264183 WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 PINK '- FINANCE COl1IIC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ` � ncil solutio , Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the actions taken by the Mode1 Cities Neighborhood Planning Council in adopting its policy of filling existing vacancies on t�.e l�fl'dPC as well as filling the eleven at-large positions by appointing persons who ha.ve been nominated by com- muni.ty organizations within the Sumcnit-University Neighborhood Development Program Area; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED= That this Council sha.11 consider the M1VPC as constituting the Project Area Committee (PAC) for all p�.rposes pertaining to the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Program, and the Housing and Redevelop�nent Authority of the City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota, shall� for purposes of the NDP Program� consider and treat the NIlVPC as constituting the duly elected PAC for the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Program. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ [n Favor Levine J Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco , President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date �EP 6 1974 Form Approve by C Atto ey Certified`�a y Council Secret�ary BY By � Approv Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PUBLISHED SEP 14 1974 .. o ' � . ' .. t M I N U T E S � � � � t10DEL NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNIN� COU��CIL � 6L��8�7 J ST. PAUL MODEL CITIES JULY 29, 197� ME1�IBEP.S PRESENT: Ruth Qenner Flichael Commodore Rev. G.J. Kenney Deborah i•iontgomery Dr. Magnus Atilade Arthur G. Peoples Haywood Kemp John �1cLaughl in Robert Battles El izabeth P.iese Robert P. Nic{�.r�an MEPI6ERS ABSENT: , John Rupp John Gehan Gayle Foreman Frank Guzman Percy Hughes III OPENING REh1ARKS The meeting was called to order by President liickman at 3:05 P.;�1. Camphor t�1ethodist Church without a proper quorum present. � The fol lo��ing correspondance was read to the publ ic and me1�5ers preseni:: LettPr i:o Robcrt Hickman from Edward Helfeld dated 6-27-74 re�arding the preliminary draft copy of the C.I.B. pro!�ram to be subr,�itted to the city of St. Paul . Letter to Robert Hicl�nan from Gerald P. Sei�ler dated 7-25-74 reoarding HRA receiv�n� $1.275 million more for next year's activities, notifyin� all PACs to discuss priorit- - ies. _ , NOTICE from John E. Christensen, Chairman-Council Legislation Co�ranittee regardin� publ ic hearin�t to discuss a proposed resolution increasinc� the HRA Qoard of Cor,�is- sioners from seven to nine members. Thursday, �-1-74, 3:00 P.P1, 235 f<<arshall Ave. Letter to Robert HiclQnan from David Hozza dated 7-29-74 re3ardinc� the constitution � and by-laivs of the Cedar-Riverside Project Area Ca�rnittee and the final draft of the proposed Nill District Commission Ordinance. President Hiclanan stated that he ��ould try and oet the document duplicated and dis- tributed to the members. He further proceeded to read the ordinance bein� proposed • to the public and members present. � Discussion: Mrs. Benner questioned whether the ordinance ��rould apply to other areas. t9r. McLaughl in stated that the boundaries were defined by State Statue. t�1r. Norton stated that the boundaries had been outlined v�rhere the majority of the historical buildings were located. bein� east of Dale St. to f':arshall Ave. to his understandin�. He further stated that the boundaries did not folloar a straight line. Dr. Atilade stated that his interests could not be represented as the document is presently writter He further raised concern that the board v�ould have more poarer then �vhat the ordinance intended for then to have. f�1rs. Englund questioned ti�rhether the Heritage Preservation � Comnission r�hich is the city-v��ide body and overseer of the of the smaller oroup. vras ir the State Statue. Dr. Atilade raised furtner concern that property in the historic arE could not be rehabilitated v�ithout consent fron the canmittee and questioned the ordi- ` nance taking aa�ay the rights of property ovmers. ,....-.P,._.�_.._:.__. _. ___ _ _ __ __ . • � . , � ,►��,�TES - - 264183 � M.H.P.C. � - 2 - � 7/29/7�' President Hicl�nan stated that the NINPC members could cffer motions or resolutions to the ordinance so that they could be forwarded to t�1r. Nozza. A proper quorur� was noted at 8:20 p.m. MOTION: 7-29-74.1 MRS. RUTH BENNER P�IOVED THtIT THERE QE A REPRESEPITATIVE OF THE E QOARD, ALSO� THAT THE ORDI��ANCE QE FLEXIBLE EP�OUGN TO IPJCLUDE OTHE!: AREAS IN THE CITY 4JHERE THERE P�IIGNT BE FlO,dES OR BUILDIPlGS TO BE SAVED OF HISTORICAL VALUE. SECOhDED BY l�ICHAEL COh�10DORE. PASSED. KEN�;EY & PEOPLES AB- STAI�lED. - F10TIOP�: 7-29-74.2 11RS. RUTH BENNEP, i10VED TI�IT TFIE MIPJUTES OF THE PREVIQUS �•1EETIt�G - � ED 4lITH TNE FOLLOI�I��G CORRECTION: P.1 par.�7: HC FUZTHER STATE� THAT NE tJAS STILL OPROSED TO THE CONCEPT OF h1�r'PC BEING JUST THE PA�. SECONDED QY DP.. A7ILADE. PASSED. Copy letter to JoAnne Enqlund from Jerome Segal dated 7-5-7� regarding the Demonstra- tion Home Program. two (2) attachments: Administrative order �D-1419. copy letter to Gary Peltier from Thomas Meyer dated 7-23-74. Copy letter to John Patton from JoAnne Englund dated 7-22-74 re4arding �nployment termination with the Model Cities Program effective July 31. 1974. F1rs. Benner questioned whether staff people vrere bein� maintained by the city and if Rev. York had worked to �et staff people on civil service. h1rs. En�lund stated tha t he had made attempts to find jobs or positions v�ith the PEP pro m^arn. Dr. Atilade - questione� whether t1rs. Englund had made any arrangements for someone to do the job that the staff people were doin�. t�lrs. En�lund stated that she could not be of any assistance as far as secretarial help but could obtain xerox copies if necessar�. Copy letter to business relations of the MiJPC from JoAnne Englund dated 7-17-74 regarding the cancellation of credit authorization extended to the P1o�e1 Cities-�1PJPC. CITY COUNCIL PIEETIN� It was stated that the City Council Yrould be meeting Tuesday, July 30, 1974. Tvro (2) thinos would be preser.ted to the council , �1 an ordinance change regarding the t+fodel Cities program, and �2 a resolution to create a fif th (5th) PAC. Mrs. Plontgomery stated that although copies of the A� Hoc C .o�.mittee's recommendations to the MNPC were hand delivered to all the City Council members, there has not been an official transmittal from the MNPC and the Ad Hoc �omnittee. � Af ter input from the people present and thorough discussion it was unanimously a�reed upon by the members present the follovring: #1 we want to notif�► them officially that �ve have adopted the recommendations from the ad hoc committee. �2 we want an extension of time so that vre can naintain a staff. �3 we want to continue to be recognized as the ��1t�PC and take on the add�tional status of the PRC. It was stated that after approval from the City Council . the ordinance Yrould have to have four (4) readings and then a public hearing. It v►as further sug�ested that a request be made that the certified city employee be kept on board until s�ich time that other funding is available. ,.,.,.._.__..._,.�._���.______._.- ---__ __-_-._ _ . �- .�. . • ' . � � - �6418� � ` , r�ir�uTES ., t1.N.P.C. � - 3 - ' ' 7/29/74 t•Sr_s. Englund stated that the f•todel Cities le�islation is under the t�1ayor and it requires citizens participation. It is up to the i1ayor and City Council to determine what that citizens participation shall be and whether or not it is f�nded. Sh� further stated that the �iDP program is under NRA and it requires citizens participation. It is u�--�a�-�he NRA Board to decide what that citizens participation trill be and �rhether or nat tt ai111 be funded. All I see this group doing tomorrow is sayin�t that it �rants to be the voice to the Mayor for the �lodel Cities program and the voice to H�A for the NaF program; seeing there is no more money in the t1odel Cities program it �vants money from HRA and it vrants both those voices to re�nain the same. � I�-wats-€urther pointed out that the duties of thP PAC would be inherent in the contract rrhtch would be negotiated by the parties involved in the future. PHYSICAL CORE BUSINESS Dr�.. Atilade stated that at the last meeting �a proposal was presented by �1r. Joh� Rupp re�a:rdinc� the use of the NDP money to purchase a building and supply parking space for his property (Dayton Apartments). He further stated that the Southeast Quadrant Cor.nnittee has decided not to 0o alonc� with the buildin� of the commodore com�lex site. MOTIOPJ: 7-29-74.3 F1�S. RUTH BENNER �•10VED THAT THE f�DP PRO&ttA"1 AS IT 41AS PASSED ON �Y , � E JE HB HOOD PLANNI�tG COUNCIL STAND. SECOFJDED BY� ARTHl1R PEOPLES. PASSED. R�i�, Sl�eigh stated concern reaarding the housing in the PJorthe�st Quadrant. He further res�uested that there be same feedback to the people regardinR 'the construction. t�1r. t�lcLaughlin further suggested that contractors of the Lonnie Adkirs Court subn:t some kin�[ of: progress report. President tlic{anan stated that all parties involved in the No`r�heast Quadrant would be requested to be present at the next t•!t�PC meetino (8-72-74) . I�;.Was. .further stated that t�he contracts had sixty days in which to bevin construction. It t�ras further questioned who the lots had been sold to and ho�r many lots were left. P�OTICE:� public hea�ring 8-1-74 10:00 a.m. City Cosancil , on the petition af t4ary Howard rezonins� ttorthwest corner of University and Farrinaton Ave. O�o1 it"ion notice to Carl Bolander & Sons for property located at 671 ��!. Central Ave. President Hiclanan stated to the public and members present that tarenty-one (21) letters wer�sent out, nineteen (19) signatures ��:ere received. !ie further stated that he had received a letter from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and their representative is «atthew Cl�eveland 553 Aurora k�ho r�ould be representin� the Indian Community. President Nic bnan asked if there vras any more business to come before the council . Dr. - Atil�de stated that Pilarim Baptist Church r�rould be available for the next meeting. The me�ting �rras ad3ourned at 10:45 P.'�. t4Jl- ` - . - - :� � � 0 . � �641��. �±� , r . • ? + `,.' t � ' ' . e ,�; � ,��= � �.- . - -- w,. � +..y, <''a� �' "�� �' _ `,,yy '�`� . � t.'l Q / ''� ,+� 1 7 !� , . � � t - f �� + ���s�^. {, �� i. ��r • • � � ,�`. `� i� j� �.a.`�€:x;,� `� r 1 '. �`� `� �t�' "�:�.�,:'��"`�''�'� �. ' •� - � `1.� / - � >`� �`�� , ����^ � y� no. dale street �= st. paul, minn. 55104 - ! r�--�.�' •^�� ,. � �, ���''',s , :-:,� 1 fi5 • ``��.;. , ;.����'`�'�� duly 30� 1974 . � ��,�� �c ���� r.. ��� _ ;� _ . � j �� .�] � ,�y �� S� fr- . �FA �. . - . . . . . .' _ _ _ . . . �I . . ..� �,� f �, . � :, �� 4 •;.� t . . : <Y � t �. �_. � -� �` p� ;`'- ' • ' _ , - � .:fyy...�' �'-r �j , .. . . . . . , . - f �� . . . . . . . . . . tf.if• . . _ . . . - _ ' . . . . . . � �a.,, ''A . � � " . . �. . . . . � � ' . .. ��`t r ...' . . � � � � � . • � . .. � . . -. . . - - � . � .. . . . � ' � � � - .. ' . _ � . ' � � _ .. - . , ._ , ; . - . . - . . ' . . . � • The Honorable Lawrenee D. Cohen, Mayor, Citp of St. Paul �t• r' '- Mrs. Ruby h`unt, President . Members of thc Council of the city oY St. Paul . - Members of the Board of Commissioners of the St. Paul . . : ` r='f.3 �Housing and Redevelop�nent Authority , R 2hia letter is to officially convey the infor��,tion prom3.sed by the Ad h�c Comrr.ittee ' � ! ''j` • Junc 13 and inYormally conveyed during the r�reek of July 15 by r�s. Deborah 2iont:�or�ery: � . � The committee has made and the ��del P�eighborhood Planning Council has adopted a �serics � of recommendations calling for twenty-fovr (?.!�) elections, appointments, and d�signa- tions of unrepresented se�rnents of the Suauti.t/Universitp comnunity to the �?�'PC. These j actions axe now in progress and it is ex�ected that the '.•LZPC will be at full strength ; of forty-one {41) members by September. Copies of the adopted recoaunendations with I backgrouad information are attached. � _ . . / , The I�ih'PC formally requested designation as a Pro3ect Area Co�ittee and expects to � , participate in deter.�inin.g the meaning of that designation throuoh draftino of necas- sary legal doc�ents, contract negotiations with the HFiA, and through any public , hearings or City Council neetings dealing Frith the sub3ect. ', f Since funds for I��TPC Citizen's Participation have been expended, and since one of the persons now, on MIv'PC staff is a certified civil servant of the Citv of 5t. Paul, we � �rould consider it an act of good faith on the part of the city if Z:oleen J. Lowe were retained by the cit� in behalf of :��'PC until such tiae as tl:ese documents, hearings �-and negotiations have been completed. In addition to this kind of support from the eity, we expect the same kind of coo�ration and assistance that have prevailed a*��ong diverse cox.�unity agencies and grosps in tha Ad Hoc cou�nittee to continue. Cordially, . � � � •c,� � , ����� . � G�-� � Robert ?. Hic{anan, Chairman Hardy righ*.. Secretary •�1�IPC and Ad Hoc Co�mittee„ Ad Hoc Coaunittee � : '�,�2�,.,� RPH:kri:m31 � 1 _- attachr.lents: ��� model neighborhood planning council .....-------- . �nheri P_Hickman, Chairman � � !' � OF n�CCL.�ILI�'D.1TIC:�TS i0 ^��C 1.��£� from the� . - ?-15-?4 • � . t�,�1ARY ` , ; „ , , • � • .� ..y � ,Aa�Hoc Go;�ittee of Cor.cerned Su.�r�it-University Citi..ens -� . _ _�_�,. - -- - � : � . � �6���� :. � . . , - .. _ . . � f Ado�ted by t-t�lPC - - 7-15-7� - - . t . ..._.;::.�, -=�1. Recognize that a11=r�ajor se�anents of tbe co�unity must get together ' . _ : � f�'�_:�. � ff we are to survive and gro�v as a co.:.munity. ' . . ' • � � � . "_ 2, .Proceed��ith .deliber�te speed :to create unity amon� all �ajor se�ents �=;' '�-- = �� �.� 3 � � o! the coy.^�unity in thorough2y exploring possibiliti�s for the highest =�� : �-: � -� : � .. possible degreee of representation in building a si;rong co�nunity cou.�cil._. . ' ' f _. (See specific co�i.ttee recomnendations for ii2,lir.g I�+PC vacancies� _ _..;,_� . _.. _ �chibit A� a'ttached.� , . ''� , . � 3.. Seek and accept any assistance desired and available of any particip�nts - • � ;" on the �d Hoc Connittee — individually, in �roups or subco�ittees, or . .. . _ : -•-- - �as a total co�ittee --- to impli�snt its recor..�ennations. (See eo�.plete .^';': �.__.,.� . _ :`. • � ros�er o� :�d Hoc Conmi.t�ee participants attacned, �:hioit E.� '=::�:� ��:_� �.�. ��• . . � �- 4. IIrge the St. Paui -City Council, to suspend all actioas on any aaenc�:ents �.a;..:'� "��:.:, t : _ -� � to the existing 1��FC ordinances un ti l t he ce�uni t3• has had the o p gortu�it y� : . - . � ;-,to make its wishes k.no�.m �hrough 1��C. SAeciiic�lly reaues� that, in the • . � � . ' . � , ineanti�e, all communicztion concerning the S•,zr..mi�-Un�v°rsity co�unity - .:. . . . -. � from,the City Council and � be ch��eled tihrou�a 'i�,PC. (Ses the :-�'�:-� .• •� : ;� � co�i.ttee�s init�al reco:-�.�:endations, co�unicated directly to tne ��ayor� ' ..- . . .. �. � City Council, and �iR�1, �,.�hibit C:) . • . � _ . ; . '� 5. �.Continue to .act -= i:��o�'�r .as possible tivi�h.the existin� and eFp�ndan� �--: •-� �-:� •---� representation on the :��JFC --in t'r.e be�t overal2 interests o� the • . " - Sumit-University co�,r,,u^ity in saking �bose •decisions ..hich nu�t be '_': - _• -� _ aade before the Council can be brcr�zght to iu12 strength. . - 6. ' Proceed c�ith nominations and e2ect�ons of the ae�bers of the Executive Coa�cittee as soon as the Council is at Tull str�ngth• (S�e concludin; ; • aotion in the ainutes of the cor.�ittee's June 26th neeting, ;Ex:nibit D) } . . . , . . .� 7. Give considera�ion to tre re-n�ir.� of the Council �nd the legal � � _� . . ramifications o� such �zc�ion, as a neans of giving public recog:zition to'the reconstitiution, �akir.� a f'?°2sh start, and asserting the independence . - . and broader cos...^�unity� xepresenta�ion on �he ne« council. (See paragrapn 4� . � page t�ro of July �2r.3 co�i�tee mir:ates, E�:hibit E.� . - . _ 8. �Aecept as a first order o� business, after establis�:.^ent o� the nevl co�ancil, . � the dratt:.n� of the revision ot' city ordinance ;=�5321 v:hich �overns ?i�I?C and � . the by-larrs of L�TPC so tnat bot� zdequately r°"lee� �11° true natu.re of, and _ - structure o�, the nevr council. (See resolu�ioa,• July llth rninu�e�� �chibit F.) P.eccr:�endatio� i?o. 5 cras rea�hed by concenau� �t the July llth neetir.g and is ?implicit in t�e �ction ta'r.en at the co���e�'s :irs� neetir.o as in�.icated in � Reco�endation �:o. 4. A11 other reco��aendations above coW� fron unani�ous or near ur,aninous �or��j sctions of the co��ttee. - • � �TO�E' �O � L'QC—::GIi—�i� :� I^_�.rlti`�s«S: Since �i7rates ai prc��s�ua �eeLir.�s vr�rc� previou��.� circul.ated, this . ' pac�et nay not cont�in !:�cribi�s "D" ar.:: "E". � . • • • FK}ll��A Y/�CAI�CY FII►��G �C��''�2mATI0I�+S TO h'TTPC fror� the . . �,� • , . _: . ... Citizens ?-14-?4 �=�:.;:: -Ad Hoc Corn:�ittee of Conccrned Su�it-IIniti'�=��ty • . � � _ . • .. . '������ :. ; ,..,,., ; . • ' • • • ;i�n t g�r ose oP the ce�,�itteP as oY �ts June 2oth decision. , , L�,:•.� �,;� ?• . .. .:.... . .. , ._._ .. �si •�=�Ciceate a plan for �llin� ti����cies on the existing L��"C �+ith representatives,. ,. ,�-•,�:-: .. 1 � � rou s interests and cate�c:ies of regresenta�ion��VjJ`�- • �rom unrepresented co�unity g P � . y ,� r..�== . - .-._,. _..�,.,.,..,,., 2�TPC �aenbers. • -•� .. �..� . . _ � resent �,=11:� r��__�: _2� Take 3.nto account tYie��representation by p . � ' ' ' �`"'� " � resentatives to Yit the e.�cisting v�cancies. •, ; , _ _ ,._� 3. Sliggest tirays of securing rep_ ... . . ' ' , . _ . � � : . . _ . �Coa�i.tt�e ss�.i�es th3�: ..r��, . __.,� _.. - . .. C oup and interest'repres°ntatives does,_�,_�,._. ;-,;,•,1:=�g�PC apvroval of a.pl�n��or. ..ecurir� �'I' _ -_ 1 � � z �inorit�T o° the reconstituted; �:��:�,_ ,. :� n��..-� � _ not en�ail direct,elec�ion ci�a �ajori�y ' ' _ Fj:.. - .vn . :.•� eec� ne�ber ad�ed crould p2�icipa�e i� elcction o� succee3in� :. J4.L�::�;council since . . •,� - 1�---•---- itt�_- :i�lc.:.:,_ - menb2rs to be ad3c3-uniil the`council reaches full �f�re:��t • _ _ �.���S�� . .. . _. ... .• . �, . . . . •• •1 �1.�� �"~ f.�,.'.. lrovaT-of' delega�inS �he responsibilii:,; for sectlrin� ��. .:�__ . . _, � It �vould entail =pp lan. lne plan is desi�ned= �"'.�_ ': _ _ ', �.:::: :i=representation to-the �roups.nesi�r:ated in the p ,=: ,: `r_� -. ,;. �: ;�:�i;o meet• a specific e�e:�ency in the su�:.^�D oi�197n� oa. �enne=st��r�ll. beto �,;,..Y,.<; G-_ ;--. :ques�ions o� r.o�:� olect�ZO�hereaizeron or _p .- - - � }�ndled in June 1,75 � . r4..��r_� �z. -_.-_ � _ � . •. ... �:__ _ . x. , 1 • r lh$ individuals chcse�; .. � -. *. ��••'°2:• s^�e quality o* re�ire��n�ation znd acco•an�abili�y ol � ,. 1' . �,..., � ZV � � ��=is d�.rectly related to the procedure bv �:nich��they •are cnos°n; ��-� �1u4 y -., ^ „ /�/� J.yj• iV.� 4.�.� y t �I�e lOUps •jyyQ Ci::lVU�7� rer:esea�� ,,ites• -_ `.._` - � and �:ecedure is to be dc�er�;.�.ved b,{ �� E . � ,� p��;� �an clearly- � � � Hovte�*er, in asking groups to �al;e on tnis respon�ibili�y, • . state its o�sn expectations and require�en�s. " � this k.ind of responsibility and getting it accepte�', �`?�'r°� i� � 3: By pinpointing � �- spreadin� r�presentation , accountabili�`�, �d �natsver po,.er t!'l� nerrl� �' uted councll �ppropri2tes throu�;'r.out �he co:�^wutY $°��effectively cons�it - than ��ould be possible in a co�.-�unity-�Y-de election �t t 1 : In 'electin� aualified representatives tonfill v���n�ceo��,�n�2tionsern�are 4- acceptin�; ths res•alts o� the proceuures ..ho�en y . delegated the responsibility �or securino representa�ives. f .. Sinee there is no �•:ay to prediet crit� certcon�lictscin,tbisCregard��ills �5 the individuals cY�•osen �ill :zt into, 4ny have to be resolved b;� ��'�i vres�onlof f'r.oh the ordir.�ncenan3�bY-i2�:s - af�ec�ed group(s�� or by a..�a.ciF�tii . . � ean b� adjusted to secure t�e desired representation. ' � ' . 6. proFortional represen�ation of the r�a'r_e-�:?� o� the total conaunitY ln 4�e� ^o�e levels housinb �3 eaucation et�nic co�position, sez dist=ibution, 1�`�T, re � e�er_tatives. eo�ple�ed E:.ould be considered in ecurin�, P= -7. Bow:ca_ies oi tze S--II co�7;�.ni.�,� to be: re�r��ented rur.lfro� Ichoula�bevso��'r.t Cal;benral and �ro� ::t:....^ait to L:,i�ersi�f• �-ssociate �.��:��rs ^c tr�, S-U ' �ro� �d joinin�, co:�unities to t�e south� yr�st �n1 r_or„h•2s soon u� . re�ident �e�oern have been elected, core a:�d tas� force c'r�air:�en appoir.�ed ��� rt,sr:�es to these arnes oY the council r�adc. • , . �chibit A . � ' � ' Yucnncy t reco�e�ations � : . . � 7-14—?�+ ` ' , , . . . , . . , . . . . ; , . , . � �64�8� :- • . . : DBAFT ' . . '.�, of a Ie�te: to be ir.di��.d�aallv ��•r=:� 2r.d sen� b�• 2li�C to coytact versor.� i"or the ° ` - �` •- _ . , • _._ _ . _ - - . . � � . -�roups ta be revr�s�nted . -- . . . _ . - � , � - ..::�_ ' . .. _ . . � ` _ . : - . ;.. . � : - , • July 1974 Dear . . - . . � , � - , ;. - � ' - . . . _�_ _ • . • . , _ A unique onportunit,* i� in the ha.^^s o� the gebple o� thi� co�.�unit�. �It is a . �cesult o� a� ersergency created by �;o�ernin�, bodies in S�c. Faul. The opportuni.tS* ; is to crea�e A truly poc:�ryul co��un:.ty co•a►^cil. It can �e �ade up of reprzser,- • � � tatives oi �11 �ajor s��,:ents of �'r.e co:..�unity. TY��ey► can •bc res�onsive an3 _ • .. - � aceo•antable to the residents and existing inzerest �rours. � � �. - "' � _ . � .. - A represent��ive ad hoc co��.�i�tce o= 36 concerned �u�^�it T�=�iversity citizens has � - �een r�or:�ting �o�,ard�thes� Go�ls sir.�° �id-�uz:°. I� has t�hen the ��sition that _,._.� .__ _ . the goals can best be �tich.ieved by� '_r°erir� �r.d buiiain� ot: �i:c� potirer ths� t:�e ' � ' co�►u.nity slr�u3y has. Ii; ha� ccn��der.ce ti_a� t�.:�s c�n �e cia�� r�hile C.'`63I.L':d _,!- ' � ::_:�:' '" = srith :i;h� preser_t realities cf �oor rep�esentat�b�, dis:inity, ar.d lack of ;� •: _;;•: •,,� .,- credibility in�ide ann outs�de �he co::�unity. : � This �d hac cow�ttee h�.s ���en �Y:e posit�on th4t t�:exe is 3. .���aal�ty o� .: . - � in�erests �uuQT� 2�.1. COI^.:.'�.k"ll�jt I'2S1�c22�S 3Ila 111�ETEi'C �Y'OLiDB i,1:8� can ba - � - - • • gathersd �r:d• .e.gres�td �:::,cu�,:2 ::uc: a counca.l. 2rtP coa:..:.i.:�ee Y:as recor.�er•ded . . . ,.;_. t�at the ne�l cou.ncil proczen us �oon as co�����uted to elect its o:m e��cu��.Ye co�:�ai.ttee, r��:ue itself, �::d anpropria�e t:�ose poE;ar� .�eces�ary ior residents to • gain �:ci�a.��.-control over �heir o:m lives. � An imgortant available ��ar.s for acrie;-in� tlies� goals i� the e�cisvino L`odel • ?iei�n.bornood Plar.��ir.g Cou.�ci2. 2L,�rC norr con�ists of 17 active �erbers �•rho rr�re elec`ed �rc� various d��tricts 1;��eu�;hout �r.e co:::�unity in J�ne 7.973• The i=v C is estabZished by St. F�u? City Or:iinance. and r�ets the requixe:�ents of t:�e Housino and Urban Derelo:�pnt �eFart���t ior ci�i�en garl;icitiat;io:� in tne : . - expendi�•.,.rz of n'��� �u:.3s. Tna proceedure beir_o io?1o��:ed co�plies crith these . rec}uire�e nt s. , . : � The� co�ittee ar.d tne Co•arcil havz deter�i::ed that all �ajor se�ents o� t�:e co�.,runi�y cz.��be rep:es�n�ed by z illi::�; the 13 dis�ric� an� 13 at lar�e. vacancies on the Cou::cil and keepin� the re�air.ir_� elec��d ��n.ber� vnd°r ts;o conditio�s: � �l� T:zz-t tre present �e�berszip see�:s cut 22?� ider,�:if�.es ��iih its n�tural � cons�ituen�ies, and (2) Tl:��� resnon�ibility for hi�h quali�y represen�;a�ion, ' responsi�reness, �.nd accou:��ability of in�3ividkal� chosEn is initially accepted � by exis�in�; co�unity �ro��ns such �s yoursElves. . � For these reaso::s �re are a�Ying you to (herE �•rcu7.� an��ar t'r.� rr,eci.°ic reaue^� b.�n� •a�dc) . :�e �fii� Le c�llis� ;;�a 3.n a f�,r da;;� to a�� •r�r_:;;:c.e� ycu a::�. ;�c::r t;=c:t�, ;:i:.i :ecep� ;,'t.;.s re: ::�:�i'a_:i:,y. 1.� �o, c;e �:ill ' �ran� to Y.rio•rr :�'r.en you prc:iict th:� it can be acco�r?i�:c:�. I£ r.t,�, ���e �rill r:::�t �your .�'.Llvl�'C:��'.10.^,.� is�3 t0 }7G'�7 YEt�.1Cl Z'E:F:'�E'.�C11��''i.lOi2 02' _�_:aC:'C 17!il,??� :2T�fi�.•:.:�' ±:�:" _.:.T:C Of tt� I'T'Oil�� orr•^_ni�%�''i,:GTI O',' ?'��4�'C:_� �i3O be renxe::�:'�T,�..'Ci�� C�^•Yl �.'C �G•'.::�Z'CC� ..�....�. on the ne.� cout:ciJ.. yii:ce ti•lc; l.a re tolci i:tie :,::�yor, ti'r.e C�.t� Cuuncil �::.d ��e ii'.A � 'L-h�i: vre tiro�.�ld co��unic�tc our :'r.r�cii.r.f;n by A�a�;a�t l�t; rre r.ce1 your predic�i.cn ar . . . .,.• '" _.� .,...... ' ._' _�_.a t...�.«{v.r. �•rn r�.f.t�_.. ,�...,,� .�._.:_.._. .. .. . . . � . .r • .. �tiibit A . , , ., � • . • r — . ' • 7����r/T : Yacanc� reco�endatio:�s • -?a� , • � ` : ' ' ' . �64.�'��� . I,�tter dra�t (cont. � • . - . � � : • � . ' _: : � . � � • ; . �> .. ..:,•:. .. "`� "Yii`na.�ir.g this request; ti4e ask that the�e considerations �overn y�aar delib4r��ions._ ; .-- � __. .. „- � -- � and proceedures: . � - - . � , _ �„-.':..:r.,. . .. . -..•.,. - <.;: . _�i_�.�` Ylhile tre.,Cour_ciI is beir.� recons�itL�ca, cntcial dccisions a��ecti�„ this , ._� _ ___ ^ • co�unity zre �e�ii�; �sde��� either by tn: t"?.rC in be�:z�f of t�_., co�uniti ' ---� -� 1 A 3 � .�v• L�i s'..,'.-� l.� ���-�' t ��or for �he �co�..:�u:ity r+ithout its gw:tici�w�ion by o;;?�.�r public �o3ies. .. -- �:�.,_,� - . ...-.....� . - ' -" The sooner you �rc represented on the cet�ncil, tlie sooner your voice car, _ _„-._ �-�-•-�..•� "''��"""'-�beheard and the� �reater ca,� b� our cc�y�ity�s sel�-leter�in�.tion in t^ose � _:; __ ���__. - deci.sie:�s. Even e��ore you i:ave zn e?ec�°3 repre��n�ative, ycu can atter_d - ._ _.._ _ "� � �r ;,u�'C �^ce�i��;s opc� to the �ubli.c on the iir�t u.nd tl^•i-3 �cn3aSS -=:_- � . : . _��� , �, - ' . � o� each �onth at 7:�0 p•�• �� tne place desi��Led o� the notice at Z65 l+a• .Dale. ='��' `'2:: '�The existin� reouire�eny -of cor.�..^uni.ty ra�idency u�o� aistrict represen�at�.ves:._:__.,j:��,, :l:i� l%.L: .. �, � yC� !+ �t r '^l�-1^ . ��i%:e-:�..ei �.L :. � helps �o �a�r2n�:�e acco,intability and r�..�on..i`en��� oi �e�..c.� to the _ people affec�e� by their decisions. � • . . � .'G;'" ;.`: �f •our group P;crB �o c�oose a represa�tati�re r•;ho doe� not liti�� bettiveer �::_,n:�Yf.,._, ;_.� et '.�'�:: .il�i'_ � ' : . : • . . � I�exin;;ton and �he Cathedr:2 a:d be�tir�zr, ��:u.versit�; a:.3 Su�..^it f <<e :�ou?� -•;-�.-<• - : :: ..1-�1 i:..�.�.'..� l. ' � .e..-:.�-.:'�'.-'_^ .- - . : expect �ar. expl�LaL�or_ of rr�:y y�u feel tn�� tne ir.:.iti idkal cro�ar, czn _ --., • , -- r. �:::;,• v;:: � ,- better'' represe:�� �uP ar�3 ca:-wunity iv�eresta tr.an z��T o�her a•railable .�.:r,,`.,� �,-_ . person rino i� a�i so a residei.t. . : � � � � The c-�.��i ity o� r?pres�n�atio�� �nd accouni:�bi?ity o° t'r.e indiva�u.^.Zs erc�en � ra. :�.�.� . + 1. .,.�... .��.►��6 �'i t� ^ ji�C't c�° Cti:C%✓0a c� � .�7E.' c^.Y'E3 -`S __ A- �direct?, re].a�ec- ►o ��e ���c..� y .�i.,�: y . �. ��nc .:. �^., - :,-:�. r r �� � � to �o�:r �it:�a�zrr_ in. -_. . _ leav3r.�, .i� up to:y�.oa _to date�ai.:e a proc�edure �._�..o...iwt.. ' " - . � - relation �o t'r_e Ueorle to bs representGd, re. hop� t'�.� ;ou ��ill �i��� c�nsider�- .-..- , � �n i It a.� e::precte3 th�t �:e r.c;� coun�il tion to �a:ci�u�! i.n��olrecent oi tho�e r..ep_e. . � � ..- ttiill be deulin� rj��r rrhatever public �ec�.�ions directly afiect this co:�u�.�nit�• . 4. The �osi; ef�ective repre�entative of a particul�r ��o:ip ��rill not alYrays---:nd - �y n�� u� aZi__b: tY��e nost �.cti�*e, ir��olved, cttrre��Z��crecible gerso:� ' In c�oosin�; to use this o:�a�uni�y �o ��read .e_�resen�a�io� 4n:� � 8vail�ble. ,„., „ ; y po�:er th:ou�'r_out �Y:e co�..^��a:�i��, tne c��.:�::i��ee and Cc•k.�cil e�_r�ct t?�at ce..�:r�.a_t . a�fairs �7i12 ta'.s cn, ii t:�jey do not a1r^ad;� hold, � hioh p�iority i: �;'r.e 2ives ' of the indi•ridu�ls cnosen. . 5. �].e tir� do not propose a fox::tula fo: rroportional rapre�e:�t�.t:.on of �r.e � ' co�►unit���� opu?��z on by �oc, sef, �.nco^e, nousi�c;, 8QL1C3;;ion or e±:��ic � ' • COI1p.7:�1 v10� �J?A C22�^.�O�°C� .^-.�:C$�Ti Gi cer.�us da���� �:° .T��C@�. ''i.}l�.ii 1".Ot'.2.1 � � � � � �11 be a.;: �o�e3 cv t::e�� CG?:i2de�a�zons. Fcr ex�p?e, ��nc� a repre�entat'o:� ��_ F- . elear �ajority o� �he r.opu2�.ti.on is �o_�:�, 2r.d �ince the cu-�r�n� ��'��°r�iizp o� E:�PC is on13• aboat �0;� .�o�en, �:e rec�-.��•r.d t'�a� reFrese:i�atia:� b�• (a) ;:e.:�(a)n � be an i�gortant co�sideraticn in your u�iiberatior,s. - For these reaso:�s, �he co:�iit�ee a�d �ne Co•,��:cil a�l: ir:ci-riduals de�i�:ateci ar.3 . p@1^�O;ZS 1CC2p�7:1".r; rc�:cn�l��.�.t;,t _OZ' SCC'.iX'�:',' '_'Eji.�::�nt�:�ives �O u1.gT1 �t2�'i,E�:YItS cont�inir•� t�•e info::.:ztio� i:�dic�ted �n t'�:° er:cZos�d i�-rs. . l�e sincerc:.y hope th�t �ou �rGre :�itr us � :-'L'::ap o' �}:= �F�r�4==ce o�' t�:i� . opportur�.t;� to tne �zrvival ar.d �_•o:rth o�`�nis co:r::.u.�ity. �.e cril.l be ?co�in� . Yor►�ara to your r��p�:���• • - � . � Sinccrel.;�, ' . . • L."`C!]1 Dl� R , 1'�+�t—(� , Yt�ca�cy reco.:.�en3ations _-_ ;;� . ;. '- •' '•• - --- - . . _� : �S4 . .. _.� __ . _ _ �8� . _ __ __ _ ,� = i ?iomin1tion foi� for election of ne�•� S-U cc�►_^.unitv �council renbers ... ::-.,:•� . . ' _. -_ _. _ - -_ - . ;_ . :. ' - �ar the t�r� endinF Jv.ne:.30,: 1475�-,�.-- -_ . ,+: _ ... .. . , _---_ _. _ � • '. , _ ..i o . .: . .. .� : . . ' • ' -Na�¢e of l�o�n�e - - - . : . _ _ -�- --� . . _. � , , . . . ... .. . , . . . ,r --- _ .: .�:�_,. :._ .:: _ , _ _ . - --- _ . . _ _ • • „ . . _ - . . . ,-,,. . Address _ _ �_- _ _ __ . Phone '� . . � _ _ - - _-. . _ _ � .....__._. _ Representir.g _ _...�_ .. � . (S-tT co��uni.ty or�ani�:�tion, agency� o:`intieres� group. c'r.00sing r.o�inee - _ : -_�_ _ . , � __ . . __ _ . .. � State�ent of P�o-ninee: . . . , _ _ . . . - -. - . - • ��sr t,��7:1 'u.L�:.0 . �!'' - � . _ ` _.�:: :-- -- _ . _� -::. - -.____ ,�r . . . � 1. •I am �7illing to serve on �he necv coun�il, am able�'to attei�d regui.ar reetinEs, . , : ,' 'an3".�vi11 accept res,r.on,�ibilities fle���een �ee�ii��s �o .bu�ld a s�rong ar.3 :� • � _ : :. � . - - . . respo:�sise couneil. for the 5u:::..�i.t-U�.i.ver�it�r co.=:�uni�y. - . . . .. � . ' ' _ . . _ _ _ - - - ' 2..•I-�r in��olved in �hs affairs and interes�s o� �t�e�.group�aesi�ated �b�ve. �� . : �� : . ?ii`adai�ion, I r�ve, or efpcct to r�ve re�ul�r.co�snication on cc�t�^ity ._• . - : . - . _ ._.. _ , . _ ,.:; .. _ _ . . � . .. :, a��airs �,zth �he iollo:tii�o: _ __ - _ : . . . . y����.. .4 . .�_ -.. . - � �_ .�. _ . . . . _ � .. . . . • . . . . ._ . : - . ' �:i��°2' CC��L'S:1v,ij' �=Yr,AS� C��f:::'�2�.uer1Q�5�� CC:L'Z"CCI:J' 1Y1.4C�.��`iZ;S� Lei.�;'tlbo^3_ Qa^. .- . _ � "I ~ ��e=bloc� o� resider.�e --- tir_^_cever �:i:tl be ta11_ca ��it:i'�b�ut issues b�fore�, � .=- - ��=�e��be- bi oa�n� be�ar.$, t!�e -r�u:cil.} �� �-' .' , '� _ • - �...,.. �-:-,• : - . __ - . . • - - - - ,.. - - - , __ . -- _ . � - - -- 3. I�ave d�rec� v�rsor.a2 in�erests or policv or deciaion�a.::ii�g roles an . e �fa��owing or�a:z.iwations, co��arii:t3► ba�ed ins�itu�ior_s o� Gg�ncies, busir.ess(es� . - operatino in the co��anity, zrid/or advisory or goverazno bodies ti�s�d outs:�e __. . �4` the co�.:unitiy c:'r.ose actier.s routineZy an3 direc�ly a�iec� �he .S-U cc:;:�:a�li�y• ,- _.: . �-- --- _ . ._._ —.. . _� . ` __ - • i, . � . �-,'� ___. _ _ __ ._ ._ _--_ - • , _. _ ___ . . .�_ -- � •,.�_' - --- .__ • = _ ._ __� _:: -._ _, - _ ._ - _ - .. , �- -- - --- ._.. . _ . . . . r_ . __ _�.�_ ,- - _-- ----- .•. ' ' . . - � _ _ . - ._ Si.�natur� .of no�iuee - • . ,- ;:;�_:__-.� _ - --_ _ _ . _ , . .-_ _ . ��_ . . :. . . c��-�; _�:�- _ � ---�; :� . _ . - --� ate - D - ,j...�.�..-._,.. ,_- . _. ,... -._ . . _ _. _ � . . . .. . .. . , � � L'_..._. �_ ; ,-...._. '. '_ ."" � _ _. __ = .. _ _ _ . .._ ` ' . = , . � Stat�cei�t -o� �°�r�on Accen�ir.� ?es�or.sibilit r �'or T:o��r.�tion �ri.th £.e].�tior. to . the Persor.s to oe �er,rescnted: _ _ __ - . . _ __ . . . . . _ - ._ _ _ _ _._ - T�eY above �s't2�E:����� �re, to ��e best ot �y rno�vled�e, correct. �he nouir:a�ion vras ,�ide in accord�:�^ tri�h p:�cedure� ap�raved by th� broup �e repre�ent. • . ____ . _ - : ._. �- - �.: _ � Sienature . . _ " I:elatio:� to E-'rcuP ' - . �yhra . r �� , . • � � , �. . , '�'d��:� c�,�t�c s:•e ,,..r/.. /�_!�c�� . "s^ . . _--- — AccoTdino to the 1970 C�nsus, Sumcr►it-Univer�it�• had a population of 20,547•r-3S • ; • - . . . ,G e tollov:ing are sorae percent�e bre�cdor,�ns in various categories. � ��� ;�- ' : Th , . : � • • ; J�e Distribution: � �_ .:� . � � . � Under 20 ce a.rs -- 35 9:4 • • , ' . . _ . . • '20-40 ��ears -- 22.gy ,� - . . - . � 40-60 years -- 19.6� . . . - , � � Over. 60 years -- 21.� . .. . . . . � . . . . � : Ethnic Compasition: . , . ' . ' � Uhite -- 47.� � . - . • � Black -- 42.p _ - _ . . . ._,'._�icano -- 6.?,� , . . . _ - . - , _ . - ; Indizn -- 2.14 q • . . ' .• . - � • . Other -- -35N � . : �. � . • ,,. • . . .: , . , _ . . . Sex Dis�rihution: • . . . .- �: �z:�ate --- 53•4'� . : . - r . : � - � . LI�.e -- �i6.6� . Income Z�vels: • , . ' . �1,00�-�5,000 -- 53•3� ' - . ` . : . 55,00�-��0,000 -- 28.5N - . "•. " . : :• . � • ' 510,000-�15,000 -- 12.5p • .� . . . . • . .,� Over �15,000 -- 5.7� . • : - • � . • ' , Aousing:. , . . � 4rner occupied dreel2ir.g units -- 22•'7� - . � - , Renter occupied d:�r�lli:�b units-- 65•�p . � � � Education Comple�ed: • • ' - � 8 ;eflrs or less -- 37•�i� - � � - . � ' � 9-12 y Fars - -- 46.7� ' � . Ove: i2 yE�rs -- 15.� : . _ .� —_ -- -- • . . ' . . .__._�_�_ �_�� --_.�_�.__.._.. _.�..a..::. �i.__� ,. � - . . . �chirit A . :_' • �Yacy��y recc•.�en���ions •_ , -4- � . .. . . . ?-2k-74 � . _ _ :.- - .. • .. . _ . �64183.. - - C�t�ozw of No. or• Ir.dit'Sduals �rd Grou�^��to be �Askc3 to Secure F.e;�rescr.-. - Yac�.ai�ies - � . . . . _ _. - to be ,:•... _. . � Revresentation fillcd 'tatives, ar.d Ratio:�ale�.fo: Do3n� S� � � �-•�.•�• '`� •• ' . :; - YOUTH , �� �_ _ 0 .. . .. Di�trict 0.*,�: Retain electea ne.:.rer, ?:schael Co�..^odore; .;.� . . � , . ' e.Dcourzge hi� to atteud Co�.zr.cil �eA�ir.�;s re�,:l�r?y zna to " _ .: " - - . - : i.r�te�sify coT.��.znicztion c:it:z .individuzls an3 Ercups� of � �•- . - - - young People �.n the district. . . . �. - . ,- 1 _ Dis�rict 1��r0: As'S Ober C2ub to secure youth reFre�entative � � --- . - - '' , -�": • for the dis�ric�. . -="� 1 . - Dis�rict Th�.Er: Ask Oxford Flsygrou.^d staff to secure� °s -� -� - . - : • __ youu�h re.present��ive fro� th� district. . :•i• �� �_^ � � . � _ ___ � -� --.. -�- � �1 ��-- District FOU�: Ask� F�1?ie Q. Brc�,rn Cc::,n-anitS� Centier� � : - , _ . . -- to ��csre yout?� rEgre��n��t�.ti•�- fr�:� thz district - . . . - � �� - . inclu3ing consideraticn a,.nd repr.esen�ation of Sou�h , _ _-- -- residents of Ziberty Pl�a. .. - .. ". - . ' .'� -.. � ��1� :.•� District FIFE: Ask I�r.er Ci�s You�h I�a�ae to secure� , =. -' � - _ �"�-�==- • youth represer.tative fro� thc dis�r?ct. . - � - ----1 , '_ Dis�Mie� SI3::, �s,: t:�e �it leer� Cer_i;er to sccL:r� �•v�.:�h . . - - -- . • representatiti e _'ro:a �he disirict. . � Sl��ary: The st:bec�-..�.it�ee �o��s o� no co��.�m�ni�y b2se3 , -� � � =' = = -�"--= or��ni�ztio� ol ycu^g peon?e; ho�r:ever, the yo�.�t'x� servin� _ • � . ; ` ; _ _ $geZCies based in �:e resp�c�ive di�tricts h��e a di_ect : fnterest in in-rclv�n�,youth in ce.��-�un���' 3if41�s. By . . =% - - � ' involvin� tae a�;encies �s:c:asel�es 2:�3 as-:ing them to see • - = -- - that �alid :e�xeser.�ation oi yaut� _rcT t'reir dis:�r�cts � '-- - - - r . . . _� is found� �re a:so he?p to as�ue co�..���icatior ��:� tne � � -- - - - Couneil� the ycu�h pri::��rily �er�en by the E�e�,cies, �3 .• the zbencies the�:selve� on natters t�u:t aifect a?1 t�ree. . j._ .-SE23I0?� 0 Retain elec�e� �embe�, �r�hur Feoples (te�por�r�1;► r_on- , --- .- ; - - -- resident ����le rc�e is bein� co�p?ete3 :n Di���ict 2), � � and 2�� bim �o consult ti.-itia otner ;er.ior citi�er_s :�nen �` --- - . ' �� - - -. = - � elected by �he Cauncil co:cernir� no�� �;he in�ere�ts o� � all �enior citi�er.s i.n t�e co,::..,un.it;� can best be � . repre�ented. _ :-. _2, � - As� the Sw:...zi�-Lni•rersit f �enior Citizen� masY. r orce � to. secure trro reprz�en�at�v�s. • 2 Ask t:.o N.i-F.i�e Re�ident Cou�cils to secure one • representa�iti•e each. ' C't:UP.C:w5 . 0 �e�ein �l.ect�3 �r';:}A�, �. }:enn� (Di��rict 2�, •�.n� �=si. • . � � hila to secure �F;,::oval a= the Su=3it-L'r.iver�ity G�ergf � • Cou.-,cf.Z to act a� �l,eir rerresen��;,i•re. " �ii't��t :. .�....... , � 'Tr�ac�ucy reco:.�,en3a�zona .. -5- "i.; . ?-1�-?4 ' � , ,. ; . � � . CEURCI�S (cont. � 1 A�k �he `uiinisteri�l Alli:�nce to des�.�nate a � _ :•, , . � ' represe�tative. - , . . . :�, • � BUSIl�SS 3 `��" Th�e �Selby ��4n;ie Co�ercial C�ub, ±he IIniv�rsii,v �:-re.:ie � . . . • . . �'_ Flannir.g d: i��c�e•relo�.�n� �o�.zncil, c�;d the Su::�^z�-i:^it e_�;:���r . . � - . � • ' ., . . .' '� }3usir.ess �s�xiation s=c�13 eac� tia asLed to ciesi���e z , ' _ � � � � represen�ati:e. ihe cc:..:cittee.fel� Z'r.�t�sso�iui:e ne���r- . � _ r�ip should be exte:,ded io tha Gr��r.n. Aveaue �roup. �. �G�siIZnTIC�isS � Tne �ortl.ar:�? �,ver.ue ����ci�tioz, ;a� Selb� Coop, tne � • - • I?���ey Nsll hssocia�ior. :'r,cu2d e�ci: be asked to • , ' � : desi�ate 2 iepresenta���e. . . -. . _ 2 � - �ne pzople 2ivir� at L�t�rty Pl��a �nd at ti.�c��.�r� ��-L�. . . : �_ • ' - shculd each 'oe �sl:ed to �:esi�a�e•a *_-epSBSCAv^�1Y2. � . - �_ 2 l�e St. P•r.+.�i ;enants Uraor. ::�o;:].d bG a�ked �o s�c�.:re . • _ ' . represe:�ia�ic:i of o�:er �rea :Fr��z�s �y d�si�r�:i.r� . tr:o �p�rsons. . : .. _ �.M � .. ,i °,� �, ..n� n.. .� r it�:�n�' � ...0 '�"' , - . •1 , k�!: t�is Ir.di�..� l�f��ir.. C::. i�.,io. to ��.�,;,..�t � �,�.. un:.�,� � - _ rCSla.i@aiti i:i:0 ^_l�''�t'i t'i@ I::;12.�'i��113���' .:.DprOc^.��a:�:i► b�' 1�:.1:�1' u• . � ��t~vf2:�T2 @ZCC��C I:c'.I�tiJt3Z'� ��.°^:t�.:. C:1^.:'��7 �L25�. 4!f ::2�;2"w';;�.�-- . " - � . . liZ-lct:�on G_"�G:.O�� ::.Y±Ct ,c.:.`•: :.:�:: :O� CC+:ii:?.';I: �:� ��'=== �'-II-1'•= . . " ' � " � Q : t ^• � 7i •�r... A.• n. i . .�, • . �.'i�?�. +.r�'J]� n..^r=�ai?T:;:> �•ii_L'c:n f :?�;a?"c.'t::�.. �••t:a?:•�..,-i.,..c-2.'?C••;.i3 ' and Is�tin-�:Z�ricar. resz:;er.��. � SCr3'tiL I �sr i;lie �.'resi�Qnt or ��cu�ive Dir�c�or o: t?�a S�. r�;zl � �t�iu�S Urba..n ?�ea�.ze to sec�Te aGency� ��p�cs�r.�z.ion. _ , . . 1 AsL• t�e Pr�si�l�nt or k�:ecative �:irFCtor:a� t�e :�--U . FEaera�ion to secar� ��ency re;.r�se:tEtion. - - • . - ' � • 1 `��Y t'r.e ?:^es=dc:it o: L1 ecu-L-ive �Ji:���or cz" thc ti�?iie � � Q. B=o�,-n Cc.-:_z;r�i.t3� Ce:�ter tc �scu=� C�.JL„G� �.�� ?:_i:: � : � �. . � �ulti-�ervice C�•r,zer rep_�s�n�s►:,io:� acce_r,�t�ble �o ri�� . . . „ - coaxd an3 re�o�nized �y J�:L� te:��nt ��;e�ciec. • � • � . `_ . � '_- ' . � . . . • To�zl vZCancies 24 . . . r-;l�r y r n . � + 'T.�^ w ,� r �r r+ : � ?':� 2)Oj'.L':1''i.=.�li ?he a_� _ �i o_ ��r n., I���_.., e oe a:i� reveale3 cu re..t �c1 ::�.. �•csp �r,3 ir.��i-c:.t r�a-�E:-_n����o, o� �:;?.y �:�e raa� i::3iri::�:�1;; ii�;;�d a<; �J{C o.'.-.1:: C�t:.^.:::`i ...��ti.)i::�� 'c.JC�C• .r'.�.^.1S ;.:2'i:3G 1.21 7I0 �.cl j' 1J��;�1�a .^...'�1' C_L''L7 O..^._^• O:1 ele��c•1 T.'.°'��.^..:; �Ew�.:.11:.::� O:? 1::C �'.nu:)Cil �.:U 2TE3 T.f:coar.izeu C� :/i.S�• Z'C�'-:. ?D t:li: cata�;cr�r:� ir ::h:.c:- �:�e� .:�re el.ec:e3. , .,� + • �.;,�` . ...� : :•w, � T' r .�c.-- 3 't �'i �:tG ,a..vt.•'�j:..°C: ►0 � ..._L.�� �'r':.:�':� 2� ,� C��C•�,.:7"� tiiit �G::'21 � � {Z./ .1- � �Y_ � O C: r .�.. ,�_...,� �.• '-� , •r-.LOl't'iri` �i11C�; '�.::!•7..b �l:e � rio }:Yr�?e o: (�:-'GG•t _e�-.r���_ .�..�icn e;' ,.r.e cc_._�Ia;. a:.� �... � i:: a •TE�i:^.,�('t :i.c1,y'T'I'..' 2' 7.^r�v.i rr%- �'�� � �, --�.... s -� i !,• '„^^ I:L' �.C:1�iC:C•2�.�1C:: � _ ,; c: oti F aricr, .,.. ,�_� �; u. �,_�.., �i._t :. ].:::3_ :f, t .Z.n l:� �Iiil�a.i�Q:• �� ��::l.C: ��:� UC �::�.' L:�l:�tr ���IC'C�li:.�i� �.��:..L1:'G�(: a:tr'.�:l.ai C: t%tit:i.�i:��:� F .�O :::3�J�. .Ilt:l �:2:,�C l:.'^:;Cw• . I� ' - ' —L . �"'.�'t 1'� � xecon�ncnda�ions - �" • � Y�c�n�y . .. . � � ' � . � ^pr,3..rC�1 ���� _ Qn���� pressure or li�i`t� on rembership i.'�Poszd by the erdir�ncc �nd an �._ � •� wide�pxcaa oginioZ in ttie c:::�,::auity �hat t�ze �st�tii�ory lini� on menber�:�io„is st].ready tioo ni�h --- the c0��,:i�tee ti,�s ob�i�ed to el;.r�ir.��°..c nu.�bcr of �ro,...s; . - . . . . „ � n�� th3t �rere considered. � T'ne�e arc li�ted s°p�:1te2y pr�y:y�V4tions ar.3 inte.�:��� : �i�� �2i� reco:��*�ua�icn t�:�t •sFeeial efiorts be �ace to ir.vol�•e then as . assoei�te �enber� t:�rout;h cor�e c.osW''ittee and ia�k �orce��a�si��.�.�2nts after the . . . .. . Council is a� fli13, sL:ez��'t� �nd ch�irp�:sons elected. �. = :_ _,.;: . � - ��' • ' ' . � , ],j,, . _"� , i�, . .. � � . �. 'N . . . . � � • . . � � . . . ADDITIQiS�L SuC-G�S•?IQI?S Al� Sir:�::�.�Y , .. .-. - . � • J�, bu�:ber of �dditional su�;�st:�an�, r_ot �or{�1.Iyaa?,��yu�h2 cy�:�uni.ty�in oi��in� �ave bEen r+a3e. lhese deal ::i�tn �iscri:szn:.��.on � j ?�.'-'iC f�anction�, sl;rac�Lre �n3 i�►�L�, :�'`C Fy�ble^s in �cr� •LwICG1rZ:_� tbe coz�vni�y; 1:, . �+ithin 4:�3 ou�sice ���• ccr.-�•�i�Z�; �nterr�1? di�citiwira; lay�t�; �ore atte*,��an �o . � •{�., .�• . ���� t e" ^ � � . �?' • YlAS� �7@ C22? QO �.io � OL.� 0:.:1 c..�01ICCu �27t� �2�:ti1C ''lG_.cy.., _ a�� of thes.°. St:�'2S�".1O11S• are �n t^�e �iziutes e� �be ��.:�`y. 2nd Leetir�� ��'�ibit �•� . . . � � - � There lg $Q�° C0:2CCTII ���'�3� Y:C'.�7 *_•�enbzr� be �iven' s��C QT?Cll�3�'1Jri 'EO the bacl:.,,r,2'QU:;�� pro3le�s, o:p�r�uni4ie�, rLl��cior_s :.i:•h locFil. �oti•err.,�e:jt —� �raix�n; if de�ira� - • bu� ncce�•ted ur.3 irro?1�e� �=��:diu�ely in Coancil basin�ss �� :�^nd, no� Zec�urea e� r.hy �c��thi::� cid or aid i:c� r:�rl: �n ihe �,��t, e;,c�. . 0_1c: ::�:.J.1 aaur_s oz ass•aril?� acceptsnce as equ�ls *�i�i1� be ��e fl��.].Tla Gi2�. 0��t��a` _oi�.s by t'r_� . � .- P�e�CL`� uiG.i.�C+.�i Oy tl:� eokr�cil. ii� C:c':1.� c�..�`i i;�e ne_.:.;.C�a c",.;�:3 �',i:° CZ.�C�t�:��1.C:1 Oi cr ?�1 fG"'..'S v'3 i:1.�. L::°�`L?�5 --- EO..�v^��'i. Ec1Ct2 �:Su a�cess tv �:+iC: :�c::.:F2 iI1�CZ�'a:1:+�.�.G:� . �iJOLi� 1:si°i`� i:�zE O��ET �.S co�:�r.� src�::.. - .. .• :, . _ � � o� :.ha r•er:l,�. co::�Li�a�^M c�u:cil Y:��e �^e � �G�v� i: Sa:�@ CCiICisT^• Ll`_^t 21� �,:c�bers ; rJ... .,,- opportunitv �o ��1: t� �^_'ioti� eacn o ther's i?i,.e r e..�� �:d c a�Qilities b�fore be�:z5 ���:ed t� cl�o�se cf�ic�r�? core co.:�i�:�ee �n�i ���JL aorce c'r�airp�r�ons. In as�:i b 24 co�zunit;� grou_�� �o pa�• clo�e 2vi.eni:i�n to �he qu�lit;; oi I'CD�CSe21���icn and lenders�:ip t:cy d�'�;��ate �:a •tl�e cewne:l, p�r::�_r,� it :•:rnald Ls �i*�.tile j�:t�.ce io e.Yg�cL• t�e cour�cii to ��y cl.ose atte:itian �o i�a:: i�; c��OOJEJ s.�s le�?.3er�r�:.'� ::s:d to 8�'T£@ Trlv�.� Z.ri a�t�Cv�1C@ 02' �!CCLii.l�'@ L'0:••�..t21i.tC+3 ,C'.Z�C�1Q::; 011 8 f'c�i.2, ,c°...17� r'^C�:1@�•� e 11 co;�.. nd the respec� �nd coi.3.�..en.... o�' zll neabe�s '.n process ��at ��i '^-'• . leaders elec�ed. ,, ; • • - • • Tne co��ttee h�:s r�or.:ed in�er_si:rely for on� r�ontiz to prerare �r.3 con�ey t'r.ese 'recoL_�e.dation �o ::'��:.��G as qli.c:i.y as po�s�:cle. rive T�OS2.t1C2i �::�crs h�ve been . , � �va�2�:n1.e �ro� ��e co��.it�ee secr°��=i.;• pre�re3 by co��i�tee r.e�:b=r:. nnd ar.�. .. The e��ittee Let �our ti,�es and a �vbco-^��.�e �et o:ce. The L:e�bers ar:.• v:.ani�y c�u1 �d':e � �i^ y r �' r��"c� ii;h ir�pli::er.ta�io� coni'idc:nt th��t t?�is c�:.-" �.�� ..te� c_;.�� :; �-;.• oS t:�e:,e r�co�.:.�::���io::s 4nQ rave o�.ered to recenti•e_,e a t t�:e reoue s� o� ���i� or to assi�t in �ny �:ay po�sib].e. ' � � Subyv.�t�d b;,• �iard� �'ri��t, Secy• , Ad Hoc Co�i.ttee o� Concern�d S-U Ci�i�ens ...,,,,,.,.,___,_._,_„_..� _ . , __-- - _. _ _ --- - - ----- _ __-- _ _ _ �__ _ _ . __,_ _. T:- e . � .. ' . •• . . � � , � w � : xc� �..�"r� x � � d � � y ^• C1 �J � � � ;S7 � A44 � klti �l �d 50 �., � � r� � c� � G N F�,• ^J rD O C� �+% C� �J cD O O O �• cD �' O �� O �� (D c� O � G W n �� � � � C.�'1 . • � !�-+ � � � � (� C r-� ►i '�' '^.l r-+ � r) � < lD d C� c+Ca p `s-M � : ►i <'.'J � cr'C < t� r� � �. -. tt !-' CL Q• � G) F-� • F-'�G .3 '.3 F� ►i cD O • tfl ;D .�' N' 'i � M:'v F� O • , :� • ►' �J r' l"� . -• _ �'C F` �D �C ct � � F'� t� F+- ro o �i t-� ►i ►i � t-� !i ►� F+�t tr1 W bd � �D - . .. ' . 9 ►t � -� t�-+ ~ � � �r�- c� p � � 7 � � � � � W �r `�°� n.� � � �, o o � pr � > � � > N• • . ' O fS c� h' U1.: tD 'd ct �o O � .+. W �f CL �' A FC F'� US (D � U! C!) ? ►S cr jJ � O �' .-"'a M F'• G7 ►i 4�.;:� `1 ►i :=J � !n ?� ;L' � O C� cr �? ►'S � . .. - . � O � C� .cr i-� � N c9 O Y-' � []. O A M O CZ F" w F'� �. �'l F'• F'• .'3 G4 rJ < f11 F� *i W CL . _ 0`a � H � N• ;s � c� � �i �G � r-+ c� �� � ►i � � � t�- Gf �r K ra N cn o F . . � � � Q. .. r +d .. �+ � � ►t ra. «s :C �' � K o bd p� o :s � - `.��s� . � . �C• . ..'Y Gs cD " �' Gh c+ � ai A' • :�C �+C'i O ''.Y C1 f�' :3 �ti't!�� � . - - - , . o � �C �`"' K � N m '� . � `� :�j � � � �.T . _ .. . . , � � . • � �' . .•� • � '� 9 � . . '.. • ' .S ' � . : : • �• . '�. . �' .- . . ' . ' . _ • ' ' . • " _ . . . • _ -• . � * ' ,� . . � . • � x � � x � � rnA � � cnc� �7.. � � � tn tn �i � tnt� rnSCZtnt+ y� �d � � *d :'� Fd � . y . rp ri � > �' c� O o :,� t-+ C I � r- � --� �i I .�. ct 1 A � c� r� .-. o ct .=.. r• A o � .y ro ' � td d > � tn rn � ►d :C ►� C �d � 1�� hiA d � �••:� .0 t� c] d � Q � � O '�"�i i� c�r � n .-, Q :3 er c) O rd C] t�+- �. C] :•:5;;�� : � • i!1 � Fd'�s m d O 'Si u� co C) �1 cD �►c? O M G4 �d'G K t-r O .►i � `�. � c� \�' K ti ►i U! cD '-: er rt O c� 'G u� � � ►i c� \' :+ t-' F'• t, � � -. --;;:_� ' t, . r, t., o � o a �- s�. • �o w o � � . � ro �� � w a x � ,.�.'• . . m � c� ►i ►o N• p �o n F� � K �C r-� r� -> c� � r• o w < � � o cs -,:-�:.�: . . � Y py � Cn 1 � F-+� � K -: w et W m W_a� < Y- r-� O � c� � :��i.:. O C4 \C? ct H ►�y " L� :: � �.' c+ ¢7 F-��C ►-3 C� hJ � G"a 'LS N r� e+ Su � �"�' �K r:��: . 'W � a .�' C� :3 Q ct : F-� ct ct F-� tD • .K .t� 'i..._ f, < '[� Q . H G) - � � �d.� �+ o w :- a ce . �� . c� � m. ►�- n • co bd � � ; a3 � =3:�.- .. \ � • g K c0 (] !-� O . A � co O � O. � C� ut C2 � S� . � �... • . H T ;:t-;:�:' •p � co G � A ►-� � • i-�+ co � �n o � :� o� c� � \ hs tn : i►i �- :"=-' � � �+ � � ai � � ►� � • v, +� -� � � a� z . a � �+ � . . � r-s �- �.�. � . ch ' x' cF Q9 � i-'�. � O tJi r'S ct 4� N f'' � � .�. + • • N cD 4� ta A A c� 'd � O N ta C] t� . O .� '-� ?'t � ►d fi - \►i _ . : Q�1 �i tn . - ..:C iY. . K �+ O ch .'s" • A .��1 � : � • . �• A O A '._� . W ' � Q G �=: K � ' � __ . • • � � ;� ..p • ct � � .�' n � g� J � 'CS : � F • Q- � _ � +� .� '� Cx] O N C? : A , � p-. �=l r�. . aD O - � . � � � ' �[3 :� ,t'�. - � c�F ' • , :� -. . . � � : � O -, _ . . 1-i � : . • � � • � +.� . .: . . . � � • _ . , . . `��' (D H :. � � � �� N W � Q� �1 .J �a ...� -{� � � !n �i W � '� � -P � � -S W "J � Q� N ' � � � �J N � � �"3 `'° - '•, �p - �p � �1 --� -J QO Q� a� O O a� O W W O C1D rn rn CO �J �1 v+ �St O�l0 G� O W W �J O �O � .� �..� 11 O ty I � -• -� V7 C.1 VJ W �1 1] �D �] -� C.'� lfl O N W � W �t N �O N W -• tj � i� •- �:: �1 vti O O rn W n; �n vi j �rn� � � � � 1t W � � �-- : �. � pri o w O o c; Z w Cn • � < t-� � .'-�a =: M > t-+ t-� Z � h! :: �d � cn �: 7 �h t-t �• ' . p � � U] H O H O c� � cJ • ;U N � p U Gl � ►'d jJ O , O cD ,t O • n • O �d � �'i .S i.� �t' � Fi G� H • t-� t�- c+Qa Crt t-� t� •..�S � .'1.' +i t-S F-f :..� ,.�'. o � • - fi �% • K F-� K O U) C t� -� 1-� A ►'i c+ � c+ F-� < • F-� !-+ h� d •, G: `• +i t-' G� c0 c+ F-' �i ►i ►i Q c+ ft c+ (] � c� c+ ►-S ' :J C: ' � c� t-� c� �� c� c� m t� �u .�C `C c� �' � ca r� �' :s' N � c- cc O � N.� c] N � �C o : c+� cA . ; a � h � � �s ►� a :s � � �. � :s � w � � � ,� :e � � �s � � � � ' � �' a � >_DC o �n � � � w Y � � � R. � ►� � a. � �- .s � .s .� �+ � � 7� - ti �: rs - .u..� � � � ►� ° �S co �t � � � ►-� � � t-� r� R. � � > o K a �► a �s � >l :* � ►c � 'a co � � �+ �- �+ �r c� c� K rn e � � < �. � ►i > ►s � .�`,'�� � �' n � - . � k"-► • , .• : � � � ti � a • • �, a �° � < � � � :' y � �. � � � � e � ' a ►-, � ;�: . �c � �c . � a � • � � > < �, � ��' � < � c�o _ c�u � > � . . . � w � c�u � � � c�u m -D H • . � � � � � . � _ � . � .. . eu p • o ca • .x . , � p� • • . . . � . . �- . � ' • „ . : • � • � � • • :; N NNNNNNNNNO� N � N � � N � N1V NNNN N � N NN N � NNNN � NFd •' N N N N N N N N t�: N ^r N � N �� � N Ci7 N N N N N N N + �� N N N +'� N N N N �P N w � -P � � V1 .� � �P ? Q� �1 .� �A � C'��31 � A N G� �1 11 � V� . �I �J1 l+ �1 �J1 � N 01 N �1 Q� +'� O 1 1 1 I 1 1 ! I 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 { 1 1 1 I 1 1 ( 1 { ( I 1 f I t ti :• W \JtN � -+ � —+ � v� rnlD �nW N �l �.� � NNW Q� Q� O � 00 -� � W -� � -J � v� \..tiCA —` Cl - �: G� NW Q�� � � 1lC� �] �n �1 CD � �O � W a» N NN �1 �.� �I �.� Vi O� N � —+ N � -• NV� N - t0 a�-JO -JOO � OpWN -� r, v� ONW -l �nv� �nNO -� 0 �� ON � p �.� pv'� n) v� W � ;,; � 11a1 � 1+ -� �A10 -• 111DV1 �0\O W �J\-+ NNN����� � O � WWtD -� 00� -' - � N N N N N N • •. . N � VN'� � � � _ 1 1 1 1 ! 1" . . . �� . • � W N tD -+ t� � .: - � v�i • O W rn � . 4� �' . f " � Q �� � � . . ' • - 1. ', . . � . �. . , . ' . � - . . • Lh - . � . -. . � . - . : . • ' , FJ:HIBIT tfC�� ' � _ � . . . _ - � � � , �� �: � � : - , �64 . 18� �.� i �� . � � � � AD HOC C�u ulTl£E OF COI:C�R'rIED SU:.u�ilT-UNIVERSIlY CITLZEItS . .:,r. �:::���:rx: ;. • . June �3� 19?4 ' .;.; � � • . - � . - . . . _ � • � . - . � . . � - - - � The �io-�.or�ble I1�.-r�nce D. CoI�en� t.;�yor., City of St. Paul �_ - -. _ _ _ . �irs. -r�:�y I;�.u�t, Fi•es. . . . . ._ • , 'r . 1:er:�be�•s of �t;�e Coune�2 oi thc City of St. F�^.ul� , � - � � - �Te�bers oi tL�e 1^:�:ard of CcL:::�is�io„ers.o� tiie � t" - � � �. St. Fa:il Iiou;,in� �:nd Rede�cloj,�tent Sutliority . . � • " The p�rsons t:nose si�ra�zires appear on the attac�zed roster r:-� ,:�: ;�•::2� - - �!et an June 12� :i�n^i�:�ed a ch�.r�.�n and:secretai�►,. i:�ssed - ;> �- - -. - • - the folto:�rii� re�oluti�ns� and a�:�ed �e .to co.�ll�ica�e tnem: • „�, .�. ... � � B� xr TL=:S07��D �l.at this �d }ioc co.-�.*�ittee� reco�niz°s that �here �-: . ,:��t_: � - is a r•.utuzl.ity of an�ere s� ��►on� ca;��livai�y �rotYp� ��i���in the .�: � - ' S�.��L�i.�--tL�.ver�ity ec:�.:u;lity a�.d tl:at t:aa pcsoo�e of �his m�etin� - _ -. .:: . . . � . . ._� . � �.8 '�O L-rin� ��l2C CGi",P.:UTI���f 'i3O�;E'�t��r 1T1 ��S 01S'fl SCl.x-i:�teres�S --- ��; � '.:�? .�.4 ,. no�� to �a�Lis�y .:azy recali.s�s� req��a.r;:�er.�s or (IG::�:.i1f1S ai•iE;L2?�t].J7� . ' . o�tt��icie �2te cou.��;tLi�y.. . ._. • " � . '- �. x:^ R�SOr;T4;D �;ti,a� ti.z r:-..o�o,?c� PS C c;3.se�:•�n no� '�e i:ei d ... ..., .. , - � . ��S.i;nou� ittrt�l�r co�tact v;�i;h this g_�oup'��•'r,ic'r. i� j,rc:sen�l�r �- - � - . e�.^�arir.� 3 1lU;uber of a1Lei•nal:ives �•rii:h the or��t�:i�=:�ior_s • - -- • ' rcpre:c�itPd 'oy i-Ls ir.n.ivi��t:�l �*��bc:r�s �:�d ��;i11 prc^�iit- its : c�ncli�sivns i_o 1��e-r �L-�an �+u�ust 7., 19'l4• . . � ' J� �:tT Yr SOI,V�T� �i�.t dura.r.� �i�e �.i��era�� pc:r�.od the �;'s�cC i epr^sen� _ - f.�1C CC::'::li'tlli;y �.T] ].i:3 CO�?�_Llli?C•^_�7.0113 171.411 {�fi@ �it• i:'•.�1.'i�!�L2`'1T2� . - ' • . �„ ., ,. �. �.. � :� . �'u�,l r;,;;Y Coi�ncil and R�cl�vclai..z���� l_ui:aoi i��,, ..r.d . �i„h �•n„ t t-• ,._-- �ca .t,3 tr:is ' , i�n�il .`:�.1C'fl C�l?�_y COI�:;i:1i.i:i:r:� GTic T27.:'i1 .xC�''J c 3 C�:i�;:.•:t�l•`'• • '' Mt. 'ccrr�,zi�tce be cr:z�::d 3nd �'r�.�t iio c%i��n�e in the p+e�en� ordir.ance - � '�deali.r.£ �:i4:? I_�d�^ be i:ap�e,_en�ed be''c�re ti:at date. _ , - •_ . . 1tiC a�jove 2`C:SO?.�:��ons �:ere paGsed �?Zt110l1.t l�lS5�I2't171� yo�es :3i�eT � . . thoco:�;;ti d3.�vu�:�ion. r_licri:a�i;res discu��cd i.nclu�lc:I co:��vnit;y : t�ide �lee�i���s� iil].a.r�; �-.�c4nci.es on i;:_e L::i.:�ir�� ?�=::=� :r!th � • repr��ser,�:tc�.v4s �-rc�� tim�;res�r_ted �ro�i�s .��d z�.rcus ,:i�n ::��� elec�ion o� �he e>:c�cui;ive ec:�u►i��eef �ra c:e�r�3lopin� a ne�r co_3ition or reder�:�io7. `�:,�� cc:�•:-►:i.t�::� �I:.�o e�ur•,:sr_:n il'1�C'lC::� izi cres�i:z� � - a cc_�u:�i:�y b��t•�l data b::n'� ���i-�ii c:��.�t�.n� re:,::�rcces� :.�:d this � ii;�� ::as ].aid a,r�r u•���i1 �ti�e r���1; �:.cci,?.r►�� Jv�c.��t%:. :a:j�- {•� � • �.'. �t �� t $lrir:??'C�.` �• :•• .�f � ��s .. � • 3 � �/`. f � �r: �% 6t�•t•�; �✓��-` • _"•`.; � . • � �:/•_.�::y L�ii i -• • • . � � � • / .� � . . � � � ' � , I':rc',y ���•i�ilt . C��:1 C�:11'� . . . � . F.7(I�IBII' nDu ,, .. . . . . �AD �IOC CC:,�11T.�.r. Ot �OI;t;�Iu�EJ uL':.�iIT-�►idllr�STi`Y CIl'I'LLI:S ' . . � . � .. . . . . , � . . . . , �64�8 - � � . '' �Liinutes of the June� 2Eth meetir�, ?:30 - l0:C0 p.m.� �d1rtin I,uther Kin� Centei• � - The meetir.� convene�2 at ?:55 .�Qi1:ia 15 persons in attendance. Seven�more gers.�ns �� �: ' ' arrived thcr���ter. All �ctions af the co:�.:stitee tr.roug?i motions represent _ ' ' votes and �bs,�er�sioi�s of all,:t�5e��y-t�vo persons �tter.di:�.�. . : . • .• • �• " A question raised prior to the mee�ing ahout ��os: the te.��orary cocr�ittee • _ acqt.ired �a cl�airrr�ar. aiid �t secre►?r� �yas r�ised at the r�eet�ng• .So.�e co�.�ent Savored foi�al electia��. Fur. N3c::.�^�l su��ested trst, s�.nce the co:r�v.ttee _ did not intend to conti�i:ie after i.t had �ccc�:np?is�!ed its parpose, �or�•r_1 • � election a�ight sug�^st �r�ore ger:.:aner.ce than �.zy o� the Mer.!bers int�r�ded. . He and i:r. S°lright e�pre�sed r�i?1�^:gness to co.ltim.�e, an�i ce���aents iavoring . .. election ��ere ��rithdr��•rn. _ . � . . � _ . . . . -' =A su�gested a�;enda�. prepsred and circulated at tre reetin� rras read. •LIr. Girsch . si��ested that since no 2:eavy ob jections ��erc exjsessed, the a�eizda bc anprovec;.. �''raere vras �eneral agree�ent and ,'�x. Iiicy.�an proceeded to conduct �iie meeting. � � = The record oi the first �eetin� of th� co�mitzez, prepared and circul�ted in ±ne Sonn of a lci;te� �ri�h �at�endance roster -co the i��VOr, City �ouncil and FiRA �o�.rd . of Co:�rai�ioners in n��ition to tY:e persons c:l:� �t�er_ded} ��,as �gpro-red. � � � - Respere;,e to �:i.�.y ?et;;er in the _ici� oi a 2etter ti�.tr e�t�c�.T°nt. .Zra:n �.A � . Co:k�issi�ner �r.d Co�Lnci.1..:�s. Rober� Svl�ester c:��� re�c. h Ietter ir�m ,::ayor . Calien ti�as del.ivered la�r-.r in ths .:.ee�3_*� an��i alsa.re?d. �iscuss�icn ?I?�1C3tcd ° t2�at ne,tibers co:�sidcred �:��se i;��o lettQrs a?:d o�ner vzrbaZ respo:�ses ger.�ral�f . : encouragin� and �ccepting of the co:r:mittee�s efforts. . • C]arificai;iar of positions ta.ken i� �+ritir:� ���s requested. Rev. l�z�os Bro�rr� � re-affirnac3 tl�e position of the ::s.C? that �ras indeperdently co.�unic�ted in ��x�iting �o Cou:,cilmen and re��rted in the ti�ri�;tien z�e:�da; he voiced �iY�e oni:zi�ns that the size ard s�ract•ar� of ::::F� rrere i;oo u:.�reildly, tha� 1:i.TC cras never .. . intended .to ;ror�;, and th�t too �uch dei�oeracy corra�ts. Puel�h S:;�an re�po�ded to a question raised aboul; partic�n�tion oi tile -���ber� in reachi:� the gos���on tal:en'by i;he direc�or of -�he S»�:it-Ur.:�vers��:;� :ederazion,i;hat �;tre ]_etter re�resentec a lot of trou�i� a:�d that t}_ere c:a� pa.rticulurl� t�orou�:1 �iscussio►_: or �he � . : 'proposed 3-y�ear seniarity o� or��^�zatior.� tc he represerited in a con�ederat�or. The. positio� t��:en by the Su��nit-'un�.versii:y Poiitical_Cauct.� received no ce:�.+�nTi�• �r. Ce�nnin�►�w� spoye for t2ie :�L'j �rea Cc:r.r�?tte in reLar�i��_;; reccL��enda�ions i;o t�� •Ad Hoe CosU�ittee t�.at it set datip far e;_ec���.o:�s 2zc1 cail a coLW^��-�i;;y-r•ride �eeti*_�;. The later su�;�est�.or. received �cth favor4ble cnd uc=�.vorable co*�..-^.ent. The C2'121T'IIt8''1 called att�ntion�to a pa.er ��riTten by Jo?:n Geh�n ar�d han3 di�tributed � by the autror to ao�� of t2ie �er.sans atte�di�� the �'_xst r�eet:ir.�. So:r,e v�Y:o y:�� op��ortunity to read it �u�t;e:.ted t�at i� be rc�.a �l�ud �r��sc•'r� +�as dor.e by tiie �:a�hor. Several of t}�e issue� r��s�•d in tR� psper receivca 11��ted di�Cli;SiGft. Prim�.r•,; di�cu�•�ion �ras focksc:u on bounl�=r� and contro� i���aes r�isea �y a propo;,ed OY'C�l?':�3:'.C@ C:'r-cji.li:o �?: ;.r.'.� :�OI'1C �=i1 D�.str��� ��:2'.'�.. �_^.� i7.2':t Ti'..iD�].0 �E�"-1?:� on the ord_r�:r�•e ��_�:. t��:� Cc:•.��,�*:;t;� �e:�el�r:�_•r►� Cc::�:...�t1:��e c� th� Ci1;y Cour.c�i� vias unroance:l as 3:;1� 17, TVI f�:�?iioriv:a, 7:3� p.�. 1-.2�u ario�.u:�•ed �•�as a rcEtir.�, � �Yr�tY� �i�', Cor,�r�r,ii;y �ervices, i47�:� ].0 a.m. JL;i:e 2'(. ?.;oti.on:, acted �:ror. ti���re: ;JDTIUII by 3J��rd_� ;lri�at t}i�t �l let�er• be �ent to i;�:e f'oar t;ro�.:�1s t'r�.t h�ve t�'�er: ' 2dinii�es. - Ad Hoe co.�iti;ee :.: -2- .. .. . . . •6-2G-?4 ... I• � :�_.� . . . . � � , ' . t's'�`.:,i::i �, � � . ' , . � _ � . . c6418� ::,w-:_,on mutualit,y of'int�rests..amo:�� u11 S--U conuirani±y.grou�s.���fltotion seeonded by�� � - ' I�aug Fink and CARRIED. . _ . ._ . . _ _ . ._ , .�:'�r: --, �:�,.;?3C"'202v' by fieginald� I.zz•�•is that �th� commi�;�;ee cor��romi.se. �reco�mendations on the � • --••rnunber ot coancil me::�:�ers;naae fihus far at 20. , Ob�ections �vere raised before •,-`''`�''��'": �<-;,.-the�mot�o:� �ras secor.3ed. bv �fls Brocm. Durir� .the .eii�uir.� di�cussion� ldr. Fiarris .',: : "attempted i:o vrithdra�. tkie mo�ion and the seconder ask�d that it .stand. ISotiora` ' � ' � .. " D�FEATr,D. . - . . ... ...' • � . . � . . .. .� .. . . . � -I�OTI�1 b,• Ghaleb :4bdulra2:tnan t���-t the co-�zizcil be created by fiTli.ng v3cancies '"` '"- -:- - _ on the exis�:ir.g i:�ytFv �•:itn represer.tatives iro�u tuirepz•esented �roups and _ ,_ _ � . interests �:it2i a ner� elec�ion of the executive cemmittee. -;�;otio�i seconded � • - �by Hzsd3 �fright arid ClLP.�iIED. _ _ . .. _ . . . ._ .. --. ., . ... . . ,._, �..._ ,... _. � Several of the r�embers expressed di�satisfactioz� �vith tY�•e� lack of unan�i�;y . . _ �•�7: 3n..passage of tre la;t..notion .ar.d ,sked that ths� �ce-tir.; be recessed rather . . .,.,,�,,-, ��, than adjo•arzzed to a tiine and:place in the near Sutuz•e. There raas so�e . � V ' _ _ '" • ;,,; concern abokt� callinj :z.�other �eet�ng at i:I4�.t�.at �gilt. iiot conclude its '' _ business bef'ore the ciosii�� �ti�:�e of the �uildir_�;,� and for this reaso.i tne - : `'`�� � - next n�etin� rras called for TuesdGy, July 2, 7�30 at Refai-�iation �ztae*an • _ �:.. ._. . � . . Church, O�:ford .and 7�aurel� entrance on Iaurel. _ .. : : . . '�'```;'`'` �=. �. .. i-:-.. .. ,. .. � ' - �'Y�1 L'�} . ��� The meetin� recessed at�].0 p:m. �:' -" � . � � a�•���..� . .. '"_;Siibmi���d b3�, �t�r�3• 1;rio?:t, SECy. - � � , . ,,, . - �z:: �.��:zz•:_.:.: . . _ . ,.. _ . . . . . .. : Z_ s. -- - ' •.. . . ._. ' � � . _ - ' _ _ _ . _ . _ � . . " - _ . . . ' . .. - . � . ` " .L I� . . . _ ' . .. . � � . _ . .. � . . � . . . � . . . �� . � - . .. ' . : . .. � •. . � . • . . � . . � - � - �.' � � � �� ,i -• ' . . . . . . . . . ., , .\ - . - • .� . . .. . • . . ._ , . � � � . . � � . . . � '\. . . . . . - . . - . . � ' ' � . � � - � � . t . . � - � - . � - . � � - - - ' . � . . . • .- - �. � � - . . .. .. � �. ' � � . • - . . - - � . - . � . . . � • - - • .. -. . � .' / _ - • . .- ' , _ `� . . .. . . � - . . � , _ � /� . �. . . - . . , , . � � � ' � . � � - . .. ; ... .w. ' P?'..'..� .. F°„tL�E...�<�� ..... .. ... . .. ',�s �� :._.�.,.....r.L:_..�.+��ac�-_. _.a.:. . -._- � �_"' ...__ ...�._.. ... . . ..._.._ . ^.�d.��._ • . • . . ' . ' ' . ' . . ..�..1 ' . v • . • . . ' � �'�"�I�TE� C�' CO:;C�i►I��D S��.^1IT—lJ\Ij�rSlll CiTI3�.I:S F.�'IIBIl "����C�� �D��If�C C�,�, . ?Sirnztes of the �7u`�� 2nd meetin�� 7:j0-10:j0 p.a. 1iD0iIc�. Ox�orn . � . . • :�, -.• •'- .. �The mee�ing c�nvened at 7;r0 by► Charles Girsch cz�,?� 14; t�erson� .in a�ten�ahce. ° ' � ' _• i Six r.lore Fer�o.�s arri��e d c�:I2ere�f t e r. C o n c e r n c:•as e tpressed t�:at the co�;nit;ie� �: -� - ;�would hs�e to �ove faster��o ho�d interest an3 atten32='.ce. . � . ' �:i:��r�� _� � • � ' a �� ' r � ��e s by p�one sho�rr that, � . _� ! !�(Secyts Irote: An ��lysis of atten3a.�ce and o� re_po.._ . ar�ici�ants th� lar�est �roup ('i0� �l�v� �t.ter,ned 411 t:lree r�eet�ngs� 'o�' tne �� P , � _ attei_3ed t'r_e �ir:t neetin�s the next large�t �;') ttilo out of three� ii�x-t (6� . �d did ��t return -- 2.11� six cut o f to•r.:1 or �rior c�:.-�1itr.:°_nts, next (S) - : c2ne to this meetir� for th� first t1.ne an3 ��rt,ici:�ted ac�ivei v in ti^e � discassior., rin� tne last:�roup (�� heard about tha co�:ittee w�i:er the first - n r.ieeting -- u�ti�riu�d th� seco�id and were unsble to r�a.ice t�e third. � • . �he r�2r,u�s of th� previous �ectirg an3 t�.o no�itior, ^.^n��xs• crere distribute3 -- ;• _ - one 021 x'i.'ti2eS°ll��tlOri �r.d puc:vl"� the o�'r�er OA �O�:cT� Lc�Cl2:o DZ'iC12 in diversit� �d agree=ents of repre�er��at�ve €roups and accot:.nt2bi;litv to tl�e c�r,��uni�;y and :; coa�ninity �ro��Fs• Tne c:ir_utes �^ere ��cepted a��d �is�ussion dea�t �tizth `� �; - several of the issues r:ised in the papsrs. • •- . � � �� '.Corre�ro�.�a��ce. I�etters v�exe delil•ered to the �si�nat,�cr_s f.or �roup� r:hose = �: � . ; po�itio.is �•:ere �discussed at the las� meeting -- sharir.g copies of letters ' recei�reci �ro:n t�2e i•�^yor ar.d City Cour.cil p�rs�ns, astin� trese groui�s ta sh�re ! OLtr Cn►_;C�I'P. �:bOat CL':itinuTs? �T�:�';;•IE??`.,at10T3� �T�Ci �i:?:.^0�'.1!'i� �t.?1r �L.T��OT� J-Yl . . rir_d r�e�:reser.ta�i�•e ne_�::�e'':.��d co�ir.*_�il. A latter • cre��i�:� �� i:ral;� por:er�u�_ " , fxo;� C!_::�� �r•;z.'=c_.l Pre�. }?�:1:y I=u:�� sras read. lt -�tzaicates #._^.a� a reso?_t:�icr, y,,., ,��• n �. ..`�� t�l T � l�Aav ?�7''.� �'.,�'l2� ia�� V?_�1i3 C7Lk�C� 7:.'@ ��"G:£Tl�:°:3 c��'i, c'�. � lta.$ �FrcYl Cll�_ti...li. 40 �. _ i �i_C ` 1pub2ic nearin� to b� pabli�hea zfter the resolu�iaii, is intro�ucad. �parts o� a ?etter fror� Thomas Feeney, Housin� �: Urb�n De��elorT�nt, ��:ere read, � indicatin� ti��t �33�,000 �•ras be-_ng �ade av�iluble to St. Paul f.or J=iodel Cities progr�s in �74 and that an addidi�on�l �o00,CC0 ih� �?� coald bz acc�pted b;� '; the ?:�ayor no:� or co:�s later tlirough the "�etter CG�.rT'ur�ties" �c�. Tne lett�r ; a1.so �tG�e� t�zat an�� ch?n�es in th� citiz�n p�rticip�tio� cc��o�=rit' L�ast b� approved by 'riL�J• ii;�re tiras d�scussion aboat r��,orts �:�at t1�e city z� co�it�rg the �330,.C.00'��zthou� consu?ting I�LdPC or �ny ot'_^_er co��unity► �roizp• Di�cri.r�zn��,ion. Tl;�re was so��� recognitian tha� stereotypes floatino around the . cii;y aboui our co.:�L�:�:ii;� ign�re our diversity �rrl cause us probler�s. : � � rL �' the peopi e in Involvzr� the ccr_^r,init,;. So�� concern e��s exor�ss�d tY:�t �ao,.� o�. y, � ���C 1.S (�OiIl6 and �SLGb the coa.^:unit f �sre r�o� a::are of r;hat the co►r���t►.�e or i,he :.., many v;ill oF�o�e -�re cor.-ai�tee's e�for�s si.:::piy t,e��:u�•e they have nati be�n �.nvolved. Gn attE::�rt to l�:.y o�at t:e i�:ues in t=":° co.:��:un:�ty pa�er, r.oti•� beir.g pa.il delivered to all re�ident��, ►'l2a nentio:�ed. 1�1° ►!o�e �raa �lso e1•�re��ed �r``t �each ger.^•on atten�3ir�; trie taeetings ��rou11 �yTB�xd iY� vrara 2r_d bria� �eed—back to tne co���.~li-L'.;ee. ' ` ;- � twti dealia.r ,:ith f�•'T�n �•_.;nn+���,-- aiT'�i�ii.`JTC? S'.1C1 11:2F_•'°. YL'Cy Oi f.^,.L'.�ti'i TC i?"2..@?1 �� }2:.T1��. i ` 't� �r��:].0 1.Y :� ��+ •7' ^ Ti;'ilr�t.£'Ci G;l+i. VJ1.t.Y1 2 rego.'t. Of �fU',�.�ti2 i'ttC'..'1�1'.1.''�E; @ ct L�� V V �, , . . ���severe=l,r�fic-pedesi:rian sa�ety prot�2c:r� a� o,;roxa nl��y�;low�d o�i their o►ni. :�.;_ . .;, ; Need for crir..npre�cnti�n and criminal jti�tice ta�k 2'oi•ce� «�ez•e ezpres�e.�i. �� +�� . • ,.Current '�sns - coY^J�nuzity in�•ol��er:ent in :chool buildi.n�, . educzt.ional pro�r�vr►, ���t��: �,. �end citizen participation pro�;r.3.ra o� .St. . Yaul Yublic. S�llools e;.y:h.�sized t};e need =� `';..:' - �for an Eciuc:ltion co�c•�ittee, recently. inzctiva on J.:��'�C. It �ti•r�:,. �,ointed out that� : . '- .,._ �arhile the existin� i,g1PC b3►-lu�r�; need �;��•l;ir�g over•tl;ere is. .pro��ision for all -�`r• i�:: r_� 'of .the�e and more fuiictior.s iii ad�i-Eie;� t� provisici�� fcr�greatly. increasing .`- � li;he depth and extent of psr�ici�:ation-.u�ith nov�•council members nn core conunit- . ;:��:= -..i,.:� �ees and t�sk forces. . . � � � - ,, . . . .. ._• : . � �It vras also agreed that, to �.�i�tever e�ter.t the council continues to be i.nvolved � • •��� ... . 'in pro�;rarr_m.ing use of� federal, s�ate,• cotu�ty� and ci.ty� funds -- the council -- ' ;shouza a;ss�t more or its a��ention �o cc:�r.unity �:ro3ects that resgond direG�ly „"''- =L - �to co;n.�w�.i�y needs, use our o�:n reso�rce�, and �pen��d little moncy. ( . , - � . �r4r. 3iick.�an agreed to brir.g copies of the P.uYPC org4nizational c.rart to the next � meeting. . . .- . . . . - 3 . . . � .. . � The 1IIFPC prob?e�s in cor�lunicating`ti�ithin and outside the� co.^.*.LUV.ty and in _ � . getting 1'►tZA and the city to de�l �,zti� i�i'r'� s•r�•�� :ii;cussed. . , . �.��•�-•� There �:as agreer;,en� that the i.e�•; �co��:ncil rust bs: J�ore r.e�resentative and more � �- '�•F•� 'pocverful. A motioi?,r:���r±ade and secor_ded to recoT.r�nd a char.�e i:� name �:as •j±:� �_:.�: withdr�1rn �on the basis ti�t t_�e x,�ti�rly cons�ituted .council sh�uld n�ne itself _.:,,.�:.,.:,.. ,2f1;er Io�kir�� into ,legal ramifications. - � . . .• �. • � � �i �tern�� n?SC�U�12?8. There V.'HS SO'1E 3�Z'e27?�A '' ��� �''' � :. _ � ,._, —�--�•-_,._ „ t tha�, ..h��ever the dZJa;,rec;eent.. , �tihin ii:e co.::;:ur:a.z3-, mi*:o2•if;,► voies or� t:_e ne;� ca=ai:�•il, on za,;r �iven issi�;�e, o•,:Id b� 1'CCO:lcile� �0 4'ie r.�c�;;ie�iz,v �nter:�Z_�y -- rot a3_lo•;r�d. �o creaic � ._` __ . �]:\'1S10J"i I'i����i Tl li.rl�' CaP'�:�.i211t3' 07' l'.'�L:y£;1 t.�lr3 GGE.^_Z1Utti ;y �js_C].�].OTl C:G:7n�O�'1:1. Tt �':'.-'.S �,Iso sug�ested �i:hat � mean� r�i�i�t bc r��,��d •i,o preveii�;� cc���•�uni�y J.c4ders seJ.f- c�� .� �:: �' � . ! ',atppointed or do:;nto•.•rn appointed sgoke�:erson�, or auncii :aembers from� spea�;ing ; ' ofi the co.±nt��,�y v�ithout consultin� and �etting a dec::_sion fror� tre coeuicil. ' � f Boundaries. An additional positi.on paper�. not com�leted for this �!e.eting, ��ill � be calling for bovndaries of I�;ingtion on the r•�es�s Ur.iversity on the north, �t.ice� John Irelanc? an3 S�a:r,mit oi� tne E2S� a�.�� Stuw�it on the soutih;-afi'�liutio:� - �.th I,e�ington-N�.^�line Cc��unityr Co�anci� �..Y_d �•r?th 1247 St. Anthony �ena..,ts Co��ncil; �armation oi tr:o nev� districts in tre nor�heast and ezst central •portions of the ne:: boundaries. � . . � : �acancv Rrcorr„endations. In acidi 'o • � - . ti n to the lacY of � outh repre.�entatian, �t wa� pointed out ti�at there i� no direct representation ��ith accouni,ability ° �Eo org4nized or unofigarLized groups oi e?derly (20� of the��o.�unity�, i:enznts (about 7>� o� t�e co:lraanity), or ?abor in a priinari�y ��,orkino class neiehbor- �ood. i'r.e organizations and groups tha� co: �,�ttee rr.er�abers sa�d ��ould be . represented on the council ti��re li�ted on a blac}:bo�rd alon� disi;rict vac�ncies by ca�egory� �hat �rere su�arized by handout at �;he previo�:s rreetir.g� as follo::s: , � � • :�I2isf�1'?• V�c?ncics � 1 a; '�r�e t t Paul Tenant�t Union Seni.or., �— � j � • � (I.T►7� 1 Adult Speci�Z 3 Adu2� Len�rals ..'Y. t��p Youth 1 YGUti? � �ey Hill As�n. 1yi�ran�;;�: (1`rC� 1 Adul� Sp�•ci�l 1 I:GUlt S.,�cia2 ::�=) ortl�.r,d !.r•e. ���•n. I.:I��ir�3 1 Adult Ceneral 1 :outz w�nit-'i.i.11 ���n. Urbr.n I���ue v �,tr �_ �turuni.i;-L►r,i�rer�ity Federatior, Gr:;r,1-Ur.i.v. -Selby (S�ll� 1 Youth 1 Adtzli. Srec�al (�-�i T,u. � � � bu�inas�es 1 Youi.h . .' ..� 3 ' ' '� . �� ;�. _. , . . eeia3. atl;�mpt was r��de,t� deal �:�th�representation� from the dc--r•o�til.ai;ed secn.�d �'1��=- �•. - _ � rict �.ith the siL;�es�ions oS p�stors or cliurc2i re��re:en�tmtives o�: the chtu•c:ies . = - �� . c�nin� i:liere. This raised tbe question of r;h��ther c.lr.�;�ches sho;Ltd have sep�:ra�e - -•+t.-�} . _ �sentatian� if so� �.lv.ch or.es �.nn ho.v. ,'•:ost peoplc� Fres�n� «npeared to a�,-ree ��� � _. ?'� ��, � .w2iil,e Dis-�. 2 mib'rit re�u�...Te suci� a �s�ep� �ui3• o�rei• r�pr�se���tion of ch�,zrcrLs . .. --._� - - ld be .t2uou�;h the ministeri�7. �3nd clergy �or��i.za�ions -- �vhetl��r clergy Ol • ' ti"��'�4���t�-= ::_� persons. , - . . , �. . � � . : � , • . . . scussion of separate representation of social a�encies tended to �-ie�r the � • •• �•�� ' n I�e�.�u� a.��d :�{-�:�3 as sp�ci�l c�ses v�itr t��e pos�ibility of as?il.n� the Youth � "� ' , ing Co�li�ion to :slect a �ro�n reprzsent��ivee St �:•as agreed t^st orLly re�icients� " - ��� ld be acceZ�ted as institutioi�al regr�senta�ives. .' . � . - ' , •. . t Girsch su��ested t:�t r-rith i.ntrat from this r�,eeting� a subco.��.ti:ee could Iook � _ closely at �ne representation row on �3:FC� az r�.ne or ten c�te�uries of ' � ;. ` esentation3 and at sc�e possible ��ays of fY�tin; t��ese into e���+ing district � -� - ' a large va��ncies. Tni� su�gestion r�s acccp�c3� t,�id �lae �o�lo:,�r�g ti:ere a�ked � -•. - -�..-. .- arioas co:�ittee rae�bers to se*�re en tti� �i�co*��.^it�ee: Jo�in Ge�_�.n� Ch�rl�.e � • �s Bobby �Iic�an� Debbi� 1+F.on-�go:nery� Valli 2�eals De:L�.is Presley and Harc�y ►lright:�-;"��� �- -=- . . _ _ �. ::,�»_, _ . . _ e�Eind .of �lhe subcox:�i.�-tee �:as called for 1'ues. Ju13* 9t� 4t �:j0 p.�t. ai; 100 3•;0. -�---- --- - �- rd tu reporti to the full co:��iti;ee on Th�,zrso f Ju1�� ?lth a� 7:30 p.m. at 100 I�co. � • � r3 �It3urel St.+er.�r�nce, far back from the streets do:,-�2s�?i.rs� RefoM�.�.tion . �ran Chtizrch�. , . . : . mee$�n� a3 journed at 10:�0 .pom. � � . � . .. . . . . .. Ltted by - - • "` . �, - . . � : � - :. �. . . . - �r 1€tri�ht� Sec�•. � _ � . � - :� , . . • . �. - _ . . . � . � . . _ _ . . _ . - � - : _ - :'.: . � • - , - ' !!j ,. :. ;` . . \, - 1 . , , _ �• ' •� � �.w• „ _ � • •• ' ' • , �� • , ' . � . ' / _ . . ` � . , / • ' . ' � . _ . { � , • . . w_. * F1; 1 n; � � i �. �T , . �1D liOC CCll�iITTEE OF C0.1C�.i1�P��D•SIT,i..�Ir-II:�IIY'�RSIiY CITI��E.�S '����p� . . , ,. . . • C� � - It�:nutes of the July •�l�h �eeting � ; .= ' � . . . . � 7 14-?4 � .. . . . .-" . . � . � • � . ,_ . � ., , _ �-._ . <�"=Tbe meeting was�convened at 7:50 by Ch.3rles Girsch" �t2th 23 p�rsons present. . -� EarZier arriv�ls looked i;nroush Sur•�it-Unive:si�3� census d�ta s�:eet �r.d a , _ - � �ne�o grepared by Faaline Eichten a::d a position r�per by ?eginald �i�rris, . = -=each o� vrhoc�'�ha3 to���orZ and �:ere u.n�ble to atteu3. The reir�utes of tne , .. , - : , : � -previous meetino Mere accepted. .'. � . , . . .. . . - - - _ I - T�4enty copies of the renori; of the s�.�`�cc�i�tee on Vacar.c� Fi11in�.Reco.:.�er.dations � --=�� were presen�e@, �nd �he �eeting consisted pri.^�arily o� the readin�� discussion o�s - - �r�d action on the •report. - . •. � ===�The statenent of tve subco�.tte�'s� char�•.e and its assu�rtions c:ere accepted. • .�- -]I� que�i,ion n�s ruised on th° zss��tion that sre should i�a.ti�e proportional ; _ �==repr�'sentation of �:�o�=en on �he Council. • - , � _=�= fihe draft of �he le�ter to c�ntact p°rsons iar t�:e �roups io be representied, �--: to be ir.dividkall3 tvpe3 r,zth agpropriz�:e fill-iLS a.^.a wlaptations? s:�:.'s accep�ed tvith t�ro char.�,cs: (1� In I�araFraph �ivz, line t�-r3, the de�crip�ion oi �r�can�ies � :=-�ras cr:�n-�ed fro� "24 e�i.s�ir.s'r t� "13 ristric� an� 11 Ati I:3r�a." (2) ���e �oe:rth � � con�3.deration on p��e t�•ro :•,as char.oed ta refex �o t�.e e::c2osu:e o� the �-U.data � �� e#�ee�,' ask that th�- �L;e-up o� tr�e total co::�.:unity b� i�_'-��n ix.�o consir.eration � =-y=�.1] S��ll��.ri� }'_'Q�a.er rcp��s�r_t��icn, 2T1� ,�'�,].V@ �:1° 5'I:B�G:2:I� 221 ��]° 0��.�",lri�. 1S an e�.�.apl.e. �- :; • � � • •lhe �'or� to .be enclosed �;as approved :;�,.h an �da.i�;ion o� "for tha ter:� er•dfng -�=�une 30,• 15 i 5" to �tne �i�Ie, 'ti:c3ii:a.iio:� i o�~� fo� e�ec�_on t� r."r S-U ce•=:::::.�ity -. �� =cctu�cil,"- and an a3ditiona2 line ur.der �'r�e secor.d si.�r:ature line to indica�Q in �` �rhat �capacity th� signer serves �sith the org�ni2��ion. . . � The s*.zbcor..�i.ttee recor��er,3ations on filling vacancies titi�ere �pproved crit� t�e � f follo;.zng cha��es: . . . ' ,� � , , ",` . � ' 1. YC�UTH � To correc� the n�:i.r� of tY:e groag to bs�asl:ed in L���. 2 � ' . � as cretl a� ir_crea�e the 2i'Ll�'�1003 of e9ua;. ccnsiner�ticn � - . � for fe�31e and �ale candidaties, "Ober Boy's Club" z:�s � _ , eha,t�„ed to �'Ober Club". . - • � . . . 2: CFIt3RCAES , • l�mong t1ie po�sibilities o° sscurin�; the e2ec�ions o� F'.ev. � , . � � James Ba�tle ar:d ?ev. TLO�as Sl:�;;h to th� Council, the : , ', passibi2i�y oi reco�n�.zing �heir i:��eres� in th� 2e��er � to the 1.:inisterial Al2idr�ce rrzs e2i.�ina�ed. 3. BUSIt�SS lhe na�e of the IIr,�versity /'ve. �grouv r•ras correcte3 zo � "Iln:.versity ."•.ver.ae P?ar:,ino .^_n3 P.e3evelo�ent Co•,:.r.c�2." - � The Gr�_nd �ver.se Eusine�s �:,�n. is to be �.nc?�:de3 in �.�y : solicitation o� �.ssociate �e�bersi'ip� throug� core . . : . eor�ittee and ta�'r. �orce a�si�;r.��n�s. 4. �RG�.IIIZl.TIC�IS Portla.-i3 :Lve. ��sn. , SeI�,•r Coop ��d ��-��ey �i�ll ����. �7ere . & L•"1'i�'f7C G3G;J�'S i'ir�:ed at one ezch, el���'nz�in� �:::� cc.:j.-�it�ee. (tot�l 3) • � - $�. Paul Tenants IIni.on fir,acd at t;?o. (to�al 2� . _____._—.�_ . .._-. : .,.. _ __ _ .� � tt•••••.....,.+ vrnrn t•n!±A!";:C:JuC� S�OT G:�C C3C. . � . • • •. • . Thet`�iiiiian Affairs �roA� n4:ie .r�as corrected to - • .. � Indian Affairs Co;�.^�.ission. (i;otsl� 1) ' � ����8� . , . ,. . . . . . � � • � � _ - . � : , . ,� � �• --� Ethnic groap re�:esentation per' se �:as �eliminated.� -� • ` •'' , �, .. � _Di'scassioa on �he :eco�eiidation�: . � ' . � �+,�.-..��� ;�� ?'.� -�.. . + � . . � . .. V:..:.7V�:! 1i L _ - � . . ... .. ..�-1i•.� . - .. . . . . . -=yOIITH - . ••. Consider�ticn ras �iven the possibi.�.i�Z�' e� �ivint; t�e � • � ._ _ . ' . ' `� � . • ye►uth=s'er-ti��; ��e:�cies the age- T+mits ;ri:�he ordi7aace. . � . . =��- � � •� , This r�ss a��pped �u fati•or oi lezvin�; the age of the ' - � • youth repre,�nta�i:es to tne di�cretion o� those �roups, . =���. �- �• __ . s3.nce the• ordir.ance r.zll be c�iai�ino any-r,ay• _ _ � ,_ ; , =-CHURCI�S � . , �� rn relztion to tue th:;rd-reaso� for arop�•in; c:�urch . . . . repre�er.t�iion per se, it �as �ointed oa� tha� sever�. ' � of t�e--c�urchzs are si�tLifica:��Xy ir•valved in Blaca ; � - _ _ ��.. ,". •- eom:,.^t�i�ity'�fairs a.�d Kith ti:h�te��er a�'fec�s E?ack x ec�le - � . _ _`= • : • in tlis co��.^.�i�.y. ihe pri��:y reaso:� ior �llo►rir.� �r� . � . _ - subca�-��ttee t s reco��enaz�;ion �o star:a, ���:°ared �o be _ : �_ - : _ . � t�e"c.�sire ��to ir.c?t�tie an� r�;sne �cco�.u7�4b3.e ttio�e re�i��ous � . ." : . . .i»stituti'on�? fo:ces in �ne cc�-urit;* �iiat ���h� o�l�e�,�ise t . = - . � c'on�ir.��`-�o ��u.�c�iu:� ss a cc^��ar.zt�� un�o ti:�.�sel.ves �n ` _�- ; . . •- dealin�'��7ith public decisio:�s�;a.:�e�tin; t�ie totz.l gee�rap�Zi.c . : .� — - - '" +• � - � CD^�.'.ai�.ill�x� . _ :��.—- . .. "' � =.. _ : . . - •. . , v'. L,� �_._. .. . i�.` : _ . -- - �� . ' . -03G;�_:a2�1 ICf�S t•_. ?!r. C-ir::ch a73 ':_.r. i���:�� d1��u:,s�d t�:e p?'ob f�:� oi - =-�Ti�cZC C.E�Jx S �vEr-represer.t4 V•�OI2 u� cn� J�:{�Y�cn i.� �b�;;a ��e F►�:<��}- 'r'.ill . .. ks:�u. �:: tre Sc;�rz�st t�`aw:�artz C!�.:�:::i�•;,:a ti��ere wz?c1uKe�. . - - . � . � • �.�. ��r.�u�� ���E e� tt:��t a:t Ri?: r.���. ca�.;�c� ct�vc_ oo�tL. .. ._ �. .. • . • :� •. ..1J ' . ♦. . - - ... . � � .• � � ' .�- _ . . . . . . . - � . . • --=-- ; � C. T��o housir.g co�pl�xes pres ivus?; exc�u�ed rra� t'.:s 1�P ��==== - boun:�aries crere inc?�ade3 in th�• hop� of inc:��sia�, �he . involre�er.ti of te.zats p�r se. �:�3 oi b��irn:.r•� to �et . -=� " � - � involve�cr.t o� p�ople ir� the no:t2:eu��ern er.d of �re = - = � coa.^.v�ity ��ho hrve been cu� o_f frc3 par�ici�a��on. - - : % . . - . � - . �� E. �Eli�ination of etL:zic �rougs as a categor3• had pri13?'21y � , ' to _do`ti�itn �he .1i.LVOJJI bil��y of confcr�,in` to, or being . . _ 3ud�ed by, �y e�i��in� ouot�a sy��eo. So�e felt tY.at a . design?ted ir:di►id�.:al cou?d be cnarbed �:itn t�^.e respo»s- , - i.bility, o� i:orY_=r.o in t�:e in�er��ts o� 3?�c:: Feop?e. - _ � - - . � Hovrever, i� �rus ro�n�ea out thnt_9� Blac'., u�e�bers^�p or. • . � , � ?�iPC ha� none no��:i::� to ir.cre�se tne pvr:er, creaibili;;y or effect_ren�ss o� �u•:FC in de�en3in� �lac�. inter�szs. b1Cfr�0:; by Ratb �ier.ner that the �abco��ttee's reno� be acceFi�pd as ���n�e3 - �nd for�.arded to i�i£'� ror its ccnsidera�ion an� 4ct�.en. ?:o�io^ seco:^.1e3 by H�rdS• irrig-��. b:C'i�Z��+ to �::.��:� b;� C-:�zle� lta::ulr�::.•��n to d�].e�e .rc� p�.zt�lic mentio� �1� 1��TB� of �;roup'.: �::: ir,teres�a �t1'� �PC cc►y~�..ittee �72:i LL'"L^.D�e �O i�elude. �^en�ent �2cor.3ed �r.3 C�.=LJ. �L'CL'�S?0:1: �:0� �:?�f-?:1�; t0 C'��Z::Q° OZ' �:!ierS�E w";�/ �0l;EZ'�U�. ::e=�..�'Dt Oi .tfi° t - _ cc�un=;;�, t:�e co__ittee ::�� �;��-t=cularly re]_uc��nt �� �or�;o . - �Z*rltaticn o� 1n F:.::C? reLres�n�;ative. �s ti�ith tre cY.u�eas•�, • � . . �y: �� «n•; r, y.. y�� *^ �'� nr At^^ ii, z:a3 po :ca o��.,, . w. .,�.c �l ca=re � __:L�. :::e:.:�•--� ar:d � ro���b�y o;:hcr� 1r0 �E% C�E:.�.Le:.l' t'.r�r 1!J'.f:�.Iv ::�::,Cli:..�� i11��•w �y�1i {i�N . � ' having a desjin:�ted :er_e3Gr,��tive ti^ould r,ut pr.�•r�nt tne - _ - • . ._..... .�:..� �1� ):I 1 I•� ' « I r. .-.�.-..T• . : .�.�.�_'_'- -- . _ .. _. . .. ��...�i.l... s•�i4 r n•`tlA�.. .' �c};roc miriutes , . . �. ?-14-7q _�� � . �� . • . . � . _ _ , . The guestion r;�s called ;�:id the �ner:ded �otion C�irT:�D with one n��ative vote; � oae person pres�nt tliTOU�;h :�ost of t2ia r,�eeting c��s riot present to vote. . •� �" �• • • • • •- ' (A-redraft of �tY,e reco�,�er�da�ions raflectin.� the �abov�e cha.�Ees �is attached to,' ' � `�•' '` �• '• -� �nd becames a psrt o�, these �z�nutes.) - . :;. ..-�:..= �.. . _ . . . . . . - � . - T • _• ...�-._ . � ' . . .. . - . ... .. . � ' . . . . • " i . • ' __.. �. . • ' �._. _ .. . ' . • . . . • l. Other bt2siness � • ` . , ... _ . - � � .�: �. - 8E IT RESOLVED t�ia� this 1►d I:oc Cc�.ittee reco��en3 to the J�3�'C that a �irst �� � -order of bus�ti�;:s af�er ey�at�iC�ent a� the r.er-, co�ncil. be �ns dr�fting o�, �� � the revision of City C�rdir.^.�.ce I�o. 15132 2nd �:±:er.w�ents tbereto �vnich �o�rern � �„`�i; ��ii3 the b�•-l�n�s of ti�.e :�+� so t'��� ihey both adequa;;ely reflect the �' � � true r•atur� of, �rd struczure of, thz•nec: council. - - : $E Il r'T�r 1��� F�SOT���7 �hat �his co��ittee request ��ze 2?� to dra�t a letter � � 3nstruc 4in� �r.2 C�t3• Cou:-���1 r.ot to z.:�end t�e cit�� ordin�nce �overnin� I::_� ' � '�' '- • . until �ne 1��:PC car. ��e ii.s r,isnes kr,ovrr�. i�:OTIO,i by �v:�n G�'r.��, secon3ed b3T � � � - Har3y tlr��ht as �ien�ed to Si!D$I.Z VU�A �Ghe �;ord "aniei.d" for "��per srith" and - � • ' CA.��T�l. � _ _ . __ _ The secretary ras �ranted discretion in the co�unica�ian of tY:ese and 411 '. - prevxous reco��r,3�tioas to the I�'PC. � •�• . . . � � . ,,,, , r 1�O��Qi•i ta 2.�journ a,::� disbzi:d, s�.�b jec� to recall bS :�;�'C ras seeonded r.s:d � � � � �� CA��J. The :�eztiii�g adjoarlleu �t lO:jG p.a. � , . - � � Sub:�t�ed b3* rard� �r5_�ht, S�c�e Lary _ "- -- - - --_� :- .�..:�:. ., . .. : . • . : � � ,�_ � _ - ---- -- � . � � . - ' -- � _ �. _ _ . - , __ _ -- -- _ -. - - - - . ,:f� � • _ . ' . - - - . _ � _ . _J � ' �is .,. _ . : __ \ _ - -- - - - - � . . . . ; _ _. \ --- -- . -- - --- � . , ; � � - -- - . . . _ . . . _ , :. _ __ _ - - __. -.. _ .. , . : , . � � -- • _ __ . - - . � - � . . . • � � '�. . . • .. . ._ _ . _._. � � t� .�_` _ �,,._. . . . . . . • . . � _ ��..' . " ' _ ' ' � . .. .. _. _�� . .- , , .' �' � . . � � . . , ' . ,__ ' • , . • � Gr.` ._ __ '='"�_ ' _ '. " . . .. � - _' ' ' ' �. ' ' . _. ' . _ . . . ... . � . - - . - 1.�.� ' _ _._ � . . . - ' _ . . . � . • '".__ _.,. ... ,..' _" _ _ ' ' ' . ' . • . . . _.. 7,,,�...-.. '_ _ '" _.'" _. _ . � - � . . '"�.' " ' ' ' ' ' _ ' .' . . . . . . ' .. . ' . �:r!�, _ . '_ .- _ ' _ .. .� . . ' " _ "__ • .• • . . . . . � , . �-._ .. _ . ..._ •.. .. . _ __ . •_ . . , ' - . - . . •. � •• � � __ . . . . . _ ' . . � . . i,� � .��'j�h��:� � , ��. �;. � ��,.�. � - .�►�' . �� � Y��.� � r, � r _ . __ j wMiTa � CITV CLERK 'INK o FIWANCH COI1t1C11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BIUE - MAYOR . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEE REAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution C. F. 245357, adopted August 22, 1969, provided for elections of Project Area Committees in the Neighborhood Development Areas and provided responsibilities and powers of the committees pertaining to the planning, develop�nent and implementation of programs designed to revitalize the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Areas; and WHEREAS, The Council had previously established the Model Neighborhood Planning Council as the Citizen Advisory Co�nittee for the Saint Paul Model Cities Area, which Model Cities Area is located within the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Area by City Council Ordina.nce No. 15321 (Section 1. 11 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code); and WHEREAS, The Model Neighborhood Planning Council has petitioned the Housing and Redevel�pment Authority for formal designation as the Project Area Committee for the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Program Area which request ha.s the support of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Ma.yor; now, therefore, be it -�- -- 'I�SOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does h�r�by a.�nend Council Resolution, C. F. 245357, so as to add a fifth Neighborhood Development Area thereto, to be identified and known as the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Program; tha.t the said resolution be further amended to add a fifth Project Area Committee (PAC) comprising the elected organization established in the said Summit-University NDP Area; and tha.t the said Project Area Committee for the Summit-University Area shall be elected in accordance with the procedures adopted and in effect for the other Project Area Committees for the City of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Council Resolution, C. F. 245357, and the provisions contained therein, sha.11 apply with all practicality to the Summit-University Project Area Commit�ee to be elected thereunder. LOLTNC�LMEN itequesteel by Dep�rtment of: Yeas Nays tn Favor Agai.nst 89 Adopted by Council: �ate Facm Ap�ov�ed Ciiy rn Certified Passetl by Council Secretary �'Y ey J►pproved by Meyox: Derte Apprav�ed a S ' i Council '$y S3+ � � �,; 7 � , � � ��.�+ �; � � :<� � � �'�. � � � � �`. ' ,e , �f .wINK FINA�C� -- --..___ � — ... : .:�..,_ . . . . � . . - �.�^ r , " � . � . .. . _. . �. MIYt'. t7^T„ K . . � . . � . , ��C�ANARV—DEPARTM�'NT �� �. ..C�� �. . . . . p{:u� -MAYOR GI�:Y OF SAIN'T PAITL �ile � NO. ; C�uncil Resolution : Pres�,encea By ; , 3 K .��„�„„ � +�''4y„R .� �::-�. . - . � . � ' ... � . . � . t Refer� To Committee: l�te :' • ',` _. C�ut of Qommittee By Date I � �� lylew�lR � �'I�1 �� � i� �'.�i .I���i�� t .+E � � . ���� �� �� 1. � � " " ��" � , � � �i�IIMt t �� ; ,� .,$ - s t � , ' � � � . � k,. � � � ��;; ��� � � �'� .� �`�� � � A y. lCI�II��l� � - ti,` �5 . . 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'� �. ..- . ;. . . - . . , , < � � ' � . . . . � . . . . . . . . . .. � ... — � Wt1�7E �CITV CIERK ' . � � PINK� - ��1NANCE � ��T� � OF SAINT PAUL Council � � CANARY - OEPARTMENT EYL.bE �-iiIAYOR File NO. � Council Resoluti � ��PY � � �tl`Y ATfORNEY, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WE�REAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution C. F. 245357, adopted August 22,� 1969, provided for elections of Project Area Committees in the Neighborhood Development Areas and provided responsibilities and powers of the committees pertaining to the planning, development and implementation of programs clesigned to revitalize the Saint Paul Neighborhood Development Areas; and WHEREAS, The Council had previously established the Model Neighborhood Plannzng Council as the Citizen Advisory Co�nittee for the Saint Pau1 Model Cities Area, which Model Cities Area is loca.ted within the Sununit-University Neighborhood Develop�nent Area by City Council Ordinance No. 15321 (Section l. 11 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code); and WHEREAS, The Mode1 Neighborhood Planning Council has petitioned the Housing and Redevelppment Authority for formal designa.tion as . the Project Area Committee for the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Program Area which request has the support of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Mayor; now, therefore, be it � .. ., �RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend Council Resolution, C. F. 245357, so as to add a fifth Neighborhood Development Area thereto, to be identified and known as the Summit-University Neighborhood Development Progxam; that the said resolution be further amended to add a fifth Project - Area Gommittee (PAC) comprising the elected organization established in the said Summit-University NDP Area; and tha.t the said Project Area Committee for the Summit-University Area sha11 be elected in . accordance with the procedures adopted and in effect for the other Project Area Committees for the City of Saint Pau1; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Council Resolution, C. F. 245357, and the provisions contained therein, shall apply with all practicality to the Summit-University Project Area Commiti�e to be elected thereunder. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY --- Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . _ BY --