02-1034ccuacil Fi1e # �?� l�'.�� creen sheet # ,�3 �a'S RESOLUTiON F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ?_asented 3y 2e°__rrz� ?o 3g Cac.�n_ttee: uate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1� 11 12 Li 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3�1 �� 34 35 36 �8 39 �4 42 43 44 WHEREAS, After due considerarion and study of the fmancial condition of the Saint Paui Regional Water Services, analysis of projected expenses and approval of the 2003 Budget, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operations without an adjustrnent; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85.01 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January I, 2003. 2003 WATER RATES Cities City of Saint Paul Ciry of Maplewood City of Falcon Heights City of Lauderdale City of West St. Paul Ail Other Municipalities $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $1.76 $1.58 $1.76 $1.57 $1.57 $1.57 $1.88 $1.b8 $1.88 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER iVIETERS * W inter rates shail apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. $1.37 $137 $137 $1.64 $1.47 $ I .64 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH Ai�TD LARGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEVILLE AND LITTLE CANADA *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during May through October. Over 100,000 First 1QQ,OQ4 cu. ft. per month cu. ft. oer month Winter* Summer** All Year Qer 100 cubic feet �er 100 cubic feet �er 100 cubic feet oa-�oay 1 2 � � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i�VIlVIUM CHARGES FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 200 cubic feet per biiling period for accounts billed monthly. FOR ACCOiJNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER NTE'I'ERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per month. n - Requcsicd by Dcpartmcnt of: Saint Paul Re ional Water Services B � � L��L�� eral Manager Iy. �Y �dooced by Couacil: Date ��...,. \\� �� o� �dop[;on Ce:tu.ed by Cou�c1 Seaetary Form Approved by Cit�?.itorncy 9 � � p�_�o�A DEPARTMENClOFFICElCOUNCII.: DATE IN117ATED 113885 � St Paul Regional Water Services October 11, 2002 GREEN SHEET No.: CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: W117AI1DA1'E uv�l7nvDaTE Bernie R Bullert 266-6274 1 D�r,�x n�. /o-� � a crrv cour�cn. NNSf BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ASSIGN 2 C11'Y ATTORNEY CITY CLERK — FINANCIALSERVDIIt _FA'ANCIAI.SER}'/AC�'G NOMBER 3 MAYOR(ORASST.) ' Public Hearing is scheduled for FOR — November 6, 2002 o�� TOTAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES _1_(C:LeALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATORE) ACl'ION REQUESTED: City Council approval of resolution concurring with action talen by the Board of Water Commissioners establishing the water rates for 2003. A public hearing is scheduled for November 6, 2002 in the City Council Chambers. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4860 is attached. RECOMMENDATIONS:Appmve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMOSTANSR'ERTHEFOLLOK'INGQUESTIONS: 1. Has [his personlfirm evu worked under a contraM tor this department? PLANNING COMMISSION Yes No CIB CONIMII'tEE 2. Has this person/firro ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOhIbIISION Yes No A Board of Water Commissiorers 3. Does this persoWfirm possess a skill not normal�Y possessed 6y any current city employee? Yes No Eaplain all yes answers on separate sheet aud attacd to green sheet IlVITIAIING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, PJhen, Where, Why): Adequate financing needed to maintain a reasonable level of capital improvement and system maintenance in order to provide quality service. �,^ ,„ �,4a:�<a�� .�'-� ="�� ; rz°�? ti �� �*p ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: s'"^ r" -" � �� � ;� � ��, The above gosls will be met. A typical City of Saint Paul residenrial account will e�erience an annual increase of $2.64. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � None o�� �� `� �Q�.�� DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �I� E � � The utility would be unable to maintain reasonable standards for customer service and adequate financial reserves. TOTALAMO[1NT OF TRANSACTION: aet uro COST/REVENUE SUDGETED: No F[JNDINGSOURCE: Developers ACIIVITYNUMBER:2S016and28341 6 '`�"�'�""� ����"�'�"� ������ FINANCIALIlVFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� .. � � F e �.. . �. � ���� 4 � „ fE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9Y COM M I551 O NER o'Z-�o3y No 4860 WHEREAS, After due consideration and siudy of the fmancial condition of the Saint Paul Regional Water Services, analysis of projected expenses and approval of the 2003 Budget, the Boazd of W ater Commissioners and the City Council have determined that the present rate structure is inadequate to continue operarions without an adjustment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 85A1 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the City Council hereby approves the following Schedule of Water Rates for all water bills levied on or after January l, 2003. 2003 WATERRATES First 100,000 cu. ft. per month Over 100,000 cu. fr. per month Cities Winter* Summer** All Year per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet per 100 cubic feet CityofSaintPaul $1.47 $1.57 $137 CityofMaplewood $1.47 $1.57 $137 CiTy of Falcon Heights $1.47 $1.57 $137 CityofLauderdale $1.76 $1.88 $1.64 CityofWestSt.Paul $1.58 $1.68 $1.47 AIIOtherMunicipalities $1.76 $1.88 $1.64 FOR ACCOUNTS HAVIlVG 1-INCH AND SMALLER METER5 *Winter rates shall apply to bills sent during January through May, and December. **Summer rates shall apply to bills sent during June through November. FOR ACCOUNTS AAV'ING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS, INCLUDING ROSEVII.LE AND LTTTLE CANADA *Winter rates shall app(y to bills sent during January through April, November and December. **Summer raYes shall apply to bills sent during May through October. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Watez Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor Oppose*; j,�q.�eTANT RETv.'..`� SO SOA?D A.,ii.'vTeS FILE ORlGINAL Frtxar • oZ-���y � ' BOARD OF WATER COMM1SS10NER5 RESOLUTION — GEIVERAL FORM :.� PRESENTED ev Cardinal October 8, 2�02 COMMISSIONER DAT MINIMUM CHARGES FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1-INCH AND SMALLER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 60� cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed quarterly. Minimum chazges shall be based upon consumption of 200 cubic feet per billing period for accounts billed monihly. FOR ACCOUNTS HAVING 1 1/2-INCH AND LARGER METERS Minimum charges shall be based upon consumption of 600 cubic feet per month. -Z- , Water Commissioners Yeas Anfang Nays Cardinal Zanmiller Vice President Haselmann October 8, � 2002 In favor 4 Oppose� � IMPORTAN7 �� SECY. RF7U2N 70 30ARQ � MIfJUTES FiIE Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioneis ORIGINAL Date: Green Sheet Number: 203079 2�enx�v�t Dm��cro 6 c��rr �ov�,cu. - 9� nlact persoa and P6one Number. Ir eO : 4 aTTOxciEY c[.eetc ARY L. ERICHSON � UDGEi DIItEClOR 3�.& MGZ S'c'C DII2. 5 YOR(ORASSLSfANl) 1 DEPT.ACCOUNTAI�T ust be on Council Consent A enda by: OCTOBER 16, 2002 � OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: et date of 1'ublic Hearing for proposal of 2003 Right-of-Way Maintenance Assessment to be assessed against enefftted properlies. ttachments: (D) Notice of Pnblic Hearin and (E) Council Resolution CObIMEnDATIOtiS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJECT (R) ERSONAL SF12ViCE CONTRACfS MUSf A1�SWER THE FOLLOWING: .$as tLe persodTrm ever worked mder a wntrac[ for this depardaeat? 1 ES NO ru.ruaNCrnmr�nssioN A srnc� Has tltis perso�Erm ever been a(.1ty employee? YES NO C7VII . Does iliis peisod6rm possesi a sla'll not nornially possessed by any YES NO C� coMM�TLEE current CSty employee? -- E]ain a11 YES ancwen on a se arate sheet and attach. COUtiQL �M1'ARD(S) DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCII. A'ITIA7TNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, W6eq Where, Why?): This is the proposal for the 2003 Program. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: See r�.bove ISADVAA"fAGES IF APPROVED: ISADVANTAGES IFNOT APPROVED: OTAL Ab10U1\T OF TRANSACTION: WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsouacE: Assessment Aids, General Funds, AcTIV�z��vu�ER: 42310 and 42350 Fund Balance INANCIAL INFORMATIOV: (EXPLAI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL— ROW MTCE 15 KELLOGG BLVD W ROOM 140 SAINT PAUL MN 55102-1613 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NOTICE 6 a.-W4'1 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAfL U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. PAUL MN PERMIT N0.1015 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance Program Public Hearing Notice PURPOSE OF To notify Saint Paul properry owners that the City Council will be holding a public hearing on the proposed 2003 THIS NOTICE Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment Rates for 2��3 Service Levels as recommended i� the proposed 2003 Budget for the City of Saint Paui. After considering properry owners' input at the public hearing, the proposed budget may be amended. HEAR/NG TIME: 5:30 p. m., Wednesday, November 6, 2002 PLACE: Council Chambers, 3�d Floor, City Hall, 15 Kellogg TIME Blvd. W. The City Council will hear oral testimony at the public hearing, and wifi also consider written statements and e-mail communications. All communication becomes part of the public record. Written statements can be mailed to: President Dan Bostrom, Saint Paul City Counci1,15 Kellogg Blvd. W, Room 140, Saint Paui MN 55102-1613. E-mail communications can be sent to 2003row@ci.stQaul.mn.us. ASSESSMENT Here is an example of how a Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment is calculated for a typicai resident+al home on CALCULATION a residentiai street using the proposed 2003 Assessment Rate Per Foot. A house with a AS foot residential lot EXPLANA710N �Ciass tll) and an alley (Class IV) would be charged 48 x$1.80 (street) plus 46 x$0.57 (ailey}, or $114.00 tor 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance. We round off ail amounts to the nearest doilar to simplify processing. Comer residential bts with two street frontages or residentia{ lois with iwo afiey frontages, are not charged for the longside. Commerciai property inciudes ali apartment buiidings of four or more units. Townhomes and condominiums will be charged for at feast 1 S feet of streel irontage. If you do not have an aitey, your notice wiil list your street frontage and NO ALLEY. If you do not have an alley, you are not charged for one THE CITY DOES NOT SNOW PLOW AILEYS. Proposed 2003 Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment Charges THIS IS NOT A BILL—THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Property ID# frontage Property address Class Proposed amount See other side for the proposed amount for your property. ASSESSMENT RATE PER FOOT Class Description 2003 Rate Class Description {Proposed)) Class I-A Downtown Streets S7.95 Class IV AII Oiled and Paved Alleys Class 1-B Downtown Sfireets (Brick) S9•95 C1ass I{ Out{ying Commerciai and Arterial Streets Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) Class Ill All Residential Streets Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 family) $4.35 $2.70 $3.30 $1.80 Ciass V Class VI Commercial Property Residentiai Property (1,2,3 family) Unimproved Street Right-Of-Way Commercial Property Residential Property (1,2,3 famiiy) Unimproved Aliey Right-Of-Way Commereial Property Residential Properry (1,2,3 famiiy) o�,-qt�'1 2003 Rate (Proposed)) S0.86 $0.57 $1.92 $1.14 $0.34 $0.23 The City has not increased its summer street maintenance assessment for over ten years. In order to continue to provide services within the City sight-of-way without raising property taxes, the Mayor has recommended a Right-OS-Way maintenance assessment which will help finance part of the cost of maintenance within the City right-of-way. This Right- Of-Way assessment will include the old summer street maintenance assessment in addition to an assessment for winter street maintenance, boulevard iree maintenance and trimming, and sidewalk maintenance. RfGHT Right-OE-Way Maintenance includes sweeping, flushing, patching, and chip sealing streets and aileys, patching, OFWAY blading, and placing crushed rock on unimproved rights-of-way, street overlays, litter pick up, ordinance MAINTENANCE enforcement, and emergency service, snow p{owing inciuding sanding and salting, snow removaV, snow emergency including tagging and towing, sidewalk maintenance and repair, and boulevard tree maintenance and trimming. In previous years the City's winter street maintenance and tree maintenance programs were paid by the City's General Fund (property tax money). This proposed Right-Of-Way Maintenance Assessment will ensure each property which benefits from public right-of-way maintenance pays its fair share of the cost of the maintenance. Property owners wili continue to be responsible for sidewalk shoveling and boulevard grass mowing. Remember... The City does not snow plow alleys. The cost of right-of-way maintenance in Saint Paul is about $21.3 miilion for 2003. Of this amount, the Mayor proposes to coliect approximately $14.3 million in assessments. The remainder comes trom Municipal State Aid, Trunk Highway Aid, County Aid, miscellaneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. QUESTIONS? If you have questions about your right•of-way maintenance or frontage, cali (651) 266-8857. City staff wiil be avaiiable to answer last-minute questions in Councii Chambers firom 5;00 pm to 5:30 pm on Wednesday, November 6, the same day as the hearing. NEED REPAIR? if your street or alley needs maintenance or repair, piease caii (651) 292-6600.