02-1015Return copy to: Real Estate Division(lal) 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i WHEREAS, on 7une 26, 2002, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted Council File #02-584, said 2 Resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for property clean-up during part of the month of Mazch, s 2002 (File No. J0202A, Assessment No. 0939), and s WHEREAS, the property at 727 6th Street East, being described as: Subject to easement to street, the southeasterly 90 feet of Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 72, St Paul, Minnesota, �o ti iz 13 14 is 16 » is 19 with the property identification number of 32-29-22-14-0013 was assessed an amount of $1,205.00 for properry clean-up at said property, and WHEREAS, it has since been discovered that no work was completed at that property, and WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer has recommended that the assessment be deleted, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of the assessment for this property be deleted, and BE IT F'[JRTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of 1,205.00 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. e ��S" Councii File # (�'�„ �p�s Green Sheet # 111674 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � cs�� � o �,- to�s T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: October 17, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111674 Coniac[ Person and Phone Number: �.� T 2 DEPAR'I'MEN'1' DIRF,CIO 4 CIfY COiJNCII. ��) ;yJ PeteT White`C��"t' 266-8850 � ''" 1 CIIYATTORNEY M_ �, crrYCLexx r l � j � l/ � �� Must be on Couocil Agenda by: ^" � BUDGEI' DIItECfOR OFFICE OF FINANG7AI. SVCS. ��� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISiAN'C) REAL ESTATE DIVLSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACITON REQUESTED: - pprove a Council Resolution to delete the amount of an assessment for property clean-up for tLe property at 27 6th Street East. RECOMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MI1ST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firm ever worked under a contrac[ for this departmen[? YES NO PLATTIINGCOMMISSION A S'IAFF 2. Has ffiis persoNfirm ever bee� a City employee? YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 3. Does this persoNFrm possess a sldll oot normally possessed by any YES NO C�sCOm,yrrrEe current City employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WHICH WUNCII.OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL 7 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 4 ARD 5 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7'Y (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): The property at 727 6th Street East was inadvertently assessed for clean-up work done on the nei hborin ro e . Assessed amount needs to be deleted from the record. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,e ��S°�'°�'� ,�� r'U' Erroneous assessment would be eliminated. �, ,�� ��"'� � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: p,. ,', �"��v'`�> ��� � � Reduction would have to be funded by the City's Exempt Assessment Fund. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: A ro e would be assessed when no work was done, which oes a ainst Ci olic . TOTAL AMOUNT OF'I'RANSACTION: $ 1�ZOS.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE: EXCIYIpt ASSOSSII1CLt FUII(IS A�Tn'ITY NUMBER: GL OOI-O9OS1-OS4Z F[NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) A`i C. °vr�?S (�, OCT-04-2002 12�16 CODE ENFORCEMENT n M randum I`�' C SATNT PAUL TO: FROM: � � ���� �� � RDX8IIIl3 �13IljC Andy Dawkins SUBJECT: 727 6`" Street East DATB: July 10, 2002 651 266 8426 P.01/01 O�-�O\S This witl confirm my official request that you prepare a City Council Resolucion to cancel the abatement assessment approved by the Co¢ncil on Jy�'y,'26, 2002 regarding 727 6`" Street East (Jeff Lucas, property owner). ����,. The brief history is as foIlows: my field staff did issue a conection order to clean up wood. Mr. Lucas did in fact do the correction work in a timely manner. I-Towevez, a work order was issued for the property despite Mr. Lucas' ttaving completed the work, and when che abacement crew azrived on the scene they found no work to be done on Mr. Lucas' property and mistakenly decided to clean up the properry next door to Mr. Lucas' and assess it to Mr. Lucas. Thank you for your attention to this matter. TOTAL P.01