263473 � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK• ,. - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council � BL�UERY=MnEPAOR�TMENT File �O. 2634"73 � � � Coun ' R solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�liS, Tl� Co�aail v� tla� Cit� of St. Paul ham dulf adavass�� tl� r�turas �d vo��a eam t afi th�s City t'�me�aal �l�ctimn held ea Tussday, l�pril 30� 19?1�, ao�y at whi�h ca��a�s i� h�r�to �attaah�d a�d aad� s part her�oS; and W�A�, It app�ars fr�� said rs t�ras and t}ye aaavaa� t�rr�ot' tl�at the folla�iag named pers0ms res�iv�� =ore vetss tbaa a� other caadidats or psr��n tor �l�atioa fer ��s tolloxiag na�ed �Sfia•s in tl� Cit7 ot �t. Paulj I+l�iY�� La�ry QabLSa COII�t�ILMA� 3SAT "A" _ �ob�rt (Bmb� STlv�sfi.�r 31�T "B" Rub� $tuat . 3ECAT C� I�e anard i�. (T��m) Iw�ins 3SI�T '�'D� Da�i� H. Hozsa 3E/1? '�" _ latriaY J. (Pat) Roedl�r 3SAT "�'". _ • J�Mu g:. (Jaak) Chriat�masa �AT "a" Vi�ator d. T�dssca• l�i�'R OF BC�AI�D 0P' EDt?CATTO�' For T'erm of 4 Years Jamrs �. (Jia) QrifFis B�r1 �arrr tt� �.�aa0r �. Web•r JIID(� dF Mi�'�IC�P'�I, CDURT OF �T. P1�tTL, 4ff ica• to �hf.ah Her�raad . POritsk� xas appaia��cl. B•r�raa�l Poritsky COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: x� Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY x� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� ��t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � 1 PINK ♦ iFINANCE COUI1C11 � B'l.UERY-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO.- ����t� � � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pag� 2 COl�3�ABL� �CT Ll�Ftal� Laxr�a�� 0�Do�ell Darr�ll D. (Doa) �Caott Cox�T��b�s w� DaTid �. L•d� Therstar�, Bm It Rssol�r�d, T�t •aah of th� 1'or�g0isg p�rs�� be aad h� ia �uur�by �•alare�l el,ote� to the rmm�ctiie oPt'ime� aa d�signatsd abmv, ar�id the �ity Cldrl� is h�reby inetr�cstsi �d dir�at•d to aotir� thea •2' th�ir el�ctio�a �d t�► i�atu aaad dsliver to them pr���r aerti2'ioat�s ot ol�atioa. COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine � �Roedler Against BY T,edesco ,���b$r°�4}�fi� ,� ',.��te �AY 7 tg74 F rm Approve by ttor � Certified e Council Secret�ry Y Approve by Ma r: Date 4 Approved by Mayor for Submission Council By BY FUBt�ISHED M Y 11 1974 � 26�4'7�`3 �,� �' r� •-�. � r ,�:.; + ` ��'F�CI:�.���rZt��?��,t�::; � C'� _iy (,, P� ,.;.. ,�'.�'. .�....! :"'_ '..�, _' '' ..�_ �.... ..�.` r��,.. ..'�1'µ��V 1 t �s:...kv y�v� .�. ..,C�L�1. �j,"� . '�`�i.� . -+ t.?==;:Ap. _,,.._. .-:;':a . , t:�; '�� , I�.i.:�t.�:a Y, ��.<'L�i . � `l , ,j„l1�� .�I. ��.y.� t` �.��. ,�J t���..���,<< r.x�a n,, � �i:`��'1' '`�� S <<��,,+a. ?3�:.?^ ; _ ; . . ;� �;� � . � + , l��.'-Y����.�..C ...i. ',�.�'!:�2 •��� •� �=,� �� ;j�, I�`j� 'r;' rR [��,.1.'t,`��' 'I�<<':' �` ;'�F��. �a- j i: . �i t�1`.. ,;u� ,..1 �"� �'� f•.Y� I,1'�y kj ��} '� . ,J.C�n...� (_� ,J G: .t,�b`.A '' .. ..� :t: . ..E` �d���;.i',� L'e.� ���G` �,��ra 4 S:�{.� , . r�u��.���". ..,1 (`�_;.t. �`['+�5..1 �f���i �if3' 1'i:. i:i . t"�.� i::.r` _l�: , 1�)i. ��� ; �� ,� ;�;�:c, � !i ��: . `�s ,,, ;:r,r� ,;. � �.. d:; s �' � ' s .�a. � 3.', t �� Y .� �.,���i � , � ! ii' ,lG: �.i.�.: ��� .. w��_.; *�..S �-� .:.F_'��� rt X?i _ �, r:.1 _. .J' .. .� i ,�,) 5}'.ti�� j i` .�6'�•.Si :°} j, a� ... .. � . .�i L5 t �1!_..]Y, x`�l,}�..r'�.• i t 3 ��1 .��"Ll',. . .. . .. . 1 j' l'`:-�.i.`� .�y'�:i.� _,� ..�`7�) - J�..��'�}.�i �, ,. f."ii t+.�'o. !_(. ��C��,4. ��?_ia:j, 15;1�r � . :' ,^�I` '1�. �. .. . j':,} .,� 1- � ; . ��a�" .., . .. a��.t�i.."�i.. L��c':[°j.t . _ � . . . �'1.�a:�t�?r'K �:` .3t:7ri�t?� iJi� ��' `����,'i': -:i :i;'d '��N 3 ��'' i'-:�:�y 0:.' t :�i;:. �t'_.:�`. , , �'��:�?��� � •:��j r�; r� i..-'�# ►� S�� .. `��: � .��,.:i�:'",� C�>:.,r..:,E; .'.;_ �''i„1.�C 2 t���:.'�Xi f''�` !:,, ;~'�ti, : 4' r:j ,, ew':. �. �;i��L.i�; �J .'r't.V..�:.�.��1YP �-�� �:� . v'u ° �.A,9 Aet 1 La..`A 1�.Cy�C�}:..iJ1'1�.t�`l , � 1 � J�Er" r �.;;'1r �J�; .�1. ±3[ � � � . i ��: .�.�J�T��T�._. V G n�i�'. P�'.�iai ' :._� 1 .CA.Li �.�C,����'.��� �./A'�` ....t.�.l 1, J IP�A....±f/A.i {'. f�.��.'?�:.�.���1.1 b'��. �'� _ 1�t1.t �:����` �i [ - � r.;'��+- f� '.t. .. . .;i„ �' � ii�.� � , ,�;l� � �.1, `J['-, "r'iEiJ �+ "7T� ���, t „�,,,,. i ,,, ,,r�r. -� (; ''D y<-;,:�' C t::` �t�.:!: .:.,d��.�.�..�,•, a�..o.. i��!..�5..? .:��....: .., :. . � -.. .i��e:J.i'� .. .a.? .".�� . ` '.��:�rj.�� '`i C i",'�4 ', � +_�, i l.}.1 +� y r Yaa _. .,; ; �,�.i�"9 s.L'. s.;_, Ct : ' � � : ���''t G. a�l tl;'":i, .�_'�. d, C.�'.���i�b �� ,, _. ,.i)h( I't'��: i�i'. �r;!� };i:.��i ��3 ; � �. ��.'.,�'; , t . .�)���.�ti .`i;.l�n ���C ��,�� ?.E'ct] C�>�.51.,1�l7[`i � . . _,���ti. ..,.. , ,i ,(% tL� ;.: F'r: �.,"���,f�{, :.� i ( '�.�.i• Z�-? .��� .-��+^ � . r . i= < <' ._. � ! _ � . !'.i1