263047 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO11I1C11 2s3C�4'7 �INK - FINANCE GI Y O AINT PALTL 1 ANARYr DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR . -- . Flle NO. �� ' esolution Presented By ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Bradley Real Estate Trust be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 77-car parking lot on the property located on the south side of Wilson between Pederson and McKnight, more particularly described as follows : The north 125 feet of the east 1/2 of vacated Winthrop Street and those portions of Lots 7 through 15, Block 5, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 2 lying North of line beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 15, 125 feet south of the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence running easterly at right angles for a distance of approximately 480 f�et to the northerly line of said Block 5; all in accordance with plans dated Received November 8, 1973; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUKCILMEN Yeas �t1e=. Nays Requested by Department of: ]� Konopatzki �� In Favor Levine Meredith V Against BY �9pc�dio[ Ae�edier s ,_— ..,�.r Mme.President �C IiU�$ Adopted by Council: Date �'+E� � �9T4 Form Appr ed by City Att ey Certifi a sed by Cou il etary BY By Approve y r: Date — g 5 �9 Approved by Mayor for Subm ion to Council By BY PUBLtSH�D F�B 91974 BO�ARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL . OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR January 21, 1974 ������ Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 city xail Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Bradley Real Estate Trust for a permit to install a 77-car parking lot on property located on the south side of Wilson between Pederson and McKnight. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on December 20, 1973, Staff reported that the Traffic Engineer requested that the driveway be increased to 26 feet, but that the driveway is in at 24 feet. Staff reconnnended approval with the stipulation that if the lot is resurfaced in the future, the driveway should be widened to 26 feet. The applicant's representative explained that the lot was surfaced because of the pending weather problem. A motion was made and seconded to recomm►end approval of the permit with the condition that the driveway be changed to 26 feet when the time came. The motion carried unanimously. Sincerely, � ,�UY� �.�i'���C�--� DAV ID RO N MADDOX /Y�(/� Secretary, Board of Zoning DRM:CLM:dr Zoning File 7588 i � � � � `7 � --�'-'� . 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 � ' , . City of Saiat Paul, Minne$ota � APPLICATION FOA 3PECIAL COUI�CIL USE P�I�[IT (Please print or type) TO TI� HDNOItA,BI,� 1�AYOIi AND CITY OOUNCIL ��""�� 96 tBe City Clerk Citq of Saint Paul, Mianesota Application is hereby made to instali and operate a new (cross one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (��) (es�i�s�s� (Private use) (�ri�i�•�+ws� (+�i�r) (indicate type) Capacity of parkiag lot 'J'r 4� To be used in connection with; � �Z � � 3�I3CEI.I�Ar1E0U5: (indicate tqpe sucb as Dr3ve-in Befreshment Stsad, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Veador, etc.) Capacity of parking area: � �I.ocation : 1�'W /� � �,lql �l�MN � � � �w �� 1�3' �t �st �/Z a!' � Legal Description : � ��� ���� ���'� ��-�"' L�t 7 t�no�h �.3, lZ�o� S, �n !q Ti�'s�sr► �1#�l+�It �. 2. AppliCant's Name : ��� � �� � Home or Office Address: 8t. �1 �t C�,� �t j�� � � ��, , �t. l�ati, lMalrraRa 5��1 Phone Number ; �'�70� � R✓BY TAS APPLICANT, �� a 73 . 6 Si� �� da e Address � ��r ���Mi�l �t ��� � �!'�r �IIl� ��s ��1 Pbone No.: 2Z7�7�bZ1 Nrhen completed: file three copies of this applicatfon form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plaas of the proposed facility with the Citq Clerk, Room 386� City Eaii and Court House, Safnt Psul, �innesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EJIAI[PLE: 1. 5.8. corner of �ain St. and First St. 2. 3outb side oP �aia St. between First snd Second 31� � � � � � � � �f E "758 �av - e ��r� ZaN�NG FIL p� ���� � � ���. ��� ' ' BOARD OI' ZONIi.G REPORT A�Ill ACTION December 20, 1973 . � Plat Map 42 'Acting under Legislative Code Ctiapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7588 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Bradley Rea 1 Estate Trust 7512, 7249 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 4450 3. PURPOSE : Install a 77-car parking lot 4. LOCATION : South side of Wilson between Pederson and McKnight 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File �"��°��� 6. PRESENT ZODTING: "C" Residence 7. PURSUANT T0 Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STt�iFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: � Date: December 14 gy; MB . A. ZONING HISTORY: In 1960, permission was granted by the Council to extend a multiple-family use from land zoned Commercial onto the site now being considered, which was zoned "A" Residence. The time for the completion of � the proposed project was extended to May 15, 1965. In 1971, a permit to install a 340-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with an apartment complex was issued. This proper.ty was rezoned to "C" Residence on November 29, 1973. B. AREA ZONING: The site is entirely surrounded by commercial zoning. Across Wilson Avenue all the land is zoned "A" Residence. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Plans received November 8, 1973, were approved by the Zoning Board. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site fronts on Wilson Avenue for a distance of about 510 feet. The total area of the site is approximately 47,500 sq. ft. , or about 1.5 acres. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is level and paved. F. AREA CONDITIONS: The site is surrounded on three sides by the Bradley Apartment complex. The area across the street is a rolling vacant park-like area. Other portions of the land across the street are filled with single- family homes. Nearby also are a playground, public library, and a coBUnercial shopping area. The 3M complex is just across McKnight Road to the east. 9. BOARD ACTION; To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Le tter - Dated: _ Yea s Na ys Moved by . Norton x Norton Januar 21, 197 x Maddox Date of Seconded by: Bryan � x Willits Hearing: x Bryan Secretary's remarks:. x Rupp January 24, 197 � " Council �,ction: . • • Date: � - � City Clerk � CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION � 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 a �aausrq 11� 1974 ��'� � ��� File %1441, page You are heraby notified that a pub�ic hearing wi11 be ��sld in the Coumi� Chambars of the City i�1a11 and Court Houss at 10:00 a.m. on January 24, Z974 on the appllcation of the Bradley Rea1 Bstate Trw�t to conaCruct a 77•aar parkiag lot on Che propmrty deecribed aa folloas: The aorth 125 feet of the eset 1/2 af Yecated �linthrop Street +u►d those portions of Lota 7 thraugh IS, Block S, Saa �ay T�rrace Addition No. 2 lyit�g North of lin�a bsginning at a point on the v�st liae of Lot 15, 125 feet sonth of Che aorth�reatarlq coaceuns kt�reoi; theace ruaniqs easterly at right aagles for � disC�i�e ot approximately 480 fese to tbe aortlurly lin� of �aid Block 5. The propertp ia located on tbe soutb eida of Wilson Avenue bet�esa l�cKnight �ad Pederyea Streets. For further iafos�ttion, eOntacC th� Plantting Bosrd, 4,�11 w�basha Straet, or tolephone 298•4151. To comply vith the City ChArter, the Departaneat o! Musase ia chsrged with informiog you of this publlc hearing. If you have aop queoti,on�� it is reconmended that you attead thie public hawsieg to afford qou tha opportunity to m�ice your vteWS, both pro and coa, &sfo�m to the City CotuLCil. AG�S�tT W. TRUDBAU DI�tBCTObt � . . � , # I, . City of Saint Paul, l�innesota �`� t APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) � � �� J TO THE Ii�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �6'���� �/ � the City Clerk 1( City of Saint Paul, Minnesota - Application is hereby made to ���p��'��'�'�� install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: QPARKING LOT for (wws�te�.rs) (e�'Lcr�*aee.) (private use) (-p�,�3�o--�,tse.) (�o�t�er) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 77 cars To be used in connection with: ap��nt COmU1ex � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : South side of W31son Anenue between Howard a�d Pedersori Streets. Legal Description �: ort,h 125' of East 1,/2 of v�ac�a�ted Winthrop Street�a�d ortions of Lots 7 through 15, Block 5, Svn Ray Terraee Addition No. 2. Applicant's Name : B�� RRar• ���E TRUST Home or Office Address: St, Paul agent: CUSHING & DRISCOLL� 303 Piox�eer Bvildipg, St. Paul, Miffiesota 55101 Phone Number : 222-2703 R/BY TI�; APPLICANT, r 7 � � na �•T' da e) 1 Addre s : F.-1500 First Nstional Bes�k Bvildiz�g - Ssint Psvl� Minn. 55101 Phone No.: z�'j_7�1 �Ilhen completed: file three copies oY this applicatioa form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � . � � .. . �. � _ � L � -- � ; " ' '� '� o ,.;�,.�' �ti (_ �� ti ` • �.�;+ �•7 y��'� . f�� D C �S �' iJ . S T. � •� �' � ,-�`� ;� ��� �� � � �' `� . .:�' '� " , � ; � �� • � �^ �' � '� � �w' f` �•� `'�,? �' , .• � � ' • _�------ � '='` ° ".�' :1 . . . . ` ' ; . � �;.+ t�t� .y S� ;;Y ;�:� ,;� •►�` :� ^' . �-------- , � ',� �' � ```�, � ;.� � 4 d � � r �..� . „3 "" ^.� � 4 C , .'------- .'� , �_.� �r. .''"� � '..� .A�, o:�J • . , � , � J � ���7��1��:+ ~��y ' b ' . � �� � � � • , -- � ---- ' ��� � _ . � • � • - ' . � . ' . '� . . i � • • - f • �......�� .-� •� . " � � • . •a �— . �m- • •' • - . - � • • . � � . . � . . i � . . .. ' •� �: . '���y . � . � l . �`' -h '� ! . . • � I � • :' , ` ' t .�-- --�- ----� '� � • . . • � . . .- . - . � 1 . � , :. � , • . • - ! . . , �w . �r . � . �� � i � . . . . . • 1 . : ?• . A _� � � � O . .�.�... . . o _ � � _ � _.. .. . � . - _ � � �- Q -°- - . . � � v, � :- . °' � �, s � o . .. A � . ��-� o o � _ . � . - - - _ _ __ '�:, _ o �� _ ., , , a _ . " , , , �� C r O � �` . . O , � O � � � - ° ► � ;� � O� D �' O . _ � . � � O o 0 o E.� � � � / � � � n � C�� O O ' . _ 1 ` • • � / �` _�� _ `` � �0����� "'� i . o , , � � , D � - ST . . - .� ► ► � o .__ � � �; ;,'- � � < ° ° oo 0 0 00 00 � 0 � � � _ ., � � r - -- - - � l ' � C� ��-!_� .I � ' �� , �'�- � � � �4 O O O O O O O b O � -� . � � T0 �llE �? � _ ST. � � � "� ° o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . � : , - � ,, �,� � n i T�/ �-�i/>-�� \i�`: 1 l:� i i ` � -- - --, �.: ���� ���� APPLICANT Bradley Real Estate Trust LEGEND • "�' — ZONING OISTRICT BO?.;NDARY PURPOSE Install 77-car parkin� lot �11Ll�d SUBJECT PROPERTY , O � ONE FAAAILY FiLE N0. 7588 � TWO FAMILY 'JATE December 20, 1973 ��' � �ULTiPL� FAMlLY • e n C0�l�ERC1AL � /\ �