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WMITfi - CITV CLERK � PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY�-D�PARTMENT File NO. 2635�5 BLUE - MAVOR • Cou 'l Reso t ' n Ptesented By LICTNSE CObiMITTEE '� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons int the addresses stated be add=the same are hereby granted. Fred Hagerstrom c/o Jenny Lee� Inc. 110-146 W. Fairfie?_d 1M App.13999Renew �� c/o Litt'.e ;isters of the Poor 90 Wilkin �� �� 14�000" " c/o St. Paul Lighting 100 E. �C�th °t " 14002" " c/o 1lT.tia�. �'ell Telephone Garage 380 Chestnut " " ?-"+��" " c/o Viking Electric Co. 522 I3roadway " " 14005�� " c/o �lilbrecht Electronics� Co. 240 E. Plat� " �' 1A407�� rs �� 2 Add' � I,,o n n n �� c/o Arie %�Ii Lancman 10�1 S. Cleveland 1M �� 14008�� " c/o Berger A�tio City �.200 ��. 7th �� �� 14009�� �� c/o I�remer Spring ,& A1 ignem�nt 379 t�eb�ter " " 14010" � ►r � ,a.dd'1 M u n n �� c/o C]_intcn t�:nderson 874 �. �Iaryland lri �� 140z3" �� c/o Johnson High School 1349 Arcac�ie '� �� 14014" r� �' �� 1 1�dd�1 A1 +r u ►t " c/o ;;>hillips Petroleum 2245 Burns lri " 1�-01.5" " c/o Minn. �nblem 36G Wacouta " �� 140I6�� " c/o St. 1'aul Schools 1+lntce. Shop 740 York �' �' 14017�� " c/o 1V'l�f I3e11 T�3F Telephone Co. �ara�e 1415 Case " �� 14018�� " c/o I3randtgen & Kluge 653 Galtier " " 14019�� ti n 4 t'dd']I. P�3 n n �t �T c/o Gate�vay Gi�.�s 889 Pierce Butler Rd. 1M " 14020�' �� c/o Phillips Pet�c:_eum Co. 1015 Rice " �� 14021" " c/o Harry Nord 620 Frd�nt " " 14022�� " c%o St. Paul Dept. of Public Works 87? p. Dale " �.. �� 14023�� n r� 3 �dd'1 A4 t� n tt rr c/o St. Paul Parks & Rec. Dept. 1100 N. Hamline lb� �t 14024�� �� c/o State Capit �l Credit Union 95 Sherburne " " 14025" " c/o Torp's 7�7C r9usic Co. 528 Rice �� �� 14026�� " c/o T.C. 1�lelding Co. 1319 Pierce I3utler Rd. �� �� 14027�� �' s' 1 Add�1 M tr �r ►� '� c/o ?.utomotive I�lerchandise� Inc. 709 Univ. 1Di " 1�i429�� �r �� 1 Add'7 1�� ir n �� n it ��C��"�� Reqtaested by Depetrtme� of: Y�eas Butler N�y� Konopatzki (n �avmr Levine Meredith Roedler ��ast B3' Tedesco Fresident Hunt F� Ap���C� �� �1�o�d 3�y'Cc�anm�ca�: ��e �ad�ffi�9 1Pa�se��y�C��aifl�'�ay � �Y �v� �ry?�t�a�oa�: [A��e APP'ov�by�ayor�uc�ission to Cu�ucil �Y �' T �������- ���� WHITE - CITV CLERK - ^���^� PINK - FINANCE COLIIICl� % �I� CANARY^-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. ,v � BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 F'red Hagerstrom c/o Arrow Pontiac, Inc. 15:!5 Univ. 1 Add'1 kf App.14030Renew " c/o Arrow Pontiac� Inc. 42? N• Snelling iTi " 14Q31.�t �� rt 1 Add'1 M �r i� ir " c/o Builders Exchange 445 Farrington 1M �' 14032�� " c/o James Hilliard 619 St. Anthony 1M " 14033" �� �� 1 Add'1 r4 " " " �� c/o Larry's Auto Glass Co. 406-8 University 1P�� �� 14034�� �� c/o Minnesc?ta A4ilk Co. 370 University '� �� 14035" �� �� 1 Add�l M �r rr i� �' c/o Jary P. 0'Conn�r 1344 Maxshall 1M " 14036�� " c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. ?1? N. Sneliing '� " 14037�� �� c/o Royal Datsun� Inc. � 734 Grand " " 14038�� �� « 1 Add�1 M " 't " " c/o Schneider Lincoln Mercury 1020 Univ. 1M " 1 4039�' �' c/o Wm. J. Hirabayahi 1330 Grand 1M �� 14040" �� ►� 1 Add'1 M �� t� �r " c/o Etlilkins Dodge 1013-39 Univ. 1M " 1404.1-" �r n 2 Add�t M r� i� ii �� c/o Cab-Line� Inc. 4�6 Selby 1M �� 14042�� n �r lAdd"-1 M �r ° �� '� c/o �nderson h4achine Co. 2631 Univ. 1M " 14043rr " c/o G. Bartusch ;�kg. Co. 567 N. Cleveland " " ��045" �� '� I Add' ? �," n ir ti �� c/o Borchert Ingex sod�l Co. 2161 Univ. lhi " �4046" �� c/o Brady D4o�erfrate Inc. 656 Pelham Blvd. �t " 14��7" �� �� 2 Add'1 T1 r: �r u �� c/o Bro-Tex, Co. 80(� Fiampden 1M " 14048�� �� �� 1 Add�l I�t n ir tt " c/o Cliffs Gas & Oil Inc. 543 D?. Cleveland lAf �� 14049" �t �� 1 Add�l M rr « r� �� 2288 Univ. 1M '� 14050�' c/o Cole Sewell Eng. Co. �� c/p 1P 2�s05 Tlyrtle �� �� 14051�� �r rr 1 Add�l r1 ir t� n ilton 2228 Ca�ter 1Ni ►� 14052�� CO�TNCiLI�EN ��� � ���� �: Yeas Nays In Favor Agai�tst B5' Focm Approved by City Attorney A�dc�gted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Casncil Secretary By By A.pproved by l�9ayar: Date A�eoved bSr IIEay*t►r for S�bmission to Council BY Bp WMITE - CITV CIERK COIlI1C11 2635�5 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANpRY'-DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COl+i�tI�T� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 3 Hred f�agerstr�m c/i Continental Freight F'or�varding 895 N. ?�riorlM App.1�953Rene�a n ►� 1 Add'1 r1 r� ii �i t.aurice 0. Turner 2050 Dela�vare I�it.r..Veh.Dr. �� 14055�� Fred IIager�trom c/o �lan Industries� Inc. 2429 Univ. 1M �' 14056« " c/o H. B. Fuller Co. 2267 Como 1M �� 14057�� rr c/o Furnell Webb 2280 Hampden 1M �' 14058�� rt t� 1 Add�l T� ur r� io �� c/o Ceneral Foods Cor�. 3.996 Univ. tM �� 14059�► " c/o �ourmet Foods 860 Vandalia " " .i.�b060" n n 1 �1dd'_l �i �� �� t� �� c/o Interstate �ress, inc. 2334 Univ. lhi " 14061" '� c/o McI�enzie Repair� Inc. 725 Curfew 1M '� 14063r� " c/o Meldrum Mfg. Co. 2?.0� Gilbert �� �� 14064�� '� c/o George I3eutsch 632 N. Prior �� �� 14065" �� �r 1 Add�l 1�9 �r n n " c/o Socony Mobil Oil Co. 606 Vandalia 1M " 14066rr " c/o Skill Center ?31 Raymond �' " �.Q067" " c/o Speed C I,ac 970 f�aymond '� 14068 �� " " 1 Add;l A1 rr n " c/o Superamerica �9arehouse ?48 Vandalia 1M ?lpp.140G9�� " c/o NW ]Gell Telephone Co. 426 N. Fairview " " '_9{)70" �� c/o Sussel Co. 1850 Como 1M �� 14071�� ir �i 2 Add�l A� �� �t ii " c/o Trend Enterprises 2583 University lh� " 14072�� �� c/o Weyerhauser C� . 700 bnerald �� �� 14073�� " c/o i;intz � Warehouse 2550 iJabash lti �� 14074�� rr �r 1 Add'1 1►'i �� �� �� " c/o ."oger Johnson 778 S. Smith 1M " 14075" �IXIQCDI David F�. P,urr 797 riaryland Mtr.Veh.Dr. �i 14078�� Patricl: '�;. 0'P1ei11 2114 Jefferson rr �, ��_�,82,r Earl A. Mork 991 �+��-nt Gen.Rep.Gar. '� 14085" Galen G. Ista 245I 1V. 7th Carpet Dlr. �� 14086rr Yestinghouse Security Systems� Inc. 2303 N.E. �iennedy Apparatus Installer W 14L�871i �� COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY Form Apptoved by City Attomey Ado{�ted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Couacil Secretazy BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date App�oved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY w� rE _ � T «�K 2635�5 PINK - FINANCE GITY� OF SAINT P�UL ��� CANARY'-DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE -MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By LICENS� CGhi��ITT�'.E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 4 St. Paul Hairdressing� Inc. 441 St. �eter Beauty Shop App.14090Renew Grand Ave. hloto� Co. 35 S. Victoria D�a�.I'ep.Gar. " 14091�� Vernon I�:. Stech 783 Hampden Gas Sta. 5?�`• " 14092'� n �� Gen.?;ep.Gar. n ►� �� Terrace Aut�:� �upply� Inc. 2367 Wycliff n " 1`���;" St. Paul Linoleum � Carpet, Inc. 1505 Univ. Carpet Dir. " 14095" North Kilbridge Q�tician �364 Lowry Nied.Arts Bldg. Optician " 14097�� Herbert R. Irwin 636 E. I�tontana 1M " 14�099" n �� 1 Add�l h3 " �` "' James �E �aci�s �'-6 P. 4th Barber �� 14100�' �taymond 7L`urner 164 N. Dale Pool �I�.��- 6 T �� 14102�� tt T� C`rig.Cont. ti �r n �� �� Cigarette " �' " Harold E. Spievak 1561 Randolph Ldy/DC P.U. Sta. " 14104rr City Carpet Service, Inc. ' 1036 Front Carpet Dlr. t� 14106�� Home I'loor Co. Inc. 11?2 Arcade Carpet I�lr. " 14109�� Terry A. nrindley 1054 Payne Gas t3ta. 3P °� 14113�� �r +� Gen.i ep.Gar. " " " �� �� Liq.Fuel Dlr. " " " Donald A. �all�rd 1610 Randolph Ldy,��C plt. " 14114�� 1Battery �t�lareh-�u4.e Service� Inc. 909 Selby Cigarette " '-�?-.'-?.9" Thomas U. Cas�e�s��n ?.C�24 E. 7th C:en.Rep.�ar. " 14120'� Bill M. Ficoce:N_'.cr i?1 E. Kellogg Barber �� 14121" '_rwin City Carpet Sales, Inc. 823 S. Robert Carpet Dlr. " 1412�^'" Henry P. Keefe 1730 Univ. Carpet Dlr. �� 14125�� ;;oger � Robert Olson 3S�c 902 Arcade Gas �;ta. 2P �� 14126�� r� �� C�en.Rep.C�ar• n n n I{athleen .Jeska 989 tV. 7th Beauty Shop �� 1��_29" Schoil's @nc. 1020 1�zymond 1.NP �� 14136�� Franca Lip�ri 11 E. Kellogg T3eauty Sho� �P 1413?�� Ja�es W. 3� Eugene P.. Lee 1334 Conway Barber " I41��8" Evelyn Knops 1442 Mechanic Beauty Shop �� 14139�► Gold I+9eda1 I3ev. Co. c/o Vincent Strauss � �aul Rudolph 1M �� 14146�� �0 1 �� 14149" COUNCILi1tEN ��t� � ���� �: Yeas Nays [n Favor Agaiast By Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Yay�for Submissio�to Council BY BY WMITE - CITY CLERK �635�5 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANARY�"- DEPARTMENT BLUE, -MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 4 Gol.d rtedal Bev. Co.c/o Philip Har.im 1�.7 �i. Snelling Id4i App.14157.:�enetrv �� c/o Donald I�'. Thomas 1510 Univ. �� �� 14153�� " c/o I�'alcon Oil Co. 756 N. Snellin� r' " 14154�� �� c/o Fred's Ti�e Co. 519 Univ. '� �� 14155�r " c/o Garricli Ramp� Inc.4 384-6-90 St. Peter " "' 14157�� �� c/o John Stuart �(� l�. 7th 1M �� 14158" " c/o Gat'eway Trans.Co. 2230 Kas��ta " " 14159�� �� c/o George C. Huber 650 Grand �� �� 14167�� '' c/o Horst of Austria� Inc. 2169 Ford �3kwy. " " 14168�� �� c/o Internat'g Harvester Co. 775 Rice " " 1416��� '� c/o Kremer Spring & Alignment 379 We�l�ter " �� 14170�� rr c/o Carl J. Seebeck 62 W. ��t�inifred �' �' 141?2�� �� c/o E Anthony Podgorski 619 Van Buren " " 14T7;�� �� c/o hlobi'. Gil Co. 1520 Adrian �� �� 14175" 'F c/o Kenneth Dicksunson 1540 White Bear �' °' 14176�� �� c/o �� 21�9 Hud�-�;n Rd. �� �� 1417?�� " c/o Sauna Systems� Inc. 606 Rice �� �� ]�':178�� �� c/o Paul's Cyc:'_e Shop 841 I�Iudson Rd. �� �� 141�9�� " c/o Red Owl Stores, Inc. 2I?7 Hudson Rd. t' �� 14180" " c/o Ritter Beauty Enterprises, Inc. 754 S. Cleveland ►� �� 14181" " c/o Sherrianne La.nger 1125 Payne " �� :A.4?.85" " c/o ShaloL Home, Inc. �554 1�9idway Pkwy. " �� 14186" " c/o Ruben $ Zamansky 485 S. Snelling �� �� 14188�� " c/o Cyrus Thome 17�5 Grand �� �� 14190�' �� c/o T.C. Engine Rebui�ders, Inc.17�4 Univ. �� �� 14191" '� c/o Vicotiry Auto Park, Inc. 344 Whbasha '� �� 14192�� " c/o Acme Linen� Ine. 200 University �► �► 14194" " c/o Applebaum's� Inc. 342 Fu�ton �� �� 14195" rr c/o " 2195 Httdson Rd. �� �� 14196�� " c/o Automotive Merchandise 709 Univ. �� �� 14197rr " c/o G. Bartn�ch Pkg. Co. 567 N. Cleveland �� �� 14198�� r' c/o Crescent Creamery Co. 226 N. Smith 't �� 14200�� �' c/o Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 183 W. 5th �� �� 14203�� COUNICILMEN Reqvested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By a3+ WM17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANAI4Yr- DEPARTMENT File NO. 2635�5 BLUE - MAVOR • Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 5 Gold Medal Bev. Co. c/o Highland Chateau� Inc. 2319 W. ?th 1M App.14205Renew '� c,lo 1►lounds Pari� I�est Home� Inc. 908 Hounds �' " 14206�� �� c/o National Food ;tores, Inc. 30 S. Fairview 11�z '� i4207�0 �� c/o �YX� �aula's� Inc. 376 Maria " " 3_�-208�' �► c/o P�iillips Petro�_eum Co. 717 N. Snelling " " 14209" '� c/p '� 299 E. t�trheelocl: Al��->�y. �� �� 14210�� �� c/o �� 665-9 S. Snelling �� �� 1421@�� �� C/o " 70�5 ^iCe " '� 14212�� �� c/o " 181.7 T2and�lph �� �� 14213�� �' C/o �' 22�?5 L�urns � " '� 14214�� �� c/o Roya]. llatsun, Inc. 734 Grand « �T 14215" " c/o Royal Oldsmobile� Inc. 1469 Univ. �P �� 14216rr �' c/o Richard L. Todd 1428 «. 7th �� �� 14217�� " c/o United Electric Co. 512 Sibley �� �� ?.?-2�8" �� c/o United Freight Fnrwarding 812 Berry �' �� 14219�� '� c/o ;°,'hitaker Buick Co. 1205-45 Univ. " �� 14220" �� c/o Y1�iCA 475 Cedar " " '�122�_�� " c/o Red O�vl Stc�res, Inc. 2020 Ford� Pl.�►y. " �� 1�1223�' �� �� 1 Add'1 Rl �t �r rr Dell E. Trump 258 Banfil �tr.Veh.Dr. �� 19_3(�?.�� N.W. State Bank 8?3 E. P�innehaha Cigarette �� 14315�� rlichae� C. Arrigoni 878 Stryker Carpet D'.�. �' 14322�� Thomas 6�iacklace 607 Y�?rl; 1�tr.Veh.Dr. " 143�-9�� Prggress I'oundries� Inc. 1457 I��ehart Cigarette �� L4360�' Fred Sande 734 E. 3rd MAD 1 « 14367�� COUN'CILI�EN ��� � ����� �: Yeas Butler Fiays / Konopatzki � �� In Favor Meredith � �� Against � Tedesco President Hunt MAY 1 4 1974 � Fore� Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Coe�ucii: Uate Eertifiee� by Covneil Sec�tary BYY 'Appro by �ayar: te Appraved by lfayor for Snbmissioa to Council � � PUBItSMED MAY 81974