263507 WH17E - CITY CLERK PIR1K s-�FINANCE TT COII11C11 �LUERV- MAVpRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. 2635�1�7 c Co cil Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, an examination f'or the position of "Supervisor of Public Health Nttrsing" is being acheduled, and WHEREAS, investigation makes it evident that a sufficient eligible liet cannot be obtained �rarn among the residents of the City, and W�HEAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend co�petition to persons � living outside of the City; ncrw therefore, be it RESOLVID, that the residence requirements for e�dmission to the examine�.tion a� provided in Seetion 10 D o�' the Civil Service 8ules are hereby waived. and extended to inelude residence of the State of Minnesota only for the firat examina.tion for "Supervisor of Pub],ic Health Ntzrsing" to be held folleiwing the p�ssage oP thia resolution. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Mme.Pres. Hunt Konopatzki� In Favor i�eef�` Meredith � Against By Te9�x R�ei�w�' Butler � �AY 1 q �g��, Fo=m aP o d by it A ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi asse by Council Secretary By � Ap v by Maxor: Date Approve b m' sio to Council , By By PUBtI�HED MAY $ �� .. , .' . p ' SUPIItYISOR OF PUBI,IC �ALTH NZAtSING 2����"� This resolution provides that the residence requirem�nts be waiv+ed for the examination for Supervieor of Public Health Nursing. This position requires a person with high level proP�sslonal and superv3sory p�iblic health nursing experience. InveStigation indicates that to secure qualified and avai].�ble applicants for this position the resideuce requireao�ents should be waived. Do not detach thi s meYnorandtnn from the resolution so that this inf'ormation will be ava.ila,ble to the City Couricil. �+-26-7�+ � _ �Vt,)t,l�l� M.,�r 6, 1974 To s 8oa. L�r�aa� D. Coh�n, W�ror Rou� 3�►T Citr A�11 !'ro�a ?raat D. llassittlli City A�ini�trator Roa� 36S Cit� Hall Bffia�at: lturoltrtion to �naiv�e r�sidaeat s+�qvir�aenta ibr t�he �no�laation !or S�er�i�or o! PNblio �alt6 htssi�. Atf�d ,�rwith is th� r��olution v61aJt w r��p�ratl�ll�r rsq�est;. t�at �a parestnL to t� Cit� Co�mcil tor ap�n+�al. Att. �• CITY CLE�'a Ccpy .. . 263�5(l`� �, in aawi�ati� !bs !►he positioa of "�np�rvisoT ot P�blic �talth 1[arrina"' is bd.ng •cbtdnled, sud 'ii��AB, ime�tiAtt3�oet aslt�s it eri�e�t L�►t a �atiiciee�tt �ligibl� list a�xnot be obtaiaaad !'rais �oas tl�r residenL� of the Cit,�►. sa�l 1iiHl��J18, it is 8� f� tbe baL i�e�area�ts of th+e Cit�r to eut+end c�rpetit.la� ts persems living outs�le ot t�ise C3t�g, aa�r t�aerttiore, brt it B�OLVi�3, ti�st ttu srtid�+ea r�air�e�t�a !'oz 1�e'laisslorm �o the m�ination us pro�vidsd i� St�ct.taa lt� D �►f t.�e Citril Beivi� �l�s �re h�r�by �usived asd rx�t�ed to 1ncluKLie �ti�uet o! th� B1�l.e o!` t�r�esota oA2ar !br t�e lirst a�r�i�aat.io� fo�r "8upesvisar of PabSia Ha�it� ll�ie�• to 1� l�el�d lioil3.vw�i�E the patq�e of t.his reso].aLio�. h1Re.P�ries. �aaac �o�di�r . � �Z�`���� SUPERYISOR OF P'ETBLIC HEAL�'H NtA�SIl�G This resolution provid:�s that the residence rec�ire�ents be wa,ived for the e�cami.na.ticn for Supervisor of Public Health Nursing. This position requires a person with hi� level professional and supervisory p�ablic healt�h nursing experience. Investigation indicates tha.t to secure qualified and available applicant� for this position the residence requirements shc�uld be waived. Do not detach this memorandum from the resolution so that this in:Pormation will be available to the City Council. �-26-7�+ - %�6�'S�`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI Ma.y 6, �97�+ To: Hon. I�s�trenee D. Cohen, �tayor Room 3�7 �ity Hall Fram: Fra,nk D. l+�arzitelli w� City Administrator ' i Room 365 �ity xa11 Snbject: 8eso�.utioa to �aive residenee reqai.re�n�s for the exauination for S�pervi�er of Pal�lic Health Ntarsin�. Atts.el�ed herewitb is the re�olt�tion svhieb �re respeetPully request that y�u present to t�te Cit� Couacil for approval. Att. City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02