263044 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � COUI1C11 �63�44
' esol�¢tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That Gui1d of Catholic Women be and hereby
is granted a permit for a facility for the care of sick
persons rn property located on the south side of Marshall
between Louis and Farrington, more particularly described
as follows :
Lots 19, 20 and 21, Block 82,
Dayton-Irvine's Addition;
subject to Council approval based on a finding that the
facility is necessary and convenient to the c anmunity and
not detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare;
further subject to the recommendation of the Zoning Board
to limit the facility to 70 residents; and further subject
to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its
successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all
applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes
and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance.
Yeas �'t+l�' Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
� ��
Tid�eee�. 1 ���
Mme.President �9Q �WII'� �E8
Form Approve by C' torney
Adopted by Council: Date
Cert' ' d sed by C ncil etary BY `
Approved y M or: Date Approved b ayo �fo� b ' n t ncil
�reusH� FE B 9�974
� •
January 24, 1974 FRANK D. MARZITELLI
TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen. ������
FR: Frank D. Marzitelli �
RE: Establishment of sick care facility on Marshall
between Louis and Farrington ,
I have reviewed the above referenced resolution and am in
agreement with same. Your approval and submission to the
City Council for action is recommended.
FDNi/ca ,
Attach. �
City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota ss�o2
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January 2, 197b
Mr. Ha�ry E. Marshsll
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hail
Dea� Si r:
This is K�itten in respo�se to the application of the Cuild of C�tholic
Mfane� for a permit for a facility for the asre of sick pe�sons on p�operty
located on the south side of Ma�shsil between louis a�d Fa�rington. This
prope�ty is furthe� described as foliows:
Lots 19. 20 and 21. Biock 82, D�yto�-irvine's Addition.
This matter wss heard by the Board of Zo�ing at its December 6, 1973, Soard
of Zoning public hearing. Staff repo�ted that parking does net meet the
standards i� the proposed zoning ordinance. There is a parki�g lot across
the st�eet at Technical-Vocatlo�al Institute which aisy serve this use.
Some neighbors exp�essed their opposition to this stating that �nany sgencies
and institutions a�e locating in this area rathe� than in other pa��ts of the
City. 'ihey thought they should be spread through the City.
Mrs. Paimer, representing the spplication, said they tried to go into board
and care but the buiiding did not confora� to the State of Minnesota's N�atth
Afte� discussion, the Board�aaved and seconded a aation to recomnend approvai
of the appiicstion with the stipulation that there be only 70 residents. The
motion carrted by a vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Rupp voted against the motion
becsuse he felt the nuwber of reside�ts was tvo high.
�iIGL�i�Q�'�/ ,�
S�cretary, Board of Zoni�g
Zoning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
Jsnuary 2, 197�+ ����
Mr. Narry E. Msrshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Des� Si r:
This is written in response to tMe appiication of the Guiid of Catholic
Wdaen for a permit for a facility for the care of sick perso�s on property
located on the south side of Msrshall between louis and Farrington. This
property is further described ss follows:
lots 19, 20 a�d 21 , Block 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition.
This matter was hesrd by the Bos�d of 2oning at its Deceaober 6. 1973, Board
of Zoning public hearing. Staff �eported that parking does not meet the
standards in the proposed ZoniAg ordinsnce. There is a psrking lot across
the street at Technicsl-Vocatio�al Institute which may serve this use.
Some Meighbors expressed their opposition to this stating that a�s�y sgencies
and institutions are locsting i� this area rather thsn in other parts of the
City. They thought they should be sp�ead through the City.
Mrs. Paimer, representing the application, said they tried to go into bosrd
and csre but the building did not conform to the State of Minnesota's Heaith
� After discassion, the Bosrd moved and seconded a motion to recam�end spprovai
of the appiication. It carried by a vote of 4 to 1 . Mr. Rupp voted against
the motion because he felt the number of residents was too high.
�. /��— l�leuG'� ,
Secretary, Bosrd of Zonin�
Zoning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
� , . BOARD Or ZONING REPORT ANll ACTION_ December 6, 1973
" ' Plat Map #6
- Acting undcr Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
.passed August 22, 1922, as amended ,to JanuarY /� ,��7,�, ,; , _, .s_, .. ,.. ,.
-`��':. . v .�._,,,.,•Ndy,..-1'.. � , , . M'. - . t . w. . - . . . '.�%'•. ., , .. , ..M..rrL�.�.,� . . , ... - • •�S�O . .. .
1. APPLICANT'S 11AME . Guild of Catholic Women . � .
2. CLASSIFICATION . a Amendment � Appeal �X Pei-�ait � Other ����'�4
3. PURPOSE . . Facility for the Care of Sick Persons �
4. LOCATIDN . South side of Ma�shell between Louis and Fa�rington .
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 19, 20 and 21 , Block 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition
6. PRESENT ZOIJING: "C" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,pj Paragraph: �
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: November 30, 1973 By: MB
A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site.
B. AREA ZONING: Frontage along Marshall is "C" Residential to Virginia, beyond
� whith is Comnercial zoning �fronting on Western Avenue. The frontage along
. Selby is also Commercial . "B" Residential prope�ty Iies north of Marshall .
. C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 180 feet along Marshall and
. a depth of 116.5 feet� for. an :area of. 20,970 sq. ft. . � . �
. 0. PROPOSED USE: The proposed mental rehabititation facili�ty will house�a � �
. maximum of 91 patients and, when operating at full capacity, the staff would �.
• probably be one staff inember to every seven residents, which would be �
, aPproximafely 13: � �
E. STANDARDS: This facility is only allowed in a "C" Residential district or
" less restrictive zone.
F. PROPOSED ZONING CODE�t The proposed zoning of this area is RM-2, which would
• allow this type of facility.
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is presently occupied by a four-story building
which was used as a boarding residence hall .
H. AREA CONDITIONS: Across Marshall Avenue is Technical Vocational Institute
� and its parking tot. A church and its parking lot atso exist north of
Marshall east of Virginia. The Cathedral is located on the northwest corner
of Summit and Selby. The �est of the area is primarily developed with
multiple family housing. _
9.. BOARD ACTIOV: To Recommend � Approval Q Denial Council Letter
- Dated:
' Yeas Nays
�- Moved by . Maddox . x Norton January 2, 197
' x Maddpx Date of
Seconded by• w�>> �ts x Willits Hearing:
_ � Rupp x
Secretary's remarks:. x Bryan January 3, 197
' . Council Action:
, . : . - _._-- - Date:
� , . _ .�__ -
_.. ...�.
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ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 64 i973, AT 3:00 �'�M,
PRLSENTs Mms, hoxton; Messrse Maddrnc� iJillits and Rupp af th.e Board;
Mac� Ericksan,, Asst� City Architect; Mx� Ryan, snd Miss Rosenti�31
of the Pl.anning Dep�artment Staff a
GUZLD OF CA�l'�rIOLTC WQ:Sr,N �75i0�: C�n a�►plicatissn for a �ermit €�r the �ac:�3.ity
for the care af S3CrC pe�sons on preper�y Iocated on the saueh side of Msishali
between Louis �rtd Fa�?'ington,
Mro Bysn ga�,�e the st�ff xepor4:a He said st�f� is doing :� survev at in��.itutiona:�
group homes and have come ug wi�.h a Iis� or uther r�sic��iice� fax_ ����a�
rehabi.l±tationo �hea�e arP IS in the City� The number �f peop�.e s�rued range
fra� 8 to 6I� Lhe aaerage number of per_sans in most of tizese ;:esic3ences is 21�
He said what they hs�*e dane i.n the psst is ta try to relare �iiese rcqu�s�s �o
whaL- they are pro�r�sing �v: requ�ae in the new zor_ing cod�, Tt�e 1�4 area aad the
patking does nq� mee2. those standarc3s, They haTre a stx:uctuxe tttat was built
grimeril_y to house yc�ung woinen and ;s be�ng converf:ed to snother u�e, �here is
a par:-ting lot Acra�s �he st�eeC ati Technica� Vocationa3. �c�st�.tute which cnay be
avaiLable parr c,f the time to serve ttlis uae., He �then shawed tiiem a s;te plaao
Mrs� �alme�� re�resentitzg �he app�.icane, said �:�ey present�y have 70 residents�
t�4rs o Nortun as�ed how many fu11-time st_aff L•heq are p�.a�ning to izav�>
tIz's� �'��mea° sazd agp�oxinta�ely �3� f�T.l tame �a*�d s�me par� �ime� They are
pla��n�ag on Fiav:�.n� 8� resident-s� Th� Hp�li_cart aaswered a�h�� quest;ia�,€ abou�
the faci�..f_ty�
riir„ RYan re�ad a re�so�.t £?�oc�z the Depax�ment oi �o�.i.ce�,
Bo�r�ie Be�.3ows., 997 :��ort��n.d �venue, s�ic1 fihat of ti�e ir:st�tic�ms �a�ir�g used for
the care F,�i r.3ent�a�.�.y sa.c�,: R euL of t�ze �.5 are �r� �he �tz�t�i�-�Uni.�Fe�sit� c�°ea>
Sh� saiR ti�ey ar� ccsncerneci e�.a� the Su�it-1�Tnivers�.ty s�Pa is �>:aE of t€�e places
where age�acies at�d instii-.u�ions �re lc�cat�_ng rather tttan irz oL-ne:� are�s;, They
are �iz op�c�siticn �:r� ��ny riare age�ciES bein�; P�i a.y� this �=�:-At� i>s:c<:us� �<��re
are a:�ready ��o rnaziy-
Mr� Russ �r_exnsi.auz. �33 S?_?�l�y. ;.:he .�c3-�A�a�: �nr tE2e Gu?_ld.; s:,id thcy h�?Q to be
phasing out sr,m� of i:t,� 9.t�t�deq��ate kzn�s �f fac��a�:i.es i;.� i�e r��e�� i'�c3:e fs
�o�.ng to be E� ��=.nf�i_n•:�d e_oc�r.a�.io�ai l.�.Ql�n 'T?�ey s�a�.�. r_�e ;�e�p?� ;.o Yet ?E� there<,.
mov� �heua ou�.� �,nd g�:� tl�er�� c�� ta attae� a��as o
�i�„ R�app aw?ce�3 i:he 2�fS��:LCu'P'L if he �7o�ld bE caY?�.ing to �-ECUCe tF�e Tnumbe� o£
�:�es�.de�nts„ �:e �aid he does �ot suppori: L-his �y�� af a� �g�esi� �ip as�CLc3 wi�y
tl��y c�oU�,d��'t Iz.�?=t L-I-t�zr res iden�s to bt3; �t �ra�ald sC�?� ce abc�>>� r�h2z •.�ro�ld
be rec�c�ir?� �i3dLr. ti�e aew o?�di.a�iance� Th.ey woc�Lci have �0�2 �o�-��� �har2 �1�4y do
t�ow o
The app�.4ca�z� aa3.d they have a �+�s�:ory bz�i�?d+ng ��ad ope�r�����z��. c�:ts� �f�eir
-� -���-�, .
:_ ,._,.
, � .
. • . . . .
' City of Saint Paul, l�ivaesota �6�f�
(Please priat or tqpe) i
96 tbe City Clerk � , ,
City o� Saint Paul, 1[ianesota
� ,,
Applicatioa is hereby made to remodel or recoastruct� an ezisting 1'
instaii and operate a new (cross one �ut)
No. of islaads and pumps : �
xo, of tanks aaa capacity: ��
� PARBI2�G IAT for (customers) (emplayees) (private.uae) (ptablic use) (otber) �
. � Capacit of . . (iat�icate tqpe)
q parktng lot �
, .� ,�
To be used in conaection �uith: 1 �
. . , �
� YI3C�Id.Al�0U3: � ; �\ �.
indicate type such as Drive-ln rmsh�ent Stsnd, Us�sd C�r
Lot, Dry Cleaning pf.ck-up 8tatio�� Ice Vandor, etc.)" �
Capacity ot parkiag ares: 4 •�;� � � �
. ��� i i���l R i n '.I .`
*Locat�oa � l�#.dd�,� o�t' blo0lic - ���Tie�l� i����������jr�q
f �
Leg�l Description : Lot ��.,� Bloc�lc � �ddi�io�a �
Applicaat's Ns�te : ��„1� Ol" ��L'�t0�►r ��
Name or Office Address: � �Ll�h��,�, �1'�1►i '
Phone Number • ���►'���
, . `�
���'�lM• �'. C .�a�m L.Q.,�. � �(�, 7 � '
�.� S�vl�u C.�o�ww�a..�- aate
aaareas : �i lie�rrLall �►���� �
Pbone No.: �,�,�••'��3'� �
Wben c�apieted: file tHree copiea oP this applicatio�n lorm aad tbree print� of ',
tbe preiiminary lay-out plaas of tbe proposed facilitq witb tbe City Clerk,
Rooti 386, Cit�i.Hail a�c}•pd�fi"� ,.�quse, 8aint Paul, binnesota ;
Z-3 6/11/� �: .z .�t�.��',,�� i��fi:" `�
� f .�. 1< �
'�_: 1. S.B. ,cor�er ot 11�ain St. and First St.
2. Soutb ,s,tde of �aia';St. between First aad Second St.
City Clerk
' ' � � CITY OF ST. PAUL
December 21, .1973
File X1426, Page
You are hezeby notff�ed �hat a pub2ic hearing will be held in Che Council
Chmmbers of the Citq flall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on Ja�uaaty 3, I974
on the applicatiou of the Guild of Cktholic Women for a Special Use permit
for the facility for th� care of the sick on the property described as follaws:
Lats 19, 24, and 21, Block 82, Dayton and Irvine'e Addition to St: Pa.ul.
T6e property is located oa the south side of Marshall Avenue bet�aeeA
Farrington and Lewis Str�e�ts.
For further infornaation, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabaeha St�eet; or
telephone 298=4151.
To coaaply with the City Charter, the Departmeet of Finance ie charged with
iaforming you of thie public hea�ing.
If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend th•ia public tieasi;ng
to afford you tihe opportunity to o►ake yonr views, both p�ro and' con', knowii to tihe
Cily Council.
, �- i������ �`?� � ���
._ � . . _ �:_. . �. : .. . _�- � .: _ • . _� _ � � �. , ,. . OEFICE OF� T.HE�MAYOR .. .
Janua�y 2, 1974 •
. M�. Harry E. Marshall
. City C1erk
Rooa� 386 C i ty Ha I i
Oear Si �:
This is written in response to the appiication of the Guild of Catholic
Manen for a permit for a facility for the care of sick persons on property
located on the south side of Marshall between Louis and Farrington. This
prope�ty is furthe� described as follows: ,
. Lots 19. 20 and 21, Bixk 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition. . .
� This: matter Nas heard by the Boacd of Zonfng at its Deceniber 6, 1973. Board� .
. �. of Zoning public hearing. Staff reported that parking does not meet the .
: standards in the p�oposed zoning ordinance. . There is a parking �lot across ��
the street at Technical-Vocational Institute which may serve this use. � -
. � Sane neighbors exp�essed thei� opposition to this stating that many agencies
and institutions are locating in this area rather than in other pa�ts of the
City. They thought they shouid be spread through the City:
Mrs. Paimer, representing the application, sald they tried to go into board
and care but the building did not conforan to the State of Minnesota's Health
After discussion� the Board moved and seconded a motion to recarmend approvai
of the appiication with the stipulation that there be only 70 residents. The
uwtion carried by a vute of 4 to 0. Mr. Rupp voted against the motion
because he fe1= the �umber of residents was too high.
�w��Qh/ ���
� Secretary, Board of Zoning
2oning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 �2
(612) 298-4151
_ , /�- P�1���.� �`?� �' � ����
� . . � . . . � • . . . �. � � OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR
Jsnuary 2, 1974 -
2�3t�44 ,.
. M�. Hsrry E. Ms�shat i
. Ci ty Cl erk .
Roo� 386 City Ha11
Dear S i r:
This is written in response to the application of the Guild of Catholic
Ifomen for a pera�it for a facility for the care of sick persons on property
located on tha south side of Marshall between louis a�d Facrir+gton. This
� property is furthe� described as follows: ,
� . Lots 19, 20 and 21 , Block 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition. � .
' This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its Oecember 6. 1973. eoa�d
of toning public hearing. Staff repo�ted that parking does not fieet the
� .st�ndards i� the proposed zoning ordinance.� There is a parking lot across
� the �street at Technical-Vocatio�al I�stitute which msy serve this use.
Saae neighbors exp�essed their opposition to this stating that many age�cies
snd institutio�s ace iocating in this area rathe� than in othe� parts of the
C1ty. 'ihey thought they should be spread through the City.
M�s. Palmer, rep�esenting the appitcation, said they tried to go into bosrd
and care but the building did not conforn► to the State of Minnesota's Health
Afte� discussion, the Board moved and seconded a motion to recommend approval
of the appiication with the stipulation that the�e be only 70 �esidents. The
iaotion carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Rupp voted against the motion
becsuse he felt the number of residents was too high.
�A��C� ������y�,
Secretary, Board of 2oning
Zoning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
�i.,;�;,w-.,,� .. �t �� JR:'3.�t..��i 4.�+ '�e�. . : - f 1 �<�t. .•A:� :�i . . �y.���� . :G:` " : a
',. . , . t� :1'.y',�:r.�..�1�.r s�- . .. ......k•:. -..•!.:.V•,� . .�'t . . . . . .c, _s. ..,�•a.•_.
. . :. � �� . � � � . . VINCENT M. COUGHLIN
Ja�uary 2. 1974 � � �
. M�. Ha�ry E. Marshst i
• City C1erk
�oae 386 City Hall
Oea� Sir:
This is written i� respo�se to the application of the Guild of Catholic
Momen for a permit for a facility for the care of sick persons on property
loeated o� the south side of Marshall between iouis and Farrington. This
property is further described as follows:
: � 4ots 19. 20 and 21, Block 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition.
. . � � � .This matter.was heard by� the Boerd of Zoning et its December 6. 1973. Board : � .
of Zoning public hearing. Staff reported that pa�ki�g does not meet the
� • standards in th+e p�oposed zoning.ordi�_nance. There is �a pa�king iot across • .
: : .the.st�reet at Technicel-Vocetio�al lnstitute which may�•serve thi�s •use. � � � � ' '
. Sape neighbors expressed their opposition to this stating that many agencies . �
. 'and institutio�s are locating in this area rather than in other parts of the �
� • ' City. 1'hey� thought they should�be spread through the City. � '
lMs. Paimer, representing the application, said they tried to go into board
and care but the buliding did not conform to the State of Minnesota's Heaith
ceguiatio�s. -
Afte� discussio�� the Board moved and seconded a motion to recommend approval
of the application with the stipulation that there be only ]0 residents. The
■btion carried by a vote of 4 to 0. M�. Rupp voted against the motion
because he felt the number of �esidents was too high.
�A���G'�"�/ /�
o�vio RoN �a000x
Secretary, Boa�d of Zoning
Zoning Fi1e 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 (!2
(612) 298-4i 51
: . . F
.. . .
- ._.:. .. . , .
�T!.�,�►^j��•y�,,s •q iq,•.• 'r.� ,�y:�.�.a. ,�. �,.•..�c-... .....�.AS :>:,. .w. -� '�,,da.:.yhs: rriv:w4YT=-::,, .�...:.c . .. �. la.Or �� ... , ._, . ,
� . . �.� � . � CtTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT .
� � � .� � � VINCENT M. COUGHLIN
January 2, 1974 '
M�. Harry £. Msrshali
Citr C1erk
Room 386 Gtty Hali � .
�ea� S i r:
This is written in response to the appltcation of the Guild af Catholic
Mane� for a peraAit for a facility for the care of sick pe�sons ort property
located on the south side of Ma�shall between Louis and Farringto�. This
prope�ty is further described as foliows: ,
, Lo'ts 19, 20 and 21, Block 82, Dayton-Irvine's Addition. . . . •
. . . Thrs.�matter� was heard by the 8oard af Zoning at its Decanber 6. 1973, Soard
� of Zoning pubiic hearing. . Staff reported that pa�king does not meet the � .
� • • • , standai-ds �i n the propos.ed zoni ng:o�.d.i nance. �There i s a pa�ki ng lot across .
. . �, the street at Technicai-Vocationat . institute which may• serve �this use.
. Sane neighbors expressed their opposition to this stating �that many agencies
. and institutions a�e locating in this area rather than i� other ps�ts of tt�e •
� City. They thought they shauld be spread through the City.
M�s. Paimer, rep�esenting the application, said they tried to go into boa�d
and care but the building did not conforn� to the State of Min�esota's Health
Afte� discusston, the Board�moved and seconded a motion to recommend approval
of the appiication with the stipulation that there be only 70 residents. The
motion carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Rupp voted against the motion
because he felt the number of residents was too high.
�A��dn /�,
aAVto RoN Ma000x
Secretary, Board of Zoni�g
Zoning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
. : . _ . . . � . . , : . . . .. � � . . . . . . . . � OFFIC� OF THE MAYOR . -
Ja�uary 2, 1974 .
. Mr. Harry E. Msrshall
. City C1erk
Room 386 City Hail
Dea� S i r:
This is written in respo�se to the application of the Guild of Cathoiic
Women for a permit for a facility for the csre of sick pe�sons on pcoperty
located on the south side of Marshall between Louis and Fsrrington. This
prope�ty is further described as follows:
lots 19, 20 a�d 21. Biock 82, Qa'yton-Irvine's Addition.
• � ' . �This. matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its December 6, 1973, Board �
� of Zoning public hearing. Staff reported that parking does not meet the
� ' � .stahdards in the p�oposed zoning vrdinance. � There is a parking iot ac�oss
� � ' the street et Technical-Vocatio�ai Institute which� may serve this use.
� Sane �neighbor.s exp�essed thei� opposition to this stating that many agencies
� and institutions a�e ixating in this area rather th�n in other pa�ts of the
� City. They thougfit they should be spread thraugh the City.
Mrs. Palmer, representing the application, said they t�ted to go into board
a�d care but the buildi�g did not conform to the State of Minnesota's Heaith
Afte� discussion, the 8oard naved and secondea a motion to recomme�d approval
of the appiication with the stiputation that there be only 70 residents. The
�otio� carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Rupp voted against the moti�n
because he felt the number of �esidents was too high.
���'� �.�.'.�,
oavt o RoN rw000x
Secretary, Board of Zoni�g
Zoning File 7570
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(F12) 298-4151
Gufld of Ca'�holic Wamen �7570� - Pa,ge 2
break�even poxnt now is 70, The fewer peapie they havee the more they have
to cha�'ge,
Piro M,addax astced w-hy Chey are going for 84 a.f they would bresk ever� at 70,
P�s o Pa3.m�;: sa�d they would �a Co 70 if it was saCisfact�a;.y �o ¢he �oard o
P'�s, NorCan ast�ed if the staff gave �t�ei-r. recammendaCione
Y�lro Ryan said �:hny a��o
l�iro Maddox asked «hy rh�y are a3.1 locatf.ng in �his areao
The apglicant said tiE��re ar2 large facilities ti�at are becc�mi.ng vacani �nd
ttae;� are bea,ng purchssed for this Cype of use,
A�rso I�nr�oxz sa�.d thi.s buil�3�n;g becaefs� it has individual roumsa isr_�t �
�acibi�y tt�at aouZrl he s�a��tabl.e io� other Cyges of use� un�.ess ii: c�uld �c� back
�rs b�ing a gra�p hflme o
I�irso Falmer s�id the� sL-ar��d aut hou3ing girls, bu� li�e sz�les have changed;
they dan`t care to be �nder aupervision so t�iey ga �i�to apartment�so The;� did
no� s�a�t out t�i�Ei �u�ntal �ehabi?iL-a�ion, �hey tried to go i�to b�ard ar::3 care
�ut ehef�- corT°�do:s �se caa narrow to confarm ta the Stai:� caf M��nesa*z'� Health
�e�;x�.ation4o �'hey had to find a pro$r_am �:hat wo�Zd go wi�4� the way rhe buildiag
was cons�ructed,
I+�c, I�fmddc�r. moved thcy recommend agprava�. wi.th 70 �esa.dentso Mr� Wi��its said
" hA fe�t tha� �y�s� �f ���i�.izy� when�ve� gossiblea shauld be spr�ad ��ou�t4 the
G�.�y ��s�ead of uein� cauc�n�rated ii� this ar�a, Under t[�e�e cirr.ur�stattces,
haweve:, he sec�zade3 �.l�e mo�.:ion� The moC��n car�:ied by v v�te af 4 �0 1 w�th
Mro Rupp !n op�osiCifluo
D�ring the vo�e M?-, I�txpp sr�id he voCed agair_st this because h� felt 70
res�.dents is €:on h�gno
SuTtm�4 ti�ced by: �pprov�d bq;
�oger t�o Ryan Wi.litam Ho R�p�f �r�
Gu�ld of Catholic t�omen �75703 Pa�e 2
break�even poin� no;a i_� 70, The fewer geople they havee the mose they have
to charge,
Aira M�addox asked why they ax�e going for 84 it they would bre:�ic evex� at 7Qo
I�s, Pa3.me�: snid �hey wauld go to ?0 if it wr�s ea�isfact�a:.y +�o �he Soardo
Msao riortnn astced it the staff gave tttei� recam�eiidatione
I�3ro Rp�n sa�.d �hey did o
�Sr, 2�iaddo�c asked c�hy rhey are a�.I. Iacatf.izg ��. this areao
T�e apgl.zcant ,�aid thnre a�� large faci].ities tnat are beco��.ag vac�n� a�d
they are bein� purcliES�d ior. this type ot use,
M�s o l�o:ton sa�_d rhis bcti�d:'tnga becac�se iC taas individua3. rornns a is�.'t a
��cili�y that ��r��.�d be suitable :��s otner fiyges of use� unless it could �o back
�tr� bPing a gr�up home o
Mrs, Faliner said they s�arted c�ut housfng girisn but li�e s�:y�.es have changed;
`hey don`t care to �e c�nder supe.rvision. s�o t�ey go a.uto a�aAtmentaa They did
r,oL' s�art out cri±�h :�en�:a2 rehabi?ieaCi�n, They tried to go i�ta board ar:d care
but their cor��do5°s are �oo n�rrow to confo�m to th� 3ta�e of �ia�nes�C�'s �iea�th
�:eg�s3a�ionsa Tt�.�y �ad to find a grog�am �ha* w�u�.d gc� *.ait� L-he ura}� �he bui�.d�ng
c•aas cons truc ted,
Mr<, ri�d�ax �av��i �1n�y r�co��r�d agprova7. c,i�h 70 res�den�so Pfr� Wi3ai�3 said
he f��� this L•y�e �� iaci.li�_Y, wt3ex�eve� possi�l.es shoulcl ue sp�e�d �;�ounr: t�k►�
C�.�y iz3s�ead oa �ezng co�tc�ntra2ed �a� this s�-�ao UncleY tf��se ci.rcums�ances�
however, he secorsded ti�e mo�.ao�,, The mot?fln eara:ied t�y � �*��� of� !� tcs � =.a�.th
ri�:o P�upp in cp�os a.tio�.o
I��arir.g the ��o�,e t�t, Rt�;�p said he voted again�� tnis because h� fel.t ?�
resi�en�.s ie �.�c� ���ho
S�*br��e�:ed by: .9pprav�d by:
lt�g�� �iJo Ry�x� �Ji�iiam Iio RL�P�g J?��
Guald of Ca�thalic t�Tomea�75743 Pa�e 2
bzeaA-even poin� now i_s 7a, Th.e fewe� peoFle they have, the more they have
to charge,
Mro Maddox ask�d why Lt�ey are going for 84 if they would br2ak ev�z� a� 713,
r3�s, Fa?me�: c�id Lhey would go to 70 i£ it was sa�isfact�ary ro Lhe So�rd�
t�ira, Nortoxa asi:ed �.f tl�� starf gave i�i�ei� recu�sce��dat3.Qno
Mro Ryaa s��d they dido
Mr, Maddox asked c�tty rhey aie al}. Iocating �n S:h�s area,
The app�.ic��.t .�aid i:ha�re are Iarge facilities tnat sre becomi.r�g vacant anct
tla�y are beiag p+,xrchased for this ty�e oz tasee
Alrs, I�o;.ton said �his �Lt7.��111�s becs�s� it has ind3.vidual rooms 9 isn't �
faci�iity tizat woula b� sui�able xor ather �ypes of use� unl�ss i.t could �a back
io b�ing a gr�u� hflmeo
I�rs o Falmer said they s�srted au�: ho�zsing Q,I.T.IS a but life s�y3.es have changed;
t'r�ey don`t c��e to be c�nd�r supe�vision sa tZ�eSr ga :+.i�.to a�:a�.tmen2sa TheS� did
r,o2 start out «:�th mental rehabi�.ita�ian, They tri.ed t� go i.s��o boa�d and care
bu� �.h�iz- car�ida:s �Le �a� n�rco�a to cottfarm [o the StaL-e of i�i�:�esr��a's Heal�h
xe�;u'�a�zanso Tti�y ;�a�3 to fi�� a prograva �hat wcu�.d go :vi.�tz L-�ie �rap 4[�.� �us?diag
svas cortstru�:tLd,
Mro M�dL�x m���ed th�y recotnnZend ��prav�a�. s�ri�h ?4 �esider�s� M=, W��li�:s said
hc� fel* t�i� �ype �� fiacz���y, wheneve� goss�.b?e„ shoulcl be spre�d <a�taun�: tche
CS.�y �=.3ai:e�d o, G�e.:'_n� concP����a�ed iz� thi.a `zcao II1tCI�'Lr f:��o-�sn cixc�sea�r.es,
E�oweve:, he s�.�ca:�r.de� tlze mos�io�, The r�oi:?.oiz car�-fed by z �rdt� a� 4 ta 3 Taittt
M�-o Rupp ir c���as�t:ton.o
Durir±g the vo�e� t�±r, R�r�p s�id he votied ag�in�t tk�is bec�use he felt 7�
k£?S�dG'3.1�5 �s c�ar� h�.gh�
SLrnasr�ed by: .R1ppr�ved by:
��ger ido Ity�n �dillia� Ho RuPP, .Tro
Guixd of Catholic Cs�ome,n�7570� Pag,e 2
break�even point no�a �s 70, Thg fecaer peaple they have, the mor� they �iave
to chargeo
Mra M�ddox aslc2d c,rhy �hey are going far 84 3.f tttey wauld bre�k even at 7�J,
��3rso Pa�mek snid �hey wouid go *_0 70 if it was sa�isfacto�y ro E;he Boardo
T�ffrno l�ortoi� asl��ct if ��te staff gave tiheir reco�m:�naa�i4n,
�Iro Ryan sa�.d Lhay did,
N'�c, Maddox ss�:ed tvh;� th�y are a11 Iocatiii�g in �his areao
��e agplicaut saad �tz�rn a�e large facil�.�ies t�igt are beco�5.�.g vact�n� and
i:I�ey are �e:�.�.� pu�ct�ased far. this type o� use,
Nix�s� I�os�fl�z yaid �.his bs,±il�ing, becserse it has indiv�dual roams fl �5t?a t �
facility tliat �.�ou.Ia b2 s�ta�able for or_her C�nes oi use£ unles� it coulc� �o back
�rs bPing a group homeo
r3rs, Palmer said tE�ey srarted outi hoessing gix�sn b�t lifE s�y�.es have ch�nged;
L-iaey donit ca�e to be cind�r supe�vision sa t�ey go 3.13�0 apa�tuseni�s, They did
no� s�art oL=.t w�.�E� nsental r�habi?3.�ation, �hey tr�ed tc� go in�o board an� care
�tt� Lhex� corx-#.do�s v-�e cat� nar-roc•a ta corsfc��m to the State of �iar�rseso�a's Health
;.eg�,3atianso ?'hey had to find e prog�am that GraLi�d �a CJ3.��1 ti�e caap LYYn bui:�dfa�
s•�as co�sitr�c:t�do
�Sro �feddt�x r�oved +��:ey recom�nend agpr4v�1 wi�h 70 �esider�t�� tt��xx<, ��da.3.�.i�ts said
h� f��.� this �typ� �£ ��ci:�i.=Y, wi�excever passib$es shouid be sp,_��d ��oun� �he
Ca.ty i�asi:e�d o� E�e�ng conc��ztraeed itt th:i.s ��eaa Under �i�ese cz:c.uras�asaces9
h.awever, lie secoi�ded tl?e �nfls�:�on�, The wo�?oa carried by a e;ot� of 4 �:0 1 caith
Mra Ru�p 3n. o�posit:i�r_�
D�.s�i:�g the vo�_e �1�0 ���P sai.d he votced agains�: �ct�zs �ecsus� t2� fel+� ?U
xes ic�emts is �ao h?�n�
Sui��.t�:ed b�: .�pprov�:d by:
R4�e� CJo Ry�n �li�.l��u: gi� Rup�r Jr�
Guz1d of C�tholic WQmen �7574j - Pa�e 2
�reak-even poinL- now xg 70, The fe�er people they have, the more they have
to charge,
Mro M�ddox asked why �hey are going for 84 i€ they would �r�ak �v�� aC 74,
t��so Paime� aaici �hey waul� go �a 70 i£ zC was satis€actoyy ��o �he �oardo
I�s o P3artot. ast;ecl �.f �tiv staff gave thei.: recamme�zdation,
�iro Ryas sa�.c� L-hey d3.rto
P�a-o Maddox asked tvhy �hey �re ALI. IOC��I.13� ir� �his areao
'�he app�.icF�t :�a?.d �Ia�s�e ar2 large facilities ti�at sre becomi.ng vacanic and
�t'ey are be�.�.g �s+src�:asnd fo*.- this type a;c �se,
Ai��o i�o-_tor_ said rizis bs,lilding, becsuse it has individual roc�zss is�tt �
faci;ity ti:at wou�.c� be s�it�bLe xor ather tyges oi uaes �nless it could ��o back
s�r� bein� a gro�z� home o
�irs o Palmer saici they s�artec ou� housing gix�3.s m bti;t life s�yles have ch�nged;
tt�ey don't esre to be unc3�r s�spe�vision sa t�ie1* ga it�to ��axtn�ents., The,= did
r�o� s�art aut wzt�i men�a�. .�.'�11ab�.�.ita�fart, ihey tri.ed Lo �r� i�t_� board ar�d care
but t:h�ip car:°zdn:.-� a-�e co� narroc•r to co�.fa�-m �o the St�t�e �f Min.neso2:a's Health
�-�g�ationa, Th�g had to find a grog�am t�iat wouid gQ v�z�� the ���)► Lhe �ui�ding
c�as coas�ruc�ed,
M�� i�adc?�x �nQV�d they reco�eend apprava� c�i�€� 7�3 �egideALs� T�.r. � ��li?�:�;ds said
'r�e fe�� this �ype of �ac±�.z�y, wlzenever poss�.���r should �Se spr.�Gd a�-asr.s� �he
Ci�y insi:e�.d R�� t�ezn� co�?c:e=_�traCed iii thi.s vxeao Under �tie:�e �i:�:u��s�anc?s�
h��revec, he S?Cfl?3.C'7QCj �t�e r��s_:ian� The mo�?on car;:ied by � u�t� a� 4 Ca 3. cazth
M�:o i�upp �.r� a�pos 3 t ion o
Du�ic>.g th� �ro?�:e M;•� R�;3p said t�e voted ag��.ns�. i:his becausP he felL 70
res i�eii�s �: �.cs�a �:;.�i�o
Su"rntT t�:ed i��: .�p�ra=J�d by;
R��€�=� t:�o Ry.�:n �rl�.?�.iar� Ii� RuF�g .Fro
, -
Guild of Catlzo�.ic k�amen 7570} — Pa�e 2
hreak—even point noa is 70, Ttae fec•�e� pevple rhey have, the mare �hey Eta�re
to charge,
Mro Maddax asked why �Ii�y a�e goi�tg for 84 f.� they would �reak even a� 700
��s o Pa�.me�: said �h.ey wou�.d �o �to 70 i� i.t was satisfactory �:.�o �he Bverd o
Mra o Nortar asi�eci ii the sr�aEf gave �f�eit recommeiic3at�.ona
A4r� Rysn sa�d i:hey dido
��,:o Maddox aslced �r�iy the�� ��e El.I. �.0�2tLt1'�7 za �h:�s area,
'.C�ae �PD�1CL3tlt ,�aid ttz�re are largE fsciix�ies L'na� are becomi.ra� vacan� ��e3
Ltaey are bean� gurch�:sad �or this type of vse,
hixs o I�o::�fln sa�d �tzis hcti.7.dinga �ecAUS� it has i ndi�r,duai rocm�s$ is:-�s t �
faci.Lity ttza� �.�auid i:� sui�a�r�e �or or_her types oi useE un�.ess it could �ra t�ack
9.v being a gro�� h.ome o
PSrso Pa�.me� .�a�.ci tE3ey ����tcc3 oui: housing gir�sa bizt i�f� scy�.es ha:re c�?anged;
t��y don't cs�e �o bp z�nder supe:rvision sa ti�ey go a.i�Co a�a:.�n�e�s_sa T��e�= did
ccot s�art outi ��r:��,Ez f��fz��;. ��habi�it�a�ion, shej� triec� to go in�o �aard �r;� care
b;�t i:h�ir ct�r,��.�lo�;:, a-�e �oo r_ar.roc•� to canform to �he State �f ti3�nes�e:a's Healtiz
xes;;�,�aL•�ons o TnF�y ��ad to find � progr_am chat� oro�Zci gQ wi�n t,he �;a}r ;:.he �ui�ding
���s cor�sS:ructe�o
�'�o i��dc?ax zna�c� �:�ic,y reco�raend aFgxavs:t with 7�J re�iden��o M?-ry Ta�.�s��� s�id
'r-�e �e�.:: th3s c.y�� oz �ac:i�i=:y. khe�c�ve� ,�ass�.��e. shoulc� be Fp;_��Gd aro«n�� �he
CiLq �.nstead �; i�e:ir�g corcc��3L-ra�ed �.�.� �hi.s a�-�a, Urtder tnese cz��ur�.sta�ar.esP
hmwevEr, he s�coa�cie� �i��e �nQti�.:�fl�., T€i� u�ot�on car;-ied oy a v�t� of �3 �:o I cazth
b'�o I�upp �r� op�c�s�.t�.nrzo
D�.�rix�g the �vQ;:e I�.�� R�ssp sa?.c� [ae vo��d again�t �:tiis because he fel� 't�
re�idenes �� �:os� 'rz��ha
S�ab�Q t�:ed i�y: �1p�rov�:d by:
�s►�e�: i�l o RyL tt kTi�.�.��� ii o Rsz�p W .Y��
Gui�d af C�thc�iic tJomen �75?(�3 Pa�e 2
b�eakweven poir_i: noi�r is 70, The fe��er geop3.e they have, the more they have
to charge,
Mxo Maddox aslcec� why they z�re goi�� for 84 if they would �rz�,tc e�=e�z a� 74�,
i+3rsa Fa�rne�: craid they wouicl go to 7� if it w�s sa�:isfacta�y +�o �:he So�rdo
t�rso NorL•�r> �sic�c� if th� staEf gave titzeir recomme�zdaCion,
Y�ira Ryan �a:�d ��tey dz.do
Aa-, Niaddox asl�ed Ya�?y +thsy ��� a1I. 7.aca�i�?g in this area.
T.�e app3.i.c�nt .�aid Lh:=re a?�e �.arge �acili�t ies that are becom?.n� vacan� and
tksey are be�.n� �:�s��i?&S�d fc�- this �ype of use,
A1xso I�a:tfln sai.� ihis bs.ti�.d:�sagb uecnusc� a�t has indiv�dua�. roc�msb isrt'C a
faci.�ity tr:ai ;sat�ld h� �e��.�ta�1e frs� oth�� fiypes of useQ unless it cr�uld �o back
�_r� b�ing a gr�t.=.p iic�m�o
i�rso Pa3.�e� s�aid t.hey s�a�tec, ou� housin; gir�.s� b�z� l�fe scy�.es have cha�tged�
t[.ey dcsn`t caxe to ?��e c�nd�r stipe�v�sian so tt��y gr� �nto a�ar[mertts, The�= did
a�vt s�a�� o�ti witEz r�enta3. �-�ha�il�.ta�Yon, '£hey tri.ed L-o ga in�o boa�d �nc� care
bu� �h�is- cor::;_doA-s a,wp �aa r?arroc� ta coufann to t�e State Qf �Tir�nesa�a4s Health
regs3at�oas o '�'�z�y �?acl �� fznd � program �H�t F�ou?d �o cai�.li t,�ie �•ra3r Lrs.e ��ii�df.ng
caas cons f:x�cteei,
Pt�� I�od��x r�so4�ed thcy recotr�.Qnd appzava� caiL•h 70 ��side�.��s� Afr_� i•Ji?�;��3 said
�� fe�?� this �y�e of faci�ii.y, whenever possih�.er should 'ue spre<�d a�c�un� tihe
C,3�ST �I2S�:E'�f� fA� e�F1Tt� conc��ztxaeed �il i:�1J.� tt?'C-r`t, o �I1Cj2�' °�{2�`:3� C2;:Ct??T3SCa�.IC.�Sg
�tr�wever, he s�eo.zae� �:l�,e mo��:ia�.� T'he t�oi:?au carxied by �: vot� a� 4 i:c� � tvith
ra e Rupp ??n a�pas:�.t.i.ono
Dur3.r.g the v�i;:e r"ci°, �Etn� Gai� 12e s�otied a�ni�:� �t�i.s bec�c�s� hs� feli, ?t�
�es�.�e�ts is �on n:_;�o
�����r�ed h.�: a}��rav�d by:
8.����= ±�� P.y�.�n �d��.1i�� Ii� Ru�,�s. .Fr�
Gui�d of Ca�2holic <<lomen �757�3 � P��e 2
�reakweven poin� naa as 70, �i�g fet�er pevple they have, Che more they have
to charge,
Mr, M,�ddox asiced �:�#:y i:hey are going £or 84� i� they wou�.d brEak even at 700
��2�s„ Pa�rae;: ��ia �hey wouid go ta 70 i£ it ��as sa�iafacto:.y Lo t�e Boardo
I��a a �Jore4�: s�sic�ci i� t�p £�aif gave tkeeir recumeuendationo
�.'�'o �.y'FSF� 883_f3 ;:�t��..j� C�3.C��
t�xa l��addo�: asited �+�t3y they �re �13. Ioca�iz3g i� �:his aiea,
T►e app�ic��,� said Lh,�=ae az�� large facilxties thaC are bec�omx.�.� vacan� and
tl�ey aLe bei�.� g�?'c�:�:seci ia�- this �ype ox ur��,
IYIr�� i�a;:�or_ sGi_� i:i��.s bc���.d�n�, be�ause i� has indiv?daa�. ��amsg is�a=� �
£�c�.�i�y *_€zat ;�oui� �e staz�a�Ze xor other t;�pes oi use� un�.ESS ii: could go back
�o �oit�g a g?°o�*p iafl�ne�
Ibrso �a3u�e�- :��id t�:ey s��ar�e� r,ui� hou�ing �ir.I�� tuiz� li£� s�yles have changed;
t��ey don`t ca.re to '�� unde:- sug�e�vis�on so ti��y go i.t�to ��artmeiYt�.�o T�e� did
r�oi: s��?-t o�aY. w:i_t� ;aen�s�1 r•�Ei3�31�1Zc'��I.011, `.1'izey �r.i�� t� �;o i�t:o board ar.d care
bu� thei�- corr:zdo}-� ��:e cc� ra�;:ow to ca�:Cora� to the Stai-e of T.�ii.rnesa�a�s Heaith
Le�u-3.a�ianso The�y ;�nr� eo f:Lrd � nrog�am �hat wcu?d �o ;aith ihe c,ray �:he i�uz?d#ng
<<�as conss�rz�ci.�d� y
Ir:�� M�:dc?�� n��red *�ny reco��l�nd apprava� wi�l� 7Q �eside�L�o I�:�� idi'��.if:s said
ii� f�I�- �nts �yp� o� ��cz�L�Y, s,r��eneve� p�ssi�*3.e� shouid be snL�ad <��-ot�n�� �he
t',`z.Ly ins�ec:� Oi i?n�I2f� COI?Gtii11.Tt2f:�d 1I1 e.�2I.8 v�GcZo �itf��'f �.�lS_•:iP_ CZ:(:�?!'1S��E2!:�Sb
hc��aever, �e sec���tie,3 �i�e r�oa:i.��t.� �'he u�at�.ozs �arxied by E. �=c�tr� c�� �� ta I t,�.th
P:r o a�u�p Y� a��.�s��ic�r�.�
I�uri�g �he �vo*e ��?�� ��s�p s�ici h� vatted a�aa.r_s c ��:�zis aee.;u�e �te fc�Z� 7t�
��S1E��I��S �� 'i:O'J Y3:+.`z-;ii�
aut��L-�:eci by: �pg�rov�d by;
B.csge� i�To E��L�s �J�_?iia�n Iio Rua�? ;i:c�