264117 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMEN�T File N O. 2�411'7 BLUE - MAVOR Counci s l i 1 Presented By LICENSE CQI��htIT'.0� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�.iOLVED: Tilat �">��=�-ication P�i 15930 for the �ransfer of On Sale �.ic�u:;r i,icense �,10. 8440�, expiring January 31, 1975, issued t+± Paul Arend Tavern, Inc. �at �].7-19 P�andolph Ralph-Doyle Corporation be and the same is hereby transfe red to Ral��Bo-�l�r-��a. at the same address. 014T uAL�' LI'QUOI� E�5TAI3LISI,fi�NT - `I':�il'�,.^7Fj.^'�..� ��, (Corporation to Corporation} �. � � . , � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor ��e � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certifieii_.�� Council Secretary BY By Approve Mayor: Date 4 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By BLISHED ���'� � �,�. z 6� r r 7 �� �-�.- � � �� �.�-� � �� �� �-�� CITY O ST. PAUL � APPLICATI(�N FOR "O SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � O f J o r y t' n Applieatio No � / Name of Applicatl � � F'e•-"�'y 3"� ASe' �Q f ^ �9/ � 8esidence Address. . Teleph e No. Are you a citizen of the United States? r� Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloo � cafe, soft drink parlor, or buainess of similar nature? When and where Y If corporation� give name t�ad general purpose of �C:orporation When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased uartera for club members? Ho�v many membera? Names and addresses of all officers of corporation and name and addresa of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . . . L � �� . , L C, ' � /°� l o s � , v � � ��- _ '� �, c� . � Na�nes and addresses of Stockhol rs: s� v Give name of surety company which will write bon , if known Number Street Side � Between What Crosa Streets Ward � � � 9��- qI q :�o��P� : �����a : ��7��e : �i c �o��� � -- . How many feet from an academy, college or unive�sity (measured along atreeta) ? �� L �� How many feet from a church (measured along s#reete) ? �8 �L �� k--S How rrxan� feet from closest public or parochial de or high school (measured along atreeta) ? Name of cl�sest school. �� � ��S, 'C���� � How are premises classi8ed under Zoning Ordinan�Ce? � On whdt floor located? . Are premises owned by you or leased? N� leased give name of owner If a restaurant give seating capacity? If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? Give trade � �'� Give below tna name, or number, or other descripti n of each additional room in which liquor asles are intended: � /� N (The intormstion abo�e mnst be �ivea for hofels restauranta which use more than one room for liquor ealee). How many guest rooms in hotel? • Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaur t or hotel) Give namea and addressea of three business refe cea: 1. Z. U �/Il/1/ • � �� r� ��r 2. C �'/. �/ 3 THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VER BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DUL AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THI3 APPLICATION; AND THE SEAI.OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTA ED: . SEE THER SIDE I STATE OF MINNE80TA, COUNTY OF RAM$EY, �• bein6 t�rat du�y swo�a, depoaes and says that he hsa read the foregoing applicstion and lalowe the contents thereof,and that the same is true to the best of hia knowledge,information and beliet. Subacribed and sworn to before me t day of 19 Notary Public, Ramsey Countq. Minn. My commiasion expiree- STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 8S' �� being Srst duly awora� depoaea d eaye tha� th ��'���� o�' of . a corporation; that read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereol.and that tha same is true to the best of —�� ..1Q►owledge, information and beli�; thst the eeal afSxed to the foregoing inatrument is the corporate aeal of said corporation; that eaid application wae aigned, sealed and e�ce� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of ita Board of Directors,and said application and the execution Chereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. � � �' � - �� Bubacribed and aworn to before me � thie �'`�' .day of 19 � � � �/ Y� —„—.L.,�r � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • —� �y COt17Iri18810ri @7Cp1T@8. `� �° __._.••.BARBARAlA_ OI�N i � Notery Pi:b�i'.R �:��Caurty,!' ti-��- �COC*'.R11�•�P�*; t���Fft�:�_, . 17Ct0~-C�'.?�, 1:�'-,�3 }