263036 WHI7E — CITY CLERK COU11C11 � P��K FINANCE (�'jITY OF SAINT PAUL 263036 CAtj�,4Y --�EPARTMENT BLEi�` —ic'�'AYaR File �O. s � - cil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve Lease Agreement between the City and Zion Lutheran Church whereby the City would rent the premises at 772 Cortland Place for the City' s Y`�uth Service Bureau Program, North End Rice Street Office, the Lease Agreement commencing on the 15th day of December, 1973, on a month-to-month basis, but not to extend beyond July 31� 1974, (unless otherwise provided by subsequent Council resolution) at a monthly rental of $200.00 per month, and the proper City officers are authorized to execute the Lease Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. COUKCILMEN Yeas �er Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki � [n Favor Levine Meredith �_ Against � � T�eee�'� Mme.President� H1�1t ��B � 197� PP Y Form A roved � Ci Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certifi a ed by Co - Secret y BY BY Approve by Ma . Date Approve b Mayo Co By BY Pl1BL1SHED FEB g 1974 �I.V. :1U�.1�LAJi'rlwsukal l . � - Lia�y�Llaa[j�Y1�i W��s a)ren cnM�aer� . ...-.- - ..._ . ,. � r � '�'�' �! � Fifteenth Dece�r.ber �� �� , r' ; �. .�.Y 1 B - �'EE2�1eI1� Entered into this-------------------day of--------------------19 Z � (� � Church �/'� betw�en ---�?43�._L1��b.�az1.-------------------------------------------------------as lessor , Cit� of St. Yaul ;i � and --------------------------------------------------------------------------------as lesses i� , WITNESSETH, T3r,dt, in consideration of the covenants herein contained, said Zessor 3cereby ?� , '� �, tease to said lessee that certain land and premises lying in the County of____R�?�s�_____________ '! i - '', 772 Cortland_Pla.ce __ �' �; State of Minnesota and described as follows, to-wit:______________ __________________ j� . �_��_.__.__�__________�_��_�__��_�_�____�____���______�.�__�_�_.._��_____�_�.��_____���..��__����� I� �� �� '' '�.�������"�����"�'����� . .� ��.������'���'����_�'����'��'�"_'�_'���"���'�'�_��___'��_�� '� . ii . ____��_ �1 '� �� .1, . ..�"r'������.'��`�����"�'���"�����"��'���'�������__�_�'___"^'���_�������_�__'���_���������' �i .� i4 '! � -------------�°-------------�----------------------------------------�------------___—__�— if F ,� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �, 1i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;I ;j __________________'______________..__________________________________________________________ I� , �. :, , �' for the term of---�0 da��_�Q�.k��_�_�it11�r?��x�y-------------- ---from the �i � ---------- I � fj Fifteenth December � i ----------------------------------------- ---------------�y of------------------------Y9-73 '1 Said lessee ,in consideration of said lecase, hereby covenant as follows, to-wit: that he wxZl �� ;� i� ;; �� pay to said lesaor as rent for satid land and premises for said term, the sum of__�2Q9______________ i` .� (Two Hundred) monthl ` i � '� ---------------------------------------DOLLARS in----------y- �M ---------------------------- I� - J ,{ t4Z3tQ�lylLByLtS���'�}�s��{s��'c�' -` ' [�:r����`i��'.�� . . . i;��rs�Y.�t��iz�r i�a���IRI&�T,X;�A'R`1Cx��1'd tyl8 'i , i; _ First da�t_of_each month. _ 3� - - - --------------------------------------------------------- ,+ . �i ii -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �fi ii that he will not assign this lease nor sublet any part of said land and premises without the written � �� consent of said lessor thereto; that during said term, he will keep said premises and the improve- � �` ments thereon in good repair,ordinary use and 2vear and damage by the elements exce�ted; �;���X i I� iE :�t?������������`.������ s��r -- �-, sr Y�� i j 1 ' ���X�'��?��1ya�a�i�e�'i6e� that he will at all times admit�gz�e,��and_its___ � ; ----- 1 I� agents upon said�rremises to iazs�pect and repatir the same; t�¢��l„��°�¢r��;���;�i,��{,�� it �� �1 '�������9�4����:���.CX,XIC�:Y.:�X.Y.� ` ' �,z��{k�r�iui�o's�it�a`�iea�C:fd���i €, L '.� �� ��.' ,r` ���.���'�'�����'?��C��lC.��{��.� � �� - - �� ; � � � 'I� ��������{ - - r ��"�X:�t%��i'ri�K��,i��'d�L�i��t ' �� �� �:i <r ,/ �jyyz/yy�/�/ �c 's 1 �r•♦ r�T� ftT� r.T1 dV' 1 11.11111111.L111..�'L11.l11Lf11 � f T r T 1 / .r.,tr <r rz tr�•-�tr �r.,r-.r ��, �������e���e��7�s`dea�s�-i�'��+����i%t��t��-����9!'7�t►'� +� ; t ���� � :i , _Lion Luthgran Church_a�rzes_tQ_���___l�_ u�ilities _exclvdin�_�ele�hone_ +� - 7, ' on the �ro�erty knotim as 772 Cortland i'lace, and furtner agrees to �; � ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- �, , _ �. ; _per.iorm such_�eneral maintenance _a.nd_upkeep_on_tha buildin�_ at_________ ;; _�Z2_ Cortl�n�_ P�ace_��m.�i7.�._b�_1�.s��s�r.;�..---------------------------------- '; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ------------------------- ---------�--------------------------------------------------- ---- i . i �'+ ------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii � -------------------------------------°---------------------------------------------------- -- i; :_------- ----- --- __ __- ------— - --- _._.__ -------- - ------ -- - . ----, _._____.�_:_.�__.�------�---- � _� � : � T __ _� _ - �_ -- � , _ . . �.. ,_ _ _ ��, � � � _ � � . t � I � ' f� � � ` � . . . • +; i i i i � . i i � i , i . ii. 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