��13�atnaca forn and it��orrnati�n mr�s� be v�r,r:r�.) Iasuance of licensQ is not recommea�dQd. D�te �� ��_� 9 �' � ,p � _'.�i��,1 /' � �f«;� " .�1�, � /�r f,-C�f / �, _ � � �. '�/�� L. �. i �.inPTCn Tno. ^n4.. _ � IG�I/- / / , .-r... .,,-. 1.. ,. t�ctc�ber 3�s 19'T3 Mr. Dean �ierad3th� t�,iz�ma�t License Cs�aaitt.�e 8oam "jt�o, C�.ty Hal�. 3t. 1'e�u].� Mi.aaesota De�r 53r: The Ci�y G�na�.l sef�rre�i to t�e Lice�t�e Co�ii.ttese a�,n appli:c���ar� oY Lei�c�y Cr�Iema�t far �a 4f�`-5�1� LiquQr �.ice�n�e r�t �2L ��lb� ,�ve. '10�.^� vexy' tru�,Y: City Cl�rk ASO s�,� ca t I�Cr. t�rcahedi. Lice�te�e Itispeator