263474 WH17E — CITV CLERK COUIICll 2634`74 PINK — FINANCE CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE _ —�b1qyOR File NO. RET€TRN COPY TO VALI�TION BUREAU uncil solution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council oP the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the dwelling lease as it pertains to 1376 Arkwright Street, Saint Paul, Minn�sota, which property was acquired by the City for the Arlington- Arkwright Park, and the proper City oFficers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City the said dwelling lease between the City and Herbert R. and Delores B. Irwin, a copy of said dw�elling lease being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� But1�2Nays � Konopatzki � In Favor Levine �� � Against BY S�ca�cx Roedler Tedesco� �AY ? 1974 Form Approved by C y ttorney A�pt�'���nci1:�� ate Certifie s by Council Secretary BY By Appro by Ma�or D 74 Approved b ayor bmiss' o By BY PUBLI�HED MAY 11 i974 ,J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 2�—�31`j Valuotion Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass�t Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Cify Hall Sein4 Paul, Minne:ofa 65102 �����y s �Li NtENIO To: Fred Fischer From: J. William Donovan Date: April 30, 197�+ Subject: Arlington - Arkwri�ht Park Irwin Property - Parcel No. 4 The attached resolution is for the purpose of approving the execution of a lease with the last remaining property awners on subject project site. The former awners ha.ve acquired new housing facilities but do not expect to move until June 1, which necessitates the lease arrangement. Please call if you have any questions. `i'"v ML� ,, , °-,^— � i j«-O :CK:dm � Atta.ch. . ,� � .',, .,.. : ,,2>; � � . �,. ,,,�,�� , , }, ��, �'v '� . , . d �" . ; Project No."' Minn. OSA-113, Arlington Arkwright Par ' Fi1e No. 17503 - Parcel No. �+ � A /a Lease No. 110 ���`��`3 t CITY OF SATNT PAUL DWELLING LEASE THIS LEP.SE, m�c►e this day of , 19 , by and between the CZ'3'Y UF SAINT PAULe a municipal corporation under the laws of the 5tate of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and Herbert R. and Delores B. Irwin , hereinafter refcrred to as "Tenant�� ; The City hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby hires and takes, to be occupi�d and used solely as a private dwelling unit for Tenant and his own immFdiate family, the �r�mises kno�1n and � described, and for t�he term, as follows: SPACE l�I�D TERM: One-story single family dwelling and detached gara�e and having a street address of 1376 Arkwri�ht Street . Saint Pau)., Minnesota. T�nant agrees tc� pay �he sum of $80.00 per mon�:h as rent at Bureau of Valuations, 286 City Hall To have and to hold th� same for the terr� comznenciiig on th� lst day of May� , 19 ,7�. , and expirinc� or� the 31st d�y of Ma� ' , 19 7�+ , inclusive, azzd �rom mon�h to month th�reafter. Such tenancy may terminate as fallows: a. Tenant may terminate the lPase at any date during the month by giving the City fifteen (15) days notice in writing. b. Termination of the tenancy by the City shall be upon ninety (90) da�ys written notice to tlle ten�nt exce�t for the followin3, in which ca�e the City retain: the right to evict without notice: 1. Failure to pay rent. 2. Maintcnance of a nuisance or use of the premises for illegal purposes. 3. A material breach of the rental agreement. 4. Refusal to consider accommodations meeting relocation standards. • 5. Refusal to admit a relocation interviewer or cbunselor. The Tenant having been in possession of the premi3es knows the condition of same, and admits that no representations as to the condition thereof have been made by the City �vhich are not endorsed thereon, and agrees that the City will not alter, repair, or improve such premises. � � ft ; �, .,,.� , - . r� � . ... Y....:.. .._._.._.. ;;.._►_.,.�. '.:� . �.ii'S�i� ,�. . • . . ���.u,�;` . ' � . � . � , . . � . . < .�,.... . � � � �.. - . . . . . ♦ -�'r�� � . . .. • . _ . . . . , , v . . . . , . � � -.,t � � . . .�V� X� 1 � The Tenant agrees to keep the premises continually in a neat, clean, and orderly condition and will keep the sidewalks in front of and along side said premises cleaned of ice and snow or other objectionable material. All ashes, garbage and refuse of any kind is to be removed by the Tenant or at the Tenant� s expense. The Tenant agrees to make no claim and to hold the City harmless from claims of athers which may arise on account of personal injury occurring in or about the premises or for loss or damage to personal property. The City, through its authorized employees or agen�s, shal.l have the right to enter the premises at any time for the purpose of inspection or repair for the premises or equipment therein, or for such other purposes as may be deemed necessary by the City. ' The City shall have the right, without notice, to sell, destroy, or otherwise dispose of any personal property le�t on the premises by the Tenant after he has vacated or abandoned his dwelling unit or been evicted therefrom. No repair� or alterations shall be made except ��ith the knowl�dge and consent of the City. The Tenant is to be responsible �� for and will m�nd at his own cost any and all bre��lcage and d�rnage done to any part of the gremises. The Tenan� shall replac� at his own expense any glass broken on said premis�� during the contznu�nce of the lease.� The Tenant agrees that all utilities, gas, elec�ricity, water, and fuel for h�ating are to be provided by hirn. The Tenant shall turn in keys to the pr�mise� ta the City Bureau of Valuations, Room 286, City Hall and Court House, immediately upon � vacating premises. AJ.1 terma and condi�ions of this Dw�1lx�ig Lease axe hereinabove fully set forth, and the parties heretn covenant and represent that they have no f�xrther agreement or under�,tanding �xc�pt as follows: In Presence of CI`i'Y OF SF,I�"P PAUL . II Y ____,_ M�iyor DIRECTOR ' FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES c^ V��� �ORM p,r�t'� �,�,.....a. City Clerk t��`s Countersigned; � t'" CHIEF ACCOUNTANT � ; 2 I ,,��.,,;, • � � ..�y6t�� a,. 'Fs„ �� �,,,r ::a � � r , .. ,f � ��+ � . �� � �¢ 'b� �°ti' - . . �� 116 "+' }�. ,P - � , . ' .,. .. . �..' y'*. ,����� . .� .. _ . . � . . .. . . .. � . � . . � .. * y� �� - .. . . � �.!'� 1 .. � . . � . . � . S ��`� . � „ . . . , . . . � � . . . I�+I��� q � . . . . �, � . . . � � . . In Pr sence of ���G�-�/ �J. � Tenant � Qa2`��� � en nt STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNl'Y OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , 19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeaxed. s � �d� , to me persona.tly knawn, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say tha.t they are respectively the Mayor, the Di.rector, Department of Finance and Management Services, and tbe City Clerk of the City oP Saint Paul, Minnesota, named in the foregoing instrtnnent, and that the seal afPixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said City of Saint Pa.ul by authority --'-„� ._� �_ �+__ -' --- --i-:' ' -- -° ,. ..--,. I�.� a,_,: ,.. �. .. • 6iWJV�IV iJ�4VVlN��1�V VV iViYlwi a�.VV1�V1V11 Vi �I�� �IV�.Y1�� VL N11V �/iV� LJi ►JGLi11V rGY1�(i' � Council File No. , passed and approved the day of , 19 , and the said Ma.yor, Director oY Department of Fina.nce a.nd Management Services, and City Clerk acknawledged said instrument to be the act and deed of said City of Saint Paul, pursua.nt to said resolution. • Rotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. l�y counnission expires 3TATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) "v , On this� day of ,1,� / � 19� s befbre me, a notaxy public within and for said County, personall,y appeared ,�3 .�� „- sCJD'�Or c S �.v..v �r•,;� ,;`-' .- d�r �r'K N� ' to me kno�wn to be the person � described in, and who executed the foregoing in- strument, and acknowledg�d that�he�_executed the same as � � ' � ��e �et and deed. �7 � �/ ��� � rnlw',n.��i�.��f1/..R��h��-,r.,..•,, ,,,..�,rv,x�Md M�tlll. .�«• ;�:�.:�;; .. r,,`i+. �"Fi � NOtax'y Publl RBmSey COUntY, . :.y.; .• ,,c�.Mn. ' .� . � � .. � ,, , � : '�' , .. . .r_�• .. ,, , �,`% N�r coimnission expires �.,� ;���,�,�.... � �� �