264196 WHI7E - CITY CI.ERK ^���� PINK - FINANCE 1 �l CANqRV -�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZIL COUIIClI ,�` BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Y ' �Zesolution Presented By ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifie.s and approves the appointment of Mr. David Heider, 441 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, to the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review filling the unexpired term of Mr. Ray Grove; said term to expire November 22, 1975. COULVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco - President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date S E� 1 Q �974 For Approved C' ce Certifie� sse Council Secretary BY � L Appro d by Mayor: Date Approv d Mayor o Co i By By ` �tIBLISHED �'EP 1 �. 1�74 � . � ��4�s� GITY OF SAINT PAUL ► •e� OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ��aa��a� N�B _ LAWBENOE D. COHEN MAYO$ Augus t 2 6 , 19 74 Council President Ruby Hunt and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul , Minnesota Dear President Hunt and Council Members : I am enclosing for your consideration a resolution approving my appointment of Mr. David Heider to the existing vacancy on the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review. As you will see from Mr. Heider 's resume, a copy of which is attached for your information, he is eminently qualified to serve on this important body, and I would urge your approval of his appointment . er truly yours , � CE . OHEN Mayor LDC/lm enclosure cc : P�Irs . Rose Mix, City Clerk 22 - �, ����� RESUME . DAVID A. HEIDER 441 Wabasha Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone: 227-8701 full-time employment GAMBLES CONTINENTAL STATE BANK 1972-Present President and Director HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AND PETER BENT BRIGHAM HOSPITAL 1969-1972 Associate in Business Administration (Harvard Medical School and Consultant in Business Management (Peter Bent Brigham Hospital) . HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1967-1969 Instructor in Business Administration. 1966-1967 Research Assistant in Business Administration. part-time employment CONSULTING: Conducted diversification strategy and marketing studies 1966-Present for a variety of corporate clients. Assisted educational institutions in a variety of projects, ranging from student affairs to faculty- staff personnel problems. TEACHING: Faculty, Command Training Institute, sponsored by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice. Research Associate, Institute for Educational Administration, sponsored by �iarvard University and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Case leading and discussion leading for educational institutions and education associations. education , HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1967-1970 Candidate for poctor of Business Administration. 1964-1966 Master in Business Administration. _ . , . � 264196 , . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 1960-1964 Bachelor of Arts with major in history. publications Business and the Urban Environment. (Editor) Boston: Harvard Business School, 1969. Selective Insect Control. (Co-author) Boston: Nimrod Press, 1966. The Minerals Industry. (Author) New York: Trident Growth Services, 1972. Numerous case studies of business situations, several of which have been chosen for inclusion in the Intercollegiate Bibliographies of Cases in Business Administration.