264164 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 CANARV - D�,ppRTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PALIL File NO. ����� BIUE - N,}AYOR �� � Cou cil lution Presented By LICEl"wS� COI'•Il�=I,'T� �%�,c� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SOL1l�D: That licensea a;�plicd i'::;z• by tlne �olloeain� persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. �isenber� Fruit �a. �nc. 17Q �, lOth ut. Grocery :',-�. 1?,pp.1�91�;enewa7 �� �� �I�ri�t/p',Iursei'g* �o �� �� Unitec� `�'ruck Leasin�� Inc. 513 Jac:.uon �''a�ivate C�as Pumpt' 15234" �.;.?�.��:. Corp. 481 �t�abasha il�:te�. 37 rooms " 15459�� Clara �rendt 1C341 �ront Rest. C-1 " �.54'��'� Sherman ,�on� 11�� ?�;arl �2est. C-2 " 15535" ,'.Iex J. IIaa� 661 �,rcade �n^oc�ry �"�.-1 �� 15685�' '+ '� C�ff Sale ?•4alt �' " �� �� '' Cigarette " '� �' 3I�"s Co. Is�.dg. 4'. :�{�3 �;ush F'rivate Gas ?'u�;���,"' 15714�� Sam Yep 828 `lhite I�ear Pest. C-2 " 1�728" �i� ��. ��undber�, Jr. 40Q Sibley Foods i�:DI�'":' ; " 15762�� Gulcl�s >r.���liance �: i;ecords� Inc. 155II ueJ.by �.V. P�iaster " 15851" '" �� 2 Servicemen �� �� r� Thotn�s ��anlet 541 Ohio �rocery �-2 " �5�G0" �� �� Frozen t�oods " " " r� �� Off Sale i�i�t'.t �' " �� �< <' Cigarette �' �' << Gustavus ��cl::�l�ahus Lutheran Church 1669 Arcade �ood r,stab. �� 15864�' Judith �<,cLau�hlin 275 Summit Catering � '' 15865" p��innesota r�iilI� Co. �::.5 University Private Gas Pum�r 158?5" Elmer Poirer 26 ,I��.mi;� �ld�;. 408 St. 1'eter �eauty NPiop " 158?8�� Joan ;scl�nitz 10�1 Osceola Beauty Siio� " 15�7�J'r Phalen l'ariz I���i.'_ �: Catering Service, Inc. l�;'�l ��;, Ftose Catering B " 1.5£3F5" Betty Fr'ances� Inc. 2245 r�uc�s�:�n l�;d. giowlin� 24 alleys 15886�� " 91 Cigarette ���." " Ro:�y .'urniture 8: ��,ppliance Inc. 1550 ;'�hite ;ear T.V. I�laster 1° '..588�J�� tr n c . ir n n 2 �ervirer.�en Aonald �:. �i'.ipley ?39 Thomas Pet Shop 1P �.58J2" I'halen Pari: �o1T filub IIouse Phalen Par�� Ci�a�ette " 159Q8�� Norman IioF"ton 5�1 Concord Cigarette " 15911" "ive i ub 4.On '� " 15J?.2�' �'oan�i� �'�a�tiers �5� ?!. 7��i P�asseuse " 1591G�� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen • Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gai ns t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATTL Council CANARV - C'EPARTMENT BLUE .-MAYOR File NO. I �' �� Council Resolution Presented By LICLT�IS�, CC�P:�:�T'�.�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Fage 2 A9ontgomery ;'larc� �; Co. 1400 University Cigarette r"�pp.1594-4I�eneival Benson G��tical Co. Inc. 545 1�T. ?th t?�tician '� 15945" �� 19 ;:�. 4th �t. n 1P 1594f�� `�ialter ��aur�ieyer 7346 Cleve Ave E. InvGr.ilts. t�uctioneer " 15948�' Geor�e �. Ca�hcxun ].854 F;f. ?th T.V. Aiaster 'P 7.5949" TicC�owa�'s, Inc. 799 Grand T.V. h3aster '� i5�50'� n +� 3 ;�ervicemen " 'r " �ugene Hanneman 9(3 ;�i�rc�d 1;pt. A 1�3tr.Veh.Dr. " 15954�� E. �. 1!feyror��itz, Inc. 358 ;t. Peter Optzci�n " 15961�� Martin J. IIeinen �>.�� I�iice T.V. htaster '� 15964" Y:arold E. Bue�e 8?0 Sherburne P�itr.Veh.Dr. " 1'S98�" John �ioz•re3_1. & Co. 2103-5 Wabash Cigaret�e " 15991�� �� 2523 {dabash " " 15992�� �'ord i�otor Co. 966 S. I�tiss.�..�lvd. " " 15993" �. S� I: P�iotors 1493 University " �� 15995" :°andall Y�yan 2150 �lilson 1�Str.Veh.Dr. �� 16004" Uohn Traynor 201? Iglehart �� " 16005" COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza � [n Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date SEP 4 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi s d by Co cil Secretary BY / Approv by Mayor: ate EP 6 1974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLiSHED S EP 14 1974