264193 WH17E ` TV CLERK . pINK 1NANCE � CO1111C11 264193 CANPf.'�7 '�qRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAtTL � BLl'� AYOR -� File NO. Oa • Q rGGZ7ZCIIZCP. Ordinance N O. 1�7 2 O Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date P;n ordinance a.mending Chapter 144 of the Legislative Code by a,dding Section 144.19 gra.nting courtesy and establishing s�ecial parking zones for handicapped persons displaying on their vehicle an identifying certifica.te issued by the motor vehicle division of Depa.rtment of Public Safety of the Sta.te of Minnesota pursua.nt to Minnesota, Statutes 1971 Section 169.345. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I That Cha.pter 144 of the Legislative Code be amended by a,dding Section 144.19 a.s follows: 144.19 �ARKING PRIVILEGES FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED A.e Scope of privileqe. Any physically handicapped person who displays prominently upon the automobile parked by him or under his direction a.nd for his use, the dis- tinguishing certificate or insignia specified in this section shall be entitled to courtesy in the parking of such automobile and be relieved of a.ny liability with respect to parking except as provided in Sections 144.01 and 144.03 and Chapter 145 and 149 of the Legislative Code a,nd except where parking is prohibited COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays un Christensen 0 opatzki In Favor L ine HOZZa N�e dith Levine Against BY �pra a ROedleY edes o Mme.�resident Bu��� / Cd�SCd Form A proved b City t o ey Adopt�d by Counci�.�j�� �„ � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cou il By BY .� -�.� ��'� � � °� ��- J . y3 -2- on any street or highway for the purpose of creating a fire lane, or to provide for the accommodation of heavy traffic during morning and afternoon rush hours and the privileges extended to such ha.ndicapped persons sha.11 not apply on streets or highways where and at such times parking is prohibited. B. Definition of h sicall ha.ndica ed. Physically n icappe as emp oye erein s include any person who ha.s sustained an amputation or permanent ma.terial disability of either or both arms or legs, or who ha.s been otherwise perma.nently disabled in. any ma.nner rendering it difficult and burdensome for him to walk. C. Identif in certificate. As used in this section i enti ying certi icate means the certificate issued by the Traffic Division of the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section 169 .345, Subdivision 3 . D. S ecial Parkin Zones . The Traffic Coordina.ting Unit esta is e pursuant to Section 129.05 of the Legis- lative Code ma.y establish special parking zones for the physically handicapped immediately adjacent to their usual place of residence and shall adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this ordinance including the requirement that applicants may be required to pay for all or a part of the cost of providing the necessary signing. Such zones sha.11 be designated and ma.rked by suitable signs . No per- son sha.11 park a motor vehicle in such zone unless such motor vehicle is displaying an identifying cer- tificate as provided in Subdivision C of this section. E. Revocation�pe�nalt�. If the police of the City of aint �aul sha�C. I-�`ind tha.t such certificate or insig- nia is being improperly used, they sha.11 report to the motor vehicles division in the Department of Public Safety any such violation. Any person who is not physically ha.ndicapped and who exercises the privileges granted a physically ha.ndi- capped person under this section is guilty of a misdetn�anor. WHITE - CITY CLERK ^ ^���� PINK �- FINANCE • � CO1111C11 � ��� CAN/{eV•-.,SJEOARTMENT ' GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ��� Bljl��E� '�-:MIAYOR . � � � � �r�•Zn�nC� Ordinance N 0. ��7� ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date -3- Section II That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas H n ChNas{'ensen K opatzkiHozza _� In Favor L ine Levine S rekah Roedler � Against BY ede co Sy�vester Mme. esident ButT1�4�eSC0 �residen�l-�U11t 0 CT 2 4 1974 Form A proved by ity rney Adopted by Counci a e � Certifie se by Co cil Secretary BY I . Approve Mayor: ate t9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBUSHED NOV 21974 ' ` ^f , ` \ �64�19� -2- on any street or highway f or the purpose of creating a f re la.ne, or t o provide for the accommodation of heav traffic during morning and afternoon rush hours and t e privileges extended t o such handicapped person shall not apply on streets or highways where and at uch times parking is prohibited. B. Definitio of h sicall handica ed. Physically handicappe as employed herein shall include any person who as sustained an amputation or permanent material dis .bility of either or both arms or legs, or who has be n otherwise permanently disabled in any manner ren ering it difficult and burdensome for him to walk. C. Identif in cert ficate. As used in this section identifying certi icate means the certificate issued by the Traffic Div�.sion of the Department of Public Safety pursuant to innesota Statutes 1971, Section 169.345, Subdivision�3. ; D. Special Parking Zones.� The Traffic Coordinating Unit established pursuant to, Section 129.05 of the Legis- lative Code ma.y establi� special parking zones for the physica�ly handicapp d immedi�.tel�r adjacent to their usual�`place of resiq�ence. � Suc� zones shall be designa.ted and marked by s itable signs. No person shall gark a mo�or vehicle��n such zone unless such , motor �vehicle is displaying '`�n identifying certificate as provided in Subdivisipn C ��f this section. E. Revocation, penalty. If the po;lice of the City of Saint Paul shall find that such certificate or insignia is being improperly used, they shall report to the motor vehicles division in the department of public safety any such violation. , Any person who is not physically handicapped and who exercises the privileges granted a physically ha.ndi- capped person under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. � . . . 1. ., � � � , t (` '. C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM � Q������� R. S C O T T D A V t E S f� O CT 1 -f i97� c�'nc�p�urisnt R.: ,. T0: Fran Boyden October 10, 1974 FROM: Jerome Segal REt Change of = ge roposed Ordinance Dealing wit a 'ng .Privileges for Handicapped Per your request we have revised page 2 of the proposed ordina.nce dealing with ha.ndicapped parking so as to � authorize the Traffic Coordina.ting Unit to adopt rules and regulations including the requirement that appli- cants pa.y for all or a part of the cost for the necessary signing. I refer your attention to Clause - D on page 2._ If you have any questions, please feel free to call. JJS :er Enc1. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 _ . . rii-{!7E —�CITY CLERK � � � � � . � � � PtNri — FtiaAntC6 � �, . �y - T � � � � � BLUeRY — �AVORT��FNT G I .J�L��c �1F� �t�I10 � P�sIIL COQIICll . . . . • , Fil.. �O. - . • . � .-,' ��������,� Ordinance��. ' �� /� , �/ , Presented Ey� +- �✓�f.-�! _h>>��/y'� � Referred To Cornmittee: Date Oiit of Cornmittee F3y Date - — � An ordina.nce amending Chap-ter 144 of the L�gislative Code by adding Section - 144.19 ,gra.nting courtesy and establishing special parking zones for handicapped _ persons displaying on their vehicle an - identifying certifica.te issued by the motor vehicle division of Dzpartment oF Pu�1ic Safeiy o� the 5tate of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Sta�utes 1971 Section 169.345. THE COUNC IL OF THE C ITY OF SA IN�' PAUL DOES OR7t�,IN: Sec tion I That Cha.nter 144 of the Legisla�ive Code be amended by a.dding Sectifln 144.19 a.s follows: 144' .19 PARKING PRIVILEGES FOR THE PtIYSICALLY ���NDICAPPED A„a Scope of privileqe. Any pizysically handicapp�d person , who displays prominently unon the automobil.e park�d by him or under hi.s direction a.nd for his use, the dis- tinguishing cer�iiicate or insignia specified zn �tnis section shall be entitled to coia.r�esy in the parking of such autorno'�i1e and be relieved of ar.y liab?lity with respect to parking excep-c as provicied in Sec�ions 144.01 and 144� .03 .and Chapter 145 a�.d 149 of the Legisla.tive Code and exc�pt �ahere parkin� is prohibitec� COUti CIL^�1EN Yeas Nays Req�iest°d by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Neredith Against BY SpraEka Tedesco blme.President �utler Form A- proved b Ci�A�o`ey Adopi°d b-y Couacil: Date � � � < Cer4ified Pa�sed by Cou.^.cil Secretar5� B5 �� � By . , _ Ap�roved by P,Iayor fo: Submission to Cou/I Appraved hy i1.ay��: Datz . By BY I _2_ on any street or high���ay for the purpose of creat ing a fire lane, or to provide for the acco?�modation of heavy traffic during morning and afternoon rush hours and the privilec�es extended t o such handican�ed _ persons shall not apply on streets or highways ��here and at such times parking is prohipited. B. Definition of physically handicapped. Physically han3icapped as employed he�ein shall includ� any person who has sustained an amputation o� p�rmanent material disability of eitner or both arr:�s or legs, or who has been atherwise permanently disabled in . any raanner rendering it difficult and burdensome for him to walk. C . Ide�-tifying certificate. As used in �his section identifying certificate means the certificate issued `� by the Traffic Division of the Departmenz of Pu'olic � Safe�y pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section `� 109 .345, Su',�division 3 . ��` '°� + � { � D. Spec ial Park ing Zones. The T-ra f f ic Coordina t inq Unit ,� � j� , � �j °��� � � � esLablished pursuar� to Section 129.05 of the Legis- J � � lative Code may establish special park.ing zones for `�1� •�`��' the physicallV har_dicapped imm�di�atel�r�ac�,}. � ��'�'� ,. � their usual plac� of residence� Sucn zones sha11 be ��;`,a ,�.�'�' _��' d�signated and r,arkel b�° suita'�1e sic�ns . No person � �, �,�� shall park a motor vehicle in such zone unless suc.� ;,;� , �-� � motor vehicle is displaying . an identifyin�r certificate �' ��t� as provided in Subdivision C of ` ""'� 9� this sec�ion_ �� ��,°� � `� ,/�✓ E. Revocatior,, penalty. Ii the po}.ice oi the City of �,�"`�C ��,,y� Sa.int Paul sha11 find that such certificate or insignia � � �*� is being improperly used, they, sh�ll repor� to the ����=?��F�+ ,,�� m�tor vehicles division in the dep�rtrtenL of public �:J �,� ,� '.� safety any such violation. ` �;:�x �;�; . . . •r�' �i;,,, .� � - Any pe-rson who is not pn.ysically handicapped and ��ho p .��,,� exercises the privileges granted a physic�lly h�ndi- :, ��� capped person under this section is guilty of a ;,''"� t P �, ':� '�� misdemeanor_ , , � t..r ,,�� _ ,t �' �� - - ��� WHI7E - CITY CLERK - � � � � . � � � �� ��- �� � - PIIVK� - FIN4NCE GiT� t/� ��I1� 1 1 L1.uL COUIICII - CANARY - DEPARTMENT � t � � BLUE - M1YOR � Fll@ �0. _ • � . ' '� � •` ����A...���.�.� Ordinance��. Present�C By Referred To Co::zmittee: Date � O�it nf Cornmittee By Date _ -3- Section II Tha.t this ordinanee shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pa.ssage, approva? and publication. COUi�CILIIE�T Requested by Departr:�nt ot': Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine i1?eredith Aaainst BY . SpraEka _ Ted�sco 1�Tme.President Butler Form Appzoved by ity �rn�y Adopted by� Council: Date , � "7 � �� � / � Certified Passed by� Council SAcretary BY By �_� Approved by� tiIayor: Date ApQroved by btayor for Submission to Ccuncil By BY � - R�C���I�D . ; . ' , � ����_* o,, e�P 1 S �7� . �, .. O .� Council President �''° �" ^° Ruby Hunt ... CITY O � SAtNT PAUL Cepital of A�linr�esa#a D�PA�7�I�AiT �� �i��Lt� W01R�tS � � 234 C'ity Ha�i & Cau! H�s� 5b103 September 13, 1974 � Honorable Ruby Nunt Councilman 7th Fioor City Hali BUILOiNG Dear Councilman Hunt: After reviewing the proaosed ordinance (144.19) dealing with parking; privilegas for the handicapped, we have a few suggestions. �'irst, the proposai as it now stands does not discuss the cost which . would be incurred by the necessary signing. We estimate that it would cost approximately $62.00 to properly d�signate each space. in addition, we estimate an approximate cost of $2.00 per year for each space so designated. We suggest that some statement regarding the cost of providing the necessar �gning be inserted in the ordinance. A suggestion is " part of the cost of providing the necessary signing �t i���/ be pa-�-d—�g� the appl icant." cl�aY-�d �-� S�condly, we feel that there will be many situations where peapte may request the estabiishment of speciai parking zones on the strest where no real need for thern exists. For example, they would have good aiternatives when convenient off-street parki�g exists or where the chances of other vehicles being parked in front of the handicapped persons' residence is remote because the generai on-street parking within the area is relatively light. To cover this, paragr.aph D, Sp�cial Parking Zones, couid be amended to read: The Traffic Coordinating Unit established pursuant to Section 12y.05 of the Legislative Code may, under rules and regulations adopted by the Traffic Advisory Graup of the City Planning Commission, establish special parking zones for the physically handicapped, etc. Yours very truly, ^ ! < , �` �t'�iu�--I r '���r.- �;� � ti., Daniei J. Dunford Director of Public Works . RHR:kjb cc: Frank D. Marzitelli Vernon H. Pzterson , � . , . . . •�' �• � � � �\ST pJ � . � . I w`Y � a � . . �,�` � . . . . 2 � � � ' O O�y_��C • . � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � - 4+6.7+'�ii�� �r �fi�I`;T�.�3°�/'i5� ..�r:���b a77��"-3� �e ��7���a,+ �t7�`�.++��i� _ � z3� �it�v Ha11 F� Co�:r# ��ousa 554�3 • January 10, (974 Honorable Lawrence D. Conen � Mayor 347 City Hail D�ar Mayor Co�en: We have been asked to revieti�� the parking problen for handica?ped ��rso:��, both on the basis of a s�ecific situatio� and thz over-aIl gzneral city situation. The main pro5len cccurs in areas where street parl;ing is fairly heavy, esQecially in th� �air.ter time, and ha,�3icappad pzrsons can not use their Tront ti�alks to rea�h a vehicl�. E3ased o� past legal opinions , it was . assumed ay o�r ofifice tha= spe�iai handica�p�� p��-�;ing zones couid no*_ be establish�d on public streets. C�rrently it is possit�i� r"or hzndica�ped people ta o�tain a special id�ntiiyi;�g certiFiczte fro�� the State D��artment of Publ ic Safety to park overLime at 1 imited tir,e and parl�:i�tg meter zones, provided they abide by parkin� pro� ibitie:-� regulCtiens. This arrangem�rtt is covered by Se�tion 16y.3�4� of th° Nigt�way TraiEic Regc�lation Rct anc! a ca�y is enclosed. EnGlOS�CI alsa is a copy of t�z ��inneapolis ordinar,ce authoriziny spec i a; 1 � d�s i gnated p�rl;i ng zon�s for hand i c��?�d p�;�sor:s i d�n�i f.i zd according to t�e previous pa;-agraph. b;e se� no yr�at prc.,!�lem in havin� a sini )ar vrc;inartce for St. Paut . 41e would su,�yast t5at th� o,dinance give a�at�;orizati�n to the Tra�fic Co�r- dinatin3 Unit, as described in Section 129 of th:: E.eyisiative Code rorposed ot= the 7raFfic Engifizer and Pol ice Traffic Su�et-intender�� to adTirtistrativeiy install these zones, ratn�r than have a sp�citic Ccuncii action fcr aac� locatio�. b!e also assurz� tti�y woulr! be free, although w� F�ave no iciea of the nsrn�er of requ�sts that +n�y be receiv�d. Ao�are;�;.ly �here has o�ty been a fe41 so far in Mir�,-�a3po1 is in the thre? years tFz ordi�a�ee �ias been in o�eration. • Yours ve;y tru � � , �� f " J.a ��� .�,.V�r�,f�-j' /�. : � �:V ����( „�,' P.o�ert G. Peterson City Traffic Engin:er ' P,G�:kjb Attachments cc: Mc-s. P,uby iiunt Captain Jyrkas ,, y r • �• � � � , lst O 2nd /1 '3rd � � •�J Adopted ��_ �`�� � eas Nays � w�r� ,� � CHItIS�P1SEN � � � � HOZZA �,- �..�-.. � `� 264193 b � z�;vn�E � �l ROEDLER � , ,e�Cn� SYLVESTER P-rL��-,-.-�--r�..-��_�',�a _.._ IQ � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HUNT)