263030 WHITE -IC1TY CLERK C01111C11 �V30�o
d � /� p
in�znce Ordinance N 0. /�`��00
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use
Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning
of certain properties in the City of Saint
Paul, as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain prop-
erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des-
cribed property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence
District, to-wit:
Lots 10 through 18 and that portion of
vacated alley accruing thereto in Block
l, Chatsworth Street Addition;
situate on property located on the north side of Lafond between
Chatsworth and Milton in the City of Saint Paul.
Section 2. Z�his ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� Butler s'
I:�eper�3tT In Favor
Mer�h � Against BY
�c Roedler
Mme.President�]� Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date f EB 2 0 �9�4 Form Approved Ci ttor
Certified Pa ed by Coun�il ary ' _ BY �
l �
App ed by Ma Date � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
.• f
January 21, �9�4 2�3���
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority to rezone, from "B" Residence to "C" Residence, property located
on the north side of Lafond between Chatsworth and Milton. This property is
further described as follows:
Lots 10 through 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing
thereto in Block 1, Chatsworth Street Addition.
This matter was heard at the December 20, 1973, Board of Zoning public hearing.
Staff reported that this matter was heard and approved by the Zoning Board on
June 7, 1973, but was not acted upon by the City Council because of the
improperly constituted Zoning Board. This matter was again heard and approved
by the Zoning Board on August 14, 1973, but was not acted upon by the City
Council because of the change in State law which required additional petition
signers since the Housing Authority owned adjoining land. They now have the
additional signatures and the petition is sufficient. Staff recommended that
the Board reaffirm it past actions and approve the rezoning.
The Board voted unanimously to recotarnend approval of the rezoning.
This matter was heard by the Planning Commission on January 4, 1973, at which
time a motion recommending approval carried unanimously.
� �� ���
Secretary, Board of Zoning
Zoning File 7513
�� ��� �
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
Y • -i . , . • � ' � � , ^+���
I --
, . � . � . . ` ..� . �
� .:
, -
) ss.
Edward N. Helfeld � being first
duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the owner of the property to be
rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be
rezoned, which is described as follows:
Lots 10 thru 18, Block 1, Chatsworth St. Addition
, �
that affiant does not have any legal or equitable interest in, is not in the
act of purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within one (1� year preceding
the date of the attached petition any land contiguous to the property sought
to be rezaned as described above, except � (SEE ATTACHED) ; that affiant
understands the word �contiguous" as used herein to mean parcels of property
sharing a common boundary at any point without regard to the presence of public
� �� �� � � �
NOTARY PUBL C, , • ;:� � 'x �,,, ,
KIM L'. PFOS R Minn. � ' '" '
Notary Pubiic, Dakota County, '""°"
My Commission Expires July 11, 1978.
' . . : ' . , ,
Subject to Street, part, south of center line of Van Buren Avenue,
of the West '� of the Northwest � of the Northeast '� of the North-
west � of Section 35, Township 29, Range 23, and in said Chats-
worth St. Addition, street and alley accruing as vacated in
Document No. 1813445 and the following: Lots. 1 thru 9, Block 1,
Chatsworth St. Addition
The west 12 feet of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Block 2, Chatsworth St.
� ;'�
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*�:,� , .�
.� '"�:� ``*�,: �-- u.
� �
{ ������
� 537 N. Dale Street�St. Paul, Minnesota 55'103�227-702J
January 24, 1974
Mr. Harry Marshall, City Clerk
City of Saint Paul
Saint Paul„ Minnesota
Dear Mr. Marshall:
On behalf of the Thomas-Dale Development Council� we wish to
notify you of this organization 's complete support for the
Wilder Homes Development in the Thomas-Dale neighborhood.
The Thomas-Dale Development Council has put years of time
and effort, in cooperation with many other organizations,
public and private, to see that this development is funded.
The sooner construction is begun the better for the people.
Thank you.
.���- �1.�� � �)
Jeanne Nelson, Coordinator
Thomas-Dale Development Council, Inc.
JN:MF: lh
r' F7 i': 1-� ti�✓.�_ ��i:�,.":�_'yi�.ln 75.'+�'ry i..'_. ^�T i'J�n� {�1' 'LE','iTir��!
..........._._:) 1_°_ .��11. } J:iJ r� �...c. .� r? V !.['1.�.'e t:� ta.
�.%ii ���;�.f{i.�)�i9�(� Cir'.'.:if'�i;i�: �J �'�f�;, �i�' J��t) no. .o
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:,:_ +�r.� .. __:nri�t�g �����:�r�_�a��i�s: S::a���,
IiQi�c7�iit�'';;'i"��r;:�7s:.F%33��:7��_rri'' �iU.l�it?a:�.�,T_�I �'1��3� . .�a �'��i;�i;f f� 7 s� +�
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� � -
. City Cl�rk ,
�• R
January 11, 1974
Pile R13k4, page
You are hereby notified that a publie heari�ng �vill be held ia the Council
Chambera of the City flall and Court 8ouse at 10;00 s.m. on 3a�tary 24, 1974
on the petition of the Bousing and Redevelop�ent Authority to re�one fraa
a '$" Besidencs District to a "�" Residsnca District oa the pro�rty
dascribed as folio�:
Lots 10 through 18, Slock 1, aad that p�a�s'tioa of vacated ailep
accruing theraCo ia Block 1, all in Chatsworth Streit Additioa
to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Mianesota.
The property is locatad an the aorth side of Lx#oe�d Aveaae bet�veen
Chatsworth and Milton Streets.
For further informatioa, contact the placuiing Board, 421 Wabasha Stre�t
or telaphone 298•4151.
To coa�ply �ith the City Charter, the Depart�sat of Finaace is charged
with informing you of Chis public hearing.
If you have any queations, it is recommended that you attend this public
hearin,g to afford you ths opportunitq to m$k� your views, both pro��•aad
coa, kaawn to the City Couocil.
. ., . , . � . .� �s.� . �`o�a►
� �� CITY 0� SAIi�'1 Pt�,liL, tvIINNES(Yi'A �?��.. �^� � f�
F'i�;'I'1'i'IOti TO rl.tiik::�;) CHAl'`1'Elt� 60 thi•u 6� UF THE i.EGTSLATIVE ('LO::ING) COI)�; 263a30
, " � hote; Tiic. ::i�;nci• shoulci aE�pt•aise himsclf of the uses perr�ittod uiidei� the new classi-
f.ic:ation before si.�;nin�; tilis �etition. Fpr further inFormation about t'�e
rezoriir;�; o.E Eir�perty, call the ;3oard of Zoning Office at 2'L3-4151. � �1�0'71
r,7 ,�
(Pl�..�se t:ype oi• print) �i��
bate; January 2�-'�, I97
'I'O TtIE 1[Oti0ki113Lk: ^riAYOR AN� CITY GOli2�CIL
c/u the Ci?y Clei']t, Ruom 38G City Hall
CiL�• of Saint Paul , 1?inncsoCa
F'u�-suan�t. Lo Scct.ion 6�i ,06 of the Leg�islative Code, ��ve, the u���dersi„tied oti�nei�s � u�
tw�;-thirds ui Lhc sevcral clescriptior.s of. real. cstate situated witiiin 7.00 fcet of
t!i� rcal �..st�ite affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 5�;o ar morc ot
Lh� i'�•�nta;;c to be reclassified, pei:ition yu�u• tionorablc� Body to re•r.oi�c the �oLlow-
in� ci�scr•it��d E,rc�p�;i•Ly; (1e�a1 deseription arci stz•eet address)
Lots IO thr.ough 1° �rtd L-1Lat port,ion �f v�.c�A�ed alleq accruing thereto in
Block 1, Ctzats�aor�h Street r.dc�i_tzon
1��'����� B F.eside�ce Dist2•ici. to C .tes:icletZCe
_ _�_ _ District , for the
��iii•��c,se of. instailinb, cons?ructi.n�; and/or ope.:•a�ino the followinb;
(dc:>ci•ibc bi•ieliy the proposed facility)
m�.altifatnily resiclential d�srell.ings
Subjc�c? Pi�opei•t.y; — -- - --- —
_ 1 ! 2 Chatsworth St, Addition
� —
G. 0. Haakenson �} ����
— --- '' v�
� ---and_-- — (
Helen B. Haakenson `
— — --- --I __ _
---------- —�— I
G. 0. Haakenson `_ � , Q�_ 2 2 Chatsworth St. Addition
Jand Y �—
--- ---- -- � ._.___
Helen B. Haakenson ____ ��� .
-------- ` � � Y� i
_ � . _
Statc of nlinnesota (
County of Hamsey � ss
.vo„ard �. a��s��
t�, ____ bein�; f.i.st uul}� sworn, deposes. and staL-es that h�
i�' t !;�r E�ciS��n ,��lio circulated t.l�e ti��ithin pvtition connisting of � �>aE;es;
t��at tl�c �arti��: clesci•it�u�3 abov� arL the o��slers :res��ectively of tiic lots ��I.aced
i�,�m���ii,�tel�� lc,llo�s�in�; each r�n,e; thai Lhis pe�;_tAor. ;tas signc�d b�� �each of saic!
;�v,i�er•:; ir� thcr i�r��sc:n�;�.: o�: thAS ;.iffi=�n�C , uz,d t:hai thc: si�;natures above art. � the tr:ie
��r,�t cui•�•t�ct �i�;ratureti o� cach •:and al), of t:��:•� pUi-t.ies so descrit�ed.
:.'ul>��c�ril>r:ci ar,d st�•��•j� to befoi-c r,�c ,�� ,f
t�z�� �3r���,,,, �r .l�i(�, /�y7 3 lJ a�.�_
QAdciress; F,43 .�orth K�nt
I �.elcphone �;u. 298Wta9G0
� �_.___ _ � � �:� �� II �' (� �1�
Nuta± �- t'ut>lic, Ha,n� � �oi�nty, liin
My Ccimntis;::ic�t7 cxE�i2'�S pFOSER F;[�pI'���ed as to foz•m 1./�1/F;j
K�M �. 1 $ 1y73
plic, Dakota �aunty, M�97S MHY Of f ice of the Coi•p�i•ati�i� C;oun�el.
2'GI 1/:�,'G:i No arY Ex ires July 11,
�,�y Comm�on P CiTY r�tirlrliVG d�A�Q.
' �� _ _� Saint i'aui� Minne �
� � :�
ZUNII�G FiLE � � �� �
.` . ,
. , � t�
, . , . , • . �,, " . , .
. �
� < < CITS' UF' SAINl PAI�i�, h1I.v"YESQ'I'A
Y PETITIC)1 TO A:1tEhi) Cli:�.t''I':'R.5 6U thru 6�1 OI� THT� I,EGI5L�1zVx (ZO.'�1riG) C�DI:
s � Notc: '1'i�c, si�;nci• ::slioiild ��;��r��i.se himseli ot i.hc uses permit�od i�tidei� t:he new classi-
' ficatiun beL�re si�ning this petition. T'or f�rther i.nformation abaut the
r•ezonir,g o� property, call tl�c �oard vi Ioiiing pffice at 273-4151.
(Please type or• print)
-- - �ate: Jar.ua.ry 2�+, I973
'1'O Tt1E 1[OtiORAl31�; ;�Ir1YOR AND CITY COL:vCIL
c/� thc (;zty Clci�k, P.00in 3b6 City Nall
City of Saint I'aul , Niinnesota
F'ursu��nt tu Scul,ioiz (i� .06 uf the Legislative Code, tt�e, the unr�er5i_hned owners of
twc,-tt;ii•cis uL tl�c� sevei•al �Iescriptions vf real estate situatecl witnin 100 feet of
thc r�:al estatc ai'fected, hereby aequiesce; and �ae, the owners or 50yo or more o�
Lhe Tronta�;e to i�c reclassi.fied, petitian your }fonoral�le gocly to rezone the foll_ow-
in�; ci�sci�ibed ��i•v��c�i•ty; (legal desci•iption and street address)
Lots I�J through 18 and �ttat portiori oi vacate� aI].ey accruing thereto in
Slock 1, Chats�aorth Street Additfon l,,
I rc�m � � ;��
R P.esidence _District to C Residence District , Lor the . .
E�iirE,��se ot installin�;, c�nstructinb and/or operatin� the following;
(dc:>ci•it��� briefly ti�e proposed facility)
multifamily resic'eti�ia�. dwellings
;iubjcct Property: � � u �e to t ee , part;soutTi-of
_ cente line o Van Buren Avenue, of
Hous-3ng an Re eve opment —'��rtfie st o t e Nort west —
Authority of the City of iof th Northe st '� of the Northwest
Saint Paul, Minnesota ` 4%�.esa�.C6YY "� of ection 5, Township 29, Range
—__ ___ __ BY� 23, a d in sa d Chatsworth St.
Edward N. elfeld Addit on, str et and a ey acc�uing
____.______ as va ated in Document No. 1813445
and t e follo ing: Lots 1 thru 18,
___ __ _ � Block 1 Chat worth St. Addition
— I -- I
. ,Ye�.r.� ��a
-- I
Statc ol Atinncsota (
County vf Ramsey � ss
.'l�onq C.• Bvuesfl�
_ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is t lie �>orsu;� w1;o ci rculated t}tic w�ithin petition consisting of �� pa�;es;
tl�at tliu E�art:.u�s cicscribc�d auo��e ai•e t};e owne:. ,�nectively of tl�c ots E>laccd
i�i,m��ciic�tel�• fc�llowil��; each nau;c; that this pet.iL signed by each of said
��wnrrs ii� tl�c ,,re5ence of this affiant, and thai: --es al�ove are Lhe truc
an:l curroct si�;natures of each and a11 of the part. -t �
Suu�ci•il>ed and s���orn to before me , � _.
t h i s Z3rd _._._a�;�- °f lYlQrc�3 ____� " //�i' �.
. Ad.di �^nt
�_ 7"elep.
Nutat _ Pul�li� , I{;nns • C:<>utlty, Alinn.
My com�ni�si�n czE>�� r>}�{arouecl �
-{� -�_. PFOSER ,
Notary Pub��c, ���:c��::_� County, PJlinn. � Uf f ice of
FGI 1/:�,'�;> �y �ommisslon 'zxo�i�es July 11, 197$. � , ,
_ . . ' �'
. . � . , . ' ' -
' . „ ' ' �
• . CITY Ul�' Si�INT PAUL, h,I;r':�'�SQ'i'A
F'E'fI'1`IOti TO rL\iE:V�) Ci{�11'TERS 60 Chru G4 OF THE LEGISLATIV� (7.ONING) CODE
, ;r'ote: '1'lie. sigtzcr .�I�ould e�p��i•�tise himsclf of Lhe uses permitt�d under the new class:i-
� fir.aLio�� befo�•e si�;rii,n�; this petition. For further informatioti about the
reLOnir.b o.f prc,�erty, call tl�e ;3oar•d oi `I.onina Office at 223-41�i1.
(Please type or print)
� '_+~ �ate: January 24, 19 r3
'TO '1'f[E ![O:�ORA13Jy' 31AYOIt AND CITX C�li\CIL
c/c> tl�c (;ity Clcrk, 1'.vvm 3�6 City Hall
City of Saint P:�ul , ;�finnesota
Yursuarrt to S��ctioiz 64 .06 �i� the Legislative Codc, tive, the unetersiE;ned ir�vnurs of
tw<,-thirds ut' tf;c sevcrnl clesCT'1(3t10t1S of. real estaf.e situated within lOt� fect of
the i•cal estate ��ffected , her�eby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�0 or r;;or•c: o�
the t'rvntak;e tv bc reciassiiiecl, petitio.� youz� Hcnc>z•able I3ody Lo reionc the loLlo�.v-
iii� ciusc�•ibed �,rc,;�c:i•t}�; (1e�;�a1 dcscl•ipti.on and street address)
Lots 10 throtigh l.3 an�l �:{i�t portion of vacate� a11ey aceruing thereto i.n
Block 1, ChatsTac�rth Street Additzcn
1'I'�"� g Reszdenre �_District: to C Resid2!ZCe District, Ti>r the
l�ui•�,c�sc ol installinh, consti•uci:ing and/or operatino the foilo:vi;ao;
(d���i•ib� bri�fly the pro�lased �aciiity)
multifamil.y resiclenti�.l dwellings
Subject Property; The We t 12 f et of Lot 5 and a 1
of Lotf6, Blo k 2, Chatsworth St.
Ho— u—ng an e eve opmen ��-` Additi n �
Authority of the City of
✓ Saint Pa�, M ni nesota � -~ I
� Edward N. Hel eld
------- -I
— I _
— ------ - � ---
------ -- - i � ---� --
Statc of 1?inncsota (
Count}� of Itamsey ( ss
-��hQ �.• 8rU ts�'�e,
_ , ibein� first duly sworn, deposes and states th�t h�
i� tl�e y�c,•si�n �1�I;o cil•cuLat,c�d the �ti��thzn petition cot?:>isting of /O.�.,� pa�=es;
tliat tiie ���irti��s clescribi:i, abovc are the ok�cZCrs �espectively of ti�e luts pl.aced
i_mm��ciiatc.�l�• Lo11o�.in�; each name; ihai thi.s petition H•as si�r.ed Ly cach o� saici
� ou'ii�;i =, in thc �>re:>encc of thit> afziant , at�;l that the sz6natures a,�ove are Lhe Lrue
as�c. correct si�;naturc,s of each and all 'of thc parties so descri.bed.
Suuscril�e�ci ac;d s���,,rn to before me � `
t h:,s _ 3 r'p�.�_d.t�� o S ���y�.�_ I�73 __J�-'��LL� Q
• � /,� Address• 643 P'orth I;enL-
(J��� Teie��hone No. 29�-49��J
I�'�tar_ Put>iia, �Ham:; ° County, ATinn.
My cominissic�n e�y�ir�5 Appr���ed as to forin 1/�l!G5
KIM L:. PFOSER OSfice of th� Cor�>arat:i��n C�unscl
E'(�I 1/;�,�G:� NqtAt.�, Public, Da!<ota County, Minn.
�p�r GpfnrNis�ion Expires July 11, 1978.
• � � ��
�� . �-. - .�.
. ; ; + . � _ . _ i . . _ .
_ ,
., �
, _ . BERCH � t`'1 : St �' E
, _ t ��
�L ��J .�T � ���•y� � ��•�f� �r ��• �i.� � '� N�•.:�•.�� �V.,`.�r• �w �
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3 Z � � ( 9 8 7 6 S �f .3 � 1 8 �1' 6 S � 3
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20 Z/ 'Z G= �° /d // !2 /3 i4 �.� /6 i7 �g h /O //� /2 /3 /�¢
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LAFDN� � AV� . � �
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C 9 8 � 6 5 4 3 2 / � J 8 � G 5 �
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/� DO/T1�IV ' � DD 1T10N
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K.Pf ►-�3
O 50 �00 � �.•
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S iTE 7'� ��. �EZONED Fi�pM � 't'O C D1ST�tCT
— •-- -- — ��� �a0�' t�c�ti l V 5
�� .:�t� �'.; � . ' `
e •
Notcc Tl�c, slgner siiould appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication bc;fore si�;ning this petition. For further information about the
� rez��nir.g oF property, call the 3oard of Zoning Office at 223-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date; January 24, 1973
c/u the City Cierk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
I�ursuant t� Section 64.06 oi tl�e Leg.islative Code, we, the undersigned <�wncrs of
� twc�-Lhirds ut' the sevc;ral clescriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the rcal estatc affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more or
the Tron�a�;e tu be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezonc thc follow-
in6 u�scribed E�rc�E�erty; (legal description and street address)
Lots 10 through 18 and that gortion of vacated alley accruing thereto in
Block 1, Chatsworth Street Addition
rr�m B Residence District to C Aesidence District, for the
}�ur�x�se of instailing, constructing and/or o.perating the following:
(desci•ibe briefly the proposed facility)
multifamily residential dwellings
Subject Pi•operty�; _ The We t '-5. of the Northeast
��� of t e Northeast of the
Amherst H. Wilder Foundat Northw st � of the East � of the
— east�
,� ` Executive Directo r of the Northwest � (subject to
29, Ra e 23, and in said House
of the Good She herd Addition,
vacate B1air Avenue and Milton
Street and alley accruing and
the fo owing: subject to alley
as ope ed over Lot 16 the entire
of Blo k 2, House of the Good
She he d Addition.
State of �linnesota (
County of Ramsey � ss
I�n��d �.��u�sN�
being first duly sworn, deposes and states that i�e
is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of J 0 pages;
that the E�arties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placcd
in;rnt�;liutely followin�; each name; that this pe*ition was signod by eacn oL said
owr��rs in thc presence of this affiant , and that the signatures above are Lhe true
and c�rrect si�;,�atures of each and all of the parties so described
SuUscribed and s�eorn to before me
t�,�s Z_��a�'S� �f c� 1973
• �� Address: 643 North Kent
Telephone No, 298-4900
Not� c•y Public, I msey County, blinn.
My commissi�n expires Approved as to form 1/�1/G5
KIM L. P�n��R
�..�unty, Minn. Office o the Coi•��uration Counsel
FGI 1/S;6� public, L1o.'�c�.�;� 1978., �
NotarY ires July 11. �
MY �ommission Exp
�� �,., o
_ . . - . � . . � � � � �'�i (�����`�
� - � CI'I'Y Ok' SAIMT PAUL, ;dItiiv'ESOTA ��� �, ���(�
I'�:'I'I'1'IOti �'O rl�tEND C}L�I'"iEf� GU thru 6�� OF TJIE LE;GISI,ATIVE ('LO:tiI�;G) COilE
. 1
, Not.c: Thc, si�;ncr should f3ppraise himself of the uses pex•mitted tinder the ncw classi-
� fication b�:fore s.iE;nin� this pr�tition. For further informatian about the
reLOnzr.�; o.f prope;ty, ca11 the 3oard of 'Loning Office at 223-4151.
(Please t:ype or print)
bate: Janu�,.ry 2G., 1973
7'C) TI(E lIOti0RN3i.f; AIAYOR Altii) CITY COUi�CIL
c/c., the City Clurl;, Room 386 City H�I1
CiC�- oL Saint Paul, Minnesota
F'urs��a1�L t� 5ect:ion 6� ,06 ot thc Legislative Code, we, the undersioned o;!�ncrs of
tw<,-thircls c>t tl�c several clescriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet o�
thc? rcal es�atc affected, hcreby acciuiesce; and we, tne owners cf 500 or more of
Lhe IrontaR;e tc� i�e 1•eclassified, pel:ition y�ur fionorable Bod}- Lo rezo►�c �;l�e follow-
in�; <i��sci•ibed E,i•vi�ci•ty; (legal desci•iption and sti-eet address}
Lots I�J �h-rough 18 ancl that portion of vacated alley accruin; thereto in
S�oci: 1, Chatst,�orth Street Addition
jI'�?«� B Resa.dence Dis�rict to C Residence Dist.rict , for the
{�ui•{�c>se of instaliin�;, constx•ucting and/or operatint; the following:
(desci•il�c bricfly the proposed facility)
multifa�nily residenrial dwellings
Subject ProE�ert,y; --
22 1 Regenold's Midway Addition
George L. Richards :
— - – !�
. ---- - . �Z .
` /
� Anne L.,_Richards ��c: v�.� , /�.� �. �
----------- ! � i
'-__ �' I
. _-_-_ . ��_L �-�_��.
_.�_�� �
Statc of 11i.r�nesota (
County of Itamscy � ss
�o►'�Q( • t3v U�S'K C..
V`_ ueinh fii•st duly sworn, deposes and states thai: h�
is tl�tr ��ei•,��n tivho circul.at:c:d the �vithi_n peti.ti�n c�nsisting oS �D paE_es,
tl���e thc E>arti�s ucscri_bed abovc; are the ov:t;crs resi��cti��ely oS the ot:s j�l��ccd
in;mf��ii�itci�� followi_n�; cach namc; that this p�tition w:;s sigred by each or saicl
owi��rs in �li:� {>r��oence ��f this affiant , and that the szgnatux•es ab<�ve are tlic truc
and cc�rrect s��;naturus of each and all of the parties so describcd.
Sul�:-;ci�il�ed anii s�+•oi-n to before me �
t i;i s �3�__cj.�}• �f I�1� (�l 7.3 _._. 2 � � ���
�—A� ----
, yO/;7 rlddress; 643 r:or�l� l;ent
Q< <�/ Telephone Na, 298-G�900
Nut.,>> ���Put�Iic, l::�i -,oy County, blinn.
My c:ur,imiss5.vn ex�ires KIM �. P��SER ,� r.�;ir�n. ApE�x-oved as to form 1/4%G5 �
FGI 1/5,�6:� potary Public, ��`<Oia C�'"r,ii 1�i8. Oifice of the Cor�>c,rativn Counscl.
,��y uomCnission Exp�res Juiy
-- ' `� ��
4..,. .
� � _ .....,... �
, � . . ' f� � � '� � n----
, • � ' . -� . � ' ' � �/y�,�.tl , -�.� �-Q � �� �° � ,, �,y2.Bti�(.�
� � • CI T1' OI' SAIIr"I' Pr1UL, &ilti�`ES�'I'A
. ` PE'TITiOti '!O ��.�iEI�'D CF{r'1P'I'ER:> 6U thrtl 6-$ O� TIiE 71EGISI,ATIVE (ZOIvING) COUE
, not.e; '1'l�c. si�;ncr sf,ould �ppruise himseli o� the uses perrnit.ted under the ncw classi-
� fication before si�;nin�; ttzi.s petition. FOr further ini'ormation abotit tihe
rezonir:g of pro��erty, call ttie 3oard ai' 'Laning Office at 223-4151.
(Please tS-pe or• print)
� bate: Jar.uary 24, 1973
'I'O TIiE IfOr.ORr'113T�: 1tA�'OR ANll CITl' COL:vCIL
c/u thc City Clci�k, Iioor;� 3b6 �ity fIall
City of Saint P.�i�l , 11�innesota
I'ursuant. ti� S�ction G� ,06 oi tiie Le�;islative Codv, we, the undcrsirned o�er,c7�s of
Lwc�-t.t;irds ut� the several ciescriptions of real tstatc situated v.�ithin 10� fcet of
thc r�a1 esl,ate affuctecl , hereby acquiesce; <�nd we, the owners of 5U o or r.;ore or
the 1'ronLa�;e to t�c reciassified, petztion your tionorable Body to rezone ti�e follow-
iti�; ci�sci�ibed E�rc,E�ci•ty; (1e�;a1 descri�tion and street ad:lress)
Lots 10 throttgf, I8 and tnat portian of var_atc�d alley accruing �hereto in
Blac�: 1, Citatsr,ac�rth Stre�.t Addition
1i•t���� _B kesidence _Distric:. to C Rssiden.ce Dzstrict , for the
��urE,c>se ol' in:�tallin�;, constructin€; atld/ar operatitih the fOlI.GW7.Ila;
(desci•iuc bricf'ly the proposed facility)
multifamily residen�ial dwellin�s
S��bjcct Pi•c�pei�ty; — ----- - —� -
_--, �._ �
V Snelli o � �
ng C mo Realt Cor rati fee _ � 9 2 Jose h R. Weide s
th Addition
�✓" r
_' i ' _�
. � . . I � � ,. .
___�-'--_ _— . . . I. - .. .
_�_ � � I � :I . . . . ' .
— � _
Statc of ;�iinncsota (
County of Ramsc:y (
�r� (c� L , l�v�as-H-e_
BL���� being first ciuly sworn, deposes ar:d sta-L-es that h�
1S [ Ilt? E)t,1 ;;U11 15'!;U C1)'C�11�t1.C1 t�iC'. 14'11t17.Y1 [JG11j;1011 COI75x.:itlllF� O� J�� �)7}`t?ti�
thal tl�c }�ar�aes cleseril�ed at�ove are the o��;ners respcct�vely o� the l.ot:;i>] a�,c:d
in;,n��c:i.,t�,�i�� Li,llu�vin€; �ach name; that this petitior� was sa.�nF.:�d b, cach of s;id
owi�ers in thc� },re5ence �f ;:his af�iant , and that il�e si�,i�<�tures .;t�„��e are ti�e truv
and c�ri•c�ct si�;nat�.�res of �:xch and all or t},� parties s.o c3escri.ued.
Sui�scri.l�ccl al;d s�torn to �ieLore me .� /�W�����
this ���,-�da�. pr �� �s7 /�/
��-- � __ t._ f.
� � Q Adclres;; 5�+3 i�arth hent
Tc1.��phonu No. 298--4i��
N�t.a •y Public, Ii:�rn +ti'-Count}�, bf:i_nii.
My cummission e�E�ires p��S�R 0.,.;
KIM � ,nn. P�p,�rc��-ed as t�.o foi•t1� 1/�i/(»
lVotary Pubi�,c, � � r',` ��` 1'y, 137$. Of f ice of the Cot•Eivratic,n Coii��sel
F�G I l/,>%(i;i �,�y Gornmission Y r�rus J.�Y
.�_ � � � � � � � . � � � � � � �SS � C .��1
4 � �
� .' CITY UF Sr'�I:�'I' P!-�UL, �i!I1Iv�;SOTA �rl( ( — �O�lj
� `7
/ f�E'1'ITIO: 'I'O r1,�;E:di) Ct!AFYfEF� GO thru 64 OF 'I'HE I�GISLil1'IVE ('LONI�v'G) CODE rC
� Nc�Lc, 'I'hc, siE;ncr �hould appi-aise hi.mself of Lhc us��s l�ermitted ur.der tt�e r.ew classi-
ficat:ian l�eLox•e si�;nin€; this petition. I'or further i.n:Lormatior, abo��L the
re���nir.g of property, call the ��ard of Zoning Offic� at 223-4151.
(Plea;e t��pe or• print)
i Date: January 24, 1973
'1'0 T}IE }IONORl1l3LL: �iAYOR AIv'll CITY COUiY�IT�
c/u the City Clci•}c, Rc.>om 3�t6 Gity I,all
Cit�- oL Saint Paul , h1innesota
I'ursuant. tu S��ction 64 ,06 of tl�e Legislative Code, tve, the undcrsi;;ned owners of
Lw<�-Lhirds u1' tf�u sevei�al clescriptions o1 real c�tate situatecl witl7in 100 �cet of
the rcal estatc af2'ected, hereby acc�uicscc; ancl we, the owners of SO�o or morc of
thc fronta�e t�� t�c reclassitied , petition your HonoraUle nody Lo rezoiic Lhc follow-
in�; cir:sci•ibed ��i•c���ci•ty; (legal description and street address)
Lo�s 10 througtr 18 and ti�at portion of vacat�d alley accruing thereto in
Block 1, Cha�s�7orth Street Additi.on
f�I'<�m B Residence District t.o C Re�icience
Distri.ct , foi•, the
��ui•F,osc ot installinh, constructing and/or operating the followino;
(dc:,c�•ibe Uriefly the proposed facility)
multifamily r.esidential dwellings
sut�ject ProE�crty: � he Ea t 11 fe t of Lot 4 and all
of Lot 3 Bloc 2, Chatsworth St.
_Walter G. Johnaon I ���=-� __� dditi n �
— —;
_a nd _ �
Lorraine J.__Johnson__ � ' � � �
_ ----_ ---- -- — �l__ �
_ I I
--------T_.—_�i!_ _._ t— ----___..—_
---------- -�— I
---- —� 4 I -_
-------- ---- -- I � I _
- — —. ._1___ --
-- --- -- - � -- �____
----------- _ _l _ _,
Statc ot Ali.nncsota (
Caunty of Ramsey � ss
Lona c�,L.; �ru�,s�e
-��, ueing first duly sworn, deposes and states i:hat hu
is tlie ��ei•sun ���ho circulated the withzn petition consistin�; o� �O ��a�;es;
tliat tl�v E�.ii•ti��s clesci•i}��d above ai•e the ok�iiers i•espectively oS th� lot5 placc�cl
in�rn��c:i..��<�i�� fc�] lo�vin�; each i�amc:; that i:his peti.tion was signed by cach or said
uwn��tti i.�i [hc i>rc::en�c of this affiant , and that the s9.gnatures afi�ove are Lhe true
and currect si�;�:atures of each and all of f:he parties so described ,
Suu:�criveci t3nd S�+�orn to uefore me ��='�G.�s-
i.ttl _; �_ c�tl}' Of� � Cq� �
Q Adciress; 643 S'orth I;ent
-'���-'� __ Tele��hone No. 2�'F3-4900
;�c�tarY 1'ublic, amsi��' County, hlinn,
My cum�ci�siuii c�E�ii•e�s � F App1�o��ed as to for�in i/��/(i5
� � Ilotar�/ Pub{ic, Gakr?t�, Cour+y, P.�1inn. O�fiCe oS the CorF�or.lticin Cou;isel
I'GI 1/:�; �:� 1978,
� �.,,;� :�orrur�ission Ex��ires July 11, .
� ;
� � � � . . . - �' � � � ��� � � � ������ .-���t��,..� � � �
�� • • ' CITY OF SAIDI'T PAliL, Pfi:�^.v�SCl'iA �� � � � "�"���
� . Pt;'TI"I'IO:v TO r1.`iEi�ti C}G'�PTEfiS 6U th1•U 6�1 OF I'HE I�EGISLATIVE ('I.ONYNii) CODI�
• hote: 'Pf�e. si�;liei� should ap��raise himself oi' the uses permitted uncler tE�e nev,� classi-
fication before si�ning this petition. For iui�ther inforr�ation about the
i-eaonir,� o� pro�erty, call ti�e �oard of 'Lan�ng Office at 223•-4151.
(Please ty�e or print)
�� Date; January 24, 1973
c/u the City Clcrk, Room 386 City H�11
City of Saint 3'aul, Alinnesota
P��rsuailt, t:� S�.�ctio►i G�I ,06 �f thc Le�islative Code, we, the undersi„ned �>a�ners of
twc�-Lhircls c�L the si;veral clescript�.otis of real. estaf;e situated within 100 fcet of
the r�al cstate afiected, lierehy acc�uiesce; and we, tY�c; ov;ners of 50 0 or more of
Lhe trontak;c tc� be recLassi.fied, petition yuur Ffonorable Bod}� to r�•r.onc tha follov;-
in� ciu5ci•ibed ��i•e��,er•ty; (legal ciescription �nd street addrass)
Lats 10 thr.ough 7.8 and that por�ion of vaca�ed alley accruing ther.eto ici
Block 1, Chatstaor�h Street Additi.on
f 1•o�n B F.es�d�r+_ce District to C Rc�sic3ecice District , ior tt,e
2,ui���c;se �1 iiistallinh, constructin� and/or ope:al;ino the following;
(desct•ibe brietly ti�e pi•o�osed facility)
multifamily res:�dential dwellings
Subject Pi•operty: _
1 1 Regenold's Midway Additio
f Edward N. Heckel -- - °� �
a nd
✓ Marie V. Heckel
- _- I
— _ ---- I -- ! �—_�
Statc uf. hlir�ncsota (
Coi�nt.y of R�msey � ss
.�o n a r�r � . b'rc�rsf l-�._
__ aLi.�-.3. bei.n;; iirst duly sworn, deposes and s�ates thai: hu
is t l�c E�e,�sun „1�v cir•culatc:d the u,�iLhin petition cunsistin� of � � � _ pa�;es;
tliat tl�e i�art_i��s ciescribed above are tl�c o�ar�ers respectivel,y of the lo�s pinc�ci
imin��eiiatcl�� f:�'_lowin�; each narr,e; tha� this petition lvas signed b}� each o� sui�l
own�.rs in thc �;r�•:;ence oS ttiis afiiant , and tha� t'r.e signatures abvve .+rc Liiu tru�
an:i cui•rtrct si�;natures vf �ach and all of ti�u ��arties so ciescribed.
Sui�:;cril�ecl and s�t•orn to before me
t.r,�.:� Z3�-o( __`�`�}� �r l�...,__��l_9 7.3 ,� � ,
��� . Addru_:s: 64 7 "'oz't'h tent
�..--� ��_,M Tel.ephane No. 2�£3-���OJ
Nc�iary Publi�:, R; suy Count��, DSii�n.
h",y comini5sic.�n cx ires Approved as to i'c,rri� 1/�l:E�5
K1M C. PFOS�� �;,,,n.
I'G1 1/S;C�:> (�c+tnry Pu` , Da�� �J' r1' :�;3. Offzcc of thv Corl�<�i-atiun C<;unse�
-:";��., .,u�
r,�j•f '..JtTlI;lIS�:U��' � �
�.,� ;�
6, .
���, . ....._.�.
� � � • a . • . � , . ' • . .
. �, , 7 . . .
� .
= # CI1'Y OF SAIN'1' PAUL, StIi���SOTA
, PE'TI'I'I01 TO A,tiiE��(I) CIiA_�'TEFtS 6U t}tru 6�1 UF TIiE LEGISLr'1TIVE (IO�iI;�t'�) CODI:
, Note: 'I'hr... si�;ner should upE7i•aise himself. of the uses permitted under Lhe new classi-
fi.cation Uefore si�;ning tLis petitiun. �'pr further informWtion about the
i•eLOnir,.g o.f property, call the ;3var•d of' Zoning Office at 223-4151 .
(Pl.e�sc t.ype� or print)
bate; Janu<�.ry Z�E, I973
'1'O TtiI; 110:�p1tA13Lf; ;�tt?y0R ANll CI'TY COUNCIL
c/u t1�c City Clci•]c, Itoom 3Fi6 City Hall
City of Sait�t Paul, 6linnesota
l'ursuant., tU ,;ecr,ion G�1 .Q6 uf the Legislative Codc, tve, the undersi�;ned owncr�,.�yf/'
twc>-tl�ii•cts uL' tl�e sever�al clescriptions of real estate situated within 100 i' et of
thc r�.a1 c`SLate af'iected, hereby acquiesee; and we, the o�i•ners of 50; oi• ;,ore of
thc ftont.a�;c tu bc i•eclassilieci, pctition your };�;;Ii:,rable IIody to rczocic;'`the follcw-
iJ:�; ci�sci�ibec! i�i-�,���j•ty., (legal descrzE�tion and street �,;:clress)
LatS l0 throu�h I3 and �h�t porti�n of vacated a11eS* aceruin� ��tere�o in
Block I, Ct�atswarih Street Acldition
j''�"" �3 Rcsidenc� Uistrict to G Residenre
�bistrict , for the
E.urE,c,s� c,1� installin�;, constructin, and/or operatin� �
(d�:;ci�ib� bricTl thc th�. �o�lowing;
y �roE�osed £acility)
multifamily �sidential dwel�.ings
s��bjc�ct Pr��pe�-�}�� e No th 60 f et of Lots 7, 8 and
—:�: �
10 k 2 swor h � Addition
_Thomas A. Lyons � ' �/ �
a nd
— ,'
Patricia F. Lyons ' � - y �
-- ____}
I �
------------ — ��
— -- --- r'� ,'.
-- -----:'--
� —
_ — t� _ -
�T� �
— — ---- � I �-- --
� -
S aLe of 11i.nneso ----
ta (
/f;ounty of (;amsey � ss
�O/1 Q( � . ��"fI��G,. ,
�"1 i _ being first duly sw�orn, deposes and states tf�at i�c
is tlie persoi: �ti�i,o c;irculated tl�e �t�ithin petition consistin� of �
l li:�t i i��� E;�rt=�.s dc:scribtd ��bo��e are the owners respectively of t��1o"t.�; placed�
Lmn����iiatel�• fol.?c�win�; e��ch n:�nie; thtii this petition was sigr,�d by eacl� oJ: said
ownur•s ziti th�, E,r�.;;cncc of this affiant , and that the signatures above art; ti�c tl�i��
�n�'- e�i'rect si�;natur�:s of each and a11 of the parties so describeci,
Su,�scrit�ect •jnc:i suorn to before me
thi� Z c3✓'� d�;�� of ��jnG�. �/73 � � �� �
_ __:_����I�C-�-���'��i(��
Addr�ss; 643 :;ar4Y2 Kent•
�- Telepl�one No. ?.98-4900
Nuia •y f'u�l�.c, f�ains�::, CounLY, biinn.
My commi ssiun c��F�ires pFOSER
KIM �• A(�prot'ed as to foi�rn 1/�i/Ei5
i NotaN public, Dakota ��'�nt�i""�'"n.
FGT i/;>, G� ��• Office of tt�� Cc.irjaorabiu;� (;ounsel.
Pqy Cammission Expires JuIY
�� • �- - � � � .� � . . - � � � �� , . �.��"��
. . . �
� - CITl' OF SAI:V�T' Yr�liL� h1Ih7�iESOTA � �'� ,,,, � �
: , !7k°�'1'1'IO:� 'I'0 A:`ir;:S'I) Cfti1I'i'EF2S 60 thz�u b�� OF THY: I.EGISLr1TIVE ('LO;iING) Cf;�)E " '"�"'��r
, ,;:JL��; �j'I�c. si.;;i:c�• shoi�l<! aF�praise hzmsclf of ttre uscs permitited under the new classz-
� ficatic�n before si�;nin�; tl�is petitic�n.' I'Gr further inforr�ation about tt�c
rez��nir,k c�L pr�p�rty, caZi the �i3oarcl of Zoning Office at L23--�-151,
(Please t:ype or E�rint)
� 1 bate; Januar.y ?_t�, 1973
'1'O T1fE }rpNOR�ll3LE `tAYOR Atill CITY COUNCIL
c/� tihe City Clei�k, �tr�om 386� City Hall �
City of Sait�t Paul , AZinnesota
Pui•suant tu SccCion 6�7 .06 �L tl�e Legislative Codc, we, the undersi�;ncd owners of
twc,-LhiJ•ds ..uL t l�c sever�al clescripLioi�s of real estatc situatecl within 100 fcet of
th� i•ual estatc: affecte�l, i�ei•eby acquicsce; ar,d we, the owners of 50f; or more of
�hc frc,nta�;e to be reclassitiecl , pci:ition your Honarable Bocly to rezoti� the follow-
inR ciusci�ibcd ��i•c�,�e.ty; (legal description ar�d street adclress)
Lo�s 10 tl�ro:tg}Y J.3 s.nd ttiat por'tion of vacated alley accruing tt�.e-reto in
Block 1, Cii�ts�aorth S�reet Addi,"_ion .
��''"'?' B Res:�dence Dist:rict to C Resider_ce if Distr•ict , f'ur the
{�ui•{�c,sc ot iristaliin�;, cor.structing and/or opei•ating the foliowing:
(dcs�►•ib�� briefly ti;c proi�osc:d facility)
multifamily resiuential dwellings
1tECORll Otti:tiLR SIGi�/�TUF{E LO'r BLOCK Ai)�ITIO\
Subjcut Pi•o�ei•tti�; _ ----j ----
���_� .� `
Katherine_M. Leibel_ �'� �, � / 7 2 ose h R. Weide's'
T th Addition
Katherine M. Leibel �,/ �,� '� i 8 2 oseph R. Weide's
— ---------_�.�__ � t Ad3i-t on --
�.�_— ___�.—___'_._– D.F�"�� . .
' (^ �s —���'I -��.�.�.�
�_�_ . r1�} , -
�� _____ _ ��r �
�� —____"_ ' � —__ –
��_�___—_.�—_____ �_�_ I .... _�__ ��_��
StaCc of 11ir�nc;sota (
County of R.�mse}• � ss
l�on�cld L • ,f,3rt.�s��
beinh first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
is t i��� E>�i tivn �tii�o circul.a�ed the within �etition consi::ting of /0 ` pak,es;
tiiai the E�ar�i��s c1�?scribed abot�e ai•e the owr,ers respectiv�l�; of the lots�E�laced
ir.�;����ui;�tcl�- fui.lo���in�; each r,�;nc; that i:his pet.izion was signod by cact�� of saici _
o:tin��•� in !h�; �,r<�5cracc oS this affiant , ��nc] that the s:ii;natures abovc a��c Lli� truc
3nd cvi•i•���•t si�,natures vf cach and all oi the parties so describeci.
Su.,scril�ccl anci s���c�i•n to be.lora me `�L/�Z��-
t n�5 _�,.d _����,� �r �g� ��I 73 _ - �C,C.0 i,
• � Address• 64i i?ortl'i I;et1t
Telephone No, i9S-49GG
Nc�taiy �>i�blic , R.�ms ..• (;ounty, Atinn.
4iy cum�nissivn c�E�ires pFOSER ApE�ro��ed as to forrn 1/4/G5
KIM 'C. � .;,+, ^h;nn.
i'C'r I 1/:>;'ti:�
No�arYPublic, Dakct� k ��� Office of thc; Corp��z�.ttiiori Counsc].
�� ����m,ssion ExFir�� �/ '� �, `
. � r__,' �'
� ... .
czTY o�� sazN�� ��uL, r�zrr���:solr�
� � Y'ETITIO[� `.CO 71I�IL•'C�D CE;APTERS 60 thru 64 OP' TFIE LECISLf1T_TVE (!O'�1I�;G) �::JD�,
�:�c��: :;;c� �igntr shoulc3 apprise hirnsel£ of t.�e uses L�ermitted under. �he new classi•-
�°icat.ion before signing tnis petition. F'or further iriformation abou� Y.ce
rer.oring of pron�rty, call the E3oard of Zoning Of�ice at 2.9d-4151.
(Plea�e type or print)
Date: December 5, 1973
c/o ti�e City C1erk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, P4innesota
Pursu�i�t to Section 64.OG oE the Legislative Code and P•iinnesota Statute 462.357 (5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-th?rds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by
the owr�:�r of the real estate to be rezoned or by any party who has purchased oy is
pitrc`��.:sing any such CORt2CJl10115 pr�perty within one (1} year �receding the date of this
?etitio.;, such propert�� including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqt:iesce; and
wc, '��:.� owners of 50 0 or more of the frontage t.o be reclassziied, p�t?_ti�n your HonorablE
Lo.?y �c: rezor_e the following described prop�rty: (Iegal, description and street address)
' Lots l0 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatso�orth Street Addition
fro:n R Residence District to C Residence District, for the
�u�pos� oi iriatalling, constructing and/or operating the foliowing:
(descrihe br�efly the proposed facility) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Prop?rty: '
V J �
Mildred C. Flemin , � ot 15 Block 2 hatsworth
u s�-
��" ' .` �' t. Ad ition
' State c� i-liirnesota) �� - �
) ss
County of F�z^�sey ) , � �:.,�. �
�. ..� ...�w.
s���T�&����, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the
person 4�ho circulated the within petition consisting of�rpages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots plac�d immediately followir.g�
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the atimer of property which is
within 100 feet from atiy property owned by affiant or so�d i�sy affiant w-�thi.n one (1)
ye.ar preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property abovc:
described; that none of the parties described above has purcliased or is purchasir�g
prop��r*_y f:om affiant cantiguous to the above describ�d pragerty within one (1) yeax of_
tne date of �his petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners ir. the
pre�enc� of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correc�
signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �t
f/ !
i, ,-
Subscr?b�d and sworn to before me �m, re��s 643 i:orth Kent
'' � Telephone No. 298-4900
this I ��day of ��.C, _ � �q,�
�s�(��� ' V � APProved as �o form £3-27.73
�I '�- �� Offi.ce of th` City Attorr.ey
Notary Pub1S.c, Ramsey County, Pdinn.
hly comr,i:ission expires
^ ' t,� ��nn�,�?i
�. '.:20N .! n_�-;-R:iON �
'' �•i Co. Mn.�
t;"Y ( C, " ,.., (�id F;;�!RES �
� "'' J -ly �'�, 1�80 �
XVV! Y...i ��rr�'1��� c �+�r�Y �Y'r'i'i"�YYYV�1'�}� . �
_ _ ._ _
CITY OP 51INT PAUL, r�zrrra�so�n.
� i`L'TITION 'i'O 712•1I:ND C1iAt TERS 60 thru 6�l OF' THE LEGISLli'tIVE ('LO'�1ING) ��OD`
�:�:e: :;;c: sign�r should annr�.se hirnseZf ot the us�� permittcd under the new classi•-
F�icat�on before �ic�niny tnis petition. F'or £urther information abot;t the
rezor_ing of pron�rty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 29d-4151.
(Please type or printj
DatE: December 5, 1973
c/o t.��� City Cl�rk, Rooin 3�6 City Hall
City oY Saint Paul, P4innesota
Pursuar.t to Section 64.06 0£ the Legislative Code and P4innesota Statute �62.357 (5) , we,
the unciersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions af real estate held by
the awr_:�r of the real estate to be rezoned or by any party �iho has purchased o� is
pitrc`�asing any such cont?auous property within or_e (1} year preceding the date of_ this
�etitio.;, such Yroperty including the property to be rezonecl, hereby acqLiesce; ar�d
w�, ��:�, o�aners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, pet�_tion your Honorable
z,o.3y tc: rc:zo^e the followina described prop�rty: (legal description and street address}
' Lots l0 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block l,
Chatsworth Street Addition
from_ �3 Residence District to (; Residence District, for the
cur�os� or in�talling, constructa.ng and/oz operating zhe fallowing:
(descr?'_�e br�.efly the pro�osed facility) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Property: '
`/I natius Juchnick � �'�Za ����'� N`^�J2--�C9 Lot 12, Block 2, Chatsworth
971 Thomas) St. Ad ition
StaLe c` i-Iinnesota)
) SS
CoLnty of Fa:�sey )
Rarbara Taulor being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the
person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant w�thi.n one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property abore
describ�d; that none of the parties described above has purctaased or is nurchasing
prop�rty {:om affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of
tne date of this petition; that this petition was signed by t-�ach of said owners in ttZ��
presenc� of this aifiant, and that the signatures above aze �he true and correct
_�ignatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscribed and sworn to before me ` A dress: bt+3 ;;orth Kettt
Telephon� PZo. 298-4900
Y_hi���day of ��G � � � 9`�3
� - ,..� —^� Approved as to form f3-27-73
11A��_�VJ 4s�aTf� Office of the City Attorney
Not:�ry Public, R�msey County, f•tinn.
P:y comr,iission expires
.. . ,,T.,:�r�:R�� � � e� .
, ; 3 �� �' .
- 'n, �r`t �� �!` !7, ;� w,�, .Jl�.
;rn'c$ �, �� .. �
. � . . , � . . . . , :�'��
` , F�:TITIOt� `l'O AI•tL:PvD CEiAPTERS 60 thru 6�1 OE' THE L�:GIST�fITTVE (l0?VING) �::OD:
�:��c: _;;c� sign�r should anprisa� himself of t'�e uses L>ermitttd under. the new classi�-
�ication before signing tnis petition. F'or further information about t�e
rezoning of p�op�rty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 29c3-4151.
(Please ty�e or printj
Date: December 5, 1973
TO �EiE Ei��h0:r11�I,� !•lAYOR Af�t� CITY COUNCIL
c/o t.�r, City C�erk, Room 386 City fiall
City oi ::�i.nt Paul, P4inr.esota
PllYollcli!t to Section 64.06 .oP the Legislative Code and P-Iinnesota Statute 462.357 (5} , we,
the undersigned owners of two-th�rds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by
the OWI?;'.T' Of the real estate to be rezoncd or by any party who has purchased o� is
pnrc'.-�a:sing any such contiguous property within one (1} year preced?ng the date of. this
?etition, such property including the prop�rty to be rezoned, hereby acc�ziesce; ar,d
we, ��..� owners of 50�s or more of the frontage t.o be recZassified, petition your FlonorabZE
Lo3y �c; rezor.e the followina de�.-cribed prop�rty: (legal description and street address)
' Lots 10 thru 18 and that portiotl of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block l,
Chatsworth Street Addition
fr��n R Residence District to C Residence District, for the
cu=~os� or inatalling, constructing and/or operating tne following:
(descri!�e br�efly the proposed facility) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Prop�rty.: ' _
G';� /
,/Sheet Metal S erialt �G -� Sub e t to Avenu and Street o north
� and w st sides a d except East 125
Com an ;i� � _ � feet art of we t 1 2 of northwest 1/4
of no theast 1/4 of northwest 1/4
north f extende centerline of
Van B en.
' StaL� c` i•iinnesota)
) ss
County of F�.�sey )
DorottLy Davey being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is i.he
person 4�ho circulated the within petition consisting of�_pages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately follo�rir.g �
each nam^; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
witYiin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold bg affiant withi.n one (l�
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above
describzd; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing
property from affiant contiguous to the above describ�d pron�rty within one (1) year of
tne date of this petition; that this petition was signed �y each of said owners in the
presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatuYes of each and all of the parties so described.
_. C'L-G�--t
Subscribed and sworn to before me Address: 643 T� th Kent
y� Telephone No_ 298-4900
this 11� day of ��R,C� . , �q`�3
^ �`����J Approved as to form F3-27-73
��-� OfficA of th4� C�ty Atto�ney
Notary Public, Ramsey County, f�linn.
Dly com,n:ission expires
�; � �rm� �
. , . . . �,_�' � ���.:.
,: �s ,�'�^�v. � '�- . __._' -�_
_ .>
. . , � ,';�����r���i �
� , F:.'TITIO[J TO 1�•IrND CE,APT'ERS GO ttiru 6�� OE' THE LEGISL�i`i'IVE (!O!VI�iG) r:pp�.
�����: ';�:c� signtr sho�;lc3 ;inpr;sc� hirnself of t�e uses L ermittcd under. L-he new classi•-
�icat.ion be£ore siyn?ng tnis petition. F'or further inform�ztion about t'r_e
rezor.in� of proparty, call the Board of 2,oning Office at 29d-41S1.
(Please ty��e or printj '
Datec December S, 1973
TU ifiE Ei�7I�i0:+,1�1�I,�' t�lAYOR AfdD CITY COUNCIL
c/o t,��, City Cl�rh, Room 3�6 City Hall
City ot Saint Paul, Minnesota
Pursuar�t to Section 64.06 oF the Legislative Code and P-iinnesota Statute 4E�2.357(5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated witnin 100 feet of the to�al contiguous descriptians of real estate held by
the owr;�r of the real estate to be rezoncd or by any party who has purchased ox is
pnrcha>ing any such contiguous property within on� (1) year preceding the da�e of this
?���iti�.':, sach propert�.• including the pronerty to be rezoned, hereby acqt:iesce; �r�d
w�, ��::� owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, pet?_tion your FIonora:ble
Lo.:y tv rc�zor.e the followina described prop�rty; (legal description and �treet address)
Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
frO� R R •ide District to C Residence District, for tre
�ur�os� oi in�talling, constructing and/or operating the fallowing:
(describe br�.efly the proposeci facility) multi-family residential dwellings
S}xbject Prop�rty:
Walfrid 0. ,Tohnson � ' ,C�, �
Eleanor C. Johnson ,.��/ 1
957 Thomas)
' StaL-e c� @4innesota)
) ss
County of F�;:,ZSey )
Deanna Foster beirig first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is che
person who circulated the within petition consisting of�`pages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
witliin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant withi.n one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is ccntiguous ta the property above
describzd; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing
property f:om affiant contiguous to the above desc�ibed prooerty within one (1) year of
tne dat� of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners ir. the
presenc� of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscrine� and sworn to before me �ddress: 643 North Kent �
Telephone No. 29£3-4900
this r� � day bf �� , j �q`7 3
Approved as to form F3-27-73
��,n�a�,Q , ��_�rn�_ Offic� of the City Atto�-ney
Notary Public, Ramsey County, tdinn.
�;y commission expires �
� �
�,^�,;, � � � � ,
�, y ��
' , , �. ;e'v .
_._.�. �a�:. �.�� ,..e..�,,:��-�� �- —
' , FL'TI`iIOiJ `.CO AI�II":*vD CEiAFTEP.S GO thru 6�1 OF' THE LEGISL:l1TIVE (l0?�17�iG) COD:
�:��e: :;;c� sign�r sho,.�lc� anpr;se hirnself of t?�e uses permitted un3er the new classi•-
Fication beLar? siyning tnis petition. F'or further itiformation abour_ t�e
rezor.in:� of p��n�rty, call the Board of. Zoning Office at 29d-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date: December 5, 1973
c/o ti��:. City Clerk, itoor� 386 City Hall
City ot ;'zint Paul, f4innesota
Pursu�t�t to Section 64.06 oE the Legislative Code and f4innesota Statute 4'62.357 (5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descripti_ons of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate tield by
the owr_:�r. of the real estate to be rezoned or by any party 4;ho has purchased o� is
piirc`�a:�ing any such CORt1C1L10U5 property within one (1} year preceding the date of this
?etitio.:, such property including the pronerty to be rezoned, hereby acqi:iesce; ar�d ,"
w<< ��.�� owncrs of 50$ ar mor� of the frontage t.o be reclassified, p2tition your No�iorabl.E
�o.:y tv rezor_e the followina described prop�rty: (legal description and �treet address)
' Lots 10 thru 18 and t'hat porti.on of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
fr�� R Residen�e District to � Residence District, for the
' �u�:os� ot in��talling, constructing and/or operating the following:
(descri��� br�efly the proposed facility) multi-family residential dwellinga
Subjec� Property:
, .
, Laura M. Jeffre Lot l Block 2 Chatsworth
955 Thom�s St. A dition
_ �
' Statn cf i•linnesota)
) ss �
CoLnty of Fa:�sey )
lanet L_ Hopfner being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is c.he
person who circulated the wit�in petition consisting of_�_pages; th�t the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant w��thi.n one {1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property aboae
describzd; that none of the parties described above has purchasPd or is purchasing
property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of
tne date of thi.s petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners i� the
presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and c�rrec�
signatures of each ar.d al1 of the parties so described.
/ � ,
� ` .^ _.
Subscrib�d and sworn to before me f� ess: 643 N�i-th Ke
T ephone No. 298-4900
this �� �da}� of ���, , . � q`13
Approved as to form £3-27-73
_� � Offic� of the City Atto�-ney
Notary Public, �-unsey County, P-liiin.
P:y cumm:ission exPires �
3T< . _. . ,�;;t,/rn?i � ��� ,� <^�' '��
1 _!. ,S�N � �
. . . � . . . . :�"J i�0. �`�n-� e:^ �%�.
�.i', .. ....'4RE$ �'
i ;,� �
_, 1��<�;� 3r
. . . . � . . , , , , .r;, � . � , �;JJ.ft
,�-- ., ..�,,,�.�..�s.:�„�..,...,-,�.��� �:._. . .�.. M .�,...�...e,...�..,�......�...,�.�....__..
, � . . . .
D:a�e: :;:t� signtr shoulci anprisc� hirnself ot t!�e uses L�ermittecl uncier L-he new classi•-
!"ication be£ore sic�ning tnis petitior�. F'or further iriformation about the
rezorin� of p�on�rty, call the Board of 7oning Office at 298-4151.
(Please type or printj
Date: December 5, 1973
TO iFiE fiONO�f11�L�' t•1l�YOR A^In CITY COUNCIL
c/o th�:� C:ity C1�rk, Room 386 City Hali
City of Saint Paul, P2innesota
Puzsu�i�.t to Section 64.06 oP the Legislative Code and P-IinnesQta Statute 462.357(5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-th?rds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous d�scription:� of real estate held by
the owr_:-,r of the real est.ate to be rezoned or by any party ��o has purchased o� is
piirc`!asing �ny such coriticruous property within one (1) year preceding th� clate of. this
?etition, such property including the prooerty to be rezonec�, here�,y acqL:iesce; ar�d
w�, ��;:� ocaners of 50� or more of -the frontage t.o be reclass�fied, pzt?_ti�n your Honorable
Body tv rc.zor.e the following described prop�rty: (legal description and street address)
' Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block l,
Chatsworth Street Additi.on
fr�� R Residence District to C Residerice District, for the
�u_�os� or in:.,talling, constructing and/or operating the fa�lowing:
(descri?�e br'efly the proaosed facility) multi-family reside��ial dwellings
Subject Property:
./ � � ,�
V Jose h D. Leibel ' ' t � ��1_� ot 8 , Block 2 ose h R Weide's
� - � .
�/ Dolores C. Wie and � � -'� �,�tiL��� � i..�-r.�' th Ad ition
(946 :,afond) '�, ; �'
� Stat° Ci� 2•linnesota)
� SS
County af F�,:�sey )
Vern S� Hoffman bein.g first duly sworn, deoos-�s and states that he is the
person F�ho circulated the within petition consisting of_��pages; that the parties
described abc>ve are the owners respectiveiy of the lots plaeed immediately followir.g
each nam^; that each of the parties described above is the az�;ner of property which is
within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or so�d 'hj affiant within one (1}
year precedinq the date of this petition which is centiguou� to the property above
describzd; ' that none of the parties described a�ove has pur_cliased or is purchasing
prop�rty from affiant contiguous to the above describ�d prog�rty within one (1) year of_
tne date of this petition; that this petition was siy-ned by each of said owners ir. the
presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
_>igna�u��e� of c:aeh and a'll of t:re parci.es so described.
i �
� i
Subscr?bed and sworn to bef.ore me �ddress: 643idorth K
Telephone Na. 298-4
this j)� day of �.n,c, - , ��j���
_ � Approved as �tc� form f3-27-73
���y� - J Office of the City Atto�-ney
Noi�ary Public, Ramsey County, b:inn.
�'y commission expires
5s _,.. ^�� ^.r.,nn�i,��s "� � � �'���1 �
;� ) 1 I. F T '?SON � , f3 ►� �.
, -e� C� �4n �� `�L,,,a.fv� o�.,,
f�. -\- � �W'J ' .
y ::� �i'`"! FXPIRES �
J_.'y' 29, 1"r�,0 '" � �
,�V' ,. . � � � . . � . � „�.rr�'v�? Y`�JG'X
' . F�,�TITI0;1 TO I�I�1�ND CEiAL'TERS 60 thru 64 OF' TFIE LEGISL�1'PIVE (l0'�I�iG) ��OD�
�::�.e: ':;;c� sign�:r shaulcl anprise hirnself of the uses perr,titted under. the new classi•-
�'icat ion be£ore signing tnis petition. F'or further iriforrr.ation about Y_he
rez�r.ing of prop�rty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date: December 5, 1973
c/o t���� City Clerk, Roo:� 3&6 City Hall
City ot :'aint Paul, Minnesota
Pur�u�r�.t to Section 64.Of� oF the Legislative Code and P4innesota Statute 462.357(5) , we,
the under_iyned owners of two-th�rds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by
the owz�:�r of the real estate ta be rezoned or by any party who has purchased ox is
piirc'�e.:>ing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preced�ng the da�e of this
?etitio::, such �roperty ii�cluding the property to be rezoned, hereby acqt;iesce; ar,d
we, ��:,� owners of 50$ or mor� of the frontzge t.o be reclassified, pet�_tzon your Honorak�Ze
Bo�.y tc; rezor.e the followina deseribed prop�rty: (legal description and street address)
' Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
frO� �3 Residence District to C_�tesidence District, for the
�u_�os� or in�talling, constructing and/or operating the following:
(4'�ESCr1��2 br�.ef�y the proposed faci.lity) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Prop�rty: '
� �Ccr.-�
� ec to n on orth d
a t 12 fee of art of West
1/2 of North 1/4 of Northeast 1/4
of Nor hwest 1/4 North of extended
enter ine of Va Buren Avenue in
Sectio 35, Town hip 29, Range 23
StaLe c` 2•linnesota)
) ss
County of ��:�sey )
Dorothv Davev being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is che
person 4�ho circulated the within petition consisting of / pages; that the parties
describ��d above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant w��thi.n one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is ccntiguous to the property above
described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing
property £rom affiant contiguous to the above described property within one {1) year of
the daL-� of this petition; that this petition was si,c--i, ed by e�ch of said owners in the
pre�ence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
Subscrib�d and sworn to b�£ore me A�dress: 643 rth Kent
Telephone No. 298-4900
this_�day bf ���4.� . , 1 9�3
Approved as to form f3-27-73
� �s�Tl���• � Offic� of the City Atto.rney
L7otary Publi.c, Rams�y County, Pdinn.
b;y comrnission expires
� .� A�
� � ..... .. � _�y �
A` . � �, , . . . . � . , . , '. .
' `' � ��! ,Q'+� �
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... ' � J . .l �>
! . . . � f� i . . . . . . . . . � . v i �.�✓.,� .
� � � F'L'TITIOid `.CO AI•I�ND CkiAPTERS 60 thru 6�� OE' THE LEGISI11Ti'VE (ZO?�tI�i�) �::OD�
D:�te: :;;c� sign�r sh���ld spf?risc� hirnself of the uses permittel under_ the new ciassi•-
'_'ic�tion before si:�ning tnis petition. For further information about tre
rez�ring of pron�rty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151.
(Please type or printj
' Date: December 5, 1973
c/o t:-_r� Cit, Cl�r.v, Room 386 City Hall
�ity of Saint F�aul, P4innesota
� Pursu�r�t to Section 64.06 oE the Legislative Code and t•Sinnesota Statute �62.357 (5} , we,
the undersigned owners of two-th?rds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by
the owr:�r of the real estate to be rezon�d or by any party who has purchased oY is
piirc`!��ing any such contiauous property within one (1) year preced?n.g the date of_ this
�etition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqt:iesce; ar�d
we, ��.,, owners of 50% or mor� of the frontage to be reclassifie.d, pztiti�n your Honorable
Bo.?y tu re<or.e the followina described prop�rty: (leqal descri.ption and street address)
� Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
fi�� R Residepce District to C $esidence District, for the
cu_�os� or in�talling, constructing and/ar operating �.he foliowing:
(descr?be br�.efly the proposed facility) multi-family resideatial dwellings
Subject Property: '
� '
Jose h D. Leibel ,/ ot 7 Block 2, oseph R. Weide's
) '
Dolores C. Wie and :x:� Sth A dition
— --- -_._.__— �
Statn c� i-linnesota)
) ss
County of F�..r,lsey )
Vern S. Hoffman being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is zhe
person who circulated the within petition consisting of / pages; thut the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
witY:in 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold b� affiant w�ithi.n one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiyuous to th� property above
describ2d; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing
property from affiant contiguous to the above described progerty witrin one (1) year of .
tne date of this petition; that this petition was signed �y each of said owners ir_ th�
presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correc�
sigr�atures of each and a11 of the parties so described.
Subscrined and swoxn to bei'ore me t�ddress: 643 Nort nt `
� Telephone No. 29 00
this I I�day of �}�, - �, 19`I 3
Approved as to for.m f3-27--73
n . � OfficA of the City Attorney
Notary Public, Ramsey County, tdi.nn.
b'.y ccjmmissi.on expires
A� +`�
- ... . .... . . . . . . . ,�..,./,..:.'>.i�.'di � . 4;....,. .a .
__ �1 y
.. . ._t 'IV , � ... . ._...,-.r
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.�..... � � .�...����7 iY - . - . . . .
� .. . . . . . . . � .,.`.'..r'\V.. .v� . .
, _ , . . �
• , . . . - �
� � � n:.'TITIO[J `CO Ai•11•;PvD CEiAFTERS 60 thru G�l O:' THE LEGISLI\TIVE (<O?iI�iG) �:;OD_°.
�:�rc: :;;c� aign�r shoulcl anpr?sc, hirn�elf of the uses �c:rmittcd under. the new classi•-
!�i.c�t.�on be£ore �igning tnis petition. F'or further iriformation apout tce
rezoring of pronarty, call the Board of Zaning Office at ?_9d-4151.
(Please tyF�e or ��rintj
Date: December 5, 1973
c/o t:�e� Citl Cl�rk, Room 3�6 City Hall
City of Saint Paul, P4innesota
Pursu�t�r to Section 64.06 oF the Legislative Gode and P4innesota Statute 462.357 (5) , we,
the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within l00 feet af the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by
the owr.:�r of. the real estate to be rezon�d or by any party who has purchased or is
�i�rc`!�:�ing any such contic+tious property within one (1) year preceding the date of. this
?etitio:;, such propert�.• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqL:iesce; ar�d
we, ',:.�:_� owners of 50�s or morn of the frontage t.o be reclassified, p2��_ti�n your Nonorable
Lo.iy �v rc�zor.e the followina described prop�rty: (legal description and street ad�±ress}
' Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
from R Residence District to C Residence District, for the
gu_pos� or in�talling, constructing and/or operating the following:
(descri!-�e briefly the proposed facility) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Property: '
✓Naiditch & Sons , � Lots 0 and 11, lock 2, Chatsworth
. �
St A dition
Wayne Carlson ` , �,�'` "u
� Stat° Cir ��iinnesota)
� SS
County of �msey )
_ ,,����ara ��.o�; _ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is che
person ��ho circulated the within petition consisting of / pages; that the parties
described above are the owners respectively of the lots plaaed imcnediately followir.g
each nam�; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is
witfiin 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant withi.n one (1)
year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above
describzd; that none of the parties described above has pwrchased or is purchasing
property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of
the date of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners ir. thz
pre�ence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
signatures of each and all of the parties so descri�ed.
>/1 / ' �
:''��,���`�E' ,/ ---- -
Subscr?bed and sworn to b�£ore me Address: 6C+3 North Kent
Telephone No. 298-4900
this��%day of ,�"�,� , �9'73
�—Q�- Approved as to for.m �3-27-73
_�,���" � �.ti,.42,��� OfficA of th�� City ALto�nsy
Nota,ry Public, I2amsey County, c�tinn.
r•�y comm:issian expires
�� ^ ^�r��^��^,!i^,�ti x 1�,�,�l�T hl��n11�,/n/d�4AANA.1� � � _ � �
< `�; Z�N J PETERSON ,
r,_�.: , b:i , �..msey Co. Mn. r �
� '- � �'^- ��! ., _.,.. ».�:-. .
�%iY COt•fP,�:SSiON EXFlRES �
- �' Jialy 29, 1980 �
;, /�:", �,1,v,�rvv'rrrrvrYY'r'Y'�YV1�'17`VV�Y�%GX
� . ,- w - - ' . . .
, • '� . ,
� ' • I'L'TITION `.['O T�2•I�ND CE;A1'TERS 60 thru 6�l OF' THE LEGISL�ITIVE (GO'_�iI�iG) ��OD�
�:��e: :;:c� signtr shoald anpri.sc� hicnself of t'�e us�s I�ermittcd unde.r �he new classi•-
�i.c�tion before sign?nc� this petition. For further ir�formatian abo��t_ the
rercr.ing of pron�rty, call the Board of Zoning Office at 29d-4151.
(Please type or print)
Date: December 5, 1973
c/o th�:� Ci ty Clerk, RooM 386 City fiall
City oi Sai.nt Yaul, blinnesota
Pursuar.f� to Section 64.06 oP the Legislative Code and t•Iinnesota Statute 462.357 (5) , we,
the undcrsigned owners of two-tnirds of the several descriptions of real estate
situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions af real estate held �iy
the o�m.�i� of the real estate tc> be rezoned or by any party 4�ho has purchased or is
piirc'�a:sin�� �n� such contic?uous p•r.operty within or.c� (1) year preceding the da�e of.. this
?etitior., such pr�pert�• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acc�.:iesce; ar�d
wi:� 4�._� owncrs of 50� or more of the frontage t.o be reclassified, pet?_tian your Honorable
Bo�?y tu rezor.e the followina described prop�rty: (legal description and street afldress)
' Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing thereto in Block 1,
Chatsworth Street Addition
fr�� R Reside�ce District to C Residence District, for the
�u=pos� oi in�talling, constructing and/or operating the followinr:
(descri��e br�efly the proposed facil?ty) multi-family residential dwellings
Subject Prop�xty: '
�U JiJ , r2,coU6,tr,�, T�zjs r,e� � -,,
St. Matthews Evan �S� Exce West 19 �100 feet, L�t
�A�fk� �,���{p f�mc,t, ,e,�/5�.� 13 an all of L 14, Minnehaha
Luth. Church -*' S bdi i io
.�..�_--- ---- ` �
•, �
' State c` i•linnesota)
� 5S
County of ��:�sey )
Mvrtle I�euer ,neing first duly swozn, depases and states that he is �he
�person who circulated the wit:�in petition c�nsisting of��paqes; that the pazties
described above are the oc�ners respectively of th.e lots pZaced immediately followir.g
each nam�; t'�at each of tlze parties described above is the owner of property which is
within 100 feet .from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant w:ithi.n one (1)
year pLecPding the �ate of this petition which is contiguous to the property above
desc:i-i.b�.d; that nonQ of the p�ties dcscrib�d abav� has pu�ch.as�d or is �urcha::ir,g
property from affiant contiguous to the above describAd propcxty within one (1) year of
tne date of tnis petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the
pre�enc� of t:h_�.s affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct
si�natures of each and all c�f the parties so described. ^ ,
, / �� �/� _
� \`►�,,�p' G�i/� � Ph.���C�
. �.,_.�_ ��f C���
Subsc.ribed and sworn to b�£ore me i�ddress: 643 P!ort:h I�:ent
Telephotle No. ?98-4900
this �/ day of _�� ���
Approved as t� f.cY-m £3-27-73
"� O�fice of th� Cit:y �ttor�n�.y
Notary Publi.c, It�:�sey County, P•iinn.
Dly commission ex��ii:e�
M��p G, OSTERMAI�N �i�n� __ �
NotarY Pubiic,Ramsey County. 1� ,�
ires Nov.13, �,� �' °`
d1y Commission ExD _ ��:: '�
�, �
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•BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION December 20, 1973 . �s�o�o
�- Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 Pi$t Map ��22
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971.
- � � 7513
1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Housing and Redevelopment Authority 5131 3
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permir � Other 3337 �
3111 ,
3. PURPOSE , Rezone to "C" Residence
4. LOCATION , North side of Lafond between Chatsworth and Milton
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 10 thru 18 and that portion of vacated alley accruing �
thereto in Block 1, Chatsworth Street Addition. `
6. PRESENT ZONtNG: "B" Residence , . �
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph:
A. SLTFFICIENCY: In a letter dated December 19, 1973, the Department of Finance and
Management Services declared the petition sufficient wlth the owners of 25
or 7Z% of the 35 eligible parcels having signed the petition.
B. HISTORY: An extension of a non-conforming use was granted for building activity
on the larger property of which this site is a part in 1924, 1954 and 1963.
C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be multi-family
residential dwellings.
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 296.19 ft, along Lafond Ave.
and an average depth of 124.8250 ft. for an area of 36,971.9167 sq. ft.
E. AREA ZONING: The area immediately north is zoned Light Industrial. The area
to the east and south is "B" Residential. A Commercial district fronts Thomas
Avenue one block south. A "C" Residential district exists diagonally across
the intersection from the subject site. "B" Residential zoning exists generally
across Chatsworth except that a "C" Residential district exists on the west side
of Chatsworth between Blair and Van Buren.
F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan called for medium density residential
. use of the general area east of Chatsworth St. with semi-public use of the Wilder
Center site and commercial use of the existing shopping center. It recognized
the industry south of Pierce Butler by showing a limited industrial use of that
area. It showed Victoria St, and Minnehaha Ave. as collector streets.
G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is level and vacant with several trees directly
on the corner of Lafond and Chatsworth.
H. AREA CONDITIONS: Wilder Foundation service facilities exist atop a hill adjoining
to the east. Vacant land proposed for uses with this site adjoins to the north
followed by non-manufacturing industrial buildings. Low density residential
uses exist west of Chatsworth St, and a shopping center is north of Minnehaha.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend , � Approval � Denial Council Letter
� Moved by Maddox . x Norton Nays January 21, 197'
x Maddox Date of
� Seconded by: Willits , x Willits Hearing;
x Bryan •° January 24, 197
Secretary's remarks: x Rupp
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APPLICANT Housing and Redevelopment Authority LEGEND
PURPOSE Rezone from "B" Residence to
"C" Residence O ONE FAMILY
FIL� N0. �513 �
DATE December 2�0, 1973 �' � �ULTIPLE FAMILY
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3rd � ' Adcipted
_ Ye� ' Nays
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