264133 I WHITE - UTY CLERK � --PINK •- I�NANCE 2s4133 'CAN.ARY -�EPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAITL C011l1C11 BLUE -MAYOR File NO. �• rd n�nce Ordinance N 0. i J�l �� ,� Presented By . � Referred To Committ�e: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendin Chapter 290 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per aining to the Public Market; increasing eertain fees f r rental permits anci scale weight charges ; and corre ting certain references to the Commissioner of Publi Utilities. " � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1. That Seetion 290.01 of th Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is he reby ame ed by striking therefrom the words "Commissioner of Public tilities" axid substituting in lieu and in place thereof the ' ords "Director o� the Department of Community Services. " Sec ion 2. That SeQtion 29U.02 of t Saint Paul L�egislative Code be a� th� same is hereby ame ded by striking therefrom the �vords "Commissioner of Public tilities" and �ubsti{tuting in lieu and in place thereof the ords "Direetor of the Department of Com�sunity Services. " � Se tion That Section 290.05 of t e S_aint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby ame ded by striking therefrom the � words "Commissioner of Public Utilities" and substituting in � lieu and in place thereof the words "Director of the Department of Community Services . " _ - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: ` Yeas Nays • Christensen COMN1iJNITY SERVIC Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against B Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt or prove by Cit orn Adopted by Council: Date T Certified Passed by Council Secretary By - Appro d ayor: Date Approved ayor on to C il By By � � . '. t . � . . . . .. .. ' ' � � ���vY� � � �.� N�. 1 S�C�P _ ge 2• � �. .. ' � � € ;- a a { ` . � � Se n . _ , ; � �:. . ' , > . ,& . - TY�at Secti:on 290.,06 of t Saint Paul Legislative Code , be anci 'the ss. i±sr here�i� }� ame. ed king the same in its ?�-�,. , Y �3'' �tr� � entirety aif�l ���Bstituti'ng ��. �ieu and in �lace thereof the t fQllowing : . � �290.U6, Rentals, S lls upon said market may be rented for one" year or a � less period, singly or in groups. An.y fa�er or m ket gardener or associa tion thereof who'has a, Producex' s Certificate si��ll make ' . application for` �rtall sp e tc� the Market �Yrector, specifying the nulnber ` an. : location thereo�. The Market �irector; upon re ipt of payment of stall � rentaZ, shal.I ,:for�hwith �liver to each applicant a receip� which shall en 't�eci. the holder to t�ie use of the stall `o� st,alls �t r.�iu described for the period specif-ied:`: The M �et Direc�or shall also : , < graxtt applicatiQne- �or s 11 �or etall_s a� tither a;ervices a�t the market f ' any a�er period de.si�d, in aceordance wi�h `�he s edu��� he:re in s�t forth. . Ma e ea on.. The � -��et season shall -be deemed .:. to extend �rom May 1 to . �ober �1, botY� da�ea i��alu�ive y ` of each year. �entai o1' staZl sp$ce and �e�Ye w�fight ` eharges shall be as iol� �°: ' (1) seac�an growers rket permit sha1T be �60.00 - per stall pays.�le on or fore July 1st if made in one payment or �66:00 per se on payable �11.00 per monthP covering' 6—month market'� ason .from May 1st to Octo�ber 31st. Final paymsnt due etober i�t. Monthly permits �20.00 per �onth. Daily e.xmits �2.00 per day. �t shall be unlawful for an gro�wer to use the facilities of the Ioading dock or t t area for the d�livery oY farm produets dzrect to e purcha�er thereof without securing one of' the �.bove permits. (2) R.�i1t�l �f space' ` rom� November 1 to April 30 of each year '�h:all be �1.�5 per day. (3) Scale �e ight ch irges shall be �1.00 p�r �.oad for all ve�.icles. _ (4') C�rges. ��or stall use �or Ch�istmas tree stalis durin.g the mon�h of ` Deee er a.�dF}for such u�e o� the loading dock, other than laading produ�e� pu�rchas�ed from growers on the ma �ket, as'� is dee�ed. necessary and .proper , a�nd truck storage: ii�� area sgecif3:+�ally desig- � nated by the Ma�k�t Dire e or shal l be f ixed by the , . -� . , : ������ � ,' Q�,. �la 1570�P P ge 3. . I+�arket Direetor with the approval o� the Director of the Department of Commun'ty Services. Rental of stalls fo seasonal activities sueh as sale of plants and flowe s during the months of May and June shall be at the regular rate of �17.50 per month for regular market ours ax�d an additionaZ rate for time on market eyond reguiar hours shall be fixed by the Market D' ector w�th th.e approval of the Director of the De artment o� Community Services. (5) Rental� .�hpT1; .i all� case�s.be paya,ble in ad- var�ce according tq the a ve s�chec�ule. Nb ��'redit shall be extend+pd, . De,�ult in; a�rment af rent s�aZl immedi- ately termir�ate: ��.� ,r�:,g� ., o�, �the les�ee to_ the stall _ or stalls rented without other or furthe r notice. , a , r.. � _- . .� - Sec inn, . - y : ' z, That Section 290,07 0� t �; Saint Paul Legislative Code � - be and the same is hereby ame " ed by striking therefrom the words "Commissioner of Public ` tilitie�" where the same do � appear and substituting in lie and in place thereof the worda "Direetor of the Department o Community Services. " Section 6. _ ' That Section 290.19 of t Saint Paul Legislative Cade � -� - be and the same is �tereby� ame ed by striking therefrom the words "Commissioner of Public tilities" and substituting in � lieu a.nd in. place the�eof the ords "Director of the De�artment of- Community Services . " . � , WHI7E - CITV CLERK 2�4133 PINK �-�INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CAt�AR'� --aDEPARTMENT . BLUE� -MAYOR File NO. , O/ n�nce Ordinance N�. ,�� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date P ge 4. Se tion . This ordinance shall be eemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate ehapter and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said Code. Se tion 8. This ordinance shall tak effect and be in fo rce thirty days from and after its passa e , approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen CO Y S S Hozza �_ In Favor Levine O i _ Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco � President Hunt S�P 2 0 ,�74 r pproved Cit t e Adopted by Coun ' Date Certified Pas ed Counc' Secretary B �t � Approv by ayo D e Approved ay f ub ' to cil . BY By � � lat � � � 2nd {� � C� 3rd c� � I I dopted /� �D Yeas ftays . CHRIS SEN HOZ �, 264133 � ROED snv$s TEDES PRESmENT RLJrTT)