264199 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File �0. 264�99 BLUE -+�MAVOR " Coun 'l R so tion Presented By LICENSF CO1��IITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licen�e� a�nliec� for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Tc,rin City IIona�1, Inc. 1437 University 1�9otorcycle Dlr. 1����.I-263t�?�enewal Elon J. Piche ��� University 2nd I�d D1r.Gen. '� 1�766" hSrs. Ed Jerabek: 365 I';Tabasha Baiiery 13 " 1�:??�'� Fred 0'Veii �omo �'ark Zoo Pav�7uon l�est. C-1 " 13228�� ii =� On Sale �3�1t �� �� tr n 't Cigarette " " �� Clarence Pihaly �10 :�-L. y�etsr Rest. C-2 " 1��:•46�' �3oyd Ehlert & Lldon ::oeschler 230 lst l�jat'1 Sl�y�ray Larbe�� '� 1476G" Salad Ready r roducts, inc. 330 �. Gth St. I'o��cls i��'�':i �; " 15018�� '��diT'.ia►ii i;�lansky 503-7 W. 7th �'�rocery r?-':. " 1�149�r Twin City Earge �� To►aing Co. 1303 Red ;'ocl: ;'.d. Bull� Oil Stge. '� ?5�'S�°" �iicholas P. Scherer �315 Nt. ���air Bai:ery � " 1525�J1° Gordon °�. P�ierrill h:ai�>eli 341 :�1. 7tY� Gas u��. � 4F " 15274�' ii +� Gen.P,ep.Car. to n ii „ �� Cigarette " " " St. Paul �'c�i;a'� Tmployees Coop Ca�eteria 18t5 �:. ��'ellogg Rest. C-2 " �5�>-'7t° FFenry Rueth 815 �'ar:c°ington �'rivate Gas Pump" ]_545�r' Raymond Auto Loc�y, .�nc. ��x 1075 Pierce �utler Gen.E?e�.�ar. " 15496 pioneer ;au.���ge Co. Inc. fi1G Rice Gx•��c�ery :'.-2 " 15510" ,r �� �utcher " " " „ �� Foods t�1DPW " '' " David A. 1�ederath 16 E. �:h �4est. C-2, " 15530" �r �+ Ci�'arette " " 't St. John's Lutheran glosp. Assn.40� I�.a.�ia Hospital '� 15588�� I�ethesc�� I,uthern iIosp. 559 Capitol L"vd. �:o�pital " 15598" ir +� Rest. C-2 �r �� is Total �sphalt Construction Co. 4-75 ';;. ,'innehaha Private Gas Pump" 156C��'' Childrens Hospital� Inc. 311 ���?easant I3ospital �� 15613�� P��ounds :ark I�ospital 200 Earl �3ospf,tal " �5647" n•� +� Res�;. �;-S n �o n United IIos��i�a'_s, Inc. 125 �J. College ,�a�pital " 15648�� American Linen ;upply Co. 1f7-9 I�am�ey I'rivate Gas Punp" 15682" COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi sse y Council Secretary BY Y � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WN17E - CITY CLERK - �����^�^ PINK - FINANCE • � ��1 CANqRV � DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO1111C11 �` BLUE - MAYOR File NO. r Council Resolution Presented By �IC��ISE CAf���ITT� { Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Page 2 �'h��r�a� V. Picha 236 Grand Gas "ta. 9P App.15686RenedTal �� �' Geri.F2�p.Gar. �� r, �� :;lizabeth �;ivett'�. 1634 Still���ater ''eic �hop " �.5697�� ;;obea�t J. I�Solb 3G1 Earl C�ri�.Cont. D " 15725" rr �� Cigarette t� ++ t� National Body, �nc. x5 Ts. ?�inifred Gen.Rep.��Y�. '� 15733'� The Junior League 99� �'ayne 2nd Hd D1r.Gen. " 15776" „ +� Znd IId ;)1r.Gen. �' 15?77�� I'anny Farmer Candy Shop 305 Capi�ol �;I�y�vay I31dg. Confect. E " 157£'111 Kermit Quistad 319 t�i. �,�ary],and Barber " 15?91�� I��ichae� George 455 S. Robert �as Sta. 3P " ���9" ,r �� Cigarette " " " Dr. �t. F. � � F`omeroy 185 E. 8th St. Vet Iiosp. " 15818'� Hubbard Br�aadcautin�, Inc. 2?07 University Rest. C-`: '� 15839" Nancy Hogan 454 C�nega T�est. C-2 " 15£i58" ':om Thumb A�aricetsa Inc. 626 L;. �..arp$ateur @rocery �4-2 " 15883" , te I{`rozen Foods " 'r +' ,; �� !;:;ff Sale P�4alt " " " n �� Cigarette '° " " 1.iverview riemorial I3osp. Inc. �25 :'rescott fiospital �� 1588?" ;?>kyway I2est. Inc. 312 Capitol Cen-ter c.�:yway Rest. C-2 " �.5Q�5" David D. FeaY�ing 9��7 ";. 3rd St. Rest. C-1. "' 15898" n �� On Sale I�111t �� �� 1° r i; �� C'sff Sale I�.alt t' �' �� „ +� Cigarette " " " i�'red J. i�obinson 6 - 12 ;:'. 9th St. i'awnbroker " 15904" �, �� Firearms " " " �1� Jasper 1387 Prosperity �en.Rep.G��x. �'' 15938" General �lectronics, Inc. 2..71 P�:. Snelling T.V. f��aste�, '' 15947�� n �� 4 Set�vieercien f9 " " �Iarmon Class C::. Inc. 1196 E. 7th Gen.i;ep.C�ar. " 15957t' Robert C. "urdicl� 297 i�,aria �lardware " 15958" Geor�e's T.V. Co. Inc. 934 N. a�ale T.V. Alaster " 15�J68�� �� �0 2 Servicemen r' " " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozaa In Favor Levine Rcedler A gai n st BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE — CITY CIERK �p��19� PINK — FINANCE CO11I1C11 CANqRY — DEPARTMENT �ITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE -+MAVOR . File " Council Resolution LICI�? �," r�tr �n� Presented By 'u°� �.:'�i:I.��°' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Fage 3 Fred J. I�eller 450 iiatch �'rivate fas F'ump APp.15969Renew� i:iut�.�ay CDpticians� Inc. 1577 University O�ti.cian .,pp.15986Renewa] �:?.ymc,uth Optical Co. 1449 University " �` 16010�� �� 16G0 .Jhzte �ear " " 16011�� Gerald I.':. Johnson 380 l^dhite �e�r �a� �v�ta. 4� �� 16013" „ +� Gen.i?ep.Ga�. �� �� �� r� �+ Cigarette �� �� �� Vivian 6;'a��A,h lt'G35 Iii�gin Rd. ;?oser�i:?nL I11. I�'oot Pedc�lcr 16035" Gordon Johnson 2197 Lal�e 'elmo r d. t;tr.Veh.�r. y�pp.1G040" Donald Kopell�e 195t� D��eter �lec.Ap�.Rep. '� =t6�'�'`:fa'� Ftaymond ��tuller 1�1� `t,'hi�;e a'ear Cigarette �' 16051" :`:rrow Pontiac Co. Inc. 1515 Uni�e��i1;y i+Iew P��V Dlr. f0 16�53" Roger RierriciL G �?ic1�e � u. �'.tr.Veh.�r. " 1G076" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ In Favor Levine J Rcedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt 1974 Adopted by Council: Date SEP 10 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appr by M or: Date S 1 '�974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLiSHED SEP 14 i974