02-1022Council File # Oa1.+ �0.�'.L Green Sheet # cri�3" RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Current 1 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library has received funds from the Friends to provide computer equipment 2 needed for the renovated Central Library and to provide for the Web Librarian posiuon; and, from 3 the Perrie Jones Library Fund to provide all the equipment necessary for the new training center; and, 4 5 WI�EREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library received a grant from Ramsey County for an After School 6 Enrichment Program at the Rice Street Bzanch; and, also has available balances in other grants, including 7 the CDBG ESL funds for library materials; and, 8 9 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds 10 of $301,010 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and, 11 12 W HEREAS the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 After School Enrichment 22 33425-3500 County grants 23 CDBG-Library Materials 24 33428-7199 Transfer from CDBG 25 Job Source 26 33446-3500 County grants 27 Children's Stepping Stone 28 33448-3400 State grants 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 33 Amended Budget Changes Budget 512,074 167,000 679,074 Library Aids and Grants - 350 FINANCING PLAN The Friends of the Library 33422-6905 Donations Perrie Jones Library Fund 33424-9890 Use of fund balance 33424-6905 Donations SPENDING PLAN -0- 15,000 106,447 20,000 -0- 14,200 -0- 75,307 -0- 4,997 -0- 4,506 301,010 -0- 40,000 -0- 115,000 9,821 12,000 14,393 15,000 -0- 20,000 15,000 126,447 14,200 75,307 4,997 4,506 40,000 115,000 21,821 29,393 20,000 -0- 5,000 5,000 -0- 7,750 7,750 -0- 1,450 1,450 The Friends of the Library 33422-01 l l Full time permanent 33422-0370 Computer equipment 33422-0439 Fringe benefits Perrie 7ones Librazy 33424-0254 Tuition 33424-0370 Computer EquipmenUSupplies After School Enrichment 33425-0121 Part time certified 33425-0381 Books periodicals 33425-0439 Fringe benefits _ - 42 • CDBG Library Materials 43 33428-0381 Books periodicals -0- 44 Job Source 45 33446A381 Books periodicals -0- 46 Children's Stepping Stone o �. - tn 3.1- 75,307 75,307 4,997 47 33448-0381 Books periodicals -0- 4,506 48 Total Changes to Spending 301,010 49 50 51 52 BE 1T RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget. Approval Recommended Financial Services Director 4,997 Requested by Department of: 4,506 BY: � ,I� J�l�C/�e%�i/%(/l/ Approved by Financial Services: Date �� A.. . �n �.a � � �-__!- � � �� �� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Fornt Adopted by Council: II p�_los�- DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 203418 Libraries October 15, 2002 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � Il�177ALDATE INITIAL/DA'L Susan Cantu 266-7076 i DEe.urmmwr n� iois a�r�i.ass�r�� ASSIGN NIJMBER 3 CityAtromey 5 CityCourcil NNST BE ON WUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR ROU1'ING y �yvnrrCUi.SEttv 6 FPiANCIALSERVICFS/ACC7 ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[SRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncTioN �uES�n: Approval of Council Resolution increasing the budget in fund 350 Library Aids and Grants to reflect an increase in donations from The Friends of the Library and Perrie Jones Library Fund; and to carry forwazd balances left from various other grants. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) 7PIEIk3.�FTAIf. ffi�Q'1[Q,7E ��F17C1�AA2'IlS P7IQ7�7C AIy�YlE1A 7C1�E 1F�IL1I.�@Y1�I� �II11F.�7CII�1�ffi: �LANNING COMMISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMbIISSION y g�g g]yjg �g�pp/$qffi yyW eppqgyd qm8yq g gpppp�Cg gop gh)g Q6�8¢9�yByj _CtB COhIMI1TEE _ _STq� — 2. Has th%s �eesom/A� ever beea � ci4y em�l0yee? _pis�cr coc�r SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII, OBSECII�'E? 9. ITOes ffiis psrsodffaan passess a skill m8 noe�sBly paasesaed by aay cueee�[ ciiy employes7 4.Isffiis a9aegs¢edveadofl ]Es7�➢�S� � q¢s ��awrev� �� s¢��Qe s@��s¢ �m� �II¢�m�n 4� �v¢�� a6�¢a¢ m�rriaxuvc rxosLEM, issuE, orrox•roxi� �wno, wnar, wne�, wn�e, wn The Library has received grants from the Friends of the Library Saint Paul Public Library and Perrie Jones Library fund for the computer equipment necessary for the renovated Central Library and the new training Center. There are also monies available in the CDBG, Job Source and Stepping Stone grants for library materials. In addition the Library received a new grant from Ramsey County for an After School Enrichment progrann at the Rice Street Branch Library. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � � The Library will be able to proceed to expend the monies to available in the grants for library materials, computer equipment and the after school program at the Rice Street Branch. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: - Monies from the grants would not be expended. TOTAL A�IOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $301,010 COST/REVENUE BUDGEI'ED: uo r�7NDING SOURCE: DonaROns, gancs ACTIVII'Y N[JMBER GL 350-3342233448 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAl� Y' §. r , H.�uuudWPDOCS�f�350resolutiongrce¢sb xwpd � ��v � w�.�.. s w:, r�;